You are Anon, a lowly worker. You're also the only human in the company. There's a theory you've got that you're just a diversity hire, backed up by the fact that everyone in the office is different animal. Well, everyone besides the two red pandas. The one in the sales department is sort of a weirdo that has a habit of staring off into space. Then there's Retsuko. By all accounts, she's an average woman with a strong work ethic. Well, average for a red panda. However, she must have pissed someone off in a previous life because her day always goes wrong in some way. Whether it's being forced to work late by her boss, dealing with annoying coworkers, or some other inconvenience, you wonder how she can still stand working here. It's kind of ridiculous that she manages to persevere in the face of all the shit being thrown her way. It's admirable, in a way. You do figure she's got a lot of repressed anger bottled up in there, though. And that brings you to today. It was just about quitting time when you happen to overhear something. "Senpai! I need help identifying which files are which type! Please sort them and leave them on my desk!" It was the recent hire, a Japanese badger that was constantly asking the other employees for guidance. He seemed to be having a lot of trouble, considering the size of the stack he places on Retsuko's desk. "Um, can't this wait until tomorrow? Work's almost over." she pleads. Her request falls on deaf ears as he goes on. "Make sure you label them clearly, senpai!" he finishes, walking off. Retsuko looked ready to have a breakdown when you decided to involve yourself. "Can I help you with those, Retsuko?" You surprised her, but she quickly smiles. "Ah, thank you!" With the two of you tackling the pile, you're able to get it sorted just in time for work to end. Retsuko lets loose a sigh of relief. "Fuuu~, now I can get home on time for once. Thanks for your help!" "It's no big deal, Retsuko." you say. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow, goodbye!" She quickly leaves. Then you remember that the badger wanted her to label the piles. You rectify this and get ready to finally leave for real, when you notice something on Retsuko's desk. It's her cellphone. She must have forgotten to pick it up in her haste to leave. Feeling that she needs at least one day without anything bad happening to her, you take it and run after her to the train station. At the station, you finally manage to catch up to her. Not that would be too difficult anyway considering her stubby legs. "Anon? Did you need something?" Retsuko asks. "Phone..." you pant out, handing her phone over. "You forgot... phone..." "Ah! Thank you again!" She seems particularly embarrassed over this flub. "Sorry for making you run all this way just for me..." "Not a problem, this is my station anyway." The red panda perks up slightly at this. "Looks like everything works out for you, huh? Yet I-" she halts and slaps her forehead. "Shoot! I forgot about the labels!" "I took care of that too." Tears begin to form in Retsuko's eyes. "Y-You're kind of like a good luck charm." She says, wiping her eyes. You scratch your head. "I... wouldn't go that far." She giggles. "Um, do you wanna be friends?" You pause at the abruptness, and accept. After exchanging contact information, your train arrives and the two of you get on and start conversing. The topics range from music, movies, and anime. Her favorite movies and animes are romances, but what really surprises you is that she has a love of death metal. You move onto talking about work and you immediately strike a chord. The two of you intensely dislike your bosses and your more annoying coworkers. After about thirty minutes, Retsuko has to get off, and you say your goodbyes. Once you reach your stop, your phone buzzes. Retsuko sent you a text. "Gotta be reddy for tomorrow, too." ----- The next few weeks at work go by with not much going on. You meet with Retsuko occasionally during lunch and chat about whatever misfortune that's been affecting her that day. Today, she's called you over to sit down with two of her friends. There's Washimi, a pretty and reserved secretary bird, and Director Gori, a gorilla lady who's been very nice to you in the few times you've met her. "Hi Anon. The girls and I were going to hang out after work, but Fenneko said she wasn't feeling well and Tsunoda already had a date planned. We wanted if you wanted to come." "We're going to the karaoke bar. That's the last thing we're doing, nothing else is planned." Gori chimes in. Not wanting to miss the opportunity to hear Retsuko try to sing death metal, you agree to meet later. After work, you change into your casual suit and head to the small resturant you were told to go to. The girls are there waiting for you. "Alright, we're all here. Let's goooo!" Retsuko proclaims. Nobody else matches her enthusiasm, causing her to sheepishly chuckle. The resturant itself is nothing to write home about and the food isn't the best, but the real purpose of this place is talking. Everyone gets a chance to talk about something non-work related for once. All in all, not a fantastic start to a night out, but not bad either. As the four of you walk out