Prologue >You awake suddenly >Where were you? >Who are you? >You shake your head trying to get rid of the throbbing >Were you dead? >The pain said otherwise >Things slowly start coming back >You are Anon >You are at a vineyard with the girl you were trying to bang >Except there is a problem >No one is here >You were literally in a group of people before whatever happened >Now they are gone >You call out "HELLO ANYONE?!" >Silence is your answer >You go to your truck and start it up >You look at your phone, no signal >You drive down the road to get to the highway only to find the road just....ends. >Well fuck >You spend a few days exploring the limits of the vineyard >Looks like everything got transported too wherever you were now >Why a vineyard? Why couldn't you be transported with a brewery? >You don't even like wine! >Still the place had food and power and running water >For now >After about a month though things are running low >You need to make a choice >Stay and starve or leave and still maybe starve >You start gathering food piling it into your truck when you see a small convoy coming >People! >Blacked out SUVs? The Feds? >They drive around the vineyard first until they find the now driveway >You approach the SUV cautiously >A man steps out >"Howdy" a strong Texan accent >"Uh hi" >You don't really know what to say as another man who looks Hispanic step out of the SUV >And a ...tiger? >"Jesus Christ this one brought a fucking mountain" you hear her mutter >Wut.jpg >The first man gets your attention with an "ahem" >"Oh uh, hi yea where am I" >"Well you ain't in Kansas anymore I tell ya, you’re Anonymous now" >All of my what >They explain to you that sometime people just vanish from your world and end up here >Sometimes with nothing >Sometimes with a whole town >You got the mountain you just happened to be on >It's all yours too apparently, something like finder keepers. >You don't want a vineyard, you wonder how much one would sell for... 6 month later >Apparently a fully functioning vineyard sells for a lot >You were able to get a 7 digit payout PLUS 1% of the revenue from that place until it closed. Even your children would get paid >You used the money to get a studio apartment above what was now your car shop >You were a mechanic by trade so why not? >You enjoyed working and to just sit back and retire would be boring >So here you were under a car for an Anthro Giraffe >This world apparently had Animal people, it confused you at first but you got used to it >"Excuse me how much longer do you think this is gonna take sir?" you hear the giraffe call out to you >"Sir this isn't a "take a few minutes" fix" you say as you slide out from under it >"Your radiator is ruptured and pumping coolant into your transmission" you slide a pan of what should be red fluid out but is instead the color of chocolate milk >"I need to replace this Radiator, flush the lines of all this gunk and then HOPE that you caught it soon enough otherwise you're going to need a whole new transmission" >"Oh uhh I...I’ll call a friend for a lift" he says >You're about to slide back under the car when your phone goes off. >You sit up and pull of your gloves >You look at the screen >Its Jasmine the Tiger, apparently her job was to keep tabs on Anonymous members and make sure they were getting on alright in life >Something like that >She also got you in contact with a few others for "bonding" or something >"Hello, this is Anon" >"Anon! good to hear from you, how’s business going?" >You got these calls every once and a while from her >"It's going fine, Look I hate to cut this short but I'm in the middle of a fix so this isn't the best time" you say trying to sound polite >"Oh ok Anon sorry! Have a good day" she says happily >You guess she has to do that. >You work into the night >Its nearly 10 when you call it quits and head upstairs. >You start preparing dinner when you hear something that sounds like trash being knocked over >Goddammit this world has raccoons too you guess. >Grab a broom and walk downstairs, preparing yourself to swat any intruders >You open the door quietly and sneak to where your trash cans are >You don't find raccoons though >Well kinda >ou find a single Anthro Raccoon digging through your trash >"Ahem" >It jumps slightly and looks at you >Terror fill its eyes >It starts backing away > "Please don’t hurt me" it pleads in a high feminine voice >She's terrified of you >"Look I’m not gonna hurt you, but why are you digging through my trash? I got the recyclables in the bin" you ask as you point out the blue bin >You assumed she was looking for cans to turn in >"I can't eat cans" she says "a girl needs to eat...” >You sigh >You had a soft spot for people in need ever since Jasmine told you about a guy who fell out of the sky and was basically homeless because no one helped him out >"Look I’m making dinner right now, if you want you can come up and eat with me and maybe get cleaned up a bit" you say to her >You hope you won't regret this >Her ears perk up slightly >"Really?!" >"Yea really" >She's walking up before she stops suddenly >She looks you up and down >"What's the catch? Why would you help someone you don't know?" she asks you >"Because I just wanna help, compassion is too rare nowadays" you say sternly >"Ok but you better not try to rape me....or hit me with a broom" she says >"Why did you grab a broom anyway?" she asks as she follows you up into the apartment >"I thought you were a racco- ahem- a feral raccoon" >You lead her in >She's looking around wide eyed >"Bathroom and shower are down the hall to the right, laundry room is the first door on the left, towels are in the closet next to the laundry room" >"Oh ok thanks" she says >"Please go wash your clothes and shower, you smell awful" >She looks at you hurt >"Hey, I’m just telling the truth" >She lets out a short "Hmph" before she walks over to the closet grabs a towel and goes to the bathroom >You walk to the bathroom door after you hear it close >"Hey throw me your clothes I’m gonna wash them for you!" you yell through the door >"What will I wear then!?" >"I’ll get you some of my clothes" >"Fine! No Peeking!" >You turn around and she throws the cloths on the floor >You pick them up, worn jeans with holes everywhere, a torn up t shirt and a black hoodie, no undergarments to speak of >You chuck them in the washer and start it and grab her an old t-shirt and a pair of workout shorts >You get back to making dinner >Tacos >You weren’t Mexican but you enjoyed some good Mexican food >Carne asada, cheese, lettuce, guacamole, jalapenos >You're preparing the meat when the raccoon come out of the bathroom >She sniffs the air and wiggles her ears in pleasure >"Whatcha making mister?" >"I am making us tacos" you answer "Call me Anon" >You wipe a hand on your pants and then extend it to her >She looks at it and then grasps it delicately with a paw "Lilith" >"Pleased to meet you Lilith" you say before busying yourself again with the preparations >You can finally get a good look at her now >Well kinda since she's wearing your shirt which it too big for her >You can tell she's skinny, skinnier than she should be >Her fur is light grey, her mask and ears dark black, and her muzzle and face are light brown >Her eyes were dark brown like coffee >Black eyes? Weird world >"How long have you been uhh... homeless?" you ask >"I don't know maybe 4-5 years?" she says leaning on the counter her tail swishing >"If I ask anything you don't like just tell me" you say with a smile "I would hate to offend a guest" >"Ok Anon what's your deal then? Random raccoon comes eating out of your trash and you invite her in? You must get all the ladies" >You laugh >"No I just don't feel right sending someone how needs help away" >"Who said I need help?" her eyes