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Scheduled monthly dependency update for June #25

wants to merge 10 commits into from


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@pyup-bot pyup-bot commented Jun 1, 2021

Update certifi from 2020.12.5 to 2021.5.30.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update click from 7.1.2 to 8.0.1.




Released 2021-05-19

-   Mark top-level names as exported so type checking understand imports
 in user projects. :issue:`1879`
-   Annotate ``Context.obj`` as ``Any`` so type checking allows all
 operations on the arbitrary object. :issue:`1885`
-   Fix some types that weren't available in Python 3.6.0. :issue:`1882`
-   Fix type checking for iterating over ``ProgressBar`` object.
-   The ``importlib_metadata`` backport package is installed on Python <
 3.8. :issue:`1889`
-   Arguments with ``nargs=-1`` only use env var value if no command
 line values are given. :issue:`1903`
-   Flag options guess their type from ``flag_value`` if given, like
 regular options do from ``default``. :issue:`1886`
-   Added documentation that custom parameter types may be passed
 already valid values in addition to strings. :issue:`1898`
-   Resolving commands returns the name that was given, not
 ````, fixing an unintended change to help text and
 ``default_map`` lookups. When using patterns like ``AliasedGroup``,
 override ``resolve_command`` to change the name that is returned if
 needed. :issue:`1895`
-   If a default value is invalid, it does not prevent showing help
 text. :issue:`1889`
-   Pass ``windows_expand_args=False`` when calling the main command to
 disable pattern expansion on Windows. There is no way to escape
 patterns in CMD, so if the program needs to pass them on as-is then
 expansion must be disabled. :issue:`1901`



Released 2021-05-11

-   Drop support for Python 2 and 3.5.
-   Colorama is always installed on Windows in order to provide style
 and color support. :pr:`1784`
-   Adds a repr to Command, showing the command name for friendlier
 debugging. :issue:`1267`, :pr:`1295`
-   Add support for distinguishing the source of a command line
 parameter. :issue:`1264`, :pr:`1329`
-   Add an optional parameter to ``ProgressBar.update`` to set the
 ``current_item``. :issue:`1226`, :pr:`1332`
-   ``version_option`` uses ``importlib.metadata`` (or the
 ``importlib_metadata`` backport) instead of ``pkg_resources``. The
 version is detected based on the package name, not the entry point
 name. The Python package name must match the installed package
 name, or be passed with ``package_name=``. :issue:`1582`
-   If validation fails for a prompt with ``hide_input=True``, the value
 is not shown in the error message. :issue:`1460`
-   An ``IntRange`` or ``FloatRange`` option shows the accepted range in
 its help text. :issue:`1525`, :pr:`1303`
-   ``IntRange`` and ``FloatRange`` bounds can be open (``<``) instead
 of closed (``<=``) by setting ``min_open`` and ``max_open``. Error
 messages have changed to reflect this. :issue:`1100`
-   An option defined with duplicate flag names (``"--foo/--foo"``)
 raises a ``ValueError``. :issue:`1465`
-   ``echo()`` will not fail when using pytest's ``capsys`` fixture on
 Windows. :issue:`1590`
-   Resolving commands returns the canonical command name instead of the
 matched name. This makes behavior such as help text and
 ``Context.invoked_subcommand`` consistent when using patterns like
 ``AliasedGroup``. :issue:`1422`
-   The ``BOOL`` type accepts the values "on" and "off". :issue:`1629`
-   A ``Group`` with ``invoke_without_command=True`` will always invoke
 its result callback. :issue:`1178`
-   ``nargs == -1`` and ``nargs > 1`` is parsed and validated for
 values from environment variables and defaults. :issue:`729`
-   Detect the program name when executing a module or package with
 ``python -m name``. :issue:`1603`
-   Include required parent arguments in help synopsis of subcommands.
-   Help for boolean flags with ``show_default=True`` shows the flag
 name instead of ``True`` or ``False``. :issue:`1538`
-   Non-string objects passed to ``style()`` and ``secho()`` will be
 converted to string. :pr:`1146`
-   ``edit(require_save=True)`` will detect saves for editors that exit
 very fast on filesystems with 1 second resolution. :pr:`1050`
-   New class attributes make it easier to use custom core objects
 throughout an entire application. :pr:`938`

 -   ``Command.context_class`` controls the context created when
     running the command.
 -   ``Context.invoke`` creates new contexts of the same type, so a
     custom type will persist to invoked subcommands.
 -   ``Context.formatter_class`` controls the formatter used to
     generate help and usage.
 -   ``Group.command_class`` changes the default type for
     subcommands with ``group.command()``.
 -   ``Group.group_class`` changes the default type for subgroups
     with ````. Setting it to ``type`` will create
     subgroups of the same type as the group itself.
 -   Core objects use ``super()`` consistently for better support of

-   Use ``Context.with_resource()`` to manage resources that would
 normally be used in a ``with`` statement, allowing them to be used
 across subcommands and callbacks, then cleaned up when the context
 ends. :pr:`1191`
-   The result object returned by the test runner's ``invoke()`` method
 has a ``return_value`` attribute with the value returned by the
 invoked command. :pr:`1312`
-   Required arguments with the ``Choice`` type show the choices in
 curly braces to indicate that one is required (``{a|b|c}``).
-   If only a name is passed to ``option()``, Click suggests renaming it
 to ``--name``. :pr:`1355`
-   A context's ``show_default`` parameter defaults to the value from
 the parent context. :issue:`1565`
-   ```` can output 256 and RGB color codes. Most modern
 terminals support these codes. :pr:`1429`
-   When using ``CliRunner.invoke()``, the replaced ``stdin`` file has
 ``name`` and ``mode`` attributes. This lets ``File`` options with
 the ``-`` value match non-testing behavior. :issue:`1064`
-   When creating a ``Group``, allow passing a list of commands instead
 of a dict. :issue:`1339`
-   When a long option name isn't valid, use ``difflib`` to make better
 suggestions for possible corrections. :issue:`1446`
-   Core objects have a ``to_info_dict()`` method. This gathers
 information about the object's structure that could be useful for a
 tool generating user-facing documentation. To get the structure of
 an entire CLI, use ``Context(cli).to_info_dict()``. :issue:`461`
-   Redesign the shell completion system. :issue:`1484`, :pr:`1622`