towards the karaoke place, you spot it. An arcade. Unable to control your urge to play some Street Fighter, you push ahead and rush in, leaving the girls to reluctantly follow you. You settle at the cabinet as Retsuko walks up. "You want to play?" You ask. "Aha, I'm n-not so good at video games..." she says, embarrassed. "Come on, I'll show you how to play." Reluctantly, she accepts. You spend the first couple matches explaining most of the characters and the controls. Now that she's confident with the controls, you start up her first real match. You decided to give her a chance at winning and pick Dan while she goes with Chun-Li. Right from the start, it's clear she has no clue how to open the match as she mashes buttons and wags the stick until her kicks comes out. You block it and briefly stop and remind her about the proper motions. You follow up with your own projectile as a demonstration. The match goes back and forth. Even with you holding back, she still was cutting it close with the first round. Next round, not so much, and she wins. Retsuko's having a much better time playing now, ready for another match. The final match concludes with Retsuko coming out on top. "Yatta~!" she exclaims, imitating Chun-Li. You meet back up with Gori and Washimi. Apparently they were off playing Pop'n Music. After that detour, you finally reach the karaoke bar. The four of you get your room and your drinks. Retsuko is chosen to be the first to sing. She browses the selection before settling on a Detroit Metal City song. You take a sip of your drink in anticipation. "Wow." is all that you can think. Between the profanities, the harsh vocals, and the change in her own face, you'd think Retsuko was possessed by the spirit of Krauser II himself. The song ends and Retsuko passes the microphone off to you. Now that it's your turn to potentially humiliate yourself, you decide to pick something you can still perform reasonably well even with the alcohol in your system. So of course you had to pick the Dragon Ball Z opening. When you're done, the girls seemed to have enjoyed your singing, though the alcohol might have helped somewhat. Washimi sings a pop ballad and Gori does a love song. They blur together as you drink more. Eventually time runs up and everyone's ready to leave. You say goodbye to Washimi and Gori. Retsuko, on the other hand slurs her words. "Are you going to be alright by yourself?" "Nah, I'm fffine, A-*hic*Anon." she mutters, wobbling from side-to-side. She nearly falls over before catching herself You're concerned now. Picking her up easily thanks to her diminutive size, you carry her like a child. "Come on, which way's your house?" She giggles uncontrollably. "Hehehe! Oh gosh, Anon!" Even in her inebriated state, Retsuko is still able give okay directions. She does get you lost once for about five minutes, but you manage to get back on track. Thankfully the streets are bare, otherwise they might get the wrong impression. At last, the two of you reach her apartment and you let her down. "Ahhh... Thaaank you again." Retsuko fumbles in her pockets for her keys before disappearing inside. As you head home, can't help but laugh to yourself about the red panda's singing. ----- The next day at work, as you get into the elevator, so does Retsuko. "Hello, Retsuko." It takes her several seconds to reply. "Hi." She says, not even bothering to face you. For the next few days, Retsuko has been avoiding you. She's shifted away from just keeping her distance to you in the elevator to straight up ignoring you attempts at talking to her. It's been worrying you. Does she not like you anymore? You need advice. Fortunately, you know two people that can give you some. "Hold up!" You yell to Washimi and Director Gori on their way to lunch. They stop in the middle of their strut, completely synchronized, and turn to you. "What's seems to be the problem?" Washimi asks. "It's about Retsuko." At lunch, you explain what's been going on. "That's so unlike her. Are you sure you haven't offended her?" Gori asks. You think for a second. "No, I've been nothing but kind to her. I even carried her home when she was drunk!" Washimi takes a sip from her canned coffee. "Hmm. I believe the answer is clear." You both look at the bird. "Retsuko's got a crush on you and trying to hide it." "Huhhh?!" "Washimi, are you sure?!" Gori says. "I'm sure. She's conflicted about her feelings for you and her existing ones for Resasuke." You're unfamiliar with that name. "Who's Resasuke?" "He's the other red panda that works here." she explains. "Wait, him? I've barely heard him say anything, let alone anything to Retsuko!" Director Gori whispers to you. "It's true. She told me it privately. I guess Washimi figured it out on her own." Well, if she likes him, maybe she really likes you. You pause. "So what do you think I should do?" Later, as the day winds down, you at last manage to get an opportunity to talk with Retsuko. She's at her computer working. Maybe she won't run off this time. "Retsuko?" Her hair stands on end as she emits a high pitched "Eeep!" The red panda covers her face as you spin her chair around to face you. "What do you want?" she croaks out. "I just need to talk with