flash at you >"You were eating out of my trashcan Lilith" you say deadpanned >She winces slightly "fair enough" >"How old are you anyway?" you ask trying to change the subject >"What month is it?" she asks >"August" >"Then I’m 21 now!" >"You've been homeless since you were 16?" you ask her while you mix the guacamole "What about your parents?" >"I don't want to talk about them" she says calmly >"Ah sorry ok" >"And you Anon? What’s your story?" she’s asks grabbing a small bit of asada and nibbling on it "Mmmm that's good" >"I’m one of those people who appeared out of nowhere" you say to her "I think we're called the Anonymous?" >"You're Anonymous?! Holy shit I didn't think that was real just the government making up shit to place robots of people around or something!" >"You realize how crazy that sounds right?" you say as you smack her paw away from the asada "Wait till I’m done" >"Doesn't sounds any crazier that a man appearing out of nowhere" she retorts >Well she has a point >"And dinner is served" you say as you place a plate of warm tortillas on the counter. >"How much can I have?" she asks you "One or 2?" >"Uhmm... As many as you want. Look you're a guest and you're probably pretty hungry" you say >"I’m a guest? You keep saying that but I don't think I deserve this grand treatment" she says loading up her plate >"I’m trying you as any decent human should" you say as you prepare a plate for yourself >"You want a beer?" you ask >"Uhmm sure" >You grab 2 beers from your fridge and pop them open and hand one to her >"Where do I sit" she asks looking around >You go and sit on the couch >You pat the seat >You grab the TV remote and put on a show that involves a bunch on Anthros trying to summon ghosts and humans from another world >Lilith sits down and sips her beer and makes a disgusted face >"What never had beer before?" >"I was eating out of you trash, how would I afford beer?" she asks >"Well than Cheers on your first beer" you raise your beer to her and she clinks it >You both sit quietly and eat > Lilith shovels her food into her mouth and gets up to get more >"It’s ok if I have more right?" She asks apprehensively >"You can have as much as you want Lilith" >She jumps a little and gets another plate >She sits back down and shovels it all down in less than 2 minutes >"Whoa there calm down, I made it to be savored" you say >"The last time I ate real food was nearly 2 weeks ago anon" she says shoving another taco into her mouth >"Fair enough" you respond >You think about her living outside... >As the Starks say "winter is coming" >She might die out there >The winters here aren't New York levels but they were unforgiving >Suddenly Lilith stands up >"Let's get this over with" she says as she pulls off her shirt >You can see all of her ribs, even though her fur they are very pronounced >You cover your eyes >"YOOOO WHAT ARE YOU DOING" you yell >"This is what you wanted right? I mean this has happened to me before, a nice guy invites me in feeds me then makes me suck his dick" she says >"HUH? WHAT? NO! I just was trying to be nice!" you say "Put your shirt back on" >"Huh? You don’t want your dick sucked?" she asks perplexed >You still have your eyes covered >"No, I mean I do but not because I fed you! I was literally just being nice!" >"Oh uhh… Awkward" she says >"Please put your clothes back on" you plead >She puts on her shirt and sits next to you >"Uh sorry about that I guess, I’m just not used to this…Niceness" she says looking down >"You said that happens a lot? The dick thing I mean?" you say finally uncovering your eyes >"More often than I like, but a girl has to eat..." she says sadly >You hate that >Tou hate the fact someone would do that to such a young girl >You hate that she assumed that was all you wanted >You hate what you're about to say next >"Look, I have a proposition for you, just because I hate to see someone exploited" you start >"You can stay here, provided you get a job, and then after a month pay rent. How does that sound?" you ask >She blinks at you >"What?" >"I said you can stay here if you get a job and pay rent later" you repeat >"Why would you do that for someone like... like me? I'm an Anthro and a Raccoon Anthro at that. Why would some Anonymous human offer something like that" She says her eyes starting to well up >"Because it common decency, because you're too young to die out there in the freezing winter winds, because it's no different than helping someone up who has fallen down" you retort sharply >"I’m offering it because I care, and you might not understand now, or even ever, but you deserve another chance at life" you say >"So what'll it be?" you say extending out a hand "Do we have a deal?" >tears are falling from her eyes silently "Y-yes" >She shakes your hand >"Good, tomorrow we will work on finding you a Job" you say >"The guest bedroom, ahem, your bedroom is down the hall second door on the left" >You point up at the loft that is accessed by a small spiral staircase >"My computer and video games are up there" you say "Video games you can play AFTER you get a job" >"Now then, I'm going to get some sleep and you should too" >You stand up and walk to your room and she follows and breaks off to her new room >You stop in the doorway of your room "Don't make me regret this please" >"I’ll try not to Anon" she says looking down >You get into bed and wrap blankets around you >You hope you weren't being stupid >You drift off to sleep thinking about the poor Girl in the next room being exploited.... >You spend the day pulling the radiator and flushing the transmission system and the lines that connect to the radiator >You get the new radiator in and attempt to drive the car >Looks like the damage was permanent >You call the giraffe and deliver the bad news saying he'll need to send it to a transmission shop if her wants to keep it, or a junkyard if he wants to scrap it >Ugh, you hate delivering bad news >Well he wanted to scrap it, whatever >You head back upstairs the find Lilith on the couch watching TV >"Hey Lilith" you say as you walk in causing her to jump >"H-hey Anon" she says smiling worriedly >You stop and look at her >"Did you find a job?" >"Uhh I found some but they all require a high school diploma and I...Don’t have one..." she says shrinking back into the couch >"Dammit Lilith I don't care if you work at Jojo's Bizarre chicken venture!" >Wait that gives you an Idea >"Fine, I’ll get you a job" you say as you pull out your phone >Lilith looks worried >You push a few buttons on your phone and swear >Fucking technology >You eventually pull up the number you want >RING RING >RING RING RING RI- >"Hello?" says the voice >"AYEEE Chicken man! Just the man I wanted to talk to" >"I really wish you wouldn't call me that Anon" he says dejectedly >You ignore his comment "look I need a favor, I got this raccoon here--" >"Dude just hit it with a shovel and bury it" >"An ANTHRO Raccoon dude, seriously? Hit it with a shovel?" you ask >"Whatever man! What about it?" >You cover the receiver so Lilith can't hear you talk >"Look I found her eating garbage, I’m trying to get her a job. Do you have anything for a high school dropout?" you ask >He sighs "Yea maybe, but you owe me for this! I’ll give you a call tomorrow about it" >"Fine I’ll fix the Pontiac free next time, whatever" you respond >"Cool I’ll talk to you tomorrow" he says >"Cool peace out" you say >You hang up >You look at Lilith >"I called in a favor. You should have a job tomorrow, it won't be glamorous but it’ll pay" you say >"But I have no work clothes" she says >"We'll see the dress code and I’ll spot you for them" you say brushing off the excuse >You go to make dinner >Chicken breasts with some pasta >You're a bachelor not a gourmet chef >"Are you sure you're ok with me here? I mean