 -   Support Bash >= 4.4, Zsh, and Fish, with the ability for
     extensions to add support for other shells.
 -   Allow commands, groups, parameters, and types to override their
     completions suggestions.
 -   Groups complete the names commands were registered with, which
     can differ from the name they were created with.
 -   The ``autocompletion`` parameter for options and arguments is
     renamed to ``shell_complete``. The function must take
     ``ctx, param, incomplete``, must do matching rather than return
     all values, and must return a list of strings or a list of
     ``CompletionItem``. The old name and behavior is deprecated and
     will be removed in 8.1.
 -   The env var values used to start completion have changed order.
     The shell now comes first, such as ``{shell}_source`` rather
     than ``source_{shell}``, and is always required.

-   Completion correctly parses command line strings with incomplete
 quoting or escape sequences. :issue:`1708`
-   Extra context settings (``obj=...``, etc.) are passed on to the
 completion system. :issue:`942`
-   Include ``--help`` option in completion. :pr:`1504`
-   ``ParameterSource`` is an ``enum.Enum`` subclass. :issue:`1530`
-   Boolean and UUID types strip surrounding space before converting.
-   Adjusted error message from parameter type validation to be more
 consistent. Quotes are used to distinguish the invalid value.
-   The default value for a parameter with ``nargs`` > 1 and
 ``multiple=True`` must be a list of tuples. :issue:`1649`
-   When getting the value for a parameter, the default is tried in the
 same section as other sources to ensure consistent processing.
-   All parameter types accept a value that is already the correct type.
-   For shell completion, an argument is considered incomplete if its
 value did not come from the command line args. :issue:`1649`
-   Added ``ParameterSource.PROMPT`` to track parameter values that were
 prompted for. :issue:`1649`
-   Options with ``nargs`` > 1 no longer raise an error if a default is
 not given. Parameters with ``nargs`` > 1 default to ``None``, and
 parameters with ``multiple=True`` or ``nargs=-1`` default to an
 empty tuple. :issue:`472`
-   Handle empty env vars as though the option were not passed. This
 extends the change introduced in 7.1 to be consistent in more cases.
-   ``Parameter.get_default()`` checks ``Context.default_map`` to
 handle overrides consistently in help text, ``invoke()``, and
 prompts. :issue:`1548`
-   Add ``prompt_required`` param to ``Option``. When set to ``False``,
 the user will only be prompted for an input if no value was passed.
-   Providing the value to an option can be made optional through
 ``is_flag=False``, and the value can instead be prompted for or
 passed in as a default value.
 :issue:`549, 736, 764, 921, 1015, 1618`
-   Fix formatting when ``Command.options_metavar`` is empty. :pr:`1551`
-   Revert adding space between option help text that wraps.
-   The default value passed to ``prompt`` will be cast to the correct
 type like an input value would be. :pr:`1517`
-   Automatically generated short help messages will stop at the first
 ending of a phrase or double linebreak. :issue:`1082`
-   Skip progress bar render steps for efficiency with very fast
 iterators by setting ``update_min_steps``. :issue:`676`
-   Respect ``case_sensitive=False`` when doing shell completion for
 ``Choice`` :issue:`1692`
-   Use ``mkstemp()`` instead of ``mktemp()`` in pager implementation.
-   If ``Option.show_default`` is a string, it is displayed even if
 ``default`` is ``None``. :issue:`1732`
-   ``click.get_terminal_size()`` is deprecated and will be removed in
 8.1. Use :func:`shutil.get_terminal_size` instead. :issue:`1736`
-   Control the location of the temporary directory created by
 ``CLIRunner.isolated_filesystem`` by passing ``temp_dir``. A custom
 directory will not be removed automatically. :issue:`395`
-   ``click.confirm()`` will prompt until input is given if called with
 ``default=None``. :issue:`1381`
-   Option prompts validate the value with the option's callback in
 addition to its type. :issue:`457`
-   ``confirmation_prompt`` can be set to a custom string. :issue:`723`
-   Allow styled output in Jupyter on Windows. :issue:`1271`
-   ``style()`` supports the ``strikethrough``, ``italic``, and
 ``overline`` styles. :issue:`805, 1821`
-   Multiline marker is removed from short help text. :issue:`1597`
-   Restore progress bar behavior of echoing only the label if the file
 is not a TTY. :issue:`1138`
-   Progress bar output is shown even if execution time is less than 0.5
 seconds. :issue:`1648`
-   Progress bar ``item_show_func`` shows the current item, not the
 previous item. :issue:`1353`
-   The ``Path`` param type can be passed ``path_type=pathlib.Path`` to
 return a path object instead of a string. :issue:`405`
-   ``TypeError`` is raised when parameter with ``multiple=True`` or
 ``nargs > 1`` has non-iterable default. :issue:`1749`
-   Add a ``pass_meta_key`` decorator for passing a key from
 ``Context.meta``. This is useful for extensions using ``meta`` to
 store information. :issue:`1739`
-   ``Path`` ``resolve_path`` resolves symlinks on Windows Python < 3.8.
-   Command deprecation notice appears at the start of the help text, as
 well as in the short help. The notice is not in all caps.
-   When taking arguments from ``sys.argv`` on Windows, glob patterns,
 user dir, and env vars are expanded. :issue:`1096`
-   Marked messages shown by the CLI with ``gettext()`` to allow
 applications to translate Click's built-in strings. :issue:`303`
-   Writing invalid characters  to ``stderr`` when using the test runner
 does not raise a ``UnicodeEncodeError``. :issue:`848`
-   Fix an issue where ``readline`` would clear the entire ``prompt()``
 line instead of only the input when pressing backspace. :issue:`665`
-   Add all kwargs passed to ``Context.invoke()`` to ``ctx.params``.
 Fixes an inconsistency when nesting ``Context.forward()`` calls.
-   The ``MultiCommand.resultcallback`` decorator is renamed to
 ``result_callback``. The old name is deprecated. :issue:`1160`
-   Fix issues with ``CliRunner`` output when using ``echo_stdin=True``.
-   Fix a bug of ``click.utils.make_default_short_help`` for which the
 returned string could be as long as ``max_width + 3``. :issue:`1849`
-   When defining a parameter, ``default`` is validated with
 ``multiple`` and ``nargs``. More validation is done for values being
 processed as well. :issue:`1806`
-   ``HelpFormatter.write_text`` uses the full line width when wrapping
 text. :issue:`1871`

Update Flask from 1.1.2 to 2.0.1.




