>You are Anon, Biologist extraordinaire >Ok well you got a PhD in Biology, but the university refused to fund your research >In fact most of your colleagues Laughed in your face when you told them your end Goal >You were going to find Bigfoot! He had to be real! >After all Anthros are real! Therefore he must be one of the missing evolutionary links between humans and anthros >And so your research and interviews lead to to western Canada, near the southern part of the Yukon >But you were going to do this right >Not go into the woods at night and yell at the sky >You had dozens of Hunters cameras in your pack as you trudged through the thick forest >Snow gently fell around you, blanking out the sounds besides your own foot steps >While you were on a mission you also could appreciate it all >The evergreen trees covered in a light dusting of snow, the mountains in the distance, the occasional deer or snowshoe hare >Stopping by a large bare oak tree you set down your pack and pull out one of the Camera >You fidget with it for a while, making sure it was set to take pictures at movement >So far so good, it's attached to the tree about 5 feet up >Rummaging in your pack earns you your GPS Device and a protein bar >These cold temperatures really boosted your Metabolism because your body worked harder to maintain homeostasis >As you bite into the bar, you look at the GPS and place a small mark on the map showing where this camera was >The screen is littered with at least a dozen similar dots >Where to now though? >A stream is about half a click north, Bigfoot had to get water from somewhere >Maybe you could walk up the banks of it placing more cameras >You decide that's the best plan of action for now >If you could figure out its food source that would also make tracking it easier >The beauty of the wilderness surrounds you as you walk through the snow, >A gentle gust causes you to adjust your scarf a bit to cover your nose and mouth >While you could appreciate nature, why couldn't Bigfoot live somewhere warmer? >Mexico maybe? well actually after you prove Bigfoot is real you could go hunting for the Chupacabra >The name always name you giggle because it translates to "goat sucker" >Legendary Mythological creature and the best name they could find was Goat sucker! >Well now that you think about it, Big foot isn't any better at all >Eh well some people called it a yeti >But the name Yeti kinda got ruined after "ski free" came out and it would chase people down and eat them >The sound of the stream bubbling away snaps you from your mental tangent >You walk to it and look around, this would be a suitable water source for sure! >Constant movement meant less bacteria making it healthy to drink >You look around a bit and decide to walk up the banks setting up cameras >For the better part of 2 hours you walk upstream, setting up cameras , marking their location and casually eating >If only this place water a little warmer, you would love to live here >You think about how you might retire here one day, while you eat from a large bag of beef jerky >The sound of a branch cracking snaps you out of your daydream >You turn to the sound expecting to see another deer or maybe a Moose >Instead its him! >She? >IT >Bigfoot! >A 9 foot tall ape like thing covered in shaggy grey fur >It actually looks a lot less majestic than you thought it would, it had a pot belly and a double chin >Your brain doesn't now what to do >Pictures! Camera! >You drop your bag of food and fumble around trying to get your pack off your back >God dammit fingers work! Now is not the time for trembling >As you fumble around you barely register the rushed stomping coming towards you >Barely >You look up and see the creature rushing you >It lets out a bone chilling howl just before swinging one of its massive legs to kick you >You react just in time to raise your pack to cushion the blow >The kick still sends you flying, and you hear a faint Splash as your pack lands in the stream and is washed away >Fuck that hurt >You have just enough time to look up before seeing it rushing at you again >Were you going to die? >You don't want to die! >Having never been in a real fight in your life, you didn't know what to do >Your body reacts on its own though >Adrenaline and fear fuel your movements as you swiftly draw your knife >It was nothing big, a 4 inch blade you used for marking trees or cutting bits of nylon on the