you say it's just helping someone but you're literally going to lose like…hundreds of dollars" she says, watching you cook >"A few hundred dollars is nothing compared to a life..." you say as you season the chicken >You look up at her >"Look, I know you are confused why I would do this but it's really just because you need it" you say >Her ears go flat >"I...Need it?" she says sounding hurt >"Yes" you say bluntly "To get a job you need either connections or internet access, then you need clothes for the job, then you need a way to the job then you need to be able to stay clean to keep the job" >"Unfortunately most of the homeless population either can't get out of it" you say "or they are mentally too far gone to be able too" > "I’m just helping get you to a place where you don't need to eat out of a garbage can" you explain >"We'll get you there Lilith. I don't know your past, I don't know what awful things have happened along the way but you have me at least, and even though we just met, I want you to succeed ok?" >She swallows gently, her ears folded back and he tail slightly between her legs >"O-ok anon" she says looking down "I don't want to let you down" >"You'll only let me down if you don't TRY" you say "if you try and fail that's fine! At least you gave it your best effort! All I’m asking is for you to try" >You look into her eyes >Dark dark brown that look almost black >You stick out a hand not for a handshake but simply to reassure >"Promise me you'll try" you say softly almost pleading >She takes your hand and squeezes it gently >"I Promise" The Next day >You awake, eat breakfast and get downstairs to work >Someone is dropping off their Old Camaro for a tune up and for you to check all the fluids etc. >You're draining the oil from the car when your phone rings >You look at the screen and see that it's Chickenman coming through for you >You tap the "accept call" button after taking of your oil stained gloves >"Hey man what up" you say as you bring the phone to your ear >"I have a job for your raccoon friend in one of our shipping warehouses" he says to you >"Cool man, I appreciate the help, text me the address and details for it" >"No problem, just let me know when I can drop off the Pontiac" >"Whenever you need" >That's one problem solved >You head upstairs >"Lilith" you call as you enter the apartment >"What’s up?" >Her head pops over the railing of the loft >"I got you a job at a warehouse" >Your phone buzzes receiving a text >You look at it and read off the details of where and when >"7 am? To when?" she says after you finish reading >"7am to 3pm" Monday through Friday, you can wear whatever as long as you don't have open toed shoes. You get $15 an hour and can get overtime and holiday pay" you recite again for her >She wiggles her ears and you can hear the swishing of her tail from here >"YAY!" she says flying down the stairs before she tackles you in a hug >"Thank you!" >"Don't thank me yet, we have to go get clothes and you need these" >You toss her a key ring >"Wha?" She says, nearly dropping the keys >"A key to the place and a key to that old 1992 Camry in the parking lot" You answer before she can ask >"WHAT!? You're giving me a car?!" she says bouncing around, her ears wiggling like crazy >"Lending" >You sometimes have people bring you cars that they want diagnosed only to find they don't want to pay that much to fix it >You always offer to buy them so you can fix them and resell it >"It smells like cigarettes, the radio is a bit wonky and the AC is broken" you say "But it'll get you from point A to Point B" >She looks at the keys and turns them over in her paws >"You sure this is ok? I mean... I have a license and everything but what about insurance and gas?" >"I’ll cover the gas till your first paycheck and it’s insured on my plan since its one of my project cars" you reply nonchalantly >"Now let's get moving we have to get you clothes" >You hoped she wasn't like every other girl ever that you went shopping with >If she was this was going to be an all-day affair because she literally needed EVERYTHING >As far as you could tell she didn't even own underwear >You go to the local Anthro district and find then the mall within said district >She needs special clothes to accommodate her tail and paws >She had been barefoot...err bare paw when you invited her in to your house >You take her to the department store in the mall >Cheap enough, had everything and it lasted >It wasn't designer but still fine >She's rushing around picking out everything she can >"Whoa whoa whoa, this isn't a shopping spree! Pick 5 of everything" you say looking at the pile in the cart >"Huh?" >"5 shirts, 5 long pants, 5 skirts or shorts, 5 pairs of underwear, 5 bras, socks and work shoes, if you want more later you can buy then" >"Oh...Ok" she says looking a little bummed >"Hey cheer up! I said YOU can pick them. I just limited how many" >"Ok then!" she lights back up and starts trying stuff on >"Anon! How do I look in this" "Lilith I don't know how to judge this stuff, just pick what you like" "Hmpf you're no fun" >You finally leave 3 hours later with a very happy Raccoon and a much lighter wallet 1 month later >Lilith has been filling out in a sense >As in she's put on weight >But that's good! She was just skin and bones when you met and she has gotten more food than before >She loves her job as well >You both agreed on rent prices (it was just to offset the food, electricity and water increase) >You wanted her to save money to be able to move out eventually >Right now she’s sitting next to you in the loft playing videos games >She bought assassins creed and is playing it >You never liked the gameplay style but enjoyed the story so you're just watching >The only 3rd person games you could get into were Dark souls and bloodborne >You look at her >She was wearing a small Nightmare before Christmas shirt that showed off her midriff and some short shorts >Her now filled out body was totally different >She had b cup breasts and a small tummy >But her thighs and ass were huge >She had the classic Pear shape that puts most human models to shame >You often find yourself looking at her without realizing it >Right now she’s yelling at the TV >"Jump up! Fucking jump, UP! DO YOUR PARKOUR...FUCK!" >Her character jumped off the building she was trying to climb >You laugh >"Do you wanna do it?" she says narrowing her eyes at you >"Fuck no! I hate the gameplay of this game!" you respond >"Well the games you play are too hard!" she says angrily >"Git gud scrub" you respond, earning a soft whap from her tail > You and her get along well enough that she texts you while she’s at work >She bought a phone and a plan and she's surprisingly good with her money >Plus you enjoy the conversations with her >She's very interested in your world...well your old world >The fact that there are no Anthros blew her mind >In turn you ask her about the history of this world >Apparently Humans started appearing in the 1500s and that's where the human population came from >Of course they were boosted by Anonymous humans still appearing randomly >You're cradling a beer and watching her fail at climbing a church or something >She doesn't like beer much but she enjoyed flavored liquors >Whatever >You check your phone for the weather >Winter is giving you a huge fuck you and sending a huge thunderstorm as a fuck you to your business >No one wants to drop off a car in the rain >Still you don't need the business you just like keeping busy >You decide to go to bed and you get up >"You're going?" Lilith asks >"Yea have fun" you answer and go down the stairs >You go to bed and hear the thunderstorms hitting as you drift off >Queen had it right "thunderbolt and lightning very very frightening" >You heard a knock from