Released 2021-05-21

-   Re-add the ``filename`` parameter in ``send_from_directory``. The
 ``filename`` parameter has been renamed to ``path``, the old name
 is deprecated. :pr:`4019`
-   Mark top-level names as exported so type checking understands
 imports in user projects. :issue:`4024`
-   Fix type annotation for ``g`` and inform mypy that it is a namespace
 object that has arbitrary attributes. :issue:`4020`
-   Fix some types that weren't available in Python 3.6.0. :issue:`4040`
-   Improve typing for ``send_file``, ``send_from_directory``, and
 ``get_send_file_max_age``. :issue:`4044`, :pr:`4026`
-   Show an error when a blueprint name contains a dot. The ``.`` has
 special meaning, it is used to separate (nested) blueprint names and
 the endpoint name. :issue:`4041`
-   Combine URL prefixes when nesting blueprints that were created with
 a ``url_prefix`` value. :issue:`4037`
-   Roll back a change to the order that URL matching was done. The
 URL is again matched after the session is loaded, so the session is
 available in custom URL converters. :issue:`4053`
-   Re-add deprecated ``Config.from_json``, which was accidentally
 removed early. :issue:`4078`
-   Improve typing for some functions using ``Callable`` in their type
 signatures, focusing on decorator factories. :issue:`4060`
-   Nested blueprints are registered with their dotted name. This allows
 different blueprints with the same name to be nested at different
 locations. :issue:`4069`
-   ``register_blueprint`` takes a ``name`` option to change the
 (pre-dotted) name the blueprint is registered with. This allows the
 same blueprint to be registered multiple times with unique names for
 ``url_for``. Registering the same blueprint with the same name
 multiple times is deprecated. :issue:`1091`
-   Improve typing for ``stream_with_context``. :issue:`4052`



Released 2021-05-11

-   Drop support for Python 2 and 3.5.
-   Bump minimum versions of other Pallets projects: Werkzeug >= 2,
 Jinja2 >= 3, MarkupSafe >= 2, ItsDangerous >= 2, Click >= 8. Be sure
 to check the change logs for each project. For better compatibility
 with other applications (e.g. Celery) that still require Click 7,
 there is no hard dependency on Click 8 yet, but using Click 7 will
 trigger a DeprecationWarning and Flask 2.1 will depend on Click 8.
-   JSON support no longer uses simplejson. To use another JSON module,
 override ``app.json_encoder`` and ``json_decoder``. :issue:`3555`
-   The ``encoding`` option to JSON functions is deprecated. :pr:`3562`
-   Passing ``script_info`` to app factory functions is deprecated. This
 was not portable outside the ``flask`` command. Use
 ``click.get_current_context().obj`` if it's needed. :issue:`3552`
-   The CLI shows better error messages when the app failed to load
 when looking up commands. :issue:`2741`
-   Add :meth:`sessions.SessionInterface.get_cookie_name` to allow
 setting the session cookie name dynamically. :pr:`3369`
-   Add :meth:`Config.from_file` to load config using arbitrary file
 loaders, such as ``toml.load`` or ``json.load``.
 :meth:`Config.from_json` is deprecated in favor of this. :pr:`3398`
-   The ``flask run`` command will only defer errors on reload. Errors