straps of your cameras >Go down fighting at least >It lunges at you and you try to jump away, but one of those mighty arms gets you >It grabs you up in a Bear hug, crushing your body like its nothing >You stab quickly into any part of its body that you can reach >probably comparable to bee stings honestly, but it didn't stop you >But you must have annoyed it enough to not want you >You feel your body go weightless as he hurls you bodily with a pained Howl >Weightlessness, cold air, then Crushing icy cold water >It's thrown you into the stream >The freezing water sucks the air from your lungs as you gasp and get to the surface >Swimming weakly to the opposite shore gets you a reprieve from the crushing cold of the water >As you pull yourself out you hear the Bigfoot stomping away >you look and see a blood trail in the snow as it leaves >One problem solved >But now you were in the middle of the woods, soaked, without your pack OR GPS >Plus you somehow had to get to the other side of the stream again >No use in staying here though, you begin heading back down stream, shivering against the cold >30 minutes of walking, you can feel the water in your clothes freezing >A blizzard was beginning to kick up as well >You were going to die >Lost and alone in the woods >You collapse against a tree >Your body stopped shivering a while ago trying to conserve energy >It's a struggle to stay conscious >You hear sounds of light footfalls before you pass out >Honestly if some predator was going to eat you, you were happy to pass out >Your world goes black, your consciousness fades >So this is what its like to die >You feel something fuzzy patting your face >"I think he's still alive Sis! He must've fallen into the Stream" >A feminine voice speaks through the abyss of your mind >"The Idiot! What's he doing out here alone anyway? Come on, let's get him to the cave" >A second voice cuts though sounding almost identical to the first only a little bit gruffer >The fuzzy feeling persists and you fight the darkness to open your eyes >A Snow leopard is rubbing your face with a fuzzy paw >She has Long white hair, sticking out from under a beanie which her ears poking though >"Hey there you still with us?" she says, her eyes full of worry >You look into her eyes, the left one is light blue, the right deep brown >"Am I d-dead? Are you an-n-n angel?" >She smiles showing her front fangs a bit >"Aww the flatterer, regains consciousness and the first thing he does is compliment me" >Another snow leopard comes into view, holding a bolt action rifle of some sort >"whatever Sasha, The blizzard is about to hit, grab him and lets go" >"Can you walk?" the First Snow leopard, Sasha says >You attempt to move >"I c-c-can't feel my body, I'm sorry" >Sasha smiles a sad smile >"Oh you poor thing, you're lucky we found you, I'll get you up" >you cant feel anything when she picks you up and throws you over her shoulders in a firemans carry >"Whats your name? why are you out here alone, Stay Awake!" >You struggle to stay awake >She gives you a gentle shake >"Come on talk to me!" >"Uh, my name is A-anon, I was out here looking for B-bigfoot when I found one and it attacked me" >You hear the other snow leopard Snort back a laugh >"Seriously you were looking for Bigfoot? that's just a legend" >Sasha ignores her sisters comments >"Attacked you? Where?" >"U-ups-stream" >They walk up the stream banks following your footsteps >Sasha talks to you the whole time >She and her twin sister, Trish, are homesteaders >They're on a hunting trip to try and get meat before the heavy part of winter hits >"We actually found you by accident! Trish said she head something fall and it turned out to be you, she's got great hearing" >You notice They're walking past where your encounter with Bigfoot happened, the snow is still stained slightly even with the new layer covering it >"T-there! T-thats w-where it attacked me!" you stammer out weakly >Trish and Sasha look over to the far bank >"I'll check it out" >Trish leans her rifle against a tree and takes a running leap >She lands gracefully on rock sticking out of the water before making a second leap >You see her shuffling around in the the snow before picking up your knife >She sniffs the knife and looks at the blood >"Well you fought something, I don't recognize the smell but it was something" she calls >She bounds back over easily >Felines and their crazy acrobatics >"Come