your door which wakes you >"A-Anon?" you hear Lilith’s voice >"Yea whas wrong?" you're still half asleep when you answer >"C-can I sleep in h-here with you t-tonight? I...I’m s-scared" she stammers out >"Yea kay" you say still half asleep >She crawls into the bed and snuggles up to you >"T-thanks Anon" >She's shivering >"S'ok" you say turning away from her >You feel her on you and you turn towards her again >"Wha?" >"Can you hold me? I’m scared" >"Kay" you absentmindedly open your arms and she snuggles in >You wrap your arms around her and fall back asleep >At 6 am her alarm goes off waking you both >You jump slightly and are surprised to find her in your arms before slightly remembering she asked in the middle of the night >She get up and leaves the room >It's still raining outside >You fall back to sleep >She's a cute girl and you're glad to have her with you here >You'll be sad when she moves out >But she was independent and would probably move out as soon as she could >You were happy to help her >You worked on what cars you had in the garage for a bit >None of them had serious problems just problems the owners hadn’t wanted to fix >More for you to work on and sell later then >You hear your phone buzz from the table it was sitting on >It was out of your pocket because it was connected via aux cable to some speakers >Chickenman had recommended some bands to you and you were just now getting around to listening to them >You had received a text from Lilith >"Hey! I’ll be come late tonight like 9 or 10, going to a party" > You smile at your phone >She's making friends... good >It’s late now >You had made dinner for you and Lilith, but its sitting on the table cold >You're upstairs sitting in front of your TV watching a documentary about Anonymous, but you couldn't pay attention >You kept checking your phone hoping for an update >It’s later than Lilith said >You were worried about her >Usually she calls or at least texts you letting you know what's up >But you got nothing from her >No update, no text >It worried you more than it should >She's an adult >She might be off at some lucky guy’s house... >Why did that make you upset? >You're about to turn in when your phone finally buzzes to life >It’s a number you don't recognize though.... >You pick up >"Hello this is anon" you say into the receiver >"H-hey Anon" comes Lilith's voice >"I need another favor from you" she says >Her voice is full of sorrow >"What is it Lilith" you say fearing the worst >"I need you to pick me up from prison" AT the Station >You're making small talk with the Golden retriever Anthro behind the counter of the booking section when out shuffles Lilith with a Doberman Anthro prison guard >"You Anon?" he says gruffly >"Yea that's me sir" you respond >He huffs and goes to undo the handcuffs on Lilith who is refusing to look you in the eyes >"You're free to go miss" he says in the same gruff monotone voice > You turn from Lilith and start walking out the door >She silently follows you >You unlock the car and get in and she gets in the passenger door >"Give me one good reason why I had to just pick you up from FUCKING JAIL Lilith!" you say furiously as you slam your hands onto the steering wheel >"I-I-I" She stammers in a whisper >"Out with it! Tell me what the fuck you did!" you yell making her jump >"I broke a guy’s nose" >You didn't expect that answer >You had expected drugs or something >"You did? Why?" you exclaim >"I-I... I don't want to talk about it" she says tears welling up >"NO, I need to know why I just had to pick up the homeless girl I’ve been fostering from JAIL" you demand angrily >"He...he raped me what I was a teenager" >Your anger is gone >Your heart sinks and grows cold in sorrow >"What?" your tone is not one of anger anymore, its pure concern >You start the car and get driving home >She's crying silently and shaking >You put a hand on her back and rub gently >This changes things >You wanted to break the guy’s nose and every other bone in his body >How anyone could hurt this poor little creature like....that... >"Let’s get home and eat" you say in almost a whisper "Then I need you to tell me everything, ok?" >"O-okay" >The ride home is quiet aside from the few gentle sobs you hear from Lilith ~~~~~ >When you get home you start warming up Lilith's dinner while she showers and changes >When she finally comes out she's wearing a batman onesie >She eats in silence and you also eat as well; you had been up worrying so much that you hadn't been able to eat yourself until now >You go and Mix a drink for her and grab yourself a beer >"Ok now Lilith" you say gently” I need you to tell me everything, I know it's hard to talk about but we need to tell the authorities about this, so please" >She's on the couch next to you cradling her drink >"He raped me when I was a teenager" she starts >"My...My parents abandoned me when I was a child and I grew up going from foster home to foster home" >"When I hit puberty, I got bounced place to place even more, no one wants a broken raccoon girl..." >"I was sixteen when it happened, I went into heat and he was my foster father at the time" >"He said he would help me with it" >"I thought he went to get those pills but instead he came back and pinned me down and....." >You sigh and hug her >"After that I tried to get into a new home but no one would take me so I ran" she says as she cries into your chest >"Ok, tomorrow we have to go tell the cops about this" you say calmly >"But--" >"Nope we are dealing with this then moving on" you say sternly >"How did you even end up meeting him? I thought you were at a party?" >"We were but we then went to a bar when no one else showed up and he was there and he came up and asked if I wanted a second round" she sobs into your shoulder >OK >You were going to deal with this with her and for her, you hoped mostly for her >She didn't need to relive this >She might have been broken but god dammit you were going to try to put those pieces together >You hug her close >"Ok then, let's get to bed and first thing tomorrow we have to go down and talk to a detective" you say calmly >"Ok Anon" she says "Can I sleep in your room tonight?" >"Sure, come on let's get going" you say sleepily >You get into bed and she snuggles into you >"Thanks Anon, I needed to talk about this" >"No problem" you answer >You both fall asleep hoping tomorrow will be easier ~~~~ At the Police station >You're talking to Detective Williams, a German Shepherd Anthro >"OK let me go back over this with you" He says to Lilith looking at his notepad >"You were in foster care and your foster father raped you when you went into heat" he says looking at his notes >"Yes, and that's why yesterday when he approached me at the bar I.... attacked him" Lilith Answers looking down and fiddling with her paws >The detective scratches his ear and sighs >"Unfortunately we hear about this stuff all the time, either an Anthro foster mom raping a foster son or a foster father raping a Anthro, an Anthro that goes into heat and can’t say no, but we hear about all sorts of stuff with the foster system" he says dejectedly >"But I’m glad you came forward with this, we can talk to his other foster children to see if there is a pattern and hopefully get more evidence" >You hoped that there would be no more >Those poor kids >"Thanks for listening to her" you say standing up and shaking his paw >"She's lucky to have a boyfriend like you" he says shaking your hand >You don't bother correcting him and see Lilith's eyes go wide and her ears wiggle slightly >"Come on, let's go home" you say to Lilith holding out your hand to help her up >She takes it and you both head to the car >"Anon I’m glad we did this" she says as you both enter that car and get driving >"I just hope that no one else had to