[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKrAH7Y1Qww] >Ah, Wonderland Theatre. >This place used to be the biggest, most popular cinema in town... but that was ages ago. Nowadays it's just an abandoned building, rotting and crumbling away on the outskirts of town. >Most people would stay away from a place like this. >You, of course, aren't most people. You explore places like this for the hell of it, then take pics to share with other enthusiasts online. It's not a glamorous hobby, but it's nice to have something relaxing to do after a long work week. >As you step into the ruined lobby, you cast the beam of your flashlight around the dark room. A small group of old arcade cabinets rest in the corner, the games they once held likely unplayable now. >The counter that once held countless snacks within now only displays rat droppings... oh, and a rat skeleton or too as well. Charming. Even the popcorn machine lies in a mangled heap. >You vaguely wonder if someone was audacious enough to loot this old place... what would they even find of value in a forgotten movie theatre? >You snap a few photos of the old snack bar, then meander towards the actual theatres. Some ads for movies that have long since seen re-releases, sequels, reboots, and prequels decorate the halls, as if the walls themselves longed for the good old days. The velvet ropes once used by the staff now lie chewed in two, victims of rodents and moths. >Theatre 1. Theatre 2. Both empty, full only of ruined chairs and a torn screen. >But... Theatre 3 is different. >The screen here is intact, some seats left remarkably untouched. It's an odd sight amongst all the rot and weathering this place has underwent over the years. >For the sheer novelty of it, you take a seat in one of the intact chairs, kicking your feet up as you take some photos. >Your heart lurches when a voice speaks. >"Good afternoon. We here at Wonderland Theatre would like to remind you that flash photography and video recording are prohibited during showtime. Please silence all cellphones and power off all other devices." >It's a pre-recorded message. But... why is THAT still working? Nobody's been here for decades... the monotone, male voice continues. >"Our show will begin momentarily. In order to ensure your safety, please refrain from looking into the projector room during the presentation. The light is very powerful, and may cause severe eye strain. We recommend keeping your eyes forward at all times. If you suffer any eye injuries resulting from looking into the projector, please tell your nearest staff member, and we will happily escort you out of the theatre to rest your eyes. Thank you, and enjoy the show." >Huh. That's... an odd message, but alright. You kick back, chuckling a bit at the misplaced message, but immediately find your laughter grinding to a halt when the projector comes on. >A few previews for old classics pop up, the film scores sounding tinny and crackly, but recognizable. The actual visual quality, however, is absolutely abysmal. Everything is muddy, cloudy, and it seems the film is covered in scratches. >But, that's not your main concern... >You're wondering who the hell is operating the projector. >Well, only one way to find out. You hop up from your seat, phone in hand, and start heading for the projector room. >Once your hand touches the door handle, the automated voice chimes in again. >"We would like to remind our moviegoers that the projector room is for staff only. Please return to your seat." >Undeterred, you open the door anyway. An alarm sounds as the film stops rolling. A brilliant light shines in your face, blinding you for a moment. >"Please, return to your seat now." >You reach into your pocket and put on your sunglasses, then open your eyes again. There's nothing in front of you but a beaten up projector that doesn't even look capable of running. >"The projector room is for staff only. Please return to your seat now." >That voice sounds like it's coming from in here... >The whole room is aclutter with boxes, ruined furniture, film reels, popcorn buckets... it's just a mess altogether, really. >You continue into the room, taking a look at the projector. Not only is the lens utterly shattered, there's no film inside... >The voice repeats itself again, and you look around in hopes of finding the source. You don't see anything, but you do hear... footsteps? >...is someone else in here? >"...hello?" >The automated message immediately halts with the sound of a cassette tape shutting off. That brilliant light fills the room once more as a different message speaks up. >"The theatre is now closed. Please make your way to the exits now. Have a nice evening." >"Is someone here? I'm just taking pictures, no need to worry." >"..." >"If you want to show the movie, I'll watch, but only if I can get some answers afterward." >"...please return to your seat now." >"Alright, can do." >You obey the voice and take a seat. The movie immediately resumes, with the mysterious operator kindly skipping the previews. >Though you don't recall the name, you've seen this old action movie before. Nothing spectacular, nor really even memorable... but it IS spectacularly cloudy and illegible. >The sound is nigh incomprehensibly garbled. >Eventually, about halfway through the movie, the film simply comes to an abrupt halt. There's nothing but silence for a while, then an audible sigh from the projector room. >"Please return to- the projector room- now." >Judging by the loud clicks, it seems your mysterious friend is splicing messages together now. Cute. >Well, might as well get some answers. You head back up to the projector room, flashlight in hand. >This time, the room is actually lit. How did someone manage to get the lights working in this old place...? >The projector is more obviously broken now, coated in enough dust it can't POSSIBLY have been used lately. You hear ragged breathing from within the room's depths. >There doesn't seem to be anyone here, though... >"Hello?" >The automated voice plays again. >"Welcome- please take a moment- in preparation of- the presentation. This presentation may frighten small children and the faint at heart; viewer discretion is advised." >"Okay?" >There's a long, shuddering breath, then a tall, lean figure limps out of the darkness. Your heart stops for a moment, your blood runs cold. >Looking down at you with a mixture of fear and sorrow is a red-furred fox woman. But, that sells her short by... a lot. >One eye is green, its pupil fixed on you. The other eyesocket is occupied by the barrel and lens of a movie projector. A baleful yellow light emits from the projector lens intermittently. >One of her ears is torn off nearly flush with her head, the other intact but drooping at the tip. Long, matted hair of a dark red flows down from the top of her head. >Her bottom jaw is entirely metal, bearing an uncomfortable resemblance to half of a beartrap; it's absolutely caked in rust. Some oil leaks from the corner of her mouth. >A few small metal plates are shoddily riveted to her neck, as if to support it. Below that, one shoulder has a few irregular, angular bits of rusty metal jutting out from it. >Apparently embedded into her chest, just above a rather out-of-place pair of small, perky breasts, is what seems to be an antique, vacuum-tube style radio, complete with an array of knobs. >One of her arms looks mostly normal, if bent inverse to how an arm SHOULD bend; the other disturbingly has a small wooden plank nailed to it like a barbaric splint. Despite this, it seems she can move the arm fine, thanks to the board ending just shy of her elbow. >More rusted plates of metal are bolted to her stomach, alongside a few surgical scars and patches of discolored fur. A broken, twitching tail fidgets uncomfortably behind her. >A rather shapely pair of hips offsets long, slender legs. One leg seems to bear a crude metallic kneecap replacement, while the other bears a plank exactly like the one on her arm. >The woman sighs deeply, then speaks in her own voice, a voice with a sort of robotic filter to it. >"Welcome to the horror show. Feel free to run, anytime." >Despite your fear, your concerns come before your flight instinct. >"My god. D-do you need help?" >She laughs, a bitter, metallic sound not helped by her jaw loudly snapping open and shut. >"Please. You don't care. You're like the others, bargaining with the monster. Just go, run away. I can see you want to so badly, so do it." >"N-no, I... what happened? Who did this?" >She narrows her eye impatiently. >"Neither of those are your concern, now are they? Go." >"Ma'am, I don't want to run. I just want to talk; I've never seen anything like you before." >"HAH! Never heard that one before. Would you please just... go? Come on, now, I can see you shaking. I'm giving you an out, take it." >You swallow your fear, fighting your tremors. >"No, it's fine. I'm not running away." >She rolls her eye, gritting her teeth with a piercing, metallic shriek. >"Fffine. Oh, you're so brave, facing the terrifying monster head on. I bet your buddies will be so impressed." >"What?" >"This ain't my first rodeo. I know you're probably buzzed and in here on a cheap dare. Tell you what, I'll give you a little scratch on the arm, you can run and show it off. You get to look cool, I get you out of my hair, everyone wins. Sound good?" >"I'm not here on a dare, and I already told you I'm not running away." >"Boy, you're stubborn, huh. Whatever. Stay, go ahead. I can smell your fear, though; you'll run eventually. They all do." >"...how long have you been here?" >"Like I've kept count of the years." >"...are you... real?" >"You tell me." >She reaches out and brushes your cheek with rusty metal claws, sending a chill down your spine. >She's real. >Swallowing another wave of fear, you take a seat on a dented, rusted chair nearby. >"So, uh, do you have a name?" >"Boy, you're really committed to this bit, huh. Alice." >"Nice to meet you, Alice. I'm Anon." >"Yeah, yeah, hi. Now just go, for pete's sake. You're practically shaking yourself apart." >"I'm scared, yes, but more importantly, I'm concerned about you, and I want to help." >"I'm fine, so you can go." >She cringes for a moment, then spits a gob of oil on the floor. >"...you don't SEEM fine." >"Well, I am. So, go. >"I'm sorry, but I can't in good conscience leave you here." >"Look. I've been here for years without help, what makes you think I need it now? Especially from you, some bozo who barged into this theatre for no reason." >"I had a reason: I explore abandoned places and share pictures of them online." >"Oh, that's a brilliant reason to trespass. I'm sure the police would L O V E that excuse." >She stiffens up as her radio crackles to life, then speaks again... in a male voice you recognize from a TV show about the police. >"Sir, you are under arrest for trespassing." >There's a loud fizzle and pop of static as the knobs on the radio adjust themselves, then Alice speaks in YOUR voice. >"I had a reason: I explore abandoned places and share pictures of them online." >Another pop, and it's back to the cop's voice. >"You have the right to remain silent." >Her radio turns off, and she returns to her own voice. >"Anyway... if you're taking pictures, you better not snap one of me. Take as many as you want of the theatre, but keep me out of it." >"You have my word... but why show yourself at all if you want to be kept a secret?" >She belts out with more bitter laughter. >"Please. I don't care about secrets. I DO care about my image being plastered on the internet to be mocked and feared..." >"Why show the film if you want me to leave?" >"Because I have had several intruders sit, watch the film, and leave. I've also had several run in fear the moment 'the manager' started talking. I only rarely have anyone stay afterwards." >"I see." >She rubs her temples, sighing. >"Is that all? Will you go now?" >"No, I still want to help." >"No, you don't. Just like every single person to come here, you wanted to see this through, see the monster behind the movies. You've done it, I've thoroughly scared you, so you can go. You're only pretending to care because you think it's what I want to hear." >"No, you're wrong. I DO care. You clearly need help, regardless of what you say." >She grabs a nearby phone with a gravely, robotic snarl. >"I will dial 911 in a heartbeat." >"Do it. At least they'll help you." >Alice glares with her one eye, her projector glowing a vivid red now. She mutters under her breath before angrily chucking the phone receiver across the room. >"BAH. Fine, fine. WHAT is it you think you can do for me, anyway? Since you're so insistent." >"I... don't know where to start, beyond just hearing your story. I WOULD like to help you not see yourself as a monster, though." >"Ha, that's a laugh. Look at me, Anon. I'm a nightmare on legs." >She slowly spins around, revealing more "additions" on her back. >A hand crank not unlike those on particularly old machines juts out from her lower back awkwardly. >A large metal plate is unevenly riveted on, covering the space between her shoulderblades inelegantly. Attached to this plate is a metal catch you realize is similar to those used to hold film reels in a projector. >She reaches up to the back of her head and parts her hair like curtains over a stage. A wire begins at the base of her neck, then seems to grotesquely burrow just beneath the skin and travel up to the back of her skull, where a large, very visible scar sits. >Alice finishes spinning and nods roughly. >"See? A monster." >"That's not true. If you were a monster, you'd have attacked me." >"Whatever. I'm horrific enough to have you quaking right now." >"Even so, I want to help. Even if only by being here to listen." >Alice's expression softens slightly. >"...alright. You can stay. Don't expect this to be a touchy-feely, 'the true beauty is inside' therapy deal, alright? I don't need that." >"Understood." >Alice nods stiffly. >"Good. I've had enough armchair shrinks in here, I don't need more wannabe Freuds lying to my face to make themselves feel smarter." >"...okay. Uh, what DO you need, then? Are you hurting?" >She sighs. >"Everything used to hurt. But, now, not so much. ...don't get all mushy on me, I'm fine now, alright? Just... just get a little achey sometimes." >Almost unconsciously, she runs a hand over some of the metal plates scattered over her torso, wincing. She stops when she sees your concern, narrowing her eye again. >"Oh, please. It's gonna take more than some aches to get me down. Get that look off your face." >"S-sorry. Uh... do you need repairs? Medicine? Food?" >"No, no, and uh..." >She puts on a thoughtful look. >"...huh. I don't really... NEED to eat... but I like the sound of getting some grub. Then again, there was last time... nah, I'm good on food too. So, that's a no on all fronts." >"Well... could I take a look at that scar on your head?" >She snarls, baring steel teeth. >"Touch it and I'll give you a matching one." >"Okay, okay; sorry. I would like to hear your story, though, if you'll share it." >"Nah. Not interested in opening old wounds up just to sate some rando's curiosity. ...but, uh, I guess thanks for being so concerned?" >"Can I be honest, Alice? I'm conflicted here. You say you need nothing and don't want me here, but you called me into this room and haven't actually MADE me leave yet... Do you think I'm being dishonest with you? I swear, I just want to help. I know I've just met you, but I'm concerned about your health." >She stares silently, her eye searching your face as if gauging how truthful you are. You squint painfully when she shines a blast of light in your face, then dims it once more. >Eventually, Alice sighs deeply. She limps into the back of the room, then drags a surprisingly immaculate cot out. Slowly, awkwardly, she lies down on her side, keeping her eye fixed on you cautiously. >"...alright. I can see you're not lying to me. You'd have run by now, they always do. Even if you ARE lying, I'm not going to chase you when you do run." >"Thank you for believing me." >"Yeah, yeah..." >She stiffly adjusts herself a bit, eventually leaning uncomfortably on her inversely-bent arm with a mild grimace. >"Heh... it's funny. You're the first one to actually... talk. You didn't just try and talk AT me, but you're talking TO me. I... appreciate that. I guess I owe you an apology for being so hostile... but, in my defense, I've dealt with a lot of shit in my life. Pardon me if hostile is my default response at this point..." >"It's fine. Really." >She again shifts uncomfortably, letting out a little groan of pain as her arm audibly pops a bit. >"You wanted to know my story, right? Not much to say. I was a regular gal, had a nice job, got away from my overbearing parents... Life was pretty alright. Then... then came the wreck. Heh..." >A small tear forms in her eye. >"...have you ever seen a semi and a motorcycle collide