cd connect4
JWT_KEY=secureserverencryptionkey docker-compose up -d
By default, this method will attempt to run on port 80. Feel free to modify the ports if you cannot run on port 80
If you just want to try it out without installing anything, try visiting
You'll need to have an instance of mongodb running. You will also need wasm-pack, and rollup
cd connect4/connect4-web
# install external dependencies
npm -i -g rollup
rustup override set nightly
rustup update
cargo install wasm-pack
SERVER_URL=localhost:8000 wasm-pack build --target web
rollup ./main.js --format iife --file ./pkg/bundle.js
JWT_KEY=jkey DB_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017 cargo run --release --manifest-path=../connect4-server/Cargo.toml
Also, the last three of those steps are contained within a script called web
By default, this method will run mongodb on port 27017, and the rust rocket web server on port 8000. If you change either port number, be sure to also make sure that the environment variables SERVER_URL and DB_URL reflect this.
Great care was taken to ensure the application is as easy to use as possible. When the user first loads up the application, they are greeted with a friendly main screen.
Several things were taken into consideration to ensure this great user experience. First, the site was designed to support the browsers back button. To many sites break the back button, which is just annoying. Secondly, we wanted users to be able to play from whenever where ever, so it supports desktops, mobile devices, as well as the ability to start a game and continue it from anywhere.
From here, if the user is not signed in, they will be able to either sign in, or create a game in offline mode, or access the settings menu.
If the user is signed in, they will also have the settings button, but they will also have a statistics button, a view current games, a view past games, and a create game button.
In here the user can toggle color blind mode, or go back to the main menu. Color blind mode draws a charactor over the chip to indicate the color.
From this screen, users can view their stats. It shows their wins, losses, draws, and games played as well as games ongoing. The user can also go back to the main menu.
From here, users can see a list of every game they have completed, allowing them to analyse the board and learn from their mistakes. Or just revel in their victory.
From here, users can see all games they have ongoing and they can click on a game to continue playing.
From here, users will be presented with a series of menus to help them create the game they want. They will select if it is a local or remote multiplayer, or if they are playing against the AI. It also has them select the game type of connect4/toot and otto. The menu options will look slightly different if the user is not signed in, as there will be no remote multiplayer option. When the user is done, it will send them to the playing a game screen.
Note: For online multiplayer games, the first player will create a
game. The second player will join the game. The second player will
need to enter the game code, this can be found in the url of the
playing game. The url will look like
where the CODE is the game
From the playing game screen. The user will play games of connect4 or toot and otto. The user clicks or touches a column to play a piece in that column. For games where the user has the choice of multiple pieces, the user can select a chip using the keyboard and typing the letter displayed on the chip. Or by clicking or tapping on the chip from the chip options part of the screen.
If the user is signed in. All moves will be sent to the server, this means you can stop playing and resume later on any device as long as you sign in.