go through what I went through" she says >"He's going to get the book thrown at him hard" you say " the age of consent here is 18 and it's a huge crime to take advantage of someone in heat and even more so a Minor in heat" >You had asked Jasmine about laws involving Anthros and heat and all that stuff >"We'll get through this together" you say as you drive quickly back home >Its only noon when you get home >The rain hasn't let up >You rush inside to avoid the rain and start making lunch >"Hey Anon" says Lilith >"What’s up Lil?" >"Why didn't you correct the detective when he said you were my boyfriend?" she asks looking at you quizzically >"Because I wanted to get out of there and so did you, we could have argued semantics all day" you answer as you prepare sandwiches for you both >You were interested in her of course >She was fun to hang out with, enjoyed a lot of the same things you did and even helped around the car garage from time to time >But she was young and you were her landlord >If anything you were a weird human father figure to her >"Oh...Ok then" she says turning on the TV >Was that her being upset? Or is she still unhappy about talking to the Police? >You weren't a Casanova to be sure so you never really got the hangover female body language >Plus she was an Anthro so the ears and tail were totally new >You had talked to humans born here and they could read Anthros like a book >You couldn't though >Still you continued making lunch >You finished and walked over to the couch and handed her, her sandwich >"What’s on?" you ask >"There's a tremors marathon" she says >"Fuck it lets watch it" you say >"Seriously?!" she says >"Hey I like the movies" you say >"You would" she retorts >"Hey Lil?" >"Yea?" >"Thanks for trusting me with this, I know it's tough to talk about but I’m glad you trust me enough to talk about it all" you say >You truly mean it >"Why wouldn't I trust you Anon? You took me in when even my own parents wouldn't. You’ve helped me so so much along the way" she says looking at you with those dark dark eyes >"Thank you for trusting me Anon" she says "You invited a stranger into your home, gave so much and expected nothing in return, other than I not let you down" >She looks down at her footpaws >"I hope I haven't" she says >"You haven't" you say rubbing her head, getting a slight wiggle from her ears "I'll admit I was .....Disappointed after the jail thing but I understand now" >"I'm proud of you Lilith" you say >You hug her and kiss the top of her head, earning a quick ear wiggle and tail swish >See? You were totally a father figure to her at this point >How couldn't you be? > You got her a job, got her a car, got her out of jail >But still you were happy she was here >You sit back and watch the tremors movie >So bad it's good >Just like megashark Vs giant octopus >Lilith has leaned against you, you have your arm around her and are absentmindedly rubbing her shoulder and arm >She appears to like it but suddenly snaps up >"I’m gonna take a nap" she says suddenly before getting up and scurrying off to her room >Huh weird >You turn off the TV and head up the spiral staircase to the loft and go to use the computer >It’s in sleep mode so you shake the mouse and wait for it to boot up >What appears on the screen is a Human Anthro relationship thread on some site you've head of on the news for blowing up vans or something >Looks like she’s been lurking except for one post where a dude asks about a masturbating tiger in his guest room and she wrote "Slam jam her clam" whatever that meant >Hm interesting. >So you snoop? >How could you not? >You pull up the history >Human Anthro threads, human Anthro porn, human on human porn, amazon shopping, porn, porn, porn, >You rub your face and sit back in the chair >Lilith? >The scrawny thin raccoon you took in? >She had become a beautiful woman with proper food and care but still >She must have a crush on a human at her work and had gone to the failed party to try and meet him there >You were happy she was trying to find love >But you were also a little unhappy >You weren't sure why though >You close everything and head back downstairs >Maybe you should nap as well, try to get those thought out of your head >You had pictures of young Lilith being taken advantage of which made you livid, pictures of her now with another human which... hurt....For some reason... >You walk past her room and hear "Mmmm Anon don’t tease me" >Hm? >She was calling your name? >You open the door to her with her fingers buried in her pussy >You quickly Close the door and open your door >You hear her door open and she full force tackles you onto your bed >"OW HEY!" you try to roll over and get up but she pushes you down >She's now straddling you and you see tears forming in her eyes, her ears flat >"Do you think I'm Ugly Anon? Is that why you never try anything with me?" she says through the tears >"What? NO! Why would I think you're Ugly Lilith?" you say shocked she even asked that >"Then why do you never make a move on me? I even slept in your bed with you and you didn't even get hard" she's still crying >"Lilith I was half asleep during the storm and I couldn't get hard after what you told me after I got you from the police" you explain >"So you do like me then? Why didn't you ever make a move? I gave you so many openings like the thread said to do!" she's stopped crying at least >"Be-because it didn't seem right... I mean, I invite you to stay and then end up sleeping with you like those other guys forced on you and I- I couldn't bear for you to think that that's all I wanted from you" >"Oh you dummy" She says grinding on you now, her wetness has soaked through your pants "you're so different from all those guys, you CARED for me and care ABOUT me, you never even thought about getting laid, just helping me and I love you for that! Even the first night you covered your eyes and I...I just felt happy you were you" >She's grinding harder on you >She pulls her shirt off revealing her B Cup breasts (you knew because you did the laundry usually) >Her nipples had barbells through them >"Do you like them?" she asks cupping her tits with her paws "I know you like them pierced Anon" >What >"How do you kn-" >"You don't delete your internet history often" she says with a devilish grin >Fuck >She's tracing a finger across your Chest, still grinding hard on you >"You wait till I go to work and then look at porn before starting work yourself you naughty boy" >FUCK >She's still smiling devilishly and rubbing your chest >"I know every little thing you like Anon" >"Every fetish, every fantasy, and every model" she says grinding even harder >"And I’ve done things to prepare for this" >Fuck that grinding is driving you crazy >And she knows it >She gets off of you and pulls on your pants >"Get rid of these now" she says seductively >You stand up and lower them then kick them off >She stares at your member >"Bigger than you thought?" you say >You weren't a porn-star to be sure but you were at least pretty well endowed >"I imagined it to be big but not this Big" she takes it into her paw and strokes it gently >"Hey Lilith" you say >"Huh" she looks at you >You put and hand on the back of her head and pull her into a kiss >She seems surprised and then falls into it >You wraps your tongue around hers and feel out the insides of her mouth as she does the same to yours >"Mmmm" she moans loudly before pulling away "I needed that" >You smile "me too Lilith" >She pushes you onto the bed and climbs onto you >"I know exactly what you like Mister" >She turns around and begins licking your shaft while waving her pussy in your face >"Do you need a written invitation?" she says then pushes herself down into your face "Get to licking" >You lick her slowly up and down her