 present during the initial call will cause the server to exit with
 the traceback immediately. :issue:`3431`
-   :func:`send_file` raises a :exc:`ValueError` when passed an
 :mod:`io` object in text mode. Previously, it would respond with
 200 OK and an empty file. :issue:`3358`
-   When using ad-hoc certificates, check for the cryptography library
 instead of PyOpenSSL. :pr:`3492`
-   When specifying a factory function with ``FLASK_APP``, keyword
 argument can be passed. :issue:`3553`
-   When loading a ``.env`` or ``.flaskenv`` file, the current working
 directory is no longer changed to the location of the file.
-   When returning a ``(response, headers)`` tuple from a view, the
 headers replace rather than extend existing headers on the response.
 For example, this allows setting the ``Content-Type`` for
 ``jsonify()``. Use ``response.headers.extend()`` if extending is
 desired. :issue:`3628`
-   The ``Scaffold`` class provides a common API for the ``Flask`` and
 ``Blueprint`` classes. ``Blueprint`` information is stored in
 attributes just like ``Flask``, rather than opaque lambda functions.
 This is intended to improve consistency and maintainability.
-   Include ``samesite`` and ``secure`` options when removing the
 session cookie. :pr:`3726`
-   Support passing a ``pathlib.Path`` to ``static_folder``. :pr:`3579`
-   ``send_file`` and ``send_from_directory`` are wrappers around the
 implementations in ``werkzeug.utils``. :pr:`3828`
-   Some ``send_file`` parameters have been renamed, the old names are
 deprecated. ``attachment_filename`` is renamed to ``download_name``.
 ``cache_timeout`` is renamed to ``max_age``. ``add_etags`` is
 renamed to ``etag``. :pr:`3828, 3883`
-   ``send_file`` passes ``download_name`` even if
 ``as_attachment=False`` by using ``Content-Disposition: inline``.
-   ``send_file`` sets ``conditional=True`` and ``max_age=None`` by
 default. ``Cache-Control`` is set to ``no-cache`` if ``max_age`` is
 not set, otherwise ``public``. This tells browsers to validate
 conditional requests instead of using a timed cache. :pr:`3828`
-   ``helpers.safe_join`` is deprecated. Use
 ``werkzeug.utils.safe_join`` instead. :pr:`3828`
-   The request context does route matching before opening the session.
 This could allow a session interface to change behavior based on
 ``request.endpoint``. :issue:`3776`
-   Use Jinja's implementation of the ``|tojson`` filter. :issue:`3881`
-   Add route decorators for common HTTP methods. For example,
 ``"/login")`` is a shortcut for
 ``app.route("/login", methods=["POST"])``. :pr:`3907`
-   Support async views, error handlers, before and after request, and
 teardown functions. :pr:`3412`
-   Support nesting blueprints. :issue:`593, 1548`, :pr:`3923`
-   Set the default encoding to "UTF-8" when loading ``.env`` and
 ``.flaskenv`` files to allow to use non-ASCII characters. :issue:`3931`
-   ``flask shell`` sets up tab and history completion like the default
 ``python`` shell if ``readline`` is installed. :issue:`3941`
-   ``helpers.total_seconds()`` is deprecated. Use
 ``timedelta.total_seconds()`` instead. :pr:`3962`
-   Add type hinting. :pr:`3973`.