head-on? It's not pretty. Even worse is uh..." >She casts her eye up and down you again, thoughtfully. >"...you know about the Merge, yeah? Otherworlders coming to the human world and all." >You nod, and she follows suit. >"Right. Well, this was before that, back when my kind weren't really a thing in your world. I came here to cruise new roads, and got in an accident. Heh... human doctors didn't know what to do with me. Like putting together a jigsaw you've lost the box for. They did what they could, I guess. Then... well, I don't wanna talk about THAT. It all ended up in, well, this." >She stiffly gestures at her body, frowning. >"...Alice, are you... dead?" >"What? No, I'm not dead, geez. I'm talking to you, aren't I? And I'm not a ghost either. I'm as alive as you are." >"But, you don't eat and don't remember how long you've been here?" >"I don't eat because I don't have the equipment to do that. I don't need it to live, so it works out, I guess. I know I've been here at LEAST like... 15ish years? Probably longer." >"I'm sorry to hear that. I'd hug you, but..." >"...yyyyyeah, maybe a rain check on that. The old boiler plates are achey today." >"...how did you end up here, anyway?" >She shrugs, causing her arm to fold in unnaturally. Her head, now unsupported, falls to the cot roughly, with her grunting in frustration and discomfort. >"H-hey. This is gonna sound really stupid, but, can you grab my arm and prop it back up while I raise my head? It's just easier with help." >Alice slowly raises her head back up, and you gingerly prop her arm under it once more. >"Thanks. That happens sometimes... you get used to it..." >"...15 years, huh. I haven't heard about anyone living here." >"That's because I told every single intruder not to say a word about me. I just want to be left alone, not gawked at for being such a freakish monster." >"I'm not here to gawk." >"Yeah, I know. You... you seem different than the others. Thanks." >She shifts about on her cot again, sighing a little. >"Mmf. Hard to get comfy tonight..." >Alice eventually settles in an awkward, uncomfortable-looking position, nodding. >"...there we go." >"Glad to see you get settled. ...Alice, why the tough act earlier?" >For a moment, she actually looks a bit sad, but it passes. >"Bah. I've heard so many people scream in terror at the sight of me. So many cries of "MONSTER" or "KILL IT WITH FIRE!" So many schemes to use me or my image for profit... it's just hard to believe someone is here, talking to me, with no ulterior motive. And, to be blunt, I'm still not entirely sure about you." >"I get that, but I want you to know I'm being honest. Tell you what: ask me anything you wanna know." >She stares silently, eye seaching your face once again. >"Alright. Where do you work?" >"Customer service at a hardware store." >She makes a disgusted sound, sticking out her tongue; it's black as tar, and appears to be artificial... rubber? >"Uggh. I hate working with the public. I was the manager at a fast food joint for years. Alright, next one: where are you from?" >"I live on the other end of town, in an apartment complex." >"Mm. Uh... so, you said you were taking pictures of the theatre, right?" >"Yeah, I explore places like this and share photos online." >"Hey, everyone has a hobby. ...I, uh... I can't think of anything else right now." >She yawns, jaw creaking ominously. >"Damn, it's late. You heading out?" >"Yeah, I should... you wanna join me?" >Genuine confusion crosses her face. >"...what?" >"Do you want to come home with me? My apartment is big enough for two, and I don't want to leave you here." >She slowly rises up from her cot, still looking confused. The projector lens glows several different colors, as if even the lights are baffled. >"You mean, you're inviting a monster you literally just met... to come home with you?" >"Well, you're no monster, but yes." >Alice looks thoughtful for a moment, staring at you questioningly. >"...I-I don't need your help..." >"Are you sure about that?" >She angrily hops up, lunging forward with a snarl, only to crash to the floor loudly when her knee gives way. You immediately help her up. >"...th-thanks. I... I guess I could tag along for a day or two. That's ALL, though. I'm not staying forever, alright? I have my pride." >"Whatever you're comfortable with." >"Your car's outside, right? I'll meet you out th-" >She steps forward and almost immediately collapses again. Pure rage is evident on her face. >"DAMMIT! Stupid fucking knee..." >"Do you want me to carry you?" >"NO. I'M FINE." >Alice picks herself up, then slowly, cautiously steps forward, managing to hold her balance this time. She makes it out of the room, then finally seems to hit her stride, walking almost normally barring a slight limp. >Once you make it to the door, she tentatively pokes her head outside. >"Brr... rainy out there." >"Wanna borrow my coat?" >"Huh? Y-you don't have to do-" >You interrupt the vixen by draping the garment over her. Considering the height difference, it doesn't cover all of her, but it helps. >She puts on a blank expression for a moment. >"...you didn't have to do that." >"It's fine. I wanted to. Let's get you in the car." >You lead Alice to your vehicle, and, with great difficulty, load her into the backseat. She lounges on her side awkwardly, folding her legs in a bit. >"Ready to go?" >"Yeah, I guess. Little cramped in here, isn't it?" >"Sorry. You aren't too uncomfortable, are you?" >"Meh. Not the worst I've been. At least the aching let up a bit. Can you take it easy on bumps and shit?" >"Of course. Got a favorite radio station?" >"Yeah. Hold on." >You glance back to see her twiddling the knobs on her integrated radio; it crackles to life, then slowly zeroes in on a station you haven't heard before. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iT78OqNrOY] >"...they, uh... they usually play better shit than this. ...meh, it's not awful, anyway." >Her sound quality is pretty terrible, full of pops and crackling... but at least she seems to be enjoying the music, judging by her quietly tapping her claws along to the rhythm. >She eventually tries whistling along, only to immediately stop when you join in. >"Hey, Alice: do you wanna stop and get something to eat and maybe a first aid kit?" >"Nah. Let's just get to your place, alright? Like I said, it's cramped back here." >"Gotcha." >With that, you drive to your apartment uneventfully. It's only when you arrive that you remember something important: >Your place is on the 5th floor. >Alice slides out of the backseat, rubbing her back and eyeing up your apartment building. >"Hm. Not a bad looking place. Where's your apartment?" >"...the fifth floor." >Her pupil dilates as concern overtakes her previous apathetic look. >"...well then. Guess we'd better get moving..." >She sighs and begins limping towards the building. >"Hey, Alice... do you want me to carry you?" >"NO, I don't. I can still walk, y'know." >As if out of spite, her metallic knee audibly pops, making her wince. Nonetheless, she continues her march towards the elevators. >You carefully lead her into the lift, then head up to your floor. When the doors open, Alice steps out, then halts, yawning again. >"Tired?" >"Yeah, a bit..." >"That's fine, you can just crash when we get inside." >She nods and mutters thanks as you unlock your apartment. You hold the door open, waiting patiently as the broken fox drags herself inside. >She looks around your plain, unassuming home with visible exhaustion. >"Mmm, nice place... where can I sleep?" >"Well, my bedoom's back th-" >She immediately beelines for your room. Rather than stop her, you simply follow her. >Alice collapses onto your bed, stomach first, only to let out an uncomfortable whimper and hastily shuffle about. She eventually works her way to laying on her side, sighing in relief. >Without another word, Alice closes her eye and seems to fall asleep in minutes. You smile, turn out the lights, and head off to make up the fold-out bed inside your couch. >You quickly get ready for bed, leaving the bathroom light on for your guest, then burrow under the covers on your couch-bed. >You lay awake for a bit, processing the events of today... it's still hard to believe. >Who would've thought that not only was the theatre inhabited, but by someone like Alice? How is she alive with all her radical augmentations? How long has she actually been alone? Who did this too her, and why? >...why does she still unnerve you a bit? >Indeed, thinking of your twisted guest fills you with a visceral chill, alongside your heartfelt pity for her. Her nightmarish visage isn't her fault, and hell, it seems to be a sore point for HER as well. >You only hope she'll start warming up to your help soon... >From your bedroom, you hear quiet groans of discomfort. You creep over to the ajar door, seeing Alice lying unevenly on her back, propped up by that mysterious handcrank. >You gently roll her back onto her side, silencing her groans. A tiny smile forms on her face as she nuzzles up against your pillow. >Satisfied, you return to the couch and lay back down. It doesn't take long to fall asleep. >You dream of... the theatre. An old black and white cartoon plays onscreen, starring a toony version of yourself and a far more realistically drawn Alice. >The fox chases after your toony clone in several goofy ways before he finally retaliates with a prank of his own, beaning her with a baseball. >The ball smashes into her lens painfully with a horrible CRASH. >The dream slowly fades to black as the toon Alice menacingly lurches towards the toon you. You see her snap his neck just as you wake up in a cold sweat. >You reach up and feel your neck, heart pounding, then breathe deeply to calm yourself. >It was just a nightmare. Nothing to worry about. You're just shaken is all. >Alice would've already hurt you if she wanted to. She's not gonna do something like that. >You eventually get a grip on yourself, then glance at the clock. >3 AM. >Still perturbed a bit, you peek in on your guest again. >Her projector eye is on, idly shining a dim light on the wall opposite her face. She gently rubs her cheek against your pillow, mouth hanging open slightly. A little oil has visibly stained the pillowcase... >...look at her. There's no way she's going to harm you. >Satisfied, albeit still vaguely shaken, you lie back down. >Tomorrow morning, you'll upload your theatre pics, minus any that may have Alice in them... >...and maybe see what you can do for your guest. >Thankfully, restful, dreamless sleep comes this time. You awake feeling decently refreshed, anyway. >Judging by the quiet snoring, Alice is still asleep. You gently close her door and get ready for the day. >Once you get dressed, you take a seat on the couch, thinking about your new guest's situation. >Has this happened to anyone else...? >You're still not entirely certain what it is that HAPPENED to Alice, but it's certainly horrific. >You pull out your phone and start Googling. >...after a few hours, you give up. Nothing matches her description outside of fictional works. >Oh well... >You gently peek in on the still-sleeping vixen. >She fitfully kicks and fidgets in her sleep, whimpering pitifully. Her joints creak and pop occasionally as she does so. >Eventually, she lets out a scream of terror, eye still closed tightly. >"N-nooooo! PLEASE, NO!" >Must be a nightmare. Poor thing. >Alice breathes rapidly, her fidgeting intensifying, and rapidly mutters "No" under her breath. >You carefully stoop down and place a hand on her shoulder, whispering to her. >"alice, wake up; it's okay, it's just a dream." >You gingerly shake her slightly, repeating yourself a few times. >With an earsplitting scream, she opens her eye, obviously panicked. She stares at you for a moment, then suddenly lunges, her metal jaw snapping shut mere inches from your face. >Alice blinks a few times, then retreats, panting. Copious amounts of oil pour from the corners of her mouth as she watches you, bewildered. >"Wh- h-huh? A-Anon? The hell..." >The vixen rubs her head in confusion, slowly rising to a seated position as her body creaks in indignation. >"Are you alright? Sounded like you were having a nightmare." >Terror is still evident in her eye, but she grumbles in exasperation. >"Hmph. N-nothing I couldn't handle myself. ...but thank you." >"No problem. Sleep well?" >"Actually... yeah. Better than I have in a while, to tell the truth." >"Does that happen often?" >"Huh?" >"You, uh... you screamed." >"...the hell are you talking about, I didn't scream." >"But..." >"A-and if I DID scream, maybe I just had a vivid dream. That happens a lot. B-but I didn't, so there." >You smile patiently. >"Alce, it's okay to be afraid of-" >She snarls loudly. >"HEY. I am NOT afraid." >You gently place a hand on her shoulder, and she pointedly grabs it and moves it away. >"...aaaanyway, how would you like some breakfast?" >"Hm. Nahh. I don't really wanna give myself a stomachache right now. Thanks anyway." >She stretches, wincing when her back pops quietly, and steps out of bed, limping into your dining room. She roughly collapses into a chair, yawning. >"Well, do you at least want coffee or something?" >"No thanks." >You shrug and fix yourself breakfast and a cuppa joe, then sit across from the moody vixen. >You sip your drink and smile warmly. Alice hesitantly returns a small grin. >"So, what did you do in the theatre all day?" >"Mm, nothing, really. Watched old movies. The arcade games used to work, but they crapped out after a few years. It got... boring, man." >"I'm sure." >She sighs deeply, looking reflective. >"...damn. I used to hit the road every day, cruising, seeing the world... now look at me. I couldn't ride a tricycle, much less a hog." >"Well, I could take you sightseeing if you want?" >She perks up slightly, actually looking a bit enthusiastic for once. >"Hell yeah, I'd be down for that; maybe we can go in a little while?" >"Sure. Sounds fun to me." >She smiles a bit wider, then catches herself, frowning a little. >"...hm. I need to get some of this oil taken care of." >"You can use my shower, if you like?" >"Thanks. Thank fuck these augs are waterproof... err, mostly anyway. The plates have, uh, rusted a bit." >She limps off to your bathroom, and you hear the water start. >...a sudden burst of inspiration strikes. You should try sneaking a teddy bear or something into bed for her. That'd probably help her keep calmer... >You start brainstorming what stuffed animal she may like, only to stop when you hear a loud THUD from your bathroom, followed by a stream of expletives. >You leap from your chair, then stop yourself. >Smothering her will just make her upset. She's already gotten frustrated with your help a few times now... >You sit back down, listening for any other signs of distress. >Alice swears loudly for a bit longer, then you hear her claws scrape against the glass of the shower door, presumably the sound of her climbing back into a standing position. >She lets out a triumphant little chuckle, then falls silent. Eventually, she starts whistling a tune, only for another crash to interrupt her. >This time, there's no swears, only a cry of what sounds like frustation... and a bit of despair. >You run in to check on her. >Alice is laying in a heap on the floor of the shower, limbs bent uncomfortably. >She looks up at you with tears in her eyes. >"....c-can you h-help me up, Anon?" >Without hesitation, you do just that. She stands shakily with your help, eyes still misty. >"...th-thank you." >She sighs deeply and hangs her head, then steps out of the shower, quickly towelling off. >"Alice, are you alright?" >She fixes her eye on you, looking annoyed. >"Y-yeah I'm alright! Geez, man, it was just a fall... just one of thousands over the years..." >She sighs again, annoyance trading out for melancholy. >"....thanks again. Sorry to bother you. I'm good now, really." >Alice puts on a thoughtful look, sighing again. >"...hey. I know I'm a pain in the ass to deal with. Thanks for... for putting up with me." >"Alice, you aren't a pain. I honestly just want to help you out. I absolutely don't mind lending a hand." >She nods curtly, adopting her old attitude once again. >"Well, d-don't get used to it. I'm not incapable, I can handle things myself. ...m-mostly..." >"Alice..." >"Ohhhh no, don't start pitying me. I don't need or want that." >"I'm not pitying you. I actually ADMIRE you. Look at it like this: you've lived alone like this for at least 15 years. That's pretty amazing. You had the strength to get through all this; not many people could match that willpower." >She puffs her chest out proudly, baring steel fangs in a grin. >"Hell yeah I'm tough. And that's why you don't have to worry about helping me so damn much, alright? I got this." >"I getcha. But... don't be ashamed to ask for help if you need it. There's no shame in getting help with things that physically pain you to