slit, getting a moan and she then starts licking you again >Mmm she's tasty >You wrap your arms around her thighs and pull her down further onto your face >She gasps and playfully growls "oh that's how it is" >She then takes your cock into her mouth and pushes down >She starts moving up and down >Her tongue wrapping around your cock and her lips tight around you >She then pushes down far >She's trying to take it all in but can't >She comes back up and coughs "Anon I can't take it all" >You lick figure eights on her pussy hitting her clit at the center of it >"Push my -ah- head -ahhh- down on it -ah-" she says between moans >You reach up down as she puts her mouth back around your member and goes as far down as she can >You place your hand on the back of her head >"Ready?" >You get a muffled "mhmmm" >You push the back of her head slowly >She groans and you feel her claws dig into your legs slightly >You feel her mouth finally reach the base and you remove your hand, slowly rubbing it down her back before putting it back around her thigh >She stay still for a moment, licking gently >Then she begins up and down again as you lick her clit quickly >She's going all the way up and all the way down now >You feel her shivering >She's getting close and you can feel it so you lick harder and faster on her clit >She pulls her head up off your cock and Moans >"A-a-anno-o -n I’m going to- She spasms and clenches her thighs on you but you don't let up at all >She then shoves her head back down onto your cock >She deep throats you faster and harder >"Ahh L-Lilith I’m going to -ah-" you stammer as you buck your hips up >She does it harder in response >"H-holy shittttt" you push her head down and erupt directly into her throat as your hips buck up >She's stays with her mouth around you, licking gently >She finally pulls her head up and lets out a satisfied "ahhh" >"Holy shit Lilith" you gasp out as she lifts herself off of you >"I told you I’ve been preparing" she says with a smirk >You kiss her >"Get up I have plans for what I want to do to you next" she says >You get up as she walks out of the room >What is she up to? >When she Lilith finally come back in she's wearing a tight mesh top with her nipples poking through >Her goddam sexy pierced nipples >She’s wearing no panties at all but you aren't surprised at that >She walks up and kisses you, forcing a remote into your hand >"Now then let's get to the main attraction" she says with a happy smirk >You look at the remote, what’s this too? >You push the + button and Lilith shivers >It's literally looks like a shock went up her spine as her tail Floofs out >"Ooo warn a girl before you just push a button Anon" she says seductively >"What’s this to Lilith" you ask holding up the remote >She smiles devilishly "Oh I think you know" >You smile >"Oh I think I do" you say as you push the + button one more time >She Stiffens up then relaxes and looks at you seductively >"Ooo someone’s getting into it" she says as she wraps her arms around you >Her voice is shaking slightly >She’s trying so hard to remain composed but you can see her light pants and her eyes trying to roll up slightly >You smile and Pull her in for a kiss >You force your tongue into her mouth as she gasps and moans into your mouth >She starts to reciprocate the kiss forcing her tongue into your mouth and tasting you >You rub your hands up and down her sides >Her hips filled out spectacularly since you took her in and her ass was amazing now >You can feel slight vibrations as you grab and squeeze her ass forcefully >She is tracing her paws up and down your back as you kiss >She’s shivering and panting into your mouth as you grope and squeeze her ass >"Mmmmmm Anon I like that" she gasps >You lay her down on the bed, her back down on the sheets >She's looking up and you >Her tail is covering her pussy and swishing slightly >"I’m nervous Anon" she says shivering slightly >"Oh where was all this a minute ago" you ask her ask you climb on top of her >"That was uhm... horny confidence" she says hiding her face behind her tail > You pet her tail and move it slowly out of your way getting full view of her body >Her gorgeous pear shaped body >You kiss and feel her tongue in your mouth and her hands on your back >You feel your member pushing against her >"Someone's happy to see me" she says confidently >"Of course I am, I always am" you say "I just hid it better before" >"Oh?" she says looking into your eyes and reaching down positioning your cock against her pussy >"I like the change" she says >You kiss her and slowly push into her wetness, feeling the vibrations from the butt plug >You had almost forgotten about that momentarily >You give a sharp thrust to the end >She's gasps slightly and shudders a bit >"It’s....It's bigger than I thought Anon" she moans at you >You start thrusting slowly at first >She's laid back on the bed and your standing on the floor to give you leverage >You stand upright and put your hands on her hips and start pulling her into each thrust >You feel her insides tighten around you with each thrust and the steady vibrations from the plug >You take off one hand and grab the remote and hit the + button once more >She shudders and throws her head back letting out a long sighing "Ahhhhhhh" >You start pumping harder into her, each thrust earning you a slight "Ah" >Her pussy tightens as she throws her head back into the bed "A-a-a-annonnnnn She gasps out "I-m-Cu-cu-cu Ahhhhhhh" She Stammers as she shudders violently >You can feel her orgasming on you but you refuse to let up >You push the + on the Plug getting a Further Shudder from her >You grip her ample hips again and thrust deep into her >As you thrust her "Ahs" get steadily louder and louder >You keep pounding away and you hit the + Button one more time >She lets out a full blown scream as her legs lock themselves around you and her claws dig into your chest >Her head is thrown back and her eyes roll up slightly >Her walls tighten down with incredible pressure >"Lilith I’m getting close" you stammer between pants >She barely can respond "G-give it to m-me" >With one final thrust of your hips and a firm pull on hers you explode into her >You keep a grip on her hips for a minute or so before you slowly slide out of her and flop down beside her on the bed >"Holy fuck Anon, I’ve been with humans before but that...." she says are she rolls over onto your chest >You reach over and hit the off button on the remote >"That what?" you say with a smirk >She hits your chest playfully >"You know!" she yells playfully >You kiss the top of her head and pull her close >She nuzzles into your chest gently >"That was by far the best orgasm I’ve had Anon" she says absentmindedly >You smirk >"Wanna see if we can make it second best" you say as you rub her back and sides >Her ears flick with enthusiasm >"Yes please" >You lose track of how many rounds you go but you were glad you didn't have neighbors >She was a total screamer A week later >You're under the Pontiac of Chickenman as you replace some parts for a bit more performance >Your phone rings and you hear Lilith pick it up >"Hello? Oh uh hi detective" you hear her say as you slide out from under the car. >You walk over and she puts the call on speaker >"Hello Mr. Anon and Ms. Lilith, I’ll get straight to the point >He continues "we Looked into your previous foster Father and asked several of his Former foster children and several, both male and female said he had abused them in some way" >"Oh that’s uhh.... good news for a case and awful news for those poor children" you say rubbing the bridge of your nose >You were happy there was more evidence against this monster, but god dammit those kids >"Ok, what do we do now?" Lilith asks >"Well we're compiling the evidence and sending the