on, the cave isn't far! We gotta get you warmed up" >Trish pick back up her rifle and brushes a bit of snow off it with a fuzzy paw >"I Don't know what attacked you Anon but those footprints..." >Trish looks concerned, her ears folded back >"lets hurry" >The duo move double-time for about 45 minutes >You're amazed at Sasha ability to carry you for some long >When you voice this she laughs >"You don't weigh anything compared to the logs and stuff I move on the homestead!" >Before long, a cave appears through the now densely falling snow >This blizzard was bad to say the least >They head inside, Sasha takes extra care to duck so you don't hit the entrance >"I'll Light a fire, Sasha, Get our guest out of his wet clothes" Trish says setting down her rifle >Sasha sets you down on a stump of a tree next to a large fire pit >She peels your jacket and shirt off with ease before pausing >"Sorry anon, but I need to take it ALL off" >You use what little energy you have to nod >"Ok Anon" she says with a smile >Gently and methodically she removes your boots, socks , snow-pants and jeans >Trish is piling wood into the firepit and stacking it neatly the whole time >"Last bit, then I'll wrap you in a blanket ok?" >Her paws grip your boxers >You nod once more and she slides them off you, averting her eyes from your nethers >A large blanket is then wrapped around you >You hear the clicking of flint and tinder then the crackle of fire >Sasha lifts you and sets you next to the fire >"Warm up a bit sweetie, we'll get some food and warm drinks ready" >The warm crackle of the fire and the blanket feels amazing compared to the freezing outdoors >You hear the twins getting stuff ready >The clinking of a pan, the shuffling of fabric >Sasha appears once more with a large steel table that she sets over the fire, >Trish begins putting chunks of meat and a kettle on it >They then disappear behind you again >You stare into the fire as feeling returns to your arms and legs >You hear more shuffling fabric then they both walk back into view, totally nude >"Whoa hey! You're naked!" You cry out as you cover your eyes with the blanket >"Pssh what a prude, we needed to get out of our wet clothes too! Plus we gotta let our fur Dry, so don't worry Anon" Trish chides you >"We promise it's ok to look Anon, just try not to Stare ok?" Sasha says more reassuring than her sister >you bring the blanket down and look the two over >Sasha and Trish are about 6'2 and both have gorgeous white hair that trail down their backs but that's where the similarity ends >Trish is leaner, and has a more athletic looking body, like that of a runner, her movements graceful >Sasha is a bit thicker, carrying more muscle and looking more like someone not who worked out at a gym but had the fat and strength of a professional powerlifter >Even their eyes were opposite while Sasha had a left blue eye, Trish's was brown, and while Trish's right eye was Blue, Sasha's was brown >They sat on either side of you, Trish poking at the mystery meat while Sasha pours a cup of whatever is in the kettle >"Drink this, It'll warm you up" >"Thanks" you say as you extend your hand >She hands a steaming mugs to you, which you sniff then sip >The warm beverage tastes like mint and warms your insides >"What are you cooking? It smells good Trish" >"Wolf meat, Sasha seasoned some up before we left the homestead" >You watch intently as she pokes the meat with a fork >"It'll be done soon, then we should turn in for the night" >You nod before a thought pops into your head >"Uh I don't have a sleeping bag or anything" >Sasha smiles a bit, "You silly human, you're going to have to cuddle up with us, you don't have fur! >Trish nods as her twin talks >"We can't save you, only to have you freeze to death in your sleep" >You look back and forth between them >do you really get to spend a night in a cave with two gorgeous ladies? >Did whatever deity that was out there decide to fuck you over THEN bless you? >You weren't going to complain >Maybes its equivalent exchange or something >Trish begins doling out the meat and Sasha hums happily while looking out the cave mouth into the blizzard >"Eat up Anon!" Trish says with a smile >This snaps Sasha back into the cave "We don't get company often Anon, it's good to have someone to talk to other than Trish" >Trish frowns but ignores the comment >"So tell us the whole story of why you're out here, I Know you