Released 2021-05-13

-   Update ``static_folder`` to use ``_compat.fspath`` instead of
 ``os.fspath`` to continue supporting Python < 3.6 :issue:`4050`



Released 2021-05-13

-   Set maximum versions of Werkzeug, Jinja, Click, and ItsDangerous.
-   Re-add support for passing a ``pathlib.Path`` for ``static_folder``.

Update idna from 2.10 to 3.2.




- Add type hints (Thanks, Seth Michael Larson!)
- Remove support for Python 3.4



- Ensure license is included in package (Thanks, Julien Schueller)
- No longer mark wheel has universal (Thanks, Matthieu Darbois)
- Test on PowerPC using Travis CI



- Python 2 is no longer supported (the 2.x branch supports Python 2,
use "idna<3" in your requirements file if you need Python 2 support)
- Support for V2 UTS 46 test vectors.

Update itsdangerous from 1.1.0 to 2.0.1.




Released 2021-05-18

-   Mark top-level names as exported so type checking understands
 imports in user projects. :pr:`240`
-   The ``salt`` argument to ``Serializer`` and ``Signer`` can be
 ``None`` again. :issue:`237`



Released 2021-05-11

-   Drop support for Python 2 and 3.5.
-   JWS support (``JSONWebSignatureSerializer``,
 ``TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer``) is deprecated. Use a dedicated
 JWS/JWT library such as authlib instead. :issue:`129`
-   Importing ``itsdangerous.json`` is deprecated. Import Python's
 ``json`` module instead. :pr:`152`
-   Simplejson is no longer used if it is installed. To use a different
 library, pass it as ``Serializer(serializer=...)``. :issue:`146`
-   ``datetime`` values are timezone-aware with ``timezone.utc``. Code
 using ``TimestampSigner.unsign(return_timestamp=True)`` or
 ``BadTimeSignature.date_signed`` may need to change. :issue:`150`
-   If a signature has an age less than 0, it will raise
 ``SignatureExpired`` rather than appearing valid. This can happen if
 the timestamp offset is changed. :issue:`126`
-   ``BadTimeSignature.date_signed`` is always a ``datetime`` object
 rather than an ``int`` in some cases. :issue:`124`
-   Added support for key rotation. A list of keys can be passed as
 ``secret_key``, oldest to newest. The newest key is used for
 signing, all keys are tried for unsigning. :pr:`141`
-   Removed the default SHA-512 fallback signer from
 ``default_fallback_signers``. :issue:`155`
-   Add type information for static typing tools. :pr:`186`

Update Jinja2 from 2.11.3 to 3.0.1.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update MarkupSafe from 1.1.1 to 2.0.1.




