#!/bin/bash function error { echo -e "\\e[91m$1\\e[39m" exit 1 } function check_internet() { printf "Checking if you are online..." wget -q --spider http://github.com if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Online. Continuing." else error "Offline. Go connect to the internet then run the script again." fi } check_internet echo "Libseccomp2 upgrade needed if you run rpi 32bit. Check version with 'dpkg-query -W libseccomp'. if the version is 2.3 or below, this script is necessary." wget http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/libs/libseccomp/libseccomp2_2.5.4-1+b3_armhf.deb || error "Failed to download libseccomp2.deb" sudo dpkg -i libseccomp2_2.5.4-1+b1_armhf.deb || error "Failed to install libseccomp2.deb" rm -f libseccomp2_2.5.4-1+b1_armhf.deb echo "Updating the libseccomp2 file is complete."