do." >"...thanks, but I'm really fine, alright? I'll hit you up if I need help, but don't hold your breath on that. I'm perfectly capable of-" >Alice takes a step and slips, falling on her rump hard enough to rattle the mirror. >"...o-ow..." >You reach a hand down to help her, prompting a glare. >"I. GOT. IT." >She reaches up for the counter and shakily pulls herself up... only for her arm to give out, making her collapse onto her knees now. Snarling, she uses her other arm this time, getting the same result. >In a white hot rage, she cranes her neck and bites down on the counter, struggling to pull herself up slightly. She eventually opens her mouth, letting herself fall into a heap once again. >Alice curses quietly before hesitantly reaching for your hand. You gladly help her up and to the couch, where she collapses roughly. >"Sigh... thanks." >She stares down at the floor sadly for a while, sitting in silence. >"...I miss it, Anon. My old life. Back when I could cruise the roads without a care. Back when it didn't ache to breathe some days. Back when I could see from BOTH eyes. Back when... when I was a person, rather than a freak of nature." >She sighs again, a nostalgic look in her eye. >"Heh... I loved that bike. Kept her in tip-top shape myself, handled all the maintenance and everything. I went out almost every day... and I REALLY hit the road on weekends. Heheh... I remember riding with these real weird bitches once... I don't remember their names, but it was a hell of a ride, the five of us." >She laughs a little bitterly. >"And now, I'll never get to relive that. I'll never ride another bike..." >A small tear wells up in her eye. Her metal jaw quivers violently. >"..." >Alice bursts into tears properly, sobbing loudly. >You slowly move over to the couch, sitting next to the crying vixen. You gently wrap an arm around her, only for her to roughly throw it off. >Instead of hugging, you go for a simple headpat, running your fingers through her matted hair slowly. Your fingers gently rub against her ear as well, the soft fur tickling your skin. >Alice sobs incoherently, unable to say anything. >That's okay. You can still be here for her. >You continue rubbing her head gently, and she slowly scoots closer to you. Eventually, she leans against you, the metal embedded in her neck scraping against yours gently. >She breathes deeply a few times, trying to regain her composure, but fails as another wave of sorrow strikes. >Alice buries her face in your shoulder, her steel jaw poking you sharply. You hold the line, still petting her calmly. >"Alice. I know it's not the same, but we can take my car out anytime you want." >She doesn't respond outside of pitifully placing a hand on your free shoulder and squeezing. Sensing she doesn't want to talk, you simply sit in silence, letting her slowly calm down. >Eventually, she pulls away from you, wiping tears and a torrent of oil from her face. >"....damn, I'm pathetic." >"No, you're not. You're a strong woman who's been through hell and back." >She freezes up, staring at you, and slowly returns to her usual stoic attitude. >"Damn straight. ....but, it ain't easy, Anon." >"I know, it can't be. That's what makes you so strong, though: you don't stop just because it's hard." >She blinks a few times, then roughly slides away from you, face inscrutable. >"R-right. Well, uh, you don't know me THAT well, so, uh, t-tone down the hero shit, alright? I'm just me. Alice." >"Well, Alice, is there anything you want to do in particular? We could go out, chill here, do some maintenance on your mechanical bits..." >"Hm... much as I'd like to cruise, probably not a bad idea to stay in and do a little work. Been losing a lotta oil today..." >"Yeah, I noticed. I'll help if you want, but you'll have to guide me. I don't really understand how your... body works." >You glance up and down her at this thought, and it sudden hits you like a truck: >She's been naked this whole time. >Granted, her fur censors anything TOO explicit, but she's still bare as can be. >...nope, nope. You're gonna ignore this revelation. She is in much too poor shape for you to even CONSIDER any sort of lewd thoughts. >Alice snickers a bit. >"Heheh... yeah, it's pretty weird. I know more or less what to do, but if I need help I can show ya." >"Gotcha. Just let me know, alright?" >She nods, but makes no motion otherwise. >"Meh. I was gonna go get started... but hell, might as well sit right here and do it." >She glances over at you, then stiffly rises and heads to the bathroom. >"N-never mind. I'll go in here..." >She closes the door behind her. >No sense in hovering over her; she knows herself better than you do. Besides, judging by her reaction, this is probably an embarassing process for her. >You DO, however, grab a little toolbox you keep around and set it by the bathroom door. >"Hey Alice, there's some tools out here if you need em." >She lets off an incomprehensible reply, then cracks the door ever so slightly, yanking the toolbox inside. A shudder runs down your spine as you see her bottom jaw sitting on the counter. >She immediately shuts the door again. >You shake off your chills and return to the couch. >After a while of silence, Alice speaks up, sounding embarassed. >"H-hey, Anon: could you run out and get some oil?" >"Sure; be back in just a bit." >You rush off to the store, returning as soon as possible with her oil. >"Got it; need any help?" >"No... I think I got it. Maybe. Just hand it in." >You comply with the fox's request. Her hand is absolutely coated in rust and oil... >You catch another glimpse of the countertop; now her projector barrel is sitting there, along with some assorted metal plates... >You again leave her to it. >Eventually, she staggers out of the room, looking somewhat less rusty, but still not exactly HEALTHY. >Alice collapses roughly on the couch with a relieved sigh. >"How do you feel?" >"Honestly, better. Haven't really gotten to clean the old augs that good in a while. Thanks." >"No problem." >She sits silently for a bit, then turns to you with a strange look on her face. >"Hey, uh... did you happen to, uh, see me? Like, with these parts off...?" >"I didn't, no. I did see your jaw and projector sitting on the table though." >"Ah. Well, good. I wouldn't wanna scare ya." >She smiles slightly, then returns to sitting quietly. >"Is there anything else you need, Alice?" >"Nahh... I just... kinda want to chill for a while. This is a comfy place you got here." >"Thanks; make yourself home." >She smiles wider and nods. >Suddenly, the TV signal goes out. Alice grumbles in frustration. >"Great. Now what are we gonna..." >Realization dawns on her face. >"...hey, Anon. Wanna watch a movie with me?" >"Sure, have something in mind?" >"Yeah... I brought a few movies from the theatre. I even have my favorite." >"...are they..." >"Film reels? Yeah. I'll have to project it, but that's no big deal." >"...is the lens clean? The picture was a bit muddy back at the theatre." >"Heh. Yeah, I cleaned it up. Lemme just get shit set up..." >Alice nonchalantly opens up a metal panel on her side, reaching inside herself, then pulls out a small film reel. She scoots forward and carefully loads it into the catch on her back. >With a nod, she turns her projector on. >She turns the barrel to focus the image, and soon an old black and white cartoon is playing on your bare wall. You've never seen this movie before... >"I love this toon. I knew a guy who collected merch and shit for it, a while back..." >The heroine of the toon, apparently a lynx or something, waves, and Alice briefly returns the gesture before putting her hand down, embarassed. >The picture is still pretty terrible, but it's better than before, anyway. >Alice smiles happily as the toon plays on, even leaning on you a bit, tipping the film sideways slightly. >Eventually, though, the movie ends. Alice smiles, sitting silently for a bit, then sighs, taking the reel out of its place. >"...man. I wish I could project it clearer... or with sound. Damn these old-ass augments... oh well." >She punches your shoulder with a grin. >"Whatcha want to do now, huh?" >"Wanna go on that drive we talked about?" >"Yeah, that sounds good to me. Let's get a move on." >She stretches and starts to walk off, only to backtrack and grab the panel she removed earlier. She grins sheepishly and hastily puts it back in place, then resumes limping to the door. >You quickly load her into the car, with her again laying in the backseat awkwardly. She props herself up so she can see out the window, then nods. >"Take off!" >And you do. You beeline for a scenic route you take all the time, taking care to avoid any bumps or potholes. >You pass through some rural areas, with rolling hills and lush pastures. Sheep and goats mill about aimlessly, and cows lazily lounge by a pond. >"Damn, this is a pretty nice town, huh? I feel like I musta drove through here once a long time ago. Feelin' that deja vu hard." >She sighs happily, watching the hills roll by. >"How long you been living here, Anon?" >"Since I was a kid." >"Nice. I'd've killed to live somewhere like this growing up; I lived in a big ol' city." >"Oh, really?" >"Yeah, uh, you ever been to Elsewhere?" >"Once or twice, yeah." >"Yep, that used to be home sweet home. Then, uh, then I moved to the theatre, y'know." >"...Alice, can I ask you something?" >"Huh? Shoot." >"...what's with the projection equipment?" >She stares at you in the rearview mirror, looking miffed, then sighs frustratedly. >"BAH. I didn't wanna talk about that today, but shit, might as well get it over with. When I had my wreck, human doctors tried really damn hard to fix me, but they couldn't. They did everything they could, and told me I had about a day or two left. That night, I woke up to someone hovering over me. Next thing I knew, I was... somewhere else. I was fixed... but also made into, well, this. A fucking hideous monster. The doc that did it was pretty nice, I guess, but the other staff members were all assholes. Then, the doc apparently fucked off, and the whole place went down the shitter. One guy helped me get outta there... and now here I am." >"Alice, I'm so sorry." >"For what?" >"All the hell you've been through." >"Bah, not your fault. As fucked as... this is, at least I'm alive. I guess. Technically." >"Technically?" >"Yeah. I'm pretty much more machine than woman now. But hey, I'm not in the grave, so, that's something." >"Did that guy just... abandon you at the theatre?" >"Nah. He got me out of the, uh... whatever you wanna call that place, I found my way here alone." >"Why not go back to Elsewhere?" >"I didn't know how to get there from here... and to be honest walking that far is a fucking ordeal. And like hell is anyone picking up a hitchhiker that looks like this." >"What about your family back in Elsewhere?" >"What ABOUT em? Mom passed on about a year before I wrecked, Dad fucked off when I was two." >"...I'm sorry to hear that." >"Ugggh, don't do that." >"What?" >"That pitying stuff. Don't pity me, alright? I'm fine." >"Like I said before, Alice, I admire your strength; hell, now I admire you even more. I don't pity you." >She nods curtly. >"Good. That said... thanks." >You continue cruising the rolling hills, eventually parking at the lookout point you've come to many times. It's always so peaceful, so beautiful out here... >You help Alice out of the car, and she limps over to the lookout point, staring out at the city lights. The streetlights glimmer, reflected in the lens of her projector. The vixen gently sits at the base of a nearby tree, grimacing a bit before settling into a more comfortable position. >You sit next to her, and she turns towards you for a moment, her eye narrowed. After a bit of silence, Alice smiles and scoots closer. >"Man. Ain't that a beautiful sight? You can see the whole damn town from here..." >"Yeah, I come here to chill sometimes." >"It's pretty nice, man; thanks for bringing me here, I guess." >Alice stretches, causing a cacophony of creaks and pops from every component of her body, then sighs. >"Mmf. Hey. I've been thinkin' a little. Sorry I've been kind of a bitch." >"You haven't been a-" >"I'ma stop you right there; I HAVE in fact been a bitch. I'll... try to rein it in, alright?" >"Whatever makes you happy." >She nods, grinning with steel teeth. >"Nice. ...heh, this town ain't really that different from some of the littler ones back home. Smaller than Elsewhere, though." >"Speaking of, do you wanna try heading back there?" >She laughs a little harshly. >"Heh! Nah. Nothing there for me. No family, my friends have probably all moved on or think I'm dead... may as well just stay here." >"...if you insist. I'll make things as comfortable as possible." >"Heh, alright, but don't forget this is a temporary arrangement, yeah?" >"Right, right..." >Alice chuckles again, then leans on you slightly. The two of you stare out across the city lights for a while, only stopping when you yawn. >"Heheh. Tired? That's fine, man. We can head back whenever. But, uh... d'you mind if we make a stop at the hardware store? I could use some metal polish..." >"Sure thing." >The two of you load into the car, then head off to the local hardware store. Your hometown apparently wasn't good enough for a Lowe's or a Home Depot, so you got, uh... Happy Hardware Kingdom. >Whatever. At least they have decent merch. >You get out of the car, and Alice motions for you to get her out as well. >"You want to go in too?" >"Uhhh, yeah? I'm not incapable of- OW, FUCK!" >Alice's knee bends the wrong way entirely with a sickening SNAP; she staggers and falls onto you, leaning her full weight on you. >"Ugggh... I-I still wanna g-go in. I'm not incapable..." >"Alice, I don't think you should be putting weight on that." >She snarls, gritting her teeth in obvious pain. A tear leaks from her eye despite an expression of determination contorting her face. >"Really? Well, I don't think you're my FUCKING mother! Just, just help me into the store, alright?" >"But-" >"JUST DO IT, FOR FUCK'S SAKE! I am NOT gonna let this stop me!" >You sigh, holding her surprisingly weighty form up as she cringes and gasps in pain just from moving the leg. >"Alice, we need to get that fixed." >"Whatever, we can do that later; let's just go get the metal polish, we can worry about the knee when we get- OH GOD- that squared away." >Exasperated and concerned, you hesitantly lead her into the hardware store. You realize a bit too late that she's gonna be very hard to explain to the staff here. >"Alice, at least let me lend you my coat." >"Fine, geez." >You drape the garment over her, obscuring most of her augments, then head into the store proper. She tries to pull away from you as soon as you get inside, only to almost collapse; you catch her and support her, to her apparent frustration. >A concerned staff member approaches. >"Uh... m-ma'am, do you need one of our wheelchairs?" >She affixes him with a withering glare, baring her teeth more than usual. >"NO. I. DON'T." >"Uhh, o-okay? Do we need to call an ambulance?" >"NO." >Helplessly, the employee turns to you; you wave him off hesitantly. As soon as he walks away, Alice shudders violently, again gritting her metal teeth painfully. >It takes only fifteen minutes to find and purchase the polish Alice needs. >However, considering her agony and increasingly bitter temperament, fifteen minutes may as well be a decade. >You eventually get her back to the car, with her letting a stream of swears fly as her knee snaps loudly once more. >"We're going to the hospital, right now." >"NO. Ifffff- fuck- if you take us even NEAR a hospital, I swear I will bite your damn fingers off. I. DO. NOT. NEED. HELP." >"Alice... why are you being so stubborn about this? Your knee just broke, twice from the sound of things, and you'd rather suffer through than get help? What's going on?" >She stares at you through a narrowed eye full of anger, then sighs roughly. >"Look. I appreciate your offers. I do. But I don't need the help!" >"But-" >"I KNOW ABOUT MY KNEE, DAMMIT!" >"Then why not get it fixed?" >"Because fuck getting help, that's why! Asking for help is just begging to get yourself screwed over." >"...what?" >Alice sighs again, her anger slowly giving way to a more pained tone of voice. >"Look, asking for help has only made things worse for me. Why the hell should I keep asking for more? It's better for me to just handle shit alone. I've made it this far, I'm not gonna let a bum knee stop me from-" >She interrupts herself with a sharp gasp of pain. Tears start flowing in earnest now as she desperately tries to find something to bite down on. Unfortunately, she settles for locking her jaw down on your car seat, the metal of her teeth puncturing the fabric easily. >Muffled screams of agony are the only sound she makes. >Alice eventually calms down, panting and groaning rather than screaming. >"Alice. I can only imagine the hell you went through to