Released 2021-05-18

-   Mark top-level names as exported so type checking understands
 imports in user projects. :pr:`215`
-   Fix some types that weren't available in Python 3.6.0. :pr:`215`



Released 2021-05-11

-   Drop Python 2.7, 3.4, and 3.5 support.
-   ``Markup.unescape`` uses :func:`html.unescape` to support HTML5
 character references. :pr:`117`
-   Add type annotations for static typing tools. :pr:`149`

Update sentry-sdk from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update urllib3 from 1.26.4 to 1.26.5.




* Fixed deprecation warnings emitted in Python 3.10.
* Updated vendored ``six`` library to 1.16.0.
* Improved performance of URL parser when splitting
the authority component.

Update Werkzeug from 1.0.1 to 2.0.1.




Released 2021-05-17

-   Fix type annotation for ``send_file`` ``max_age`` callable. Don't
 pass ``pathlib.Path`` to ``max_age``. :issue:`2119`
-   Mark top-level names as exported so type checking understands
 imports in user projects. :issue:`2122`
-   Fix some types that weren't available in Python 3.6.0. :issue:`2123`
-   ``cached_property`` is generic over its return type, properties
 decorated with it report the correct type. :issue:`2113`
-   Fix multipart parsing bug when boundary contains special regex
 characters. :issue:`2125`
-   Type checking understands that calling ``headers.get`` with a string
 default will always return a string. :issue:`2128`
-   If ``HTTPException.description`` is not a string,
 ``get_description`` will convert it to a string. :issue:`2115`



