New Anon in Town [Canine; 1st Person Point of View, New Guy]; When everyone around town is so happy and nice, how is a dog girl supposed to get a cool guy like Anon? >Just another day of being the “tough bitch” in town >Every other fur and feather is so content with living out their assigned roles day after day >I didn’t use to be the grump, the sourpuss, the loner >But after a few bad days it became my “theme”, and even though I’m so testy in their eyes they act like it’s just a quaint little personality trait of mine >Now I can’t get rid of it even if I tried >It makes finding a mate around here pretty fucking hard as well >The other dogs are slobbering meatheads, and I don’t roll over just because they beg >The bears LOOK like they know a good time, but they’re just too soft for someone like me >The rabbits aren’t bad, if you’re into sissy little girlyboys >Hell, I’d play for the other team if most of the girls weren’t already paired off with their own type >So here I am, sulking in the shadows as the rest of the town is getting ready to welcome some new resident >”Anon”, he goes by >Gee, wonder what kind of walking character trope he’s going to b- >Holy shit, is that a human? >I thought humans were just some stupid marketing icons >Like, something advertisers made up because they’re so “neutral” looking for products >And yet here he is, walking around all furless and naive >There aren’t many things I need to ask for around here; either nobody stops me from taking something, or they’re such sickeningly sweet neighbors they just hand it over >But as this Anon guy is swamped by all the others waiting to greet him, I feel something I haven’t felt in a long time >Want >I want HIM >He’s visited at his remote little house for hours, well into the evening >It’s not easy waiting for all the others to leave him alone, but if I’m going to do this I don’t want to be interrupted >I also want to be the last one he thinks about before he goes to sleep >Luckily he’s still awake when I rap on his door >Dude barely comes up to my chest >I make sure he gets a good look at it first >Before I can introduce myself, he says my name >…How the hell? >Apparently all the others around town have been talking shit about me already >Needless to say, I’m pretty damn livid right now >If those gossiping busybodies already ruined this for me… >Anon doesn’t seem to know any better >He just heard about me just like any other fur around town, and he probably thinks I won’t bully him if he preemptively tries to be friendly >Well, BUDDY… >…It actually kind of works >I expected him to put up a fight, or show fear, or have him see me with the same stupid whimsy like the rest >I didn’t think he’d disarm me with kindness >I’m so dumbfounded by it I barely remember being invited into his home >Nothing I didn’t expect from a bachelor pad, but it doesn’t look like anyone else in town got as far as me in here yet >Now I’m sitting on his couch, and he’s spilling his life story >Where he comes from, why he’s here, what he hopes to accomplish… >I’m not necessarily tuning him out, but when I hear the word I snap into focus >”Friend” >He’s looking to make some friends, and I’m damn well going to be his favorite >But it’s already getting late, and the poor guy is pretty tired from the trip and from getting bombarded with welcomes all day >He asks if I‘d want to come back first thing in the morning to hang out some more >Yeah…sure thing >I actually find myself heading back to my place pretty briskly >Probably a good thing, because everything seems to be getting pretty foggy out all of the sudden >I head inside and see that familiar bitch in the mirror >Then I get a good look at my face, and my eyes, and I see why everything was so misty on the way back >I’m at his door before he’s even fully awake >Son of a bitch, tail. Stay still! >He doesn’t look bothered by my early arrival >Actually looks pretty excited to see me >I really hope I didn’t mess up and get stuck with some perpetually merry little ditz >He had the whole town come to him yesterday, so now he wants to see the rest of it for himself >Fine, whatever >I’m easily the best guide he’s going to get anyway, seeing as how I know all the paths and back alleys from avoiding those grinning dimwits every day >We go to the shops, the restaurants, the meeting places >He’s keen on mingling with the community, which is something I can’t say I’ve wanted much from these people >It’s kind of endearing for him, I guess >He’s a lot more personable than I am, and maybe I can actually stand to be around this place with him at my side >Just wish he’d hurry up so we can be alone together again >…Man, I’m terrible >I feel like a spoiled pup wanting him all for myself, and all he wants is just to belong here >He’s made more progress getting through to these people already then I ever could in years >He’s had a pretty long day, and by the evening he’s ready to settle in >I would have thought he’d be sick of me tagging along, but he’s full of surprises >Anon seriously wants me back into his home for a little while >Alright, a second chance >Don’t fuck this up! >He’s hospitable enough, though he seems just as nervous to be here as I am >I mean, not that I’m nervous around him >How did I even get to the couch again!? >We’re just chilling together, but this time it’s me who’s acting like an open book >I tell him about my part in the town’s little ecosystem >How I’m seen as the designated grouch >How I’m probably invited to all the gatherings out of obligation instead of genuine companionship >How I'm so fucking lonely every single day… >There it is, girl. You’ve said too much to this guy you barely know >I’m sure it would feel good to finally get this all off my chest if I weren’t spending all my energy to not break down in front of him >My throat burns too much from holding it all in to say anything >And he’s just sitting there staring at me with pity >Do something! >And he does; just gets right to the point and pulls me in for a hug >Even though I dwarf the guy, I feel so small in his arms >I love how smooth he is, and how it feels to have his fingers comb through my fur >I dreaded this was going to be my breaking point, but everything about his company puts me at ease >I don’t need some kind of easy lay or piece of meat to make me happy here >I’d be fine just like this for as long as I can >He practically knows my whole history by this point, but he has none of the judgment or resentment I have for myself >I don't deserve a guy like this >But even when I try to pull away he just keeps holding on, sapping my resolve until I’m all but curled up into his chest >He’s got the magic touch, this one >Goddammit tail, we’re having a moment! >Boy have I gotten to be a smug bitch >Anon and I go pretty much everywhere together >He’s got to be some kind of oddity, tolerating a dog like me >Not just tolerating, but borderline infatuated >I don’t plan on being modest about my good fortune, either >All the other furs and feathers around town are shocked by the two of us being a pair >Not to mention being blown away seeing me not be such a downer anymore >Plus, I’m not the only one who changed a bit >I managed to make a dent in their cheery little facades, showing hints of jealousy in their goofy eyes >I absolutely relish it >But Anon’s too cool a guy for that kind of pettiness, and I feel lucky to have him as my better half >He’s barely been here for long and he already made me the happiest girl out there >Now, this town doesn’t seem so bad >It helps that it feels like I have a fresh start here >A new lease on life >And I want Anon to be in it forever