come out with that attitude towards help. But... right now, if you don't get some assistance, you could very seriously hurt yourself. You may end up being totally reliant on others, and I know you donmt want that. Let me take you to the hospital, AT LEAST so they can give you something for the pain." >"...but..." >"No, listen. I'm being serious here: you could end up crippled or even damage some vital organ if you don't stop pushing yourself so hard." >Alice weeps quietly. >"....I... don't wanna get help. I-I can do this..." >"You're a very strong person, but everyone has limits. I'm sorry." >Defeated, Alice sighs and nods. >"...ffffine. Let's just... go." >She stares out the window sadly, sniffling. >"There goes any independence I had..." >"No, I will gladly give you as much freedom as you like; we just need to get that knee fixed first." >"Anon, the hell are human doctors going to do for me?" >"I... if nothing else, they can give you painkillers." >She sighs again, falling silent for a while. >"...hey, Anon. ...thank you for... giving a damn. I still wish you wouldn't insist on going to the hospital, but... whatever. I do wanna say you were wrong on one thing, though." >"What's that?" >"It'd be hard for me to hurt any vital organs... because I don't really HAVE those anymore." >"...what?" >She nods, still letting out occasional gasps. >"Yeah. The doc... felt it best that anything internal that got damaged should be removed. Turns out, there wasn't a hell of a lot that DIDN'T get fucked in the crash." >"So..." >"So, hospitals maaaay not be much help. Yeah." >"Wh-what should I do then?" >"Well... uh... maybe you could just... fix it?" >"What?" >"Can't be that hard, r-right? The other knee's a fuckin metal hunk, surely you can fix this'n?" >"...Alice, are you still afraid to go get help?" >"No. I just... I don't know that a hospital can do much." >"Well, what if we just give it a shot?" >"UGH, come ON, Anon! Have faith in your own skills, man; I know you got it in you to fix this knee. Saves us the trip...!" >"...alright, fine. But if I fuck it up, hospital time." >"Done. I'll take those odds." >Hesitantly, you drive back home, then help Alice up to your apartment. It isn't an easy trek, to say the least. >Once you make it inside, Alice roughly collapses onto the couch, wincing and propping her leg on the coffee table. >"Ow, fuck! C-come help, Anon..." >She gives you a pleading glance, so you grab your toolbox and take a look. >A small metal panel sits at the back of her knee; you hesitantly remove it... >Inside is mostly metal scaffolding and such, with some plastic bits supporting it. What seems to be a sort of plastic clip has snapped, and you can see what appears to be a nerve pinched between the metal of her joint. >...was that clip keeping her nerve from getting caught in the machinery? >You carefully manipulate her leg to ease the pressure a bit, and she breathes a sigh of relief. >"Phew... th-that's already feeling better..." >You carefully dig out a metal clip from your toolbox, and set to work installing it. Alice smiles down at you from the couch as you kneel. >"You're doing great, thank you." >You nod and thank her, only for a blush to creep to your cheeks as you realize how close your face is to her... ahem. >You quickly avert your eyes and get back to work. >Unsure how this clip was originally set, you simply try what looks right, gently moving her nerve aside. Alice yelps and closes her eye, but slowly catches her breath once things are done. You carefully close her back up, and the vixen tentatively stands up. >"...huh. It... it feels cold, but..." >She takes a few limping steps, then grins, metal fangs glinting. >"...you fixed it! C'mere, you!" >She staggers close and hugs you gently. >You carefully wrap your arms around her, being mindful of her... uh, lack of attire and positioning yourself accordingly. >Alice eventually pulls away with some difficulty due to her incorrectly-bent arm. She smiles a little sheepishly. >"Uh... th-thanks." >"No problem. Is there anything else that needs fixing, Alice?" >"Nahhhh. Thanks, though." >"Are you SURE? This is your health we're talking about..." >"I'm fine, geez! I've been taking care of myself for years, I think I know when something's wrong." >She smiles again, cradling her backward-jointed arm gently. >"...your arm hurts, doesn't it?" >"H-huh? No, it doesn't, I swear." >"Then why are you holding it like that?" >She hangs her head a bit, then sighs. >"...alright, yeah. It kinda aches." >"How long has it been aching?" >"....uhh... n-not long?" >"A day? A few hours?" >"...f-fifteen years...?" >"What? Alice, this has been hurting you for that long, and you weren't gonna tell me?" >"H-hey now! I don't need the help, it's just an ache!" >"It's bent the wrong way and aching; I think you need the help." >She grumbles, but gently gives her arm over to you. >Opening up another panel near her elbow, you're concerned to see that her metal joint seems to have twisted around somehow. It's visibly digging into what flesh is left... no wonder it aches. >"Well? What's the verdict?" >"Your elbow joint got twisted." >"Well, untwist it!" >"...are you sure about that?" >"C'mon now, I'm tough, I can handle this." >"...okay. Hold your breath and count to three." >She rolls her eyes, but complies, only to immediately break into a shrill shriek as you twist her upper and lower arm in opposite directions. Her metal elbow replacement audibly clicks back into place, and it seems to no longer be digging into her flesh. >You go to close her up, only to slip; your screwdriver jabs into the "meat" of her arm. >Alice, eye closed, yelps and lunges forward... >...a few metal teeth, thankfully rust-free, sink into your shoulder. >Despite the stabbing pain, you bite your tongue. Panicking would make things infinitely worse for both of you. >You carefully rub Alice's head. >"Alice, I'm sorry. My hand slipped. Can you please, very carefully, lift your head straight up?" >She growls lightly, eye still shut tightly, but eventually complies, carefully pulling her teeth up and out of your shoulder. >She glares, only for her expression to instantly soften into concern at the sight of your punctured shirt and bleeding wounds. >"Oh shit! I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! I-I panicked..." >She whimpers as her ear droops, then gently runs a hand over your shoulder. >"Fuck... the first person to give a shit, and I take a fucking bite out of you... I really am a monster." >Tears fill her eye as she throws her arms around you. You note with some triumph that her arm now bends correctly. >"...I-I should go. You're gonna get hurt if I stay here." >"No no no. I want you to stay. This was a freak accident, and I'm fine. Just need some bandages and alcohol." >"B-but..." >"And you're not a monster. I accidentally stabbed you, your instincts kicked in, and you bit me. It's not your fault." >She whimpers again and pulls you close, shaking. She cautiously runs her fingers through your hair, apparently trying to calm herself. >The fox eventually pulls away, teeth still wet with blood. You run to the bathroom and apply bandages and some rubbing alcohol... then toss Alice a towel to wipe her teeth with. >Sheepishly, she wipes the metal clean, still shaking and crying a bit. >You sit on the couch and beckon for her to join you; once she does so, she gently runs her fingers over your shoulder, sniffling. >"....I'm such a terrible person..." >You carefully hug the weeping fox; she flinches, but stiffly returns the gesture, sniffling. >"You're absolutely not a terrible person. You are an amazingly strong woman who has been through so much pain without giving up. Rather than see yourself as a monster, you should pride yourself as a bastion of strength." >She smiles tearfully, wiping her eyes. >"Ha... I'm nothing special. I'm just living my life. I'm... I'm so sorry for biting you." >"It's fine, really. You took a nasty twist, then an unexpected stab; it was a natural reaction. If anything, I should apologize. Sorry my hand slipped, I'll be more careful next time." >She gently hugs you again, sighing. >"....I... I still wish you wouldn't waste so much of your time on me... but, thank you. You've done... so much for me..." >She wipes her eye and smiles again, then pulls you closer, resting her steel chin atop your head and burying your face in the fur of her neck. >"You're too kind, Anon." >"Think nothing of it. I just... hope you know it's always okay to ask for help." >"But-" >"ALWAYS. I'm happy to help any time you need me." >Alice squeezes you a little tighter, her broken tail twitching awkwardly. >"Thanks. Really. I'll try not to need so much help... heheh." >"Don't be like that. If you need help, you need help. Easy as that." >She sighs, but eventually nods hesitantly. >"Fine, geez." >The fox releases you, then yawns, stretching. As before, her entire body creaks and pops ominously. >"Mmf... man, I'm tired." >She moves to scoot away, but wobbles and falls into your lap. >"Whoops! Heheh..." >Judging by that smirk, she meant to do that. You smile warmly and begin scratching behind her ear. Alice's eye immediately widens... then her eyelid starts to droop. >She yawns a few more times, smiling drowsily. >"Mm... think I'll..." >The vixen trails off as she falls asleep, mouth hanging open slightly. >Alice gently smiles in her sleep, snoring quietly, as you continue rubbing her ear. It's amazing how... SOFT it is. >It's a good thing you aren't that tired; if you were, you'd be falling asleep right about n- >In your dream, she's... fine. Not a scrap of metal on her. >No projector lens crammed in place of an eye. No radio embedded into her collar. No mysterious crank jutting from her back. >Alice is perfectly... normal. >The fox smiles genuinely and throws her arms around you happily. When she lets go, she immediately leads you over to a motorcycle. The two of you hop on and speed down the road. >It's a beautiful fall day. Red and orange leaves swirl merrily through the cool breeze. Pumpkin patches dot the countryside. >Alice brings the bike to a stop at the peak of the lookout point you love so much. The both of you disembark and lie down under the old oak tree, watching the leaves fall. >Your companion smiles lovingly as she gazes into your eyes. >"Still runs like a dream, huh? Heheh!" >You nod, and her smile takes on a more... suggestive angle. >"That ain't the only motor that's running hot~" >In a flash, her riding clothes are gone. Her bare form is on full display as she slowly removes your pants. >Alice gently leans in to your already-stiffening length, giving you a tantalizing, smoldering look. >Just before she reaches you, there's a flash of grey light. >Alice's projector lens glows a hysterical red as she holds her metallic jaws open juuuust above your groin. She winks, then you hear an awful SNAP and the sound of metal cutting flesh. >You wake up with a start. >Alice is still asleep in your lap, laying awkwardly on her side. You idly move your fingers, attempting to continue scratching her ear... >...you, ah, quickly move your hand when you realize, with some embarrassment, that it managed to migrate down to her breasts. >Once you begin scratching her ear again, Alice lets out a quiet, happy mumble and scoots closer to you, smiling. >Quickly shaking off your recollection of the dream's spicier parts (as well as the amazingly soft feeling of of her chest), you continue rubbing the sleeping Alice's ear. >No sense in waking her up yet. >In the meantime, you scan over her arm, making sure it hasn't gotten twisted again. Luckily, it seems fine... barring a small cut where the screwdriver dug into her. >You also look over the rest of her augments, seeing if anything needs fixing... >The radio embedded into her chest seems more or less fine, albeit a bit dirty and battered. >The various metal panels in her skin are fairly clean, but still have some rust; some of them hang askew as well. >The wooden boards on her arm and leg are clearly rotten, upon closer inspection. >Her projector lens is scratched and dirty, even after she cleaned it. >The crank jutting from her spine seems to be rather disused, as it is utterly caked in rust. >Her jaw seems to be in good shape; a small stream of oil gently runs down it as she snores. >Alice mumbles nonsensically, then subconsciously reaches up, her metal claws gently raking your cheek. >Carefully, you lift Alice's head, sliding a pillow under it. You slowly creep into the other room, pulling out some Rust-Be-Gone you keep in the toolbox. May as well set this out for your guest. >You set it on the bathroom counter, along with an unopened toothbrush you got from the dentist's the other day. >With that done, you peek back in at Alice. >She's still asleep, and is subconsciously reaching out for something. >You carefully lift her head again and return to your previous position. You grasp her hand and hold it tightly. >Alice smiles and squeezes your hand softly. She mutters something inaudible and sighs happily. >Wonder what she's dreaming of...? < Alice > >In her slumber, Alice saw... nothing. >Ever since the accident, she rarely ever had dreams. Tonight was no exception. >She found herself thinking of nothing but a black void. An endless expanse of darkness. Foreboding, yet oddly... serene. >And yet, she felt as if there was something out there, in the darkness, that she wanted... that she NEEDED. >Alice reached out into the shadows, and took hold of her heart's desire. Joy exploded in every fiber of her being. >She finally had it! After years and years of searching! >...but... what the hell WAS it? >Try as she might, she couldn't puzzle it out. Regardless, whatever this mysterious treasure was... >It was hers. >Her mind screamed at her not to let go. To never release her grip on happiness. >A quieter part of her sheepishly added "until you wake up." A quieter still part piped in that she shouldn't squeeze so hard, she might break... whatever this precious thing was. >She wouldn't dream of letting go. Not in a million years. < Anon > >Alice smiles even wider as she continues to slumber. She gently loosens her already-soft grip on your hand. >Her mouth opens slightly farther, the metal of her teeth catching the light. >Chuckling quietly, you gently rub her cheeks, drawing a dazed, drowsy giggle from the sleeping vixen. < Alice > >She couldn't help herself. >Her sheer happiness had to be expressed the only way she knew how. >Alice laughed. She laughed as hard and as long as she possibly could. >All the doubts and fears that no doubt lurked somewhere in the dark mists of her dreams meant nothing now. >She had her treasure, whatever it turned out to be, so those bad feelings could go straight to hell! < Anon > >You warmly smile at the snoozing fox... and soon drift back off to sleep yourself. This time, when you wake up, it's about 10 in the morning, give or take an hour. >Alice is still asleep, a veritable river of oil running from her mouth and down your leg. She still occasionally chuckles quietly. >You gently run a finger across her cheek, and she slowly opens her eye, yawning. She blinks a few times, then glances down at her hand, fingers still tightly intertwined with yours. >Alice huffs and quickly releases your hand, looking embarassed, then sits up. >"M-mornin'..." >"Good morning! Sleep good?" >"Actually, yeah, thanks. Had a nice dream..." >"Really? What about?" >Alice narrows her eye and grins. >"That's for me to know, Anon~" >"Fair enough. So, whatcha want to do today? Feel up to breakfast?" >"Nahhh, I'm good. You can fix somethin if you want. As for what I wanna do today..." >She stops herself, staring down at her feet silently. >"...could you, uh... maybe... (help me fix more stuff...?)" >Her voice gets quieter and quieter with each word, to the point she's nearly inaudible by the end of the sentence. >"Of course." >"Th-thanks. What do you think we oughta start with? It all needs work, the order ain't important to me." >"How about the legs? That way you can be more mobile." >Alice looks down at her legs and nods. >"Yeah... they could probably stand some work." >She gently runs a hand along one long, slender leg with an almost sad look, sighing. >"...alright, uh... lemme see. Can't feel the left ankle... right knee bends a little funny... basically they just need a lot of maintenance. B-but you don't have to do it, I can handle it." >"I'd be glad to help." >The fox shyly kicks a leg up onto the coffee table and nods, then you gently go to work. >You pop open the panel nearest her left ankle, and find a few wires that seem to have been... chewed on... Discarding that disturbing realization, you find that reconnecting them isn't early as bad as it could have been. >Once that panel is screwed shut again, Alice marvels at your handiwork, running a hand over her ankle and nodding at the feeling of it. >"Wow... I haven't felt that for months now. Good