said you were hunting bigfoot, but tell us why!" >You take a bite out of your food >God dam was it tasty and warmed you up even more >As you eat you explain everything to them >How you were disgraced for believing in bigfoot and how you sold your house to fund your research >You told them everything up to the point they found you >Sasha looks a bit sad >"Wow that's a lot of dedication to something you didn't even know as real" >You nod as you finish your food >"Thanks for the meal and for listening" >Sasha smiles and takes your plate, Trish yawns and stretches, pushing her orange sized breasts forward >Right they are still naked >"Come on lets all get to bed, hopefully we aren't snowed in tomorrow" Trish says rubbing her paws across her muzzle >You stand and stretch yourself >Sasha grabs your hand in her fluffy paw and leads you to a small area on the other side of the fire where several animal pelts line the floor of the cave >Gently she guides you onto them before grabbing a few more blankets >She throws them over you then gets under then herself, pressing her furry body against you >Trish slides in behind you and sandwiches you between them >"Lay on your side Anon, it'll be easier for us to keep you warm" Sasha half purrs half yawns >You turn onto your side and Sasha scooches back into you while Trish slides closer, you feel her nipples rubbing against your back softly >Guess you get to be the middle spoon in this drawer >Sasha reaches back and grabs your hand, interlocking her padded fingers with your, before pulling it around her, your hand locked in her paw >Trish reaches around you, and interlocks her paw with your left hand so her fuzzy arm is around you >Both their tails wrap around your legs and they start purring loudly >You fall asleep wrapped in fuzzy arms and tails to the sound of purring >Gentle crackling of the fire wakes you and sunlight pours through the still falling snow into the cave >The opening must face eastward >Sasha Stirs against you, still purring >Trish yawns loudly which in turn fully wakes Sasha, who also yawns >"Mmpf Morning Trish, Morning Anon" >She shift a bit then stops >"Oooo I see someone is happy to see me" >Your morning wood was pressed against Sasha's Thick thighs >"S-sorry it's jus-" >She cuts you off >"Mmmm no, don't apologize Anon, I'm flattered honestly" >She pushes back against you, causing your erection to slip between her thighs >"Oooo its big too" >Trish sits up >"Hey you aren't gonna hog him all to yourself! I know we both feel it coming!" >Huh? It? What is she talking about? >"What are you talking aboutOUUU-" >A fluffy paw rubs the tip of your engorged member >"It's January Anon, Our Heat is going to hit soon" >Trish rubs her paws over your chest >"But being close to a male is making it come a little earlier" She whispers into your ear before nibbling your neck softly >You blink a few times >"Plus knowing you fought off a predator of some sort got us riled up. We hoped you would try to take us last night!" >Sasha releases your member from her fuzzy thighs then turns around on the pelts to face you >"We Realllllly got lucky to find you Anon, usually we have to deal with our heats by ourselves" >Trish grips your shoulder and rolls you onto your back >Both Girls pull themselves closer to you >"Please help up deal with this Anon" Sasha Moans rubbing a paw down your side >"Make up for us saving you" Trish says before running her tongue up your neck >Were you going to deny these lovely ladies your company? >Were you going to deny YOURSELF their company? >NOPE.JPG >"Of course I'll help you out, doesn't look like we can leave anyway" >When you say this both girl look out of the cave where a wall of at least 4 feet of snow had formed >"Perrrrfect" Sasha moans gently >Both of them begin kissing gently down your body until they reach your engorged memeber >"Oooo Look Trish, no Barbs on it, I told you Humans were great" >Trish Doesn't respond but instead lick up and down it with her raspy yet soft tongue >Sasha not wanting to be outdone Takes the head into her mouth >Her paws rub up your body >You slide your hand and interlock your fingers with hers as she takes your cock deeper into her mouth >Trish continues to lick up and down >Sasha pops your member out of her mouth and without hesitation Trish takes it into her >She begins bobbing up and down gently as Sasha licks gently at your balls >"You lock your other hand