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base repository: azonenberg/starshipraider
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base: 555a219c22a0
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head repository: azonenberg/starshipraider
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compare: 5909ad6a72e6
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  • 1 commit
  • 4 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jul 1, 2020

  1. Copy the full SHA
    5909ad6 View commit details
Showing with 1,900 additions and 1,600 deletions.
  1. +4 −69 boards/MAXWELL/maxwell-main/clocking.sch
  2. +1,806 −1,441 boards/MAXWELL/maxwell-main/maxwell-main.kicad_pcb
  3. +88 −88 boards/MAXWELL/maxwell-main/ram.sch
  4. +2 −2 boards/MAXWELL/maxwell-main/trigger.sch
73 changes: 4 additions & 69 deletions boards/MAXWELL/maxwell-main/clocking.sch
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1206,25 +1206,10 @@ F 3 "" H 4700 10300 50 0001 C CNN
1 4700 10300
1 0 0 -1
L device:C C417
U 1 1 6298F8D6
P 5200 10300
F 0 "C417" H 5315 10346 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "0.47 uF" H 5315 10255 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "azonenberg_pcb:EIA_0402_CAP_NOSILK" H 5238 10150 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5200 10300 50 0001 C CNN
1 5200 10300
1 0 0 -1
Text Label 4700 10150 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4700 10150 5200 10150
Text Label 4700 10450 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4700 10450 5200 10450
L device:C C419
U 1 1 62996C2E
@@ -1239,17 +1224,6 @@ $EndComp
Text Label 5750 10150 2 50 ~ 0
L device:C C420
U 1 1 62996F7F
P 6250 10300
F 0 "C420" H 6365 10346 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "0.47 uF" H 6365 10255 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "azonenberg_pcb:EIA_0402_CAP_NOSILK" H 6288 10150 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6250 10300 50 0001 C CNN
1 6250 10300
1 0 0 -1
L device:C C421
U 1 1 62997436
P 6800 10300
@@ -1262,50 +1236,7 @@ F 3 "" H 6800 10300 50 0001 C CNN
Text Label 6800 10150 2 50 ~ 0
L device:C C422
U 1 1 6299779B
P 7300 10300
F 0 "C422" H 7415 10346 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "0.47 uF" H 7415 10255 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "azonenberg_pcb:EIA_0402_CAP_NOSILK" H 7338 10150 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7300 10300 50 0001 C CNN
1 7300 10300
1 0 0 -1
L device:C C423
U 1 1 62997BE3
P 7850 10300
F 0 "C423" H 7965 10346 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "0.47 uF" H 7965 10255 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "azonenberg_pcb:EIA_0402_CAP_NOSILK" H 7888 10150 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7850 10300 50 0001 C CNN
1 7850 10300
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
7850 10450 7300 10450
Connection ~ 5200 10450
Connection ~ 5750 10450
Wire Wire Line
5750 10450 5200 10450
Connection ~ 6250 10450
Wire Wire Line
6250 10450 5750 10450
Connection ~ 6800 10450
Wire Wire Line
6800 10450 6250 10450
Connection ~ 7300 10450
Wire Wire Line
7300 10450 6800 10450
Wire Wire Line
6250 10150 5750 10150
Wire Wire Line
6800 10150 7300 10150
Connection ~ 7300 10150
Wire Wire Line
7300 10150 7850 10150
L device:R R238
U 1 1 62B817A8
@@ -1514,4 +1445,8 @@ F 3 "~" H 11450 7500 50 0001 C CNN
1 11450 7500
-1 0 0 1
Wire Wire Line
5750 10450 6800 10450
Wire Wire Line
4700 10450 5750 10450