you." "Leave me alone, I have work to do." One of her paws leaves her face as she turns back to her computer. You've had enough and place your hand on hers. She gasps and locks eyes with you. Better take it slow. "Retsuko... Do you like me?" "I-I... I mean..." she sighs, "Yes, I like you a lot, Anon. Ever since you took me back home, I-I realized I... kind of had a thing for you." "And you thought if you ever told me, it'd ruin our friendship?" Her eyes start watering. "Yes... Just let me go die of embarrassment in a corner somewhere." "No, listen to me. I'm honestly flattered you like me that way. You're a wonderful woman, Retsuko. You're smart, funny, and an amazing singer." The tears keep coming, but now she's smiling. "Don't beat yourself up, the Retsuko I know wouldn't." Retsuko's face is showing a visible (somehow) blush and her tears are streaming down her cheeks. "Anon..." "Um, Retsuko?" "Yeah?" "Do you wanna, maybe-" "Quit slacking off, you two!" Everything the moment was building to grinds to a halt as both of you look back to see your boss, Director Ton glowering at you while wiping his brow. "We don't pay people to stand around gawking at each other, move it!" For the first time, you and Retsuko are completely synchronized in your hate. "GET BACK TO WORK! GET BACK TO WORK! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU INCONSIDERATE JERK?! THE TWO OF US WERE HAVING A MOMENT! WE DIDN'T ASK FOR YOUR INVOLVEMEEEEENT!" ----- Fortunately, in spite of being so rudely interrupted, you were able to get what you were try to say out and ask Retsuko out on a date. She immediately accepted and promised to go out during the weekend. Before you leave, Retsuko says one last thing to you. "Oh, and Anon? Thanks." Though you do a good job of masking it, you can barely hold your excitement in at work until the weekend. Then the day finally comes. Since it's just a casual date, you decide to just pick a random shirt and cover it up with your hoodie. Retsuko's already at the spot in the park where you agreed to meet. Apparently you weren't the only one anxious about it. She seems to have had the same idea about wearing a hoodie. "Ah, you're here! Let's get started." Your date is as simple as they come; The two of you are just going to walk around and spend time together. The red panda has returned to her cheerful self and talks about what's been happening at work. Eventually there's a lull in the conversation. After roughly a minute, Retsuko speaks up again. "Hey, this is probably going to sound weird, but, Anon?" "Yes?" you reply. "Do you, uh... wanttoholdhands?" she blurts out, covering her mouth and blushing as if she'd just asked something a lot more risque. Chuckling at her getting so embarassed, you say "Sure, we can hold hands." Retsuko lets a sigh out and shakily grips your hand. "Retsuko, is that you?" Your date tenses up and grips your hand really hard, causing the both of you to stop in your tracks. The two of you turn to the source of the voice. It's that gazelle girl from work. Retsuko mutters "Oh, it's only you, Tsunoda." She then realizes how hard she's squeezing your hand and lets go. Tsunoda gives a surprised look. "Hand holding? Retsuko, did you finally get a boyfriend?" Okay, she's already grating on your nerves. Retsuko doesn't seem particularly thrilled, either. "I'm so, so happy for you! Here, I'll take a picture to commemorate this!" she says, whipping out a cellphone and flashing a V sign. Retsuko forces a convincing smile as Tsunoda takes the photo. She then shows you it. Tsunoda takes up most of the picture, leaving most of your face blocked by her own. Retsuko is more fortunate as she's still in plain view. "Lemme tweet it so everyone'll know!" The gazelle cheerfully taps on her phone as Retsuko protests, "T-that's fine, you don't need to-" "Aaand sent!" "Ugh." "Bye, Retsuko, hope you and your bf have fun!" You feel a wave of relief pass over you as she finally leaves. "Sorry about that, she's kind of unstoppable when once she gets going." Your date gives an uncomfortable laugh. How are they still friends at this point? "I-It's fine, our date isn't finished yet." So the two of you resume your date and it goes well. Before you know it, it ends and the two of you are saying your goodbyes. Right before you have dinner, Retsuko sends you a link to Tsunoda's tweet. You already dread reading it. "OMG! Was going to the store when I found these two on a date! #CongratsGirl #GoodTaste #groufie" Wait, this has HOW many retweets? ----- The unfortunate side effect of Tsunoda making that tweet was now everyone in the office knew the two of you were dating. Most of them didn't say anything specific, but it was clear from the way they were looking that they knew. Washimi and Gori don't say anything either, but instead they each give you a thumbs up. You wondered if Retsuko was getting the same kind of looks, but if she was, they didn't seem to spoil her mood. You decide to ignore them and get back to work before you're yelled at. The weeks pass almost too quickly. Your dates continued and went off without any hitches too. Recently, though, your curiousity had gotten the better of you and hand decided to keep an eye on Retsuko to make sure her work was going well. Surprisingly, it seemed it was. Nothing bad happened and even if someone she disliked talked with her, they only did it to congratulate her. Which was strange, because now you were getting all the misfortunes. It started off small, you stubbed your toe on the same spot every day, the Dr. Pepper in the soda machine was always out of stock. Then you were getting pestered by Kabae about inconsequential things and enduring Tsubone harshly criticizing your work. Today, somehow you'd just gotten roped into working overtime by Director Ton. This had to stop. You needed to tell Retsuko about this. Lunch wound up being the perfect opportunity to talk again. You tell her about your streak of bad luck. "Well, I'm not really sure how you're expecting the two of us to solve it, if this is even real." Retsuko says, eating her salad. You scratch your head. "Yeah, I really didn't think that far. Um, I mean, you're fine having normal days for once..." She coughs, "No no, that's okay. At least Fenneko is coming to hang out with me tomorrow night!" "Wait, that was when our date was planned!" you say. "Ah, sorry, but Fenneko rarely ever has time to chill with me, Anon." Then you get an idea. "No, it's fine, we can have it tonight. It's the last Friday of the month, so we can leave early today. Well, if Director Ton lets us." Conveniently, the pig just so happens to pass by, carrying his lunch. "Sir, can Retsuko and I leave work early today?" He turns to look at you. "Yeah, whatever. Just expect a bigger workload next week waiting for you." You try to object, but can only stammer in frustration. Defeated, you tell Retsuko you'll see her tonight. Before, the most your dates went out for food were stands and a ramen shop. Tonight, you decided to go for to a small restaurant. The interior of the place is plain, white walls and wooden chairs, although it's oddly cozy. You find your table and the waiter comes by. He's a brown bear and initially looks perplexed by the two of you as he gives you the menu. Then he puts on a smile and asks what drinks you want to start off with. Retsuko wants an iced tea and you go with Dr. Pepper. Diet, obviously. He thanks you and leaves to let you decide on what to order. She's fine with whatever you order, so you go with a steak. When the waiter comes back with your drinks you request that you want your steak medium rare. As he leaves again, you take a sip from your soda and immediately notice something strange about the taste. This isn't Diet. Maybe that part of the drink machine broke, but considering how bad your luck has been, you don't rule out the possibility of an act of malice. But, regular Dr. Pepper is still fine and it's not the time to dream up conspiracy theories when you're spending the night with someone worth way more of your time. Of course, when you get your steak, it's overcooked. You can only sigh and continue eating. Retsuko takes notice and tries to make conversation with you. She brings up the moment on your first date together that she was embarrassed when asking to hold hands. You can't help but laugh at being reminded of that. Still, the thought causes you to think about how your relationship still hasn't progressed past that point. You try to focus back on your meal, but it keeps creeping back to you. Would she think you're moving too fast? The rest of your date is spent without any further conversation. Retsuko thankfully pays for it. Your money probably never would have gone through for whatever reason. You walk out with her, but both of you stop out front as if you're expecting something from the other. Well, you wouldn't be dating right now if you didn't act on an impulse. Breathing in, you say, "Do you want to-" You're cut off by her grabbing your shirt and giving you a kiss on the cheek. She beams at you. "I can't have my boyfriend acting so gloomy!" Well she's right about that, but you can still do her one better. You pull her in for a kiss on the lips. Brief as it is, Retsuko's definitely shocked by this. She stares at you, dazed. "Awawah... Wha-" Just one kiss did that? Snapping back to reality, she blushes and puts her hands on her cheeks while smiling. "Ahh, we're already at the kissing stage... Just like Daichi and Sosogu..." Retsuko sighs dreamily. Must be a romance novel she's read. You say farewell to each other and head home. On Monday, you come in expecting another verbal thrashing or Kabae to start bugging you. Instead you spot Retsuko in the middle of being browbeaten by Tsubone into doing yet more work. You also see Kabae barely able to contain herself, waiting to be able to speak to her. You feel somewhat relieved to find things back to the status quo, but you don't like that it came at Retsuko's expense, yet again. Later, after she's finally freed from the grip of her coworkers, you are able to share a moment of peace with her. Emphasis on moment since before you can even say anything, Director Ton drops several stacks of papers onto your desk. "Remember what I said last week? Retsuko, since you're here and you left together, you're helping him. Think of it like another date." He goes back to his desk, leaving the two of you seething. God, you hate