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Credit Worthiness For Rural India

Problem Statement

In the Banking industry, loan applications are generally approved after a thorough background check of the customer's repayment capabilities. Credit Score plays a significant role in identifying customer's financial behavior (specifically default). However, people belonging to rural India don't have a credit score and it is difficult to do a direct assessment.

Data Description

  • Id: Primary Key
  • Personal Details: city, age, sex, social_class
  • Financial Details: primary_business, secondary_business, annual_income,monthly_expenses, old_dependents, young_dependents
  • House Details: home_ownership, type_of_house, occupants_count, house_area,sanitary_availability, water_availability
  • Loan Details: loan_purpose, loan_tenure, loan_installments, loan_amount (these contain loan details of loans that have been previously given, and all of which have been repaid)