information to the DA, then we will need you to come testify" He says >"Not you Anon, you don't need to testify" he adds "And as for the charges against you Lilith, breaking his nose, the DA refuses to prosecute a girl who attacked her rapist" >You sigh a sigh of relief >"Well, thanks Detective Williams, I’m happy that we could help" Lilith says >She hangs up and smiles at you >"Well that's a weight off our shoulders" she says >"Kind of, are you going to be ok in court? Testifying is tough stuff, lawyers are dicks" >"I’ll be fine" >You nod > You pick up your phone and dial up a number >"YOOO Chickenman, The Pontiacs Headers are replaced and the fluids were swapped out, Next time you Decide to floor it for 400 miles for some pussy, try to let it overheat" you say >"Man fuck you Mechanic" is all he says before saying "I’ll get it later thanks" >You close up the garage and head upstairs >"Yo Lilith what do you want for dinner?" >"How about pizza? From that one place?" >You smile and nod "sure" It’s going to be a great night A month later >You're in a courthouse >You're wearing your fanciest clothes and sitting next to Lilith who is wearing a red dress >Her face shows confidence but her ears are twitching nervously and her tail is poofed out >You can see several Other Anthro girls and a few Anthro guys >Seems like this guy got around and this was only those who came forward >You take Lilith’s Paw into your hand and give it a gentle squeeze >She looks at you and smiles >"I’m ok Anon" she whispers >You can see the guy sitting behind a table with his Lawyer >"Your Honor my Client has taken in numerous Anthro children and cared for them after they were abandoned, he is a great father figure and these charges are a huge slander against his character" the lawyer is saying >The Persecutor Rebukes >"He has been accused by over a dozen Anthros, Both male and female, about him touching them sexually, raping them, and forcing other sexual activities on them, Several of them forced to give Fellatio in exchange for basic living needs like food" >You can see the lawyer Cringe, and look at his Client >You smile >The jury is composed of both humans and Anthros >You can see several Female Anthros Cover their mouths in shock >The prosecutor continues >"Several of the females he took in went into heat and he took advantage of them and being in that state they were unable to say no" >The Judge is frowning >"How does your Client plead" >"Not guilty your honor" >Well there goes the easy route > "Very well, call your witnesses" >"We would like to call Lilith Ash" >She stands and goes to the Witness stand >She does the whole oath and you smile at her >She gives the whole story to the judge, you watch the jury and note their reactions >The woman Anthros pay close attention and shake their heads when she talks about her Heat >The lawyer stands to cross examine >"Lilith right? You were in foster care for about 10 years and in that time were in 8 foster homes, this man you are accusing took you in after you were removed from a previous home for violence" >Lilith's ears go flat >"You then accusing him of raping you while you were in heat AFTER you broke his nose at a bar, sounds to me like you're trying to get yourself out of trouble for violent tendencies" >"Objection attacking the witness" >The judge looks at the Lawyer >"Let’s keep your opinion out of this" he says >This goes on for a while >Multiple Anthros get called up to the stand >One girl, An Anthro rabbit, recants how she went into heat for the first time and didn't understand it and he had taken advantage of her >Another talks about how he got her pregnant and then induced a miscarriage >An Anthro bear tell how he had to perform sexual favors to get clothes that fit >You're outraged by it all >Suddenly a curveball >"The defense would like to call Anon to the stand" >You are confused and Lilith looks at you confused as well >You stand up and go to the witness stand >You do the whole oath thing and prepare yourself for whatever happens >"Mr. Anon what is your relationship to Ms. Ash?" the lawyer asks >"She is my girlfriend" you answer >"And you met her how?" >You recite the details of how you met her, took her in and got her a job >"Sounds to me like YOU in fact took advantage of her Mr. Anon, you take in a homeless girl and give her all she needs and in return you force her to supply you with sexual favors" >You're furious but stay calm >"I took in a girl eating out of a trashcan because She had no food" you start " I pulled some favors to get her a job because she didn't have anyone else to, I never once demanded or even asked for anything in return and any relationships we have now is consensual, Not that it's your business" >"You took in a girl simply out of the kindness of your heart? Mr. Anon this isn't a fairy tale" he says with a smirk "people don't just take in others, you expect me to believe you took in an Anthro girl simply to help?" >"Look, I’m Anonymous, I got transported here and because of what came with me I am pretty well off" >"But there are others who came with nothing and got by because of Anthros helping them" your retort with a snap "Why would, no, how could I not help a girl who was literally skin and bones. And more to the point, our relationship together started because she asked me for it" >The lawyers smirk has faded >"Uh...uh no further questions" >The prosecutor stands > "No questions from the prosecution" >You go and sit next to Lilith and take her paw into your hand >The judge calls for the Jury to go deliberate and the court to recess >You go with Lilith to grab a sandwich >You're sitting outside eating a sub from a local Deli with Lilith next to you >She's been quiet >"Anon?" she says finally >"Hm? What’s up Lilith?" you say setting down the sandwich >"Do you think he's gonna get charged?" >You think calmly >"Yes. Too many Anthros came forward and none knew each other before this. The defense was so desperate that they tried to say I was abusing you" you say slowly >"Hmm ok Anon" She says with a small smile >You pull her close and give her a kiss >"Hey Lilith?" you say >"Yea Anon?" >You put a hand to the side of her face "I love you, you funky little raccoon" >She stares and her ears flick in surprise >"You..." she says wide eyed >"Yes now let's get back to the courthouse" you say with another short kiss >She smiles and tugs your arm "I love you too you lanky human" >You get back to the court and take your seats >The Jury is shuffling back in >The Head Jury stands up, he's a Anthro eagle, how fitting >"Has the jury reached a verdict?" the judge Asks >"We have your Honor" he says "We find the defendant on all Counts guilty as charged" You smile and hug Lilith >"See I told you" you says snuggling her against you >She hugs you and watching as he is cuffed and lead out of the courtroom >You kiss her on the top of her head >"Let's go home" you say >"Want to grab sushi on the way home?" You ask >"OOO Can we get the octopus kind?!?" she says excitedly >"Yea but don't ruin it with Wasabi this time" >"Hey I didn't know it was so spicy!" >She had basically piled a glob onto the sushi that was the size of the sushi piece >The result was her running around trying to cool off her mouth and chugging water >You wish you had a video of it >You stop at the sushi place >You order the sushi to go from the Anthro red Panda >About 20 minutes later they hand you a big sushi box. >"You do you always get so much?" >"Cuz I’m hungry and it's really good" > You continue bickering like this until you get home > You plop down onto your couch and she sits next to you and you both start eating >"Hey Lilith I was thinking" you say as you eat >"Hm" she responds while chewing >"I think you should get your GED and go to college" >She swallows "What? Why did this come up?" >"You can’t want to work in that warehouse forever, as nice as it is it would be better to get a better job and do something you really enjoy" you say as you pick up an Eel roll with your chopsticks >"Hmm" she says rubbing her chopsticks along her muzzle "I always wanted to be a photographer I guess" >"There ya go! Do that!" >"But what about my bills? She asks >"I got you covered besides you haven't paid rent since we started dating" >What boyfriend would charge their girlfriend for rent? >"Ok Anon" >You pull her close and kiss the top of her head >"That's my girl" 1 week later >Its December now >It's snowing hard because a blizzard hit >You have the shop closed up and Are sitting Trying to Play No Man's Sky because someone had told you they fixed it >So far you're just getting angry at it >You hear Lilith coming from downstairs she must've just gotten off work >"4 billion tons of goddam white bullshit" you hear her shouting as she stomps through the door >She’s literally covered from ears to tail in snow >It’s caked into her fur as she trembles in both anger and cold >You're trying hard to not laugh at her misfortune since she is the one who sucks your dick >You get up and walk to her as she shivers >"OK arms up" >She raises her arms and you grab the bottom of her shirts >"Ready?" >She nods >You yank the whole mess of shirts off her getting a soft yelp as the cold washes over her >"Shoes off" >She kicks off her boots and you pull off her socks >You grip her waistband and pull everything down >She's naked and shivering but she's out of her cold wet cloths >You grab a blanket off the couch and throw it around her > "I’ll get the shower ready for you" you say >You get the water warm for her and call to her when it's hot and ready >She walks into the bathroom and gives you a quick Kiss before sliding into the shower >You're about to walk out >"Uhmm Anon" you hear her say over the sound of the water >"Yea Lilith?" >"My Uh...My Heat is starting soon.... It's always during the winter and I can feel it" she says softly hear voice barely loud enough to hear over the sound of the water >You hadn’t known when her heat would start >The threads you now visited said it’s different for different species and even then it varies for each individual >"Ok then" you say "call into work for the week you know its coming" >"A-anon I might be a bit...demanding" she says >You can't help but feel a bit excited about it but you keep that side of you locked in his cage >Bad boner! Bad! She’s going to be vulnerable >"Do you want me to get those pills that lessen the hormones?" you ask >"NO! Then it just lasts longer!" she snaps angrily >"Sorry it’s just I haven't had a mate for it since...." >"It’s ok" Christmas might come early for you >Lilith's heat started a few days later like someone flipped a switch in her >It came overnight without any warming >It hit her and therefore you like a ton of bricks >She said this one would be more intense because her body had skipped the last few because of her starving >You hoped that was the case because even with all the stamina you had built up it was still rough >Lilith was currently riding you >You can almost see little hearts in her eyes as she grinds up and down on you >"Mmmm yea Anon that's it" she moans as you put your hands on her waist and sit up >You take one of her pierced nipples into your mouth and play with the barbell with your tongue eliciting a moan from her >It didn't take much to push her over the edge either >Every bit of her was more sensitive to your touch >You reached behind her and grabbed the base of her tail getting a sharp "AH" from her >She didn't like to admit it but you knew she loved tail pulling >Now she wasn't protesting it as you gave it a sharp tug >You felt her insides tighten around you as you pulled it >"Harder" she gasps >You kiss her and feel her tongue push its way into your mouth >You fought back with your own tongue as you pulled her tail harder >She spasmed and you felt her walls tighten once more >The heat from her wetness was overpowering >The smell of her womanly musk was everywhere and you loved it as you pushed deep into her getting a gasping moan into your mouth >Her eyes rolled back slightly as you pulled her tail harder and began thrusting into her to meet her up and down grinds >Her arms were around you her >Her claws dig into your back as you tug harder on her tail >You can tell she's close >One hand pulling her tail, the other on her back just above the base of it >You press it hard and tug right as you thrust into her >Her head goes back and her walls tighten around you so hard it almost hurts >After about 30 seconds she slumps over onto you >You're still inside her so you grab her hips and start to grind her on you >She’s moaning into your shoulder as you grind her more on you savoring each moan and gasp as you feel her claws dig into your back >"Ready Lilith?" >"..Uhmm.....for wha?" >You pull out of her pussy and press gently against her asshole teasing it gently >You feel her shiver like a jolt of electricity just went through her >"Mmmm ready" she moans into your ear as she nibbles on it >You press her down gently >Every inch you slide into her sends shivers down her back >You're kissing her neck and whispering how much you love her and how good she feels on you >She's rubbing your back and kissing your neck >She finally reaches the base and does a little grind side to side >"Mmmm I like that" she moans grinding harder >You lift her a little and push her back down on your cock getting a gasp >You lay back and let her grind you more before she starts moving up and down on her own >Every time she lifts herself she tightening herself around you, begging for your seed in her >You begin bucking up into her to meet her, >Your hips meet her ass with a loud slap every time and you feel her shudder >You keep thrusting ignoring the fact she just came >You're too close to slow down now >"F-fuck Lilith I’m going to-" >Fucking Fill me baby, fill my asshole" she shouts through her fits of pleasure >With one last hard thrust into her you shoot your seed deep into her >You groan as you feel her tightening around you, milking everything you have to give her >She sits on top of you shivering from it all before slumping down on top of your chest >"Fuck yea" she moans finally >You both lay there for a while before she sits herself up again >"Let's do it again" she says with a devilish grin 2 weeks later >Lilith's heat had come and gone and now she was finally registered for her first college classes >You had helped her get her GED as well >She was looking at the books she needed >"Are you sure we can get all these, they are very expensive" she looks at you worriedly >"I’m sure stop trying to get out of it" you say >She pouts >"I’m not making excuses! I'm just concerned" she said with a pout >You smile and put them in the cart you had, as well as some other school supplies >"You're going to school full time now, so I want you to focus on School before anything else ok?" you say with a gentle smile >She fiddles with her tail and her ears twitch nervously >"What wrong?" >She looks worried >"I don't want to let you down" >You take her paw >"As long as you try Love" 4 years later >You're sitting at a graduation >You hated graduations usually, you would have skipped your own if you could have >But this time you didn't hate it >There was Lilith at the Podium giving a speech >You can see her wedding band on her left paw sparkling >She got valedictorian and you couldn't be more proud of her >"I need to thank my Loving husband Anon" she says looking at you >"He took me in at my worst, gave me a home, supported my dreams and ideals, healed old wounds and has truly shown me the price of compassion" ~fin~