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base repository: HaikuArchives/Calendar
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: 3c8e458d9a7e
Choose a base ref
head repository: HaikuArchives/Calendar
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: 72d1cbef5b09
Choose a head ref
  • 1 commit
  • 4 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Aug 1, 2021

  1. New and updated translations

    Thanks to all translators:
    Czech (cs)		nkin
    Turkish (tr)	Emir Sarı
    Humdinger committed Aug 1, 2021
    Copy the full SHA
    72d1cbe View commit details
Showing with 236 additions and 2 deletions.
  1. +1 −1 Makefile
  2. +117 −0 locales/cs.catkeys
  3. +1 −1 locales/de.catkeys
  4. +117 −0 locales/tr.catkeys
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ OPTIMIZE := FULL
# will recreate only the "locales/en.catkeys" file. Use it as a template
# for creating catkeys for other languages. All localization files must be
# placed in the "locales" subdirectory.
LOCALES = ca de en_GB en eo es fur it ro sv
LOCALES = ca cs de en_GB en eo es fur it ro sv tr

# Specify all the preprocessor symbols to be defined. The symbols will not
# have their values set automatically; you must supply the value (if any) to
117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions locales/cs.catkeys
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
1 Czech application/x-vnd.Calendar 3957779383
%event% is starting at %time%. NotificationLoop %event% začíná v %time%.
Reminder NotificationLoop Upomínka
A native Calendar application for Haiku. App Kalendář Haiku.
About MainWindow O aplikaci
Add event MainWindow Přidat událost
Agenda MainWindow Agenda
Agenda view MainWindow Agenda
App MainWindow Aplikace
Category MainWindow Kategorie
Day MainWindow Den
Day view MainWindow Den
Edit categories MainWindow Upravit
Edit event MainWindow Upravit
Event MainWindow Událost
Go to today MainWindow Přejít na dnešek
Google Calendar MainWindow Googlí kalendář
Preferences MainWindow Možnosti
Quit MainWindow Ukončit
Remove event MainWindow Odebrat
Synchronize MainWindow Synchronizovat
Today MainWindow Dnes
View MainWindow Zobrazit
Week MainWindow Týden
Week view MainWindow Týden
Add CategoryWindow Přidat
Cancel CategoryWindow Zrušit
Category manager CategoryWindow Upravit kategorie
All day DayView Celý den
All day, %startDay% DayView Celý den, %startDay%
Are you sure you want to delete the selected event? DayView Opravdu smazat vybranou událost?
Cancel DayView Zrušit
Confirm delete DayView Potvrdit smazání
Finished! DayView Hotovo!
Now, %remaining% left DayView Ještě zbývá %remaining%
OK DayView OK
Starts in %remaining% DayView Začíná v %remaining%
All day: EventWindow Celý den:
Are you sure you want to delete this event? EventWindow Opravdu smazat tuto událost?
Cancel EventWindow Zrušit
Category: EventWindow Kategorie:
Confirm delete EventWindow Potvrdit smazání
Delete EventWindow Smazat
Description: EventWindow Popis:
End date EventWindow Datum konce
End date and time EventWindow Konec
End date: EventWindow Datum konce:
End time: EventWindow Čas konce:
Enter the time in HH:mm (24 hour) format. EventWindow Čas ve formátu HH:mm (24 hodinový).
Error EventWindow Chyba
Event manager EventWindow Úprava události
Monthly EventWindow Měsíčně
Name: EventWindow Název:
OK EventWindow OK
Place: EventWindow Místo:
Recurrence EventWindow Opakování
Sorry, you cannot create an event that ends before it starts. EventWindow Termín nemůže končit před jeho začátkem.
Start date EventWindow Datum začátku
Start date and time EventWindow Začátek
Start date: EventWindow Datum začátku:
Start time: EventWindow Čas začátku:
The name must have a length greater than 2. EventWindow Jméno musí být delší než 2 znaky.
There was some error in adding the event. Please try again. EventWindow Chyba přidání události. Zkuste to znovu.
Yearly EventWindow Ročně
Apply PreferenceWindow Použít
First day of week PreferenceWindow První den v týdnu
Friday PreferenceWindow Pátek
Locale based PreferenceWindow Podle nastavení systému
Monday PreferenceWindow Pondělí
Preferences PreferenceWindow Možnosti
Revert PreferenceWindow Vrátit
Saturday PreferenceWindow Sobota
Show week number in Calendar PreferenceWindow Zobrazit čísla týdnů
Sunday PreferenceWindow Neděle
Thursday PreferenceWindow Čtvrtek
Tuesday PreferenceWindow Úterý
Wednesday PreferenceWindow Středa
Are you sure you want to delete the selected category? CategoryEditWindow Opravdu smazat vybranou kategorii?