work." >You nod and move up to her right knee. The joint is metal, unsurprisingly, and seems to be the entirely wrong TYPE of joint for the job. It looks to be a ball joint rather than a hinge. >"Hey, uh, Alice? Not sure what to do with that..." >"Huh? Aw, don't worry about it. Just close me back up, alright?" >You shrug and comply, and she sighs a bit before showing off a few more aches, pains, and quirks of her legs. >After about 20 minutes, Alice is satisfied with your work. She grins and stiffly hugs you. >"Thanks. That'll help a lot." >"No worries. Arms next?" >"Uhh, alright, if you want..." >She gestures to her left shoulder. >"...something's been jabbing me here for a while now, and I can't see what it is." >You pop open a panel and look inside... >...a sharp fragment of bone pierces through what flesh is left in Alice's shoulder. You very, VERY carefully pull it out, but not before giving her a pillow to bite down on. Her metal teeth puncture it effortlessly, sending cotton flying across the room like fluffy snow. >Once the bone is extracted, you close her back up. Alice winces a bit and rubs her shoulder, grumbling. >"Gah. Thanks, I guess. What now?" >Her tail swishes awkwardly, reminding you of something you've been meaning to ask... >"Uhh... what about... that crank?" >"The- ugggh, fine, geez. I guess it needs some work too. Give me a sec." >Alice gently repositions herself, then not-so-gently collapses onto her stomach. Her rather small, firm rear is on full display for a moment before her crooked tail awkwardly covers it. >The rusty handcrank is in full view. >"Alright. If you don't mind, see what you think it needs." >You shrug and give the crank a tentative spin. >Alice immediately lets out an eerie sound, then claps a hand over her mouth. >"Th-that's enough of that. Just grease it or whatever." >"Does it... hurt when I do this?" >You slowly turn the crank; Alice tenses up all over in an instant. >"Nnn.. no, it doesn't HURT... b-but I'd still rather yoi not turn it." >"Just uncomfortable?" >"Yeah, let's go with that." >You shrug and oil the crank, putting on some relaxing music in the meantime. Alice sighs happily and continues to lounge awkwardly, idly swaying an arm to the rhythm. >You finish oiling, then give the crank one last spin to be sure it's all good; Alice again lets off an eerie sort of shriek, tensing up, then relaxes once more. >"Th-that's fixed, thanks..." >"No problem. How about we take a break; want me to give you a massage? Work out some of that tension?" >"...s-sure... just don't get too handsy, alright?" >You nod, then gently rub her shoulders. You can feel the metal bones under her flesh... >She lets off quiet, appreciative moans as you steadily work the immense tension out of her shoulders and neck. >"Ahh... that feels a hell of a lot better." >You continue your work, slowly working down her back. You ignore the growing temptation to cop a feel when you get to the base of her tail... >You eventually finish rubbing the aching fox's muscles, and she carefully sits up. >"Mmf~ Thanks, Anon. I needed that. What's next on the agenda, more repairs?" >You try to think of what to do next, only for a realization to hit like a ton of bricks. Rather than say aloud what you're thinking and embarass Alice, you bite your tongue, blushing a little. >"...Anon? What now?" >"H-huh? Oh, uh... how about your projector?" >She winces. >"...I'd... rather not take it out. Nothin' personal, but I don't wanna give you a clear view of the inside of my head, y'know." >"Okay then. What about JUST the lens?" >"...sure, what the hell." >Alice reaches up and carefully pops the glass lens out of the projector, handing it to you delicately. You vigorously polish the glass before putting it back in place. >"Good job; looks clearer already." >"Great. Now... your knee?" >"Still fine." >"Well, okay. ...oh, hey, here's a thought: what if we bought some new replacement parts for you?" >"Huh...? Well, uh, if you can find stuff that fits, I guess it couldn't hurt to TRY?" >"Let's start small and look for a new lightbulb for the projector..." >You search the internet, and manage to find reproduction bulbs cheap. Great! >You order about 10... then remember you should PROBABLY go do some errands today. Don't wanna let that shit pile up, do you? >"Hey, Alice; I gotta head out to the grocery store for a bit. You wanna come or do you wanna hang out here for a while?" >"Eh. Think I'll just wait here if you don't mind. Watch some TV and relax, y'know." >"I gotcha. I'm gonna make some breakfast and head out. You sure you don't want anything?" >"Yeah, thanks anyway." >You nod and head off to the kitchen as Alice gently sits down, kicking her legs up onto the table once more. Once out of her line of sight, you look up and order her a little gift: a leather jacket. >Maybe she'll enjoy something that reminds her of her biking days? >Once that's done, you fix a quick breakfast. As you eat, you see Alice smiling as some old cartoons play on TV. She hums along to the theme tunes and gently sways, looking actually... content, for once. >You finish your breakfast and head back into the living room. >"Alright, I'm gone; see you later, if you need me, just use the house phone, okay? My number's on a Post-It in the kitchen. Bye, Alice." >You stoop and hug the vixen, and she stiffly returns the gesture, smiling faintly. >With that, you head out. < Alice > >Alice gently waved goodbye as Anon left, then returned to watching Lena Lynx. >She fondly remembered her mom working on this cartoon when she was a little girl... it warmed her heart to see that it was back on TV these days. >It was kinda funny to her, really. Lena hadn't been aired on TV for a long time, to her knowledge. Hell, it was off air before her accident. >Alice idly wondered what could've happened to get the old show back on air... and eventually shrugged it off. All that really mattered was that it was on. >She could still remember every word of that old theme song... and how her mom sang it. >Tears welled up in her eye just reminiscing. >To clear her mind, Alice flipped through the TV channels. News channel... weather channel... Animal Planet... >...a commercial for a badass bike... >Against her better judgment, Alice stopped to watch the ad. ...only to flip away after seconds, feeling hollow inside. >Sigh. >She eventually settled on another old cartoon, this time human-made rather than Otherworlder-made. She didn't know this one, but it was a decent watch, anyway. >It beat sitting in silence with her thoughts. >She continued to sit and watch, marveling at how much... better she felt. >Anon sure knew his way around a toolbox... she realized that she should really try to pay him back for everything he's done. >After all, Anon had treated her better than anyone else in recent times... >Dammit Alice, stop moping! >She slapped herself across the face and swallowed her sadness. Things were better now, no sense in dwelling on the bad times. >The cartoon ended, and another episode of Lena Lynx began. Alice quietly sang along, smiling. >She bit her tongue slightly, and remembered, with some shame, how she bit Anon. >...well shit, now she needed to think of a better way to apologize. >Hmph. This Anon guy sure did need a lot, huh? A thank you... an apology... >Alice kept thinking about him, eventually coming to the elephant in the room... >...he had no idea what her crank did. >She sure as hell wasn't gonna tell him... >...but GOD did it feel good~ >And now that everything's oiled, things should work better, right? >She reached back and gave the crank a tentative spin, only to immediately feel a familiar fire in her loins. She swallowed her telltale scream. >Y-yep, it works better now. >She reached back again, but stopped herself with thoughts of apologizing and thanking Anon. >...dammit, what could she DO? >...BAH. >As much as she was embarassed to admit it, Alice couldn't think straight because of more... pressing needs. >She slowly rose and headed to the bathroom, noting with happiness that her limp had already become less pronounced. >Once inside, she closed the door and immediately seized her handcrank. Making doubly sure she was alone, she gave it a few slow turns... >A scream escaped her throat as ecstasy washed over her entire form. Her mind was clouded with pleasure for a moment... >...and then, all became clear. She carefully made sure to clean up any signs of her, ah, "maintenance," then returned to the living room. >...maybe she could tidy up this place for Anon? That'd be a start towards thanking him, anyway. >Alice slowly circled the room, collecting trash, straightening knickknacks, generally cleaning up. >Eventually, Anon's apartment looked... well, not a LOT better, but still. >Alice sat on the couch, rubbing her aching legs and back. Oh well, at least Anon's fixes helped a good bit. >As she looked around the room, she slowly got mad at herself again. DAMMIT, ALICE, THINK! >This guy has done so much for you, and all you do is clean his apartment? He deserves more than that. >...maybe... a movie night? No, no. That's not enough... right? >...dinner...? Then again, she hadn't eaten in years. >...a blush crept to her cheeks as a realization hit. >...she could... >She couldn't even finish the thought; it was too much. >Shaking her head to clear her lascivious thoughts (and making herself a little woozy in the processs...), Alice continued to reflect on her situation. >On one hand, she felt awful for needing so much help. She wasn't an invalid, dammit! She could take care of herself. >...but... >Despite wanting her independence, she found it hard to argue that Anon's help wasn't extremely valuable. Hell, look at how much better she felt after just a few repairs...! >She thought about the last time anyone treated her so nicely... it HAD to be that crackpot snake, right? Everyone else had treated her like a monster... >Plus, he was kinda cute... >... >BAH. That wasn't important, nor was the followup thought about his nice, strong hands... >No, what mattered was that he actually GAVE A DAMN. And, as much as she hated to ask for help, Alice couldn't help but appreciate his zeal to assist her. >It felt... nice to have someone care for once. ...she resolved to be less bitchy about accepting his help in the future. She reasoned that she still had enough independence even if she allowed him to help with everyday shit. >As she thought, a few more ideas hit her, but none more standout than the perfect thank-you gift: >She could make him a home movie and play it juuust at the right time. Yeah, YEAH! >She snickered a little, amazed that it took her this long to come up with that. All she had to do was set up the camera she had, and- >Oh shit. >Distracted by her thoughts, Alice tripped over the rug and fell, landing roughly on her stomach. She knocked the wind out of herself in the process, gasping painfully. >Frustrated, she tried to stand, only for her legs to lock up. >Greeeat. >Siiiigh. >Despite how often this happened, Alice still got mad every time. She used to be the most graceful person in a family of klutzes, for crying out loud! >It wasn't even that painful, really; with all the aches and shit she felt every single day, a little fall was nothing. >No, the worst part was just the frustration of getting back up when her own body staged a fucking mutiny every time she fell. >Using her arms, Alice gently rolled onto her side, massaging her ribs gently. From there, she tested her arm strength... >...shit, she could feel them about to give. >She shook her head and lounged there until she felt strong enough to get into a sitting position. Once seated, she tried to pull herself up farther, only for her shaking arms to give out. She landed roughly on her rump, letting out a growl of anger. >Alice moodily turned her head and gave her numb shoulder a sharp nip with her metal teeth. ...judging by how little it hurt, that arm's probably gonna be down for a while. >Shit. >Oil rose in her throat like bile as she quietly stewed, eventually pooling in her mouth. Not wanting to stain Anon's carpet, but also not wanting to swallow a load of oil, she grumbled and improvised. >She shakily reached up with her other, less weak arm and grabbed a glass off the coffee table, spitting a glob of oil into it. >She'd have to wash it out when she finally got up. >She tested her legs, and found that they at least worked now. With great difficulty, she bit down on the coffee table and pulled herself up, eventually managing to get onto her feet. >Well, at least I managed to stand, she thought, as she nursed a toothache and looked down at the visible bite marks in Anon's wood table. >...shit, that bite mark was REALLY visible. >Like, Anon would have to be blind NOT to see it. >Alice thought about how to fix it, then remembered her arms were acting up. She tried limply to raise both of them; they barely got up to her shoulders, shaking the whole time. >SIIIIIGH. >Defeated, she sank onto the couch. M-maybe Anon wouldn't mind. As nice as he'd been, she figured he'd be gracious and not get too mad about this. >Well, the moment of truth would be soon enough anyway; he WAS only going out for groceries. He'd be back soon enough. >For the time being, Alice was content to watch more Lena Lynx toons. >As she reminisced once again, Alice felt her eyelid growing heavy. >...maybe a quick little snooze... >... >...she woke with a start when Anon opened the door. >"I'm home; you alright?" >"Y-yeah, I'm good, thanks." >He quickly carried the groceries into the kitchen, then returned to Alice. >"Didn't get too bored, I hope." >"Nah." >"Oh, that's goo-" >He noticed the bite marks. >"I can explain; I fell down and had to pull myself up with my mouth." >"Are you alright?" >"Yeah, I'm good, don't worry about me, worry about your table." >"Why would I worry about that cheap table? As long as you're okay, I'm happy." >Alice felt a blush creep to her cheeks. Dammit, that didn't even make SENSE! She should've blushed in her ears! Stupid doctor, making things all weird... >"Th-thanks... sorry about the table, really." >"I'm telling you, it's fiiine." >She nodded. >"Well, whatever." >"How are you feeling? Those fixes helping?" >"Actually... yeah. Thank you. Heh, you're good with tools, huh. How'd you learn to fix all this shit?" >"My granddad was a mechanic, he fixed stuff all day every day. I picked up a lot of his tricks growing up." >"No shit? That's awesome. Nothin better than a good mechanic." >"Ha, that's true. Shit comes in handy, I'll tell ya." >"I appreciate all the stuff you've fixed for me... err, ON me, I guess... I wanna make it up to ya. Whatcha say we take a drive and I lead you to some of my old stomping grounds?" >"That sounds great. Got anywhere in mind?" >"Heh, yeah, I know a good place. Help me to the car, I'll give you directions." >Anon complied, loading Alice up and gently cruising down the highway. Eventually, they turned onto an old backroad. >"You sure we're on the right path?" >"Yeah, I'm sure; up ahead you're gonna hang a right, okay? If you pass a couple oak trees leaning on each other, you need to turn back." >He shrugged and kept going. >After about 10 turns down increasingly winding dirt roads, Alice stopped Anon. >"Alright, we're here! Let's hop out." >Alice slowly unfolded herself, crawling from the car and stretching. She grumbled a little as her various augments creaked and groaned. Damn metal... >"Alright, should be just through the trees. Let's go." >She led the way, limping a little but ultimately feeling more spritely than she had in years. >Once they passed through the trees, Anon's jaw dropped. < Anon > >After all that driving, all those turns, you finally see what Alice has been leading you to: >A stunning meadow, full of gorgeous white flowers. The whole place is dappled with sunlight filtered through the canopy of the woods surrounding it. >Birds fly by, a deer huffs and dives into the treeline. Butterflies of every color flap past, a particulaly large, blue one lighting on Alice's nose. She snickers quietly, letting the bug rest there for a moment... >Then sneezes, chasing it off. >"Bleh! So, uh, whatcha think? Pretty nice, huh?" >"It's beautiful. How'd you find this place?" >"One of the gals I used to ride with showed it to me. Called it her 'kingdom.' Weird bitch. Nice enough, I guess... just liked being in charge of shit. (Better than that bigass butch that picked fights with everyone and their mama...)" >Alice slowly, carefully lowers herself into a sitting position, and you join her. As soon as you're doen, the fox grins. >"Hey man, I'm glad you like it here." >She leans over and bumps her metallic lips against your cheek, making a kissing sound. >You take a moment to process things as time seems to stop for a moment. Alice's cold metal teeth are still pressed to your cheek. >She clearly cares about you quite a bit... maybe even to the point of love, but... >...do you feel the same