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base repository: ngscopeclient/scopehal-docs
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head repository: ngscopeclient/scopehal-docs
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compare: 3bf8f1240fb9
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  • 1 commit
  • 2 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Dec 13, 2020

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  1. BIN images/filters/channel-emulation.png
  2. +46 −0 section-decodes.tex
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46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions section-decodes.tex
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@@ -471,6 +471,52 @@ \subsection{Output Signal}
\section{Channel Emulation}

This filter models the effects of applying an arbitrary channel, described via one or more 2-port S-parameter files, to
a waveform. Fig. \ref{filter_channelemu} shows the result of passing a 1.25 Gbps serial data pattern through a 10x
oscilloscope probe with approximately 500 MHz bandwidth. The ISI, attenuation, and phase shift introduced by the
channel can all be seen.

Only the forward path (S21) is considered in the current implementation of this filter; it is assumed that any
reflected power is absorbed by terminations at the transmitter. Channels with significant return loss reflecting off
the transmitter may not be modeled accurately.

The channel model works in the frequency domain. An FFT is performed on the input, then each complex point is
scaled by the interpolated S21 magnitude and rotated by the S21 phase, then an inverse FFT is used to transform the
signal back into the time domain. The group delay of the channel is estimated and samples are discarded from the
beginning of the waveform to prevent causality violations.

\caption{Example of channel emulation on a serial data stream}


\textbf{Signal name} & \textbf{Type} & \textbf{Description} \\
din & Analog & Input waveform \\


\textbf{Parameter name} & \textbf{Type} & \textbf{Description} \\
S-Parameters & Filename vector & List of S-parameter files describing the channel\\

\subsection{Output Signal}

This filter outputs an analog waveform with the same timebase as the input, with the emulated channel applied.