Cancel CategoryEditWindow Zrušit
Cannot add/modify the category. A category with the same name or color already exists. CategoryEditWindow Nelze přidat či upravit kategorii. Kategorie se stejným názvem či zbarvením existuje.
Cannot delete category. Can't delete a category used by events. CategoryEditWindow Kategorii nelze smazat, protože je využívána událostmi.
Category Edit CategoryEditWindow Úprava kategorie
Confirm delete CategoryEditWindow Potvrdit smazání
Default CategoryEditWindow Výchozí
Delete CategoryEditWindow Smazat
Error CategoryEditWindow Chyba
New category CategoryEditWindow Nová kategorie
OK CategoryEditWindow OK
Save CategoryEditWindow Uložit
The name must have a length greater than 2. CategoryEditWindow Název musí být delší než 2 znaky.
You cannot delete the default category. CategoryEditWindow Nelze smazat výchozí kategorii.
Birthday SQLiteManager Narozky
Cannot open database (%code%). Your saved events will not be loaded. SQLiteManager Die Datenbank konnte nicht geladen werden (%code%). Gespeicherte Termine werden nicht geladen.
Default SQLiteManager Standardwerte
OK SQLiteManager OK
There was an SQLite error (%code%). SQLiteManager Chyba databáze SQLite (%code%).
Calendar System name Kalendář
Configuration file Preferences Konfigurační soubor
Couldn't open configuration file because permission was denied. It usually means that you don't have read permissions to your settings directory. If you want to have your personal settings loaded, check your OS documentation to find out which directory it is and try changing its permissions. Preferences Nelze otevřít soubor s nastaveními z důvodu oprávnění. Většinou to znamená, že nemáte oprávnění číst z adresáře nastavení. Pokud chcete načíst vaše nastavení najděte v dokumentaci systému, která by to měla být složka a zkuste ji změnit oprávnění.
Couldn't open configuration file because the path is not specified. It usually means that the programmer made a mistake. There is nothing you can do about it. Your personal settings will not be loaded. Sorry. Preferences Nelze otevřít soubor s nastaveními, protože není stanovena cesta. Většinou to znamená, že programátor udělal chybu. S tím se nedá nic moc dělat. Vaše osobní nastavení nebudou načtena.
OK Preferences OK
There is not enough memory available on your system to load the configuration file. If you want to have your personal settings loaded, try closing a few applications and restart Calendar. Preferences K načtení nastavení je málo paměti. Pokud chcete načíst nastavení, zkuste ukončit pár aplikací a znovu spustit kalendář.
There is not enough memory available on your system to save the configuration file. If you want to have your personal settings saved, try closing a few applications and try again. Preferences K uložení nastavení je málo paměti. Pokud chcete uložit nastavení, zkuste ukončit pár aplikací a znovu uložit.
Delete EventListView Smazat
Edit EventListView Upravit
You don't have any events on this day! EventListView Dnes nemáte žádné plány!
Error GoogleEventSyncWindow Chyba
Failed GoogleEventSyncWindow Selhalo
Google Calendar Sync GoogleEventSyncWindow Synchronizace Googlího kalendáře
Last Sync: %status% at %time%. GoogleEventSyncWindow Poslední synchronizace: %status% v %time%.
No Data Available GoogleEventSyncWindow Žádná dostupná data
OK GoogleEventSyncWindow OK
Please wait while we sync... GoogleEventSyncWindow Synchronizuje se, čekejte...
Success GoogleEventSyncWindow Úspěch
There was an error in loading the last sync data. GoogleEventSyncWindow Chyba při načítání posledních dat.
There was an error in saving the recent sync data. GoogleEventSyncWindow Chyba pri ukládání posledních dat.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion locales/de.catkeys
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ The name must have a length greater than 2. EventWindow Der Name muss länger a
There was some error in adding the event. Please try again. EventWindow Der Termin konnt nicht erstellt werden. Bitte nochmals probieren.
Yearly EventWindow Jährlich
Apply PreferenceWindow Anwenden
First day of week PreferenceWindow Erster Tag der Woche
First day of week PreferenceWindow Wochenbeginn
Friday PreferenceWindow Freitag
Locale based PreferenceWindow Haikus Spracheinstellungen verwenden
Monday PreferenceWindow Montag
117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions locales/tr.catkeys
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
1 Turkish application/x-vnd.Calendar 3957779383
%event% is starting at %time%. NotificationLoop %event%, %time% zamanında başlıyor.