way about her? >On one hand, you've known her for about two days. She may just ne latching on because you're the first person to show her any kindness in a while. >On the other... you find it hard to deny you care about her happiness and wellbeing. In the short time you've known her, you've really grown to like Alice... >...hell, maybe you DO love her. >For now, you simply return her gesture, then gently wrap an arm around her slender middle. She smiles genuinely, looking happier than you've seen her before. >"Y'know? You're alright, Anon. ...more than that. You're a great guy. Thanks." >"Thank you, Alice. You're a beautiful, amazing woman, I'm happy to know you." >She wraps an arm around you, then leans her weight against you, sighing happily. >A whole swarm of butterflies lands on her now, much to her amusement. She holds still for a second, then winks and lets off a metallic growl, scaring the bugs off and causing a colorful storm of wings. >"Heheheh. I love it here." >You feel her hand slyly grasping for yours; she eventually gets a grip on your hand and squeezes it tightly. >"And y'know, I think I can say it: I love you too, man." >"...I love you too." >You kiss her on the cheek, tasting metal from her jaws. >With that all said and done, you simply hold her close, enjoying her company and the wonderful scenery. >Alice scoots closer, laying more of her weight on you and resting her chin on your head. She sighs happily once again. >"Damn, it's nice to have someone to share this place with. As much as I liked that club I rode with, it's not the same as having someone you really care about. Now I see what those two cats were talking about..." >"Hm?" >"Ah, nothin. Two of the gals I rode with were datin; they liked this place a lot, said it was real romantic." >"It is pretty nice out here. They may have been onto something, you think?" >"Heheh, maybe so." >The two of you go silent, just listening to the birds sing. Alice smiles, slowly leaning farther and father onto you. >She eventually ends up laying in your lap, lying on her side because of her crank. >...speaking of. >"Hey, uh, Alice?" >"Yeah?" >"...I think I know what the crank does." >She gasps and chuckles quietly. >"...you think so, huh? Heheh. What was your first clue, the screams?" >"...yeah." >"Heheheheh. Can't help it, I'm just a screamer~" >You return Alice's suggestive smile and playfully nudge her side. >"Well... do you want me to TURN that crank for you?" >Immediately, you see her blush through her cheek fur. No matter how strange her anatomy is, that's still weird to you. >"W-well, uh... h-heheh..." >She bashfully twiddles her fingers, giggling. >"...maaaybe...." >"Ha, I think we can manage that. Should probably go to my place though, unless you want dirt and grass in your joints." >Her blush intensifies. >"...Alice. You sure you want to do this? This is a pretty big step." >"...Anon, I'm sure of it. I meant what I said, I love you, dammit. You actually give a damn about me, and I give a damn about you too. Let's get back to your place and get to work." >"Alright, let's go." >You carefully load the vixen up, then retrace your steps back to the apartment. You jokingy bridal carry Alice into your place and to the bed. She grumbles and playfully punches your shoulder repeatedly. >"I can walk, y'know. I got legs." >"I know you do." >You gently lay her on her side, and she poses seductively, an effect hurt a little by her tail flapping excitedly. >"Alright, big boy, do it." >You nod, then grab the crank handle. As Alice locks eyes (eye?) with you, you give the crank a tentatice turn. >Instantly, she shudders, arching her back and letting off a moan. >"Mmf~ There ya go." >A little bemused by the situation (and perhaps a little titillated by her indecent moan), you begin cranking the vixen slowly. >She soon starts panting loudly, a stream of oil running down her chin as moans and screams of ecstasy escape her throat. >Alice reaches one shaking hand up and grasps for your free hand, intertwining her fingers with yours. Her other hand grabs one of her modest breasts, kneading the perky mound obscenely. >Alice's panting grows faster and faster as you steadily increase your speed. >"Oh god, yes.... keep going, I'm almost... there...." >You comply, turning the crank slower and slower as resistance and pressure build up. Eventually, however, all that pressure is let out as Alice looses a nearly deafening scream of pleasure, tongue flopping from her mouth as she catches her breath. >You cringe a little as your ears stop ringing, imagining the noise complaints you'll likely get soon. >Oh well. All that matters is that she enjoyed herself. >You climb into bed alongside her and gently wrap an arm around her middle, cuddling as close as possible and staring into her eye. >Alice pants quietly, smiling. You slowly run a hand through her red fur, feeling every soft hair tickle your skin. >Despite all her augments, she's still beautiful in your eyes. >You gently kiss her on the cheek, seeing her blush as soon as your lips pull away. >Her tail spasms a bit before limply draping itself over you. She scoots forward a bit, wrapping both arms and a long, slender leg around you. >She kisses your cheek as well, "winking" and licking your face for good measure. >She stares silently, then finds her voice. >"Th-thank you, Anon. So much. That was amazing." >"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." >"Enjoyed? Heh, that's the best I've felt in a while... I feel like a new woman~" >She kisses you again, sighing happily. >"Thanks, really." >"You're welcome. What now?" >"Hmmm... well, what do YOU wanna do, hun? I've already gotten my fill for the day, you ought to decide what we do next." >"Let's just lie here a bit longer, huh?" >"Sounds good to me~" >Alice smiles and squeezes your shoulder lovingly, then scoots closer to you. >You let your hand run down to her lean midsection, rubbing her flat belly gently. Alice closes her eye and sighs happily. >You rub her stomach in a circular motion for a bit, marveling some more at her pleasantly soft fur.. After a while, you plant another kiss on the vixen's cheek... then one on her neck. Then her collarbone. >You slowly work your way down, kissing her on the breast, on the navel, on the beltline... >You teasingly lean towards her crotch, but don't plant a kiss there. Not just yet, anyway. >While you're down here, you do gently run a hand along one of her long legs, admiring the slender curve of it in spite of the awkward board nailed to one side. >Once you've thoroughly rubbed her leg, you slide back up to her face and kiss her square on the metal lips. >A pink heart appears in the center of Alice's projector lens as she smiles earnestly. >You carefully pull her closer, smooching her once more. The taste of metal fills you mouth as she blushes redder than a stop sign, projector now fully pink. >She stiffly wraps her arms around you, pulling you into a warm, if awkward, embrace. You cuddle up close for a while, then pull away, winking at the vixen before sliding down to her groin once more. >Before she can react, you reach and spin her crank a couple of times. She immediately bucks her hips and screams in ecstasy, placing a hand on your shoulder and squeezing as hard as possible. >You lean in closer. You can practically feel the heat off her nethers now. >Panting, she whispers pleadingly, voice shaking. >"P-please..." >Without another moment's hesitation, you plunge your face southward and get licking. >Alice again screeches in pleasure, tensing up and squeezing your shoulder even harder. Her tail flicks about madly, at one point bashing the back of your head. >As you maintain a steady rhythm, she begins to whimper quietly, shaking. You then hear a familiar ratcheting sound for a moment before she lets off a scream that actually leaves your ears ringing. >Pulling back a little, you teasingly plant a kiss on her quivering, dripping slit. Alice immediately bucks her hips and screams one last time, with the yell tapering off into a long, indecent moan. >You return to being face to face with her, and are satisfied to see an expression of unrestrained, lewd joy. >She giggles and mumbles incoherently for a moment, then slowly comes down off cloud nine. >She blinks a few times, then smiles and bursts into tears. >"Anon... thank you... so much..." >You kiss her once again, then simply hold her close, enjoying her presence. >Her fur tickles your face. Her warmth seems to wrap around your entire body. >Tears of joy run down her cheek as Alice smiles lovingly. >"That... wow... I haven't felt so loved in a long time. Anon, thanks. For everything. You're too damn good to me. I know I was hesitant to say it earlier, but fuck that: I love you." >"Love you too, Alice." >She stares at you, then snickers. >"Told ya I was a screamer. Heheh. Bet the neighbors hate ya now." >"Eh. I've had my eyes on a new place across town anyway." >"No shit? Nice." >She lies silent for a bit, gently running a hand along your side and stiffly throwing a leg over you. >Then, a wicked smile crosses her face. >"Heh. Well, I just realized something. I got my rocks off and all... but what about YOU?" >A blush immediately hits you. >"D-don't worry about me." >"Nuh-uh. I'm not just gonna NOT return the favor. Let ol' Alice show you a good time~" >Despite not wanting her to strain herself or anything, you must admit you're intrigued. ...and a bit turned on. >"...fine, show me whatcha g-" >She immediately shreds your shorts with metal claws, leaving you effectively bottomless. She lets off a wolf whistle, eyeing you up. >"Niiice. Gimme one sec." >She gently runs a claw along your length, sending chills of both pleasure and fear down your spine, then unceremoniously grips you. Her furry hands are remarkably delicate given her... condition. >Maintaining eye contact, and giving you an almost smug smile, she effortlessly pumps her hand rhythmically, her fur smoothly gliding along your skin. It feels... amazing. >Before long, you feel the end approaching. Apparently noticing your expression change, Alice immediately lets go of you, leaving you on the razor's edge of climax. >"Whoops, is something wrong~?" >You cant help but shake as she teasingly runs a finger down your member, taking care to avoid finishing you off. >"My, my... impatient?" >She chuckles and keeps up her teasing, reaching back with her other hand and giving herself a single crank. >Eventually, she slowly leans down towards your twitching, aching dick, and, with a slow, obscene lick, frees you from the limbo she put you in. >You paint the inside of her steel mouth as she "winks." With an exaggerated gulp sound, she swallows down every drop. >As Alice chuckles and licks her steel lips lewdly, you find yourself in a daze. >In pure bliss, you absentmindedly reach up and stroke Alice's soft fur. >"You... wow... n-nice work..." >"Heheh. Glad ya liked it enough to go right back in for the puppies~" >You blink a few times and realize you're rubbing her modest breasts in your dazed state. You shrug off this realization and continue rubbing. >"I gotta say, I like your enthusiasm! But, uh... let's save that for later, how about?" >She pulls your hand away, then pulls you into a tight, warm hug. She sighs happily and kisses you lovingly. >"I mean, don't get me wrong! I love the fun stuff. But... I also love this part." >She rests her head against you, an expression of pure adoration on her face. >"And like I said: I love you, Anon." >She closes her eye and snuggles up closer. By the time you come out of your orgasmic daze, she's asleep, snoring cutely and dribbling oil on you. >You pull her closer and yank the covers over her. >In her sleep, she smiles wider and mumbles something incomprehensible. A hand idly pats your back, then falls still as she returns to snoring. >Your eyes flutter open before you even realize you fell asleep. >It's about 11, and Alice is still asleep, curled up with her back pressed against you and snoring. You gently stroke her side, then carefully crawl out of bed, taking care not to wake her. >You stretch and yawn, then remember: you ordered that leather jacket for Alice yesterday, and even got it overnighted. It's probably here by now. >You poke your head out the door, and, to your delight, it's here. You pull the box inside, hiding it from Alice for now. >After quickly grabbing a shower and changing clothes, you gently wake the vixen. She grumbles and yawns. >"What's the big idea...? Can't ya see I'm-" >Alice trails off as you wordlessly show off the jacket. >"...is that..." >"For you." >She stares, mouth agape, then lunges forward, hugging you tightly. >"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" >She grabs it away from you, and, with your help, pulls it on. It's... a little too short, leaving her midriff exposes, but otherwise fits pretty well. >She beams and gently runs a hand along the leather, smiling nostalgically. >"Wow. You look beautiful AND badass." >She grins and stretches, sending her joints popping loudly, as usual. Then, she playfully swaggers over to you, stumbling a bit and blowing the effect, but planting a kiss on your lips anyway. >"Thanks for this, ba- err, uh, A-Anon. It's... really fuckin' nice to have something like this again." >"I'm just glad you liked it. ...what were you about to call me?" >A blush creeps to her cheeks despite her trying to keep a "cool" expression. >"H-huh?" >"You said 'thanks for this, ba-' and cut yourself off." >"...I-I was gonna say... babe." >"Heh, well, if that's what you wanna call me, go ahead, Alice." >You hug her close as she grins widely, teeth glinting. >"Really? Thanks, babe. You're the best damn boyfriend a girl could ask for." >She kisses your lips repeatedly before you can say another word. >As she kisses you, you take this window of opportunity to slowly reach around her... >...and run your hands through the fluff of her tail.. It's amazingly soft, like petting a cloud. She pulls away, snickering. >"Q-quit, it's ticklish!" >Grinning wickedly, you tickle her tail wildly. She giggles and playfully swats at you, trying to dodge your hands. At one point, her legs buckle violently, but you catch her. >Eventually, your hand accidentally slips down below her tail. Seeing another opportunity, you slyly grab a handful of her modest, toned rump. She lets off a playful growl and returns the favor, squeezing your ass as well. >"Careful, don't wanna start something you can't finish, babe~" >"Ha, alright, alright, truce." >She laughs and punches your shoulder. >"So, what's on the menu today, huh?" >"Well, I was gonna go hit another abandoned spot for my site today..." >"No shit? Can I come?" >"If you want to, sure." >"Sweet. But, uh... where exactly are ya going?" >"Well, there's an old factory on the outskirts of town-" >"I'm in. Let's get a move on!" >You're happy to see her so peppy. ...but you also make a mental note to keep a very close eye on her, since urban exploration might be tricky for her. >You gather your camera and other stuff, then help Alice into your backseat again. The fox happily chats away for the long drive. >"I gotta say, I really love this jacket. Thanks so much again, Anon, babe." >"You're welcome; I'm really glad you like it." >"I don't LIKE it, I fucking love it, just like I love you." >"Ha, love you too." >You crank up some classic rock, and the two of you keep talking all the way to the factory. >Once there, you quickly find a way inside, helping Alice into the dark, dusty, cobweb-filled factory. >It's silent in here, for the most part, but the building and rotting machinery within creaks occasionally, as if groaning in pain. >Rats skitter about in a panic, trying to get away from your intrusion. The two of you explore for a while, finding nothing of interest. >"...damn, I'm bored. I'm gonna go this way." >Alice turns her projector on as a flashlight, then limps off into the darkness. You start to follow her, only to lock up when she yells out at the top of her lungs. >"ANON, HOLY SHIT, COME HERE!" >You run to her side immediately. She points, mouth agape, at a rusted out heap of a motorcycle. >"S-she looks just like Carol..." >"Carol?" >"My old bike. She got totalled in the wreck, and the company went under a year or two later... this must be one of their factories. Anon, holy SHIT, we need this! I-I need this! Can we take it, please?" >"Well, I dunno where I'm gonna PUT it, but-" >"Uh, the THEATRE? Duh!" >"...not a bad idea, actually. Alright, yeah; let's get it." >Alice laughs triumphantly and hugs you tightly, wincing when her joints pop in protest of her outburst. She kisses you, then limps over and hugs the decrepit husk of a bike, mumbling to herself audibly. >"don't worry, carol, baby, mama's gonna get you fixed up and rolling again." >You're just happy to see her so excited. >She's been through a lot, dammit, she deserves this. >After exploring and taking more pictures, you carefully roll