Released 2021-05-11

-   Drop support for Python 2 and 3.5. :pr:`1693`
-   Deprecate :func:`utils.format_string`, use :class:`string.Template`
 instead. :issue:`1756`
-   Deprecate :func:`utils.bind_arguments` and
 :func:`utils.validate_arguments`, use :meth:`Signature.bind` and
 :func:`inspect.signature` instead. :issue:`1757`
-   Deprecate :class:`utils.HTMLBuilder`. :issue:`1761`
-   Deprecate :func:`utils.escape` and :func:`utils.unescape`, use
 MarkupSafe instead. :issue:`1758`
-   Deprecate the undocumented ``python -m werkzeug.serving`` CLI.
-   Deprecate the ``environ["werkzeug.server.shutdown"]`` function
 that is available when running the development server. :issue:`1752`
-   Deprecate the ``useragents`` module and the built-in user agent
 parser. Use a dedicated parser library instead by subclassing
 ``user_agent.UserAgent`` and setting ``Request.user_agent_class``.
-   Remove the unused, internal ``posixemulation`` module. :issue:`1759`
-   All ``datetime`` values are timezone-aware with
 ``tzinfo=timezone.utc``. This applies to anything using
 ``http.parse_date``: ````, ``.if_modified_since``,
 ``.if_unmodified_since``; ````, ``.expires``,
 ``.last_modified``, ``.retry_after``; ``parse_if_range_header``, and
 ````. When comparing values, the other values must also
 be aware, or these values must be made naive. When passing
 parameters or setting attributes, naive values are still assumed to
 be in UTC. :pr:`2040`
-   Merge all request and response wrapper mixin code into single
 ``Request`` and ``Response`` classes. Using the mixin classes is no
 longer necessary and will show a deprecation warning. Checking
 ``isinstance`` or ``issubclass`` against ``BaseRequest`` and
 ``BaseResponse`` will show a deprecation warning and check against
 ``Request`` or ``Response`` instead. :issue:`1963`
-   JSON support no longer uses simplejson if it's installed. To use
 another JSON module, override ``Request.json_module`` and
 ``Response.json_module``. :pr:`1766`
-   ``Response.get_json()`` no longer caches the result, and the
 ``cache`` parameter is removed. :issue:`1698`
-   ``Response.freeze()`` generates an ``ETag`` header if one is not
 set. The ``no_etag`` parameter (which usually wasn't visible
 anyway) is no longer used. :issue:`1963`
-   Add a ``url_scheme`` argument to :meth:``
 to override the bound scheme. :pr:`1721`
-   Passing an empty list as a query string parameter to ``build()``
 won't append an unnecessary ``?``. Also drop any number of ``None``
 items in a list. :issue:`1992`
-   When passing a ``Headers`` object to a test client method or
 ``EnvironBuilder``, multiple values for a key are joined into one
 comma separated value. This matches the HTTP spec on multi-value
 headers. :issue:`1655`
-   Setting ``Response.status`` and ``status_code`` uses identical
 parsing and error checking. :issue:`1658`, :pr:`1728`
-   ``MethodNotAllowed`` and ``RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable`` take a
 ``response`` kwarg, consistent with other HTTP errors. :pr:`1748`
-   The response generated by :exc:`~exceptions.Unauthorized` produces
 one ``WWW-Authenticate`` header per value in ``www_authenticate``,
 rather than joining them into a single value, to improve
 interoperability with browsers and other clients. :pr:`1755`
-   If ``parse_authorization_header`` can't decode the header value, it
 returns ``None`` instead of raising a ``UnicodeDecodeError``.
-   The debugger no longer uses jQuery. :issue:`1807`
-   The test client includes the query string in ``REQUEST_URI`` and
 ``RAW_URI``. :issue:`1781`
-   Switch the parameter order of ``default_stream_factory`` to match
 the order used when calling it. :pr:`1085`
-   Add ``send_file`` function to generate a response that serves a
 file. Adapted from Flask's implementation. :issue:`265`, :pr:`1850`
-   Add ``send_from_directory`` function to safely serve an untrusted
 path within a trusted directory. Adapted from Flask's
 implementation. :issue:`1880`
-   ``send_file`` takes ``download_name``, which is passed even if
 ``as_attachment=False`` by using ``Content-Disposition: inline``.
 ``download_name`` replaces Flask's ``attachment_filename``.
-   ``send_file`` sets ``conditional=True`` and ``max_age=None`` by
 default. ``Cache-Control`` is set to ``no-cache`` if ``max_age`` is
 not set, otherwise ``public``. This tells browsers to validate
 conditional requests instead of using a timed cache.
 ``max_age=None`` replaces Flask's ``cache_timeout=43200``.
-   ``send_file`` can be called with ``etag="string"`` to set a custom
 ETag instead of generating one. ``etag`` replaces Flask's
 ``add_etags``. :issue:`1868`
-   ``send_file`` sets the ``Content-Encoding`` header if an encoding is
 returned when guessing ``mimetype`` from ``download_name``.
-   Update the defaults used by ``generate_password_hash``. Increase
 PBKDF2 iterations to 260000 from 150000. Increase salt length to 16
 from 8. Use ``secrets`` module to generate salt. :pr:`1935`
-   The reloader doesn't crash if ``sys.stdin`` is somehow ``None``.
-   Add arguments to ``delete_cookie`` to match ``set_cookie`` and the
 attributes modern browsers expect. :pr:`1889`
-   ``utils.cookie_date`` is deprecated, use ``utils.http_date``