with Trish's Paw as her movements begin going faster >She bobs her head up and down on you only pausing to move her white hair out of her face >Sasha lifts her head and with her free paw pulls Trish into a kiss over the head of your shaft, both of their tongues dance around and all over it >Sasha then takes your cock back into her mouth and pushes herself until her wet nose is pressed against you >"Mhmmmm keep Going Sis show him, what you can do" Trish moans in encouragement >Sasha stays with your cock in her throat for a moment Before lifting her head up then pushing all the way back down >Trish licks up and down your shaft matching her sister movements >Each time Sasha pushes her head down you feel her throat tighten around your head and her tongue coil along your shaft >"S-sasha im gonna c-" >Right as you feel your going to release Sasha slips your shaft out of her mouth >"Nooot Yet Anon!" >Both girls begin licking and taking turns gently kissing and sucking the head of your shaft >"Can I get it Sis?' Moans Trish, her breasts pressed against your thigh >"Mhm but share with me~" >Trish's mouth envelops you with its warm wetness >Her tongue dances and coils around your shaft as she moves her head like a piston on you >You feel your legs twitching involuntarily as you near you limit >"Ooo look at how he twitches sister, he's so close" >"Mhmmm" Trish purrs with you still in her mouth >"Give it to her Anon" Sasha Moans Kissing your inner thigh >The sugar coated words Push you over the limits and you paint the inside of Trish's mouth white with your seed >Her tongue runs up and down and she sucks gently trying to get every last drop of it >Sasha Interrupts and pushes her way to Trish's mouth while using her free paw to pull Trish into a deep kiss >Your hands still interlocked in their paws, they break from the kiss and look to you >"Ready for the real deal Anon~" Sasha Cooes >"You got him in your mouth first Trish, I get to feel him in me!" >Sasha clambers up slowly and its now you can see how wet they both are >Warm liquids drops freely from their nethers >Sasha climbs on top of you and Trish lays next to you, kissing you and rubbing her paws over your chest >You feel Sasha hold your shaft and position in against her sweltering wetness >With a slight gasp, she lowers herself onto you >Her slick insides clamp and writhe around your member >"S-so big!" She gasps before bracing herself with her paws on your chest >She slowly begins pumping up and down on you >Trish kisses and rubs against your neck while moaning words of encouragement to her sister >"Mmmm Faster Sasha, you always said Human cocks were best~" She moans half to you and half to Sasha >You grab both of Sasha paws and interlock your fingers with her >Trish presses her breasts into your face >"Come on Anon bite my nipples, suck them, be rough!" >You move your head in circles searching for her nipples in the sea of soft fluff while beginning to buck into Sasha's Shuddering wetness >At last you find Trish's Nipple and bite down gently earning a gasp >"Mmm harder Anon, come on!" >You buck harder into Sasha and feel her walls clamping down harder >Sasha being Moving fast and hard like a piston on you >"G-give it to Me Anon! FILL ME P-PLEASE" >Her claws dig into your hands as her body shivers and shakes, Her insides tensing up tight around you >The added tightness send you over the edge and you erupt inside her pussy painting it white >"Ooooo yes Anon, that felt Great~" Sasha Moan with satisfaction >"Hope you arent done yet Lower boy~ My turn" Trish whispers seductively into your ear >You weren't don't by a longshot Epilogue >You had given up trying to find Bigfoot again >Nearly dying kinda ruined it for you >The twins invited you to join them on their homestead, and you happily accepted >You had been considering moving up here anyway >The research you now did was on Human-anthro interactions in secluded areas >The university was all in, there was zero research done on how humans and Anthros got along in secluded areas >You had funding and gained a little respect >Trish was her usual self- graceful and elegant in her hunts >Sasha enjoyed pampering you hen she wasn't building some new thing to ease the day to day grind >And you helped however you could >You almost wanted to thank the Bigfoot for nearly killing you >Because every night you got to fall asleep holding hands with 2 beautiful ladies ~FIN~