the rusty heap outside, strapping it to the roof of your car as Alice chatters excitedly. >"Anon, omigodomigod, thank you so fucking much, I love you, you're the best boyfriend ever!" >"Ha, slow down there, gonna pull something! I'm glad to get it for you. We'll have you rolling before you know it. I've got some of my granddad's old tools and shit in storage across town, we oughta be able to use em for this." >"Awesome!" >You quickly drive to Wonderland Theatre once again, bike in tow. Once there, you discretely roll it inside, parking it in the spacious lobby. >"THERE. Like it?" >Alice clings onto it, hugging the bike happily. >"I love it." >As you watch her hug the bike- no, HER bike, your heart swells. >She's so damn happy. You can only assume this is the happiest she's been in years. >And it's all because you got that scrap heap for her. >...you need to make sure that bike stays safe. >A myriad of ideas swirls in your head, 90% of them stupid drivel. You must not have slept as good as you thought. >One thought makes sense, though: you roll the bike over to a bare pipe, then tie it there with a length of chain you... borrowed from the bike factory. >Alice grins and nods. >"Good thinkin', babe. Wouldn't want anyone taking her, now would we?" >"Nope." >"Well, Alice, this is YOUR bike. I'll stay as hands-off as you want, but I'll help you as much as you need." >"Thanks, babe..." >She eyes up the bike, smile fading slowly. >"...I... can't ride this..." >She stares at it, silenty, almost seeming to deflate. >"I... ...DAMMIT, WHY??" >The vixen snarls angrily before bursting into tears. You wrap your arms around her. >"Easy, easy! I've been thinking about that, and I have an idea." >"...what?" >"If we convert Carol into a trike, your balance won't be a problem." >"But..." >She looks deeply conflicted, falling silent. >"..." >"You don't have to decide now. I just wanted to give you the option." >"...I... don't really... know what to do. I don't need my fucking BIKE pitying me... b-but... I can't ride her as is because of my balance..." >Alice sighs, rubbing her temples. >"...alright. We'll convert it. Thanks for the good idea, babe." >"No worries. Wanna start on it now, or..." >"I don't really care what we do, babe, whatever you wanna do is fine~" >"Well, let's take a look at it, see what's salvageable." >"Sounds good to me." >The two of you circle the bike, examining it... >...looks like, uh... most of it needs fixing up. Like, 80% at minimum is shot. >Oh well. >Alice leans in and scrapes at a spot on the gas tank with her metal claws, then grins and nods. >"Found the VIN, babe, oughta help us with looking for parts." >You snap a pic of the number for later. >Alice hugs you again, tears of joy running down her cheek. >"Thank you so much, Anon, really. I know she looks like hell... but we can fix her. ...heh... Carol actually kinda reminds me of... me. The condition she's in, anyway." >She smiles bashfully. >"...and of course the fact it's YOU that took both of us in. YOU found us. So thanks, Anon. For everything. And I know I'm repeating myself, but fuckit, I can't thank you enough." >"Alice, you don't have to thank me... seeing you happy, that's enough for me. I'm just glad to see you smiling." >She smiles warmly... then socks you on the shoulder playfully. >"Hey now, don't go all sappy on me! ...but, uh... that's real fuckin' sweet. That's why I love ya, babe." >You give her a quick smooch, much to her delight, then the two of you share a happy sigh and look over at the bike. >"...we're gonna need parts. Let's head back home for now, do some Googling." >"But... alright. Carol, stay here, mama will be back as soon as she can." >The vixen blows her new project a kiss as you help her out of the theatre and into your car. When you get the car started, you glance at the radio's clock... >Damn, 5 PM already? Time flies... >You head back to your apartment, reaching back and holding Alice's hand as she excitedly rattles off her old bike's specs. >"...think this'n will be as good as the old Carol...?" >"Nope. I think it'll be better." >"Heh. Well now, we better work pretty hard on it, cause that's a hell of a bar you're setting!" >"We can do this." >"Hey, if anyone can do it, it's us, babe." >You gently carry her into your apartment, setting her on her feet in the living room. She stretches with the usual array of uncomfortable cracks and pops. >"Mmf. So, whatcha wanna do now, babe?" >"How about dinner? You HAVE to be hungry..." >"Well... I don't have to eat very often, but I gotta say I'm feeling about ready for a bite." >"Alright. What sounds good? We'll cook together." >She narrows her eye. >"Hey now. Who said I could cook? For all you know, I might be the worst cook alive!" >"W-well-" >"I'm not, o'course, hell, I used to grill a damn good burger at my ol' diner job." >"Well, I don't have a grill, but... we could definitely make something." >"Hell yeah. Lemme go scope out your ingredients and shit, you be thinking about whatcha wanna make, then catch up with me." >She limps off to the kitchen, leaving you to decide what to cook... >Hm. >Your mind offers up many possibilities, but none grab you as hard as chicken stir fry. >That should be fun enough, right? And hey, maybe Alice will like it! >You quickly search up a recipe on your phone. Ah, good, one for beginners. That way it should be easy enough for the fox to help you. >Now you just need to go see if she's r- >... >You stop in the doorway involuntarily at the sight of what's waiting. >Alice has dug out the "Kiss the Cook" apron a buddy got you as a gag birthday gift, and is wearing it... and of course, nothing else. >She grins, tail swishing. >"Ready to cook? Or... are you too busy thinking about dessert~?" >"Uh... n-no... I mean yes. I-I mean-" >She chuckles and walks over to you, swaying her hips, only to stumble and fall into your arms. You catch her, then plant a kiss on her lips, much to her delight. >"I knew you couldn't resist the apron, ya big sap." >"Oh, and YOU wouldn't fall for that yourself?" >"Hell naw!" >"Uh-huh. Sure." >You dash off, returning in nothing but your ACTUAL apron. Alice's eye widens as she takes you in. >"....damn. I'll say it: you proved me wrong. You look damn good, babe~" >"Heh. Told ya." >"Whatever, let's get cooking." >She walks over to the stove, turning her back yo you. >"So, what we makin'?" >You sidle up alongside her with a grin. >"Well, I was gonna make chicken stir fry... but it'd be a shame not to use these buns we have laying around." >"What b-" >You grab a handful of her ass, drawing an embarassed squeak from her, then a wry grin. >"Ohhh. Heh~" >She returns the favor, and the two of you share a smoldering stare... until your stomach growls. Alice bursts into laughter. >"Heheh, we'll save that for later. For now, let's get grub started, howzaboutit?" >"Agreed." >You quickly get started cooking, letting Alice help as much as she's able. >As she works, she's oddly quiet, a thoughtful smile on her face... < Alice > >A warmth spread throughout her body like never before. >After all these years... after all the pain, the sleepless nights, everything... >She was happy. >It amazed her just how much her life had changed in a couple of days. >She went from the monster living on the outskirts of town, hated, feared, fully expecting the next intruder to run in terror like the others... >...to this. >She had a new jacket (even if it was a bit short). A new Carol (even if she needed work). >She even had Anon. >She remembered her last boyfriend... he was nothing like this man. Self-centered, egotistical jackass. >She put that behind her. >Fuck the past. Fuck the crash. >Thanks to Anon and his kindness, none of it mattered anymore. >For the first time in nearly 20 years, Alice felt... >Normal. >Without a moment's hesitation, Alice wrapped her arms around Anon. >"Huh?" >"Nothing, babe. I just... I hope you know I mean it. I love you. Thank you for everything." >He smiled, eyes misting up, and she felt tears welling up in her own eye. >Anon returned her embrace lovingly. >The two stood there, ignoring their cooking, and just enjoyed the moment. >Time stopped. The Earth stopped spinning. >Nothing else mattered to her right now. >Alice was with the love of her life. That was more than enough for her. >Everything else could wait, as far as she was concerned. >Despite his attire, Alice couldn't think anything lewd about Anon. That didn't matter right now. >She imagined he felt the same way. >Either way, she found it hard to think about anything beyond her happiness and the man that gave it to her. < Anon > >As much as you're enjoying the hug, you eventually pull away from Alice when you smell something burning. >In your haste, though, your hand bumps her crank, giving it about a quarter turn. She moans quietly, biting her lip. >The vixen shakes her head and helps you get the chicken taken care of... >...eventually, the two of you sit down to a... VERY well done chicken stir fry. Oh well, at least it still looks edible. >You take a bite... >...it's not... AWFUL. >Alice smiles and eats less than half her plate before pushing it away, rubbing her stomach with a contented sigh. >"Ahh. Nothin' beats home cooking. Thanks, babe. Best meal I've had in... well, years, really." >"Sorry it got a little brown." >"Aw, can it. It was damn good, alright? Don't be such a downer." >She reaches over and ruffles your hair with a loving smile. >"Hey. I was gonna, y'know... treat ya to dessert... but if I'm honest with you, I'm not feeling it. I kinda just... wanna be with you. Just cuddling and shit, y'know?" >"I gotcha." >"Thanks. You're the best, y'know that, babe? I'm so damn lucky to have you. ...heh. Y'know, when we get Carol fixed up, we oughta get you a bike. Just think, the two of us, out there cruisin'... Not a thing in the world but you, me, and all the love we got." >"Yeah... first I think I'm gonna look at that house across town. More room there for us, plus a garage for Carol." >"That's good thinkin'... but you ain't gotta go to that kinda trouble for me, y'know." >"I don't HAVE to... but I love you enough I'd be happy to." >She blushes, punching your shoulder. >"Y-you big sap..." >"Guess I'll need to go to the bank sooner or later... first though, I wanna take you to look through the house. If you don't like it, I don't like it." >"Wh- no, that's stupid. If you like it, who cares if I don't?" >"I do. I'm not buying a house that doesn't make you happy. If we're gonna live together, I want you to be as happy as possible." >"H-hey, who said we'd live together? This is a temporary thing..." >"Uh-huh." >"...oh, to hell with it. ...I mean, as long as you don't mind a burden like me around." >"A burden? Where? All I see is a strong, beautiful woman." >"..." >Tears run down her cheek as she hugs you tightly. >"Dammit, I almost made it without crying. Guess I'm as big a sap as you." >"No shame in that." >"Damn right, there's no shame." >She kisses you again, then simply rests her chin atop your head. >"I love you. I love you so damn much. I keep sayin' it, I know, but I could say it a million fuckin' times and it wouldn't be enough." >"I hope you know I feel the same way." >"Believe me, babe. I know. You've proven it to me so many times..." >You return Alice's kiss, then quickly go redress yourself. By the time you return, Alice is struggling to pull her jacket back on. >She smiles and smooches your cheek again when you give her a hand. >"Thanks. So! Let's go check this house out, babe. Whaddaya say?" >"Sounds like a plan. Let's get a move on." >She nods eagerly and limps out the door, waiting for you at the stairway. She doesn't protest when you scoop her off her feet and carry her down and to the car. >It's a good thing that she isn't all that heavy...! >Once she's lounging in the backseat on her side, you set out for the open house. Alice whistles and drums along to some classic rock on your radio as you drive. >You're just glad to see her enjoy herself. >"So where's this house at, anyway?" >"Oh, y'know, just near the edge of town. Nice little suburban house... heh, y'know, we may have to trade Carol in for something more sensible, like a minivan..." >The vixen snarls playfully and punches your shoulder. >"Like hell! I'll get a minivan when pigs fly." >"Oh yeah? Well what if we have kids someday?" >She goes quiet, blushing a bit. >"W-... y-yeah, I guess that'd be a... good reason... too..." >She trails off, muttering quietly. >"...anyway, uhhh... anything cool in this place?" >"Uhhh, let me think... it's got the garage... a nice backyard... and I feel like there was something else..." >"...shit, I forget. We're here anyway, so I guess we can just take a look." >Once you help her out of the car, Alice eyes up the house with a smile. >It's a pretty modest little suburban house, nothing too extravagant. A beautiful weeping willow tree takes up a large part of the backyard. >"Heyyy, this place looks kinda nice. Good eye, babe. Nice house... no neighbors... my kinda real estate." >"Heh. C'mon, let's take a look inside." >You and the vixen head into the house, and she immediately beelines for the garage, limping there with a look of curiosity on her face. >The concrete floors are stained with oil and grease, but the garage is empty. Alice curses. >"Damn. I was hoping they mighta left some parts behind..." >"Oh well. It'll be alright." >"Yeah... 'least this is a pretty kickass garage. Plenty of room to work." >"Yep." >Alice stretches, her joints popping as usual, and heads back into the house. >"C'mon, babe, let's keep lookin'!" >She stops at the top of a stairwell leading to the basement. You again sweep her off her feet and bridal carry her down. >To your amazement, there's a basement theatre down here, complete with popcorn machine and hookups for everything you can think of. >Alice's eye widens with excitement. >"Holy shit! This is awesome! I wanted something like this in my house when I was growing up, and now you're tellin' me we can GET one? Hell fuckin' yes." >You chuckle and rub her atop the head. >"We?" >"W-well, I mean... uhh... h-heh." >Alice walks around the basement, marveling at all the features. >"Damn, I could just live in this basement and be happy." >"It is pretty nice, huh?" >"Yeah it i- WHOA, check this shit out!" >She motions you over, pointing at an old record player. >"Wonder if this bad boy still works?" >She fiddles around with it, and eventually gets the record spinning, laughing triumphantly when the music crackles to life. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_fSyOyUv2g] >"Aww hell yeah. I love old shit like this." >She sits and sways her head to the jazzy rhythm of the music, humming along happily. >Alice stands up with some difficulty, then extends a hand to you. >"Come on, babe, let's dance!" >Without hesitation, you join her in a dance. >Unfortunately, Alice's clumsy movements make things fairly difficult. She steps all over your feet, nearly topples a few times, and just generally stumbles about awkwardly... >But she's smiling. >The entire time she dances with you, Alice smiles and laughs. Even when her knee buckles and she falls, taking you down with her, she breaks into loud guffaws after a moment of wincing. >"Ahhh... man, that was fun. Anon, babe... thanks again. For... for everything. Love ya." >"Love you too, Alice." >The two of you slowly stand up; you make sure Alice isn't injured, and she thankfully isn't. >You carefully help her straighten out her jacket, since it got crumpled in the fall... >Your hand slips off the leather and bangs into her crank, giving it about a quarter turn. Alice instantly tenses up, biting her tongue as her tail whils madly. >"Mmmf~ c-cut that out, heheh." >You grin and wink at her. >"What, this?" >You give the crank another quarter turn; this time she barely suppresses a moan. Alice slaps your shoulder playfully. >"Knock it off! ...save that for when we get back home~" >"Alight, alright... but, speaking of home... Alice, what do you seriously think about living here... with me?" >"Huh....? Well... it's a damn nice house. I can tell you that much. Garage is a huge plus. This basement is fucking awesome. But... I don't want you to buy it just because I like it, okay? This is a big deal. It ain't like buying me a jacket or somethin'." >"I know that. And I wouldn't be buying it just for you. I've been eyeing this place for a while, honestly. But, I won't lie: you liking it is a major plus for me." >"Wh.... Anon, c'mon. Don't let some bitch you barely know make a decision like this for you." >"I'm not. Because that's not who I'm here with. I'm here with an amazing woman that I'm very lucky to have met. One I know and love." >She starts to protest, but you silence her with a loving kiss. >With that, you take a quick lap of the house, checking the wiring... the plumbing... the kitchen... >Everything looks to be in order, and the place is... a lot nicer than your apartment, to say the least. >Alice limps along behind you, checking things out herself. By the end of your tour, her legs start to get tired. >So, naturally, you carry her through the rest of the house. She smiles as the walkthrough comes to a close. >"Wow... you weren't kiddin'. Nice place!" >"Yep. ...I'm buying it." >"W- really!?" >"Yep! It's gonna be ours." >"But... don't you have to like, take out a mortgage and shit?" >"I'll worry about that. All YOU need to do is let yourself be excited." >Alice's jaw drops a little, then she smiles, tears running down her cheek, and wraps her arms around you. >"Th-thanks, babe. I love it." >Everything leading back to your apartment is a blur of excitement. >You're not packed and ready to move just yet, unfortunately, but the realtor assured you the house was all yours. >Alice is sitting on the couch, still crying tears of joy. >"I-I can't believe we have a house..." >"Me neither. Thanks for helping me decide." >"Yeah, no problem.... mmnf." >Alice grimaces, stretching and rubbing her back with a grumble. >"Stiff... guess it's 'cause we've had a busy day." >"Lemme help." >You sit beside her and motion for her to turn; once her back is to you, you begin massaging her back. Her tension slowly begins to ease as you work your fingers through her fur. >The fox sighs happily as you knead and roll her skin, working the stiffness out. >"Thanks, babe." >"No problem." >You keep it up, maintaining a slow rhythm as you gently work your way down... >...you then grab her crank and spin it thrice rapidly. Alice immediately arches her back, letting out a bonechilling shriek of pleasure. >"MmmmffffUCK~" >Once you stop, she pants a few times, then reaches back and limply punches your shoulder. >"N-not fair. I wasn't ready, heh." >You grin and get back to massaging. >"Y'know, babe, we better go get Carol soon... she'll be safer in the garage." >"Yeah, we'll do that. Let me start some packing first, then we'll go get her." >Alice nods as you head into your bedroom to pack. < Alice> >The vixen sat in Anon's living room, still reeling from his dirty trick. >Sneaky son of a gun... >She also reflected on what had just happened... for the first time since she was growing up, she had a house to call home, not a shitty little apartment, not an old theatre... >An honest-to-goodness house. >Happiness flooded her mind, and she fought back more tears of joy. >Alice gingerly pinched herself. >It was hard to believe this was all real... her new boyfriend, her new bike, new jacket, new house... >New life.... >She half expected to wake up any second now, lying on the cold, damp floor of the theatre again, wondering vaguely when the next intruder would show up and run away like the rest... >She closed her eye, took a deep breath, and opened it again. >...it wasn't a dream. >It took all her willpower not to burst into inelegant sobs of sheer happiness. >This new lease on life WAS real. And it was all thanks to him... >Anon. >He'd done so much... taken her in, found the new Carol, helped take care of her augments... >...made her feel like a woman again.... >She grinned wryly. >That tease, winding her up like he did. That was what, the second or third time Anon had gotten handsy with her crank? >She'd have to level the playing field. Can't have Anon thinking he can pull that and get away with it... >An idea came to mind... >She dimmed the lights in the apartment, lounged on her side, and shrugged off her jacket. She affoxed the door to Anon's bedroom with her best seductive smile, then called to him. >"Oh, babe~, come here!" >"One sec, I'm packing... what's u-" >He trailed off the moment his eyes met hers. >All according to plan. >She didn't have to say so much as a word. >Alice merely beckoned, giving Anon the most seductive smile her steel jaws allowed. He didn't hesitate to strip down and join her. >"Heheh~ Since we're about to blow this dump, we ain't gotta worry about noise complaints anymore, right? How'sabout we have ourselves a REAL loud night, just as a goin' away present, babe?" >He said nothing, just pulling her into a passionate kiss. >Electric tingles of pleasure shot down her spine as Alice did her best to keep things reined in. >She was gonna pay Anon back for all his handsiness. And what better way to do that then by returning the favor...? >The moment he pulled away, she seized his length, feeling him grow stiffer at the touch of her soft fur. This was gonna be too easy. >The vixen masterfully stroked him rhythmically, her smooth fur and coarse paw pads gliding across his skin effortlessly. >When his breathing grew shallow, rapid, she grinned wickedly, releasing him immediately. >Anon couldn't speak through a haze of lust. Alice chuckled. >"Remember all that teasing you've been doing to my crank? I'm just showing you how it feels, babe~" >She carefully slid down to be face-to-crotch with Anon. >"Heheh. You look like you're ready to blow any. second. now. Now, you wouldn't wanna waste all that, wouldja? And deprive your foxy girl of a meal? That'd be AWFUL." >She slowly, obscenely ran her tongue along his twitching length, taking care not to push him off the razor's edge. >"Mm~ Nope, not ready yet. You need to think about what you've done a liiiittle longer~" >She took his member into her mouth, applying juuuust enough suction to tease him, but not enough to allow him to finish. >Just before he could reach sweet release, Alice backed away, leaving him twitching, aching for climax. >"Heheheh. Look at you, just BEGGING for me to finish you off. I bet you want me to give you one good lick, huh?" >She stuck her tongue out teasingly close to the tip of his dick, but didn't afford him even a little contact. >"Too bad~ I have better ideas." >She slid back up a bit, placing her chest at his crotch. Taking hold of him, she buried his cock in the tuft of fluff just below the radio mounted in her chest. She may not have had enough breast for a titjob, but she could definitely make this work. >Massaging his throbbing length with fistfuls of fur, she drew Anon to gasping, moaning breaths, chuckling as she watched him balance on that razor's edge some more. >Once again, she broke it off before he could finish. >"One more round~" >Quickly flipping over and readjusting one last time, Alice presented her toned ass and fluffy tail. Handling him delicately, she hotdogged Anon, tickling the tip of his dick with the base of her tail. >She laughed as she felt him reaching the end. >"Say it. Say you love me." >"I-I..." >"C'mon, babe, you can do it~" >"I LOVE YOU!" >Satisfied, Alice clenched her cheeks, granting Anon the sweet release he'd been begging for. His seed painted her tail and back as she giggled happily. >"Next time, you'll think twice about teasing me, huh~?" < Anon > >You pant and try desperately to catch your breath as you come down off a high unlike any other. >Alice looks over her shoulder with a smug smirk. You eventually regain your voice. >"H.... heh... to be honest, I was kinda hoping you'd get even with me like that." >"Oh? TRYING to get punished? You really are a naughty boy, huh~?" >"Something like that..." >You slide down to be face to face as she stiffly rolls over, still smiling. >You lean in close and kiss her... then slip a finger or two into her already-wet slit. >"I love you, Alice. So much." >"Mmmmf~ I-I love you too, babe..." >You deftly work your fingers until she's panting, moaning, and drooling oil on the floor. >"H-huff... you... love ya...." >"And I love you. You're the most wonderful woman I've ever met, Alice. Never forget that." >Before she can respond, you bring her abruptly to the edge. The vixen screams out in bliss as her walls clamp down on your fingers. >Eventually, her climax subsides, leaving you free to pull your dripping-wet digits from within her. >Alice giggles dazedly, still seeing stars. >"H... holy fuck..." >She sloppily kisses you, leaving you to spit oil afterwards as she chuckles. >Alice eventually regains her composure, staring at you lovingly. She throws her arms and a leg around you. >"...heh. Y'know.... I just thought about somethin'." >"What?" >"That big ol' house is gonna be awful empty with just us two in it. You know what I think?" >She slides up a bit, positioning her slit just above your half-mast member. >"...I think we can fix that. Just... fuckin' imagine it, babe. You and me, in our house, with the little pitter-patter of kit feet..." >She sighs happily, a tear welling up in her eye. >"I told myself I'd never settle down, but... for you, Anon, I would. I want you to make me feel like a real woman again. I want you to have your way with your foxy bitch... No, no. I want you to..." >She blinks back tears, gulping and taking a deep breath. >"Anon, I dunno if it's even possible, and I know we haven't known each other long, but... I-I want you to be my kids' dad. I want to be a mother, Anon, and you're the only person I trust enough, love enough to have a baby with." >She grabs your hand, tightly interlocking her fingers with yours. >"You probably know foxes mate for life... and this gal has finally met her one and only. I-I just hope you feel the same way..." >You grab her other hand and hold it tightly. >"Of course I do." >You kiss her lovingly as her tears drip onto your cheek. >"I love you, and I'll prove it." >You lean in and kiss her neck, pulling her as close as you can. You wrap your arms around her middle, feeling her fur against your bare skin. >More tears of happiness run down her cheeks as she smiles warmly. >Slowly, gently, you enter her warm slit. Alice shudders and stifles a moan, grabbing your hand and squeezing it softly. >"G-go on..." >Despite her urging, you take it slow and steady. This isn't a casual screw; you want to make LOVE to her. >You shower her with kisses, compliments, and declarations of love. The whole time, you gently pump your hips, taking care to be as delicate with Alice as possible. >She sighs happily, still crying from happiness as her projector lens shines with pink light. >"D-dammit... what did I do to deserve a boyfriend like you...? You're the best, Anon." >She leans in close, resting her head against yours. >"...you're... you're gonna make a hell of a dad if this works..." >"And you'll be the strongest mom any kid could ever have." >"..." >She kisses you. The world stops spinning, leaving you and your beloved free of any interruptions. >Though her broken body creaks and groans, her expression tells you that you're being gentle enough not to harm Alice. >As the two of you slip into a shared haze of love, you see her in an all-new light. >Gone is the mental image of a vixen free of augments. An Alice that never saw that crash. >Instead, you have YOUR Alice. With all her perfect imperfections. Every scar, every scrap of metal, every errant wire... >They all come together to form the bravest, most beautiful woman you've ever met. >A woman who, when faced with a body that rebels constantly, didn't lay down and give up; she spat in the face of her condition and endured. >Before you can say a word, you feel yourself finish inside Alice, filling her with your hot seed. >She blinks a few times, then smiles and hugs you even closer. >Her voice is almost entirely drowned out by happy tears. >"thank you." >The two of you cuddle close, enjoying each other's warmth. >In the hazy afterglow, it's hard not to start dozing off... >Alice is already starting to nod off, her head dipping closer to your shoulder as her eyelid droops. She eventually rests her steel chin on you, letting out a happy sigh before finally falling asleep. >Just before she goes out, she murmurs right in your ear. >"love you so much..." >It's not long at all before she's snoring quietly. The rhythmic sound of her breathing quickly lulls you to sleep as well. >Might as well go on to bed... tomorrow's gonna be busy. >...you wake up to find yourself in exactly the same position you fell asleep in. >Alice is still snoring, arms and legs wrapped around you tightly. Her tail flicks about unconsciously. >She smiles in her sleep and mutters. >"Mmm... h-happy... father's day..." >Must be dreaming about the two of you having kids... < Alice > >"...alright, Lena, are you ready? Mama's right behind you." >Alice watched proudly as her daughter revved the dirtbike a few times. After a moment's hesitation, she was off like a shot. >The vixen couldn't believe how much her sweet Lena had grown. Seemed like only yesterday she was holding a newborn kit in her arms... >Alice turned to her beloved husband, smiling with tears in her eye, and hugged him. >Their little girl was finally a woman. >Alice looked forward to cruising the roads alongside her... it'd been a while since she got to take the new Carol out... >But that was okay. Seeing that smile on her baby girl's face was more than enough to lake it all worthwhile. >Eventually, though, Alice heard it. A knocking sound, as if there were some invisible door beside her. >The very air opened like a door, and a figure leaned out, looking sheepish. >"Uh, mith Alith? It'th time to wake up..." >Dammit... < Anon > >Alice wakes up to you kissing her lovingly. >"Mm? What I miss?" >"Nothin'." >She smiles and gently cups your chin. >"Heh... love you, babe. Thanks again for last night." >"Love you too, Alice. Whatcha dream about, buying that minivan?" >She narrows her eye and punches your shoulder. >"NO. Ya goof." >"Then what was it?" >She blushes a little. >"...none of yer business, heheh. Let's get packin', huh?" >"Okay, I'm gonna grab a shower first." >"Gotcha. I'll probably get one too..." >"Well, why don't you go first, then?" >"Heh, alright. What a gentleman." >As Alice moves to get up, you set in to scratching her belly relentlessly. She snickers as your fingers dance through her fur and over her toned tummy. >"H-heheh... knock it off!" >You scratch harder, and her snickering bursts into full-on laughter. >"S-STOP IT, HAHAHAHA!" >She jokingly shoves you off her, then catches her breath before heading to the shower. While she's gone, you call and rent a U-Haul truck. Maybe you can make it in one trip that way... >You gather some things while you listen to Alice sing in the shower. >"...wherever there's mu~sic, the devil kicks / he don't allow mu~sic by that River Styx!" >You recognize it as the same song from the record player yesterday. >You whistle along and pack up some of your stuff, stopping for a shower when Alice comes out of the bathroom. >When you come back, she's packing up some stuff herself, listening to the radio in her chest. A singer you've never heard is performing a beautiful solo. >"I've never heard this lady before, but she's awesome. Think I may have to get her record, babe." >"What's her name?" >"...aw hell. Uh. Somethin' Rainy, I think? Emmy Raindrop...?" >"Well, we'll figure it out later. Let's just keep packing." >"Roger that." >With that, the two of you pack up uneventfully, listening to the radio the whole time. Once the very last box is full, you nod happily. >You cast one last bittersweet look around the apartment. Shitty as this place is, you're gonna miss it, a little... >After you say your goodbyes, you carry the boxes down to the truck, then carry Alice when everything else is loaded. >"One more thing to get." >"Carol, babe?" >"Carol." >Alice grins and fistpumps as you speed off towards the theatre. >Carol's still there, chained up safely. You reclaim the rusted-out bike, loading it into the back. With that done, you hop back into the driver's seat. >You look over at Alice, sitting uncomfortably on the truck seat, and smile. She returns the gesture. >"So this is it, huh? Headed off to start a new life..." >"Yep. Alice, I-" >"Awwww hell no. Don't get all mushy now! Let me handle the talking." >She scoots over closer to you and hugs you close. >"Anon, baby... you've done so much for me these last few days. More than anyone did for me in over a decade, for fuck's sake. You're a big-hearted, cute doofus, and I love ya. Good lord do I love ya. I'm... I'm so fucking touched that you want to make a new life with me... that you were willing to try and have kids with me... I-" >She sniffles a few times. >"DAMMIT, NO! Stupid waterworks... Uh, a-anyway..." >She twiddles her fingers awkwardly, metal claws clicking together. >"...Anon. I-I ain't got a ring. I don't have any money. I have fuck-all but what you've given me. But... I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. With the man who cares about me, the man I love more than anything else in this world." >She gulps nervously and smiles. >"...A-Anon, will ya marry me, when we're settled in to the new place?" >"You have to ask? Of course I will. I love you." >Her eye lights up, as does her projector. >"I love you too, babe, c'mere!" >As you hug and kiss Alice adoringly, you can't help but reflect... >...days ago, you were a single man who had pretty much no prospects for love. Now? >Now you have an amazingly strong, brave woman by your side... >...forever.