him. ----- You had set up a time and place to hangout with Ookami and the other guys at work, but none of them even showed up. It's been over an hour since you arrived and you're ready to give up. You just want to go home. Just when you thought your luck was back to normal. Sighing, you take your things and while you're walking away, you get a new idea. Retsuko told you she was going home after work, so you can probably stay over there for a bit. You haven't actually seen the inside of her place before. You call her number and she picks up. "Hi Anon! Is something wrong?" "Yeah, nobody came." "Oh no!" "I was going to ask if I could spend some time together at your place." You say as you hear her shuffling in the background. "Okay, I just need to clean things up over here and we can... watch a movie?" Once you're there, Retsuko greets you wearing the most casual outfit you've seen her in: a blue shirt with a cat head that says 'Cool' and some multicolor striped shorts. She doesn't say much when she lets you in. Her apartment isn't especially interesting, but it does look cozy. Your girlfriend yawns. "Sorry, I was in the middle of a nap when you called." Then she realizes what that could be miscontrued as, "B-But I'll gladly take you over sleep anytime, Anon!" Retsuko gets some beer and sets up the TV to play Netflix and she searches for something to watch. She settles on a space opera that seems to be about the love between a human male and a fox anthro, according to the synopsis. You feel like you've seen this somewhere before... Regardless, the both of you find something to enjoy from this. Retsuko really likes the way the romance itself is handled, while you identify with the male lead. You and her are mostly quiet through it aside from giggles at the occasional "Awww!". But then Retsuko starts cuddling up to your side. You feel her small body inch towards you until her head is directly below your chin. She looks up and smiles. Pulling her close, you hear her sigh contently. Having had your moment together, you both turn your attention back to the movie. It seems in the time you were focused in on each other, the main characters were having a... more intimate moment themselves. Heat rises to both your faces as you try to not overreact. You're both adults, this isn't anything new to you. So why can't you calm down? Is it the alcohol? Or maybe because your girlfriend is so close? Regardless, you've got to power through this. The scene mercifully ends and it's back to the plot. You do get back to enjoying it and push the awkward moment aside. The rest of the movie goes by fairly quickly and before you know it, the credits appear. Still, you can't shake a feeling that's working its way through you. You have to ask her something important. "Hey, Retsuko?" "Hmm?" "Do you..." You pause, trying to get the words out. "Love me?" Her look of surprise turns into a playful smirk. "Sheesh, what's gotten into you, of course I do!" "... What about me do you like the most?" "Oh gosh, I really can't decide!" She puts a finger under her chin and smiles at you. "Well, for starters, you're so sweet to me!" "You're really handsome, too." Flattery will get you everywhere, Retsuko. "And, well, I love being around you." There's a pause. "... er, and you're really good at kissing..." "Ahaha, is that a request you're hinting at?" Retsuko gives you that adorable smile you just can't resist accompanied by a wink. You shrug. "Alright, alright, you win." Spinning her towards you, she gets a kiss on her lips. She pouts. "You're not going to be satisfied with just one kiss, are you?" "Nope!" she proclaims as she kisses you in turn, but instead of breaking it and letting go, she holds your head and keeps you close. Confused by the sudden burst of intimacy, you attempt to ask her a question, but you can only get out a single "Wetshkoh?" Still she persists. It's at this point you notice something slip through your lips. Is... is she trying to French kiss you? You mull over what to do now, as her tongue tries to find a way past your teeth. Sighing, you relent and stick your tongue out to meet hers. Though ultimately the contact is brief, there's something about the way her small tongue feels against yours. Finally pulling back for air, Retsuko separates, leaving a string of saliva connecting your mouths for a moment. As your girlfriend is preoccupied with gasping for air, it's your voice that breaks the silence. "If you were going to do that, you could have just asked me." "I just wanted to show you how good I could kiss." she whispers, before falling asleep into your chest. Yeah, sleep sounds good right about now... Light awakens you as Retsuko's alarm starts up. You stretch and yawn, but your girlfriend continues to cling to you. "Retsuko, we have work today." you say, completely deadpan. She mumbles "Let's just spend a while longer like this." before you get up and she starts sliding to the floor. "Come on, you." you tell her, picking her up and sitting her down for a breakfast of toast and OJ. You spend the meal with her, perking her back up into 'work mode' and after getting changed into more appropriate clothes, the two of you leave for the station, holding hands the whole way.