 instead. The value for ``Set-Cookie expires`` is no longer "-"
 delimited. :pr:`2040`
-   Use ``request.headers`` instead of ``request.environ`` to look up
 header attributes. :pr:`1808`
-   The test ``Client`` request methods (``client.get``, etc.) always
 return an instance of ``TestResponse``. In addition to the normal
 behavior of ``Response``, this class provides ``request`` with the
 request that produced the response, and ``history`` to track
 intermediate responses when ``follow_redirects`` is used.
 :issue:`763, 1894`
-   The test ``Client`` request methods takes an ``auth`` parameter to
 add an ``Authorization`` header. It can be an ``Authorization``
 object or a ``(username, password)`` tuple for ``Basic`` auth.
-   Calling ``response.close()`` on a response from the test ``Client``
 will close the request input stream. This matches file behavior
 and can prevent a ``ResourceWarning`` in some cases. :issue:`1785`
-   ``EnvironBuilder.from_environ`` decodes values encoded for WSGI, to
 avoid double encoding the new values. :pr:`1959`
-   The default stat reloader will watch Python files under
 non-system/virtualenv ``sys.path`` entries, which should contain
 most user code. It will also watch all Python files under
 directories given in ``extra_files``. :pr:`1945`
-   The reloader ignores ``__pycache__`` directories again. :pr:`1945`
-   ``run_simple`` takes ``exclude_patterns`` a list of ``fnmatch``
 patterns that will not be scanned by the reloader. :issue:`1333`
-   Cookie names are no longer unquoted. This was against :rfc:`6265`
 and potentially allowed setting ``__Secure`` prefixed cookies.
-   Fix some word matches for user agent platform when the word can be a
 substring. :issue:`1923`
-   The development server logs ignored SSL errors. :pr:`1967`
-   Temporary files for form data are opened in ``rb+`` instead of
 ``wb+`` mode for better compatibility with some libraries.
-   Use SHA-1 instead of MD5 for generating ETags and the debugger pin,
 and in some tests. MD5 is not available in some environments, such
 as FIPS 140. This may invalidate some caches since the ETag will be
 different. :issue:`1897`
-   Add ``Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy`` and
 ``Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy`` response header properties.
-   ``run_simple`` tries to show a valid IP address when binding to all
 addresses, instead of ```` or ``::``. It also warns about not
 running the development server in production in this case.
-   Colors in the development server log are displayed if Colorama is
 installed on Windows. For all platforms, style support no longer
 requires Click. :issue:`1832`
-   A range request for an empty file (or other data with length 0) will
 return a 200 response with the empty file instead of a 416 error.
-   New sans-IO base classes for ``Request`` and ``Response`` have been
 extracted to contain all the behavior that is not WSGI or IO
 dependent. These are not a public API, they are part of an ongoing
 refactor to let ASGI frameworks use Werkzeug. :pr:`2005`
-   Parsing ``multipart/form-data`` has been refactored to use sans-io
 patterns. This should also make parsing forms with large binary file
 uploads significantly faster. :issue:`1788, 875`
-   ``LocalProxy`` matches the current Python data model special
 methods, including all r-ops, in-place ops, and async. ``__class__``
 is proxied, so the proxy will look like the object in more cases,
 including ``isinstance``. Use ``issubclass(type(obj), LocalProxy)``
 to check if an object is actually a proxy. :issue:`1754`
-   ``Local`` uses ``ContextVar`` on Python 3.7+ instead of
 ``threading.local``. :pr:`1778`
-   ``request.values`` does not include ``form`` for GET requests (even
 though GET bodies are undefined). This prevents bad caching proxies
 from caching form data instead of query strings. :pr:`2037`
-   The development server adds the underlying socket to ``environ`` as
 ``werkzeug.socket``. This is non-standard and specific to the dev
 server, other servers may expose this under their own key. It is
 useful for handling a WebSocket upgrade request. :issue:`2052`
-   URL matching assumes ``websocket=True`` mode for WebSocket upgrade
 requests. :issue:`2052`
-   Updated ``UserAgentParser`` to handle more cases. :issue:`1971`
-   ``werzeug.DechunkedInput.readinto`` will not read beyond the size of
 the buffer. :issue:`2021`
-   Fix connection reset when exceeding max content size. :pr:`2051`
-   ``pbkdf2_hex``, ``pbkdf2_bin``, and ``safe_str_cmp`` are deprecated.
 ``hashlib`` and ``hmac`` provide equivalents. :pr:`2083`
-   ``invalidate_cached_property`` is deprecated. Use ``del``
 instead. :pr:`2084`
-   ``Href`` is deprecated. Use ``werkzeug.routing`` instead.
-   ``Request.disable_data_descriptor`` is deprecated. Create the
 request with ``shallow=True`` instead. :pr:`2085`
-   ``HTTPException.wrap`` is deprecated. Create a subclass manually
 instead. :pr:`2085`

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pyup-bot commented Jul 1, 2021

Closing this in favor of #26

@pyup-bot pyup-bot closed this Jul 1, 2021
@TrueBrain TrueBrain deleted the pyup-scheduled-update-2021-06-01 branch July 1, 2021 18:31
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