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base repository: ngscopeclient/scopehal-docs
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head repository: ngscopeclient/scopehal-docs
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compare: 540c85c23581
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  • 1 commit
  • 1 file changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Dec 17, 2020

  1. Updated docs for Tek MSO6

    azonenberg committed Dec 17, 2020


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    540c85c View commit details
Showing with 26 additions and 7 deletions.
  1. +26 −7 section-drivers.tex
33 changes: 26 additions & 7 deletions section-drivers.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -226,18 +226,31 @@ \subsection{lecroy}
This driver has been tested on a wide range of Teledyne LeCroy / LeCroy hardware. It should be compatible with any
Teledyne LeCroy or LeCroy oscilloscope running Windows XP or newer and the MAUI or XStream software.

\subsubsection{Typical Performance (WaveRunner 8404M-MS, VICP)}

\item 80K points, 1 channel: 35 - 45 WFM/s
\item 80K points, 2 channels: 35 - 45 WFM/s
\item 800K points, 2 channels: 16 - 17 WFM/s
\item 8M points, 2 channels: 3.1 - 3.2 WFM/s


This driver is being primarily developed on a MSO64. It supports raw SCPI over LXI VXI-11. It may also work via USBTMC,
but this have never been tested. Use of the ``lan" transport is not recommended due to observed stability issues.
This driver is being primarily developed on a MSO64. It supports SCPI over LXI VXI-11 or TCP sockets.

The hardware supports USBTMC, however waveform download via USBTMC does not work with libscopehal for unknown reasons.

Avoid using memory depths longer than 500K points with glscopeclient. The scope firmware will crash if you try and
require a full reboot.

\textbf{Device Family} & \textbf{Driver} & \textbf{Transport} & \textbf{Notes} \\
MSO5 series & tektronix & lxi & \\
MSO5 series & tektronix & lan, lxi & \\
MSO6 series & tektronix & lxi & \\
MSO6 series & tektronix & lan, lxi & \\

@@ -247,9 +260,15 @@ \subsection{Note regarding ``lan" transport on MSO5/6}
commands. To remove the prompts and help text, go to Utility | I/O, then under the Socket Server panel select protocol
``None" rather than the default of ``Terminal".

Additionally, we have seen some stability issues with the ``lan" transport which appear to be due to synchronization
bugs in the firmware when multiple commands (especially enabling/disabling channels) are batched into the same TCP
segment or sent closely enough that they are processed concurrently on the instrument.
\subsubsection{Typical Performance (MSO64, LXI, embedded OS)}

\item 50K points, 1 channel: 10.3 - 11.4 WFM/s
\item 50K points, 2 channels: 6.7 - 7.2 WFM/s
\item 50K points, 4 channels: 5.1 - 5.3 WFM/s
\item 500K points, 1 channel: 8.7 - 9.5 WFM/s
\item 500K points, 4 channels: 3.8 - 3.9 WFM/s

TODO (scopehal:40)