Reminder NotificationLoop Anımsatıcı
A native Calendar application for Haiku. App Haiku'ya özel bir takvim uygulaması
About MainWindow Hakkında
Add event MainWindow Etkinlik ekle
Agenda MainWindow Ajanda
Agenda view MainWindow Ajanda görünümü
App MainWindow Uygulama
Category MainWindow Kategori
Day MainWindow Gün
Day view MainWindow Gün görünümü
Edit categories MainWindow Kategorileri düzenle
Edit event MainWindow Etkinlik düzenle
Event MainWindow Etkinlik
Go to today MainWindow Bugün'e git
Google Calendar MainWindow Google Takvim
Preferences MainWindow Tercihler
Quit MainWindow Çık
Remove event MainWindow Etkinlik kaldır
Synchronize MainWindow Eşzamanla
Today MainWindow Bugün
View MainWindow Görünüm
Week MainWindow Hafta
Week view MainWindow Hafta görünümü
Add CategoryWindow Ekle
Cancel CategoryWindow İptal
Category manager CategoryWindow Kategori Yöneticisi
All day DayView Tüm gün
All day, %startDay% DayView Tüm gün, %startDay%
Are you sure you want to delete the selected event? DayView Seçili etkinliği silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?
Cancel DayView İptal
Confirm delete DayView Silmeyi onayla
Finished! DayView Bitti!
Now, %remaining% left DayView Şimdi, %remaining% kalan
OK DayView Tamam
Starts in %remaining% DayView %remaining% içinde başlıyor
All day: EventWindow Tüm gün:
Are you sure you want to delete this event? EventWindow Bu etkinliği silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?
Cancel EventWindow İptal
Category: EventWindow Kategori:
Confirm delete EventWindow Silmeyi onayla
Delete EventWindow Sil
Description: EventWindow Açıklama:
End date EventWindow Bitiş tarihi
End date and time EventWindow Bitiş tarih ve zamanı
End date: EventWindow Bitiş tarihi:
End time: EventWindow Bitiş zamanı:
Enter the time in HH:mm (24 hour) format. EventWindow Zamanı SS:dd (24 saat) biçiminde girin.
Error EventWindow Hata
Event manager EventWindow Etkinlik Yöneticisi
Monthly EventWindow Aylık
Name: EventWindow Ad:
OK EventWindow Tamam
Place: EventWindow Konum:
Recurrence EventWindow Yinelenme
Sorry, you cannot create an event that ends before it starts. EventWindow Üzgünüm, başlangıcından önce biten bir olay oluşturamazsınız.
Start date EventWindow Başlangıç tarihi
Start date and time EventWindow Başlangıç tarih ve zamanı
Start date: EventWindow Başlangıç tarihi:
Start time: EventWindow Başlangıç zamanı:
The name must have a length greater than 2. EventWindow Ad en az 3 karakterden oluşmalıdır.
There was some error in adding the event. Please try again. EventWindow Olay eklenirken bir hata oluştu. Lütfen yeniden deneyin.
Yearly EventWindow Yıllık
Apply PreferenceWindow Uygula
First day of week PreferenceWindow Haftanın ilk günü
Friday PreferenceWindow Cuma
Locale based PreferenceWindow Yerel ayarlara göre
Monday PreferenceWindow Pazartesi
Preferences PreferenceWindow Tercihler
Revert PreferenceWindow Geri al
Saturday PreferenceWindow Cumartesi
Show week number in Calendar PreferenceWindow Takvim'de hafta numarasını göster
Sunday PreferenceWindow Pazar
Thursday PreferenceWindow Perşembe
Tuesday PreferenceWindow Salı
Wednesday PreferenceWindow Çarşamba
Are you sure you want to delete the selected category? CategoryEditWindow Seçili kategoriyi silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?
Cancel CategoryEditWindow İptal
Cannot add/modify the category. A category with the same name or color already exists. CategoryEditWindow Kategori eklenemiyor/düzenlenemiyor. Aynı ad veya renkte bir kategori halihazırda var.
Cannot delete category. Can't delete a category used by events. CategoryEditWindow Kategori silinemiyor. Etkinlikler tarafından kullanılan bir kategori silinemez.
Category Edit CategoryEditWindow Kategori düzenle
Confirm delete CategoryEditWindow Silmeyi onayla
Default CategoryEditWindow Öntanımlı
Delete CategoryEditWindow Sil
Error CategoryEditWindow Hata
New category CategoryEditWindow Yeni kategori
OK CategoryEditWindow Tamam
Save CategoryEditWindow Kaydet
The name must have a length greater than 2. CategoryEditWindow Ad en az 3 karakterden oluşmalıdır.
You cannot delete the default category. CategoryEditWindow Öntanımlı kategori silinemez.
Birthday SQLiteManager Doğum günü
Cannot open database (%code%). Your saved events will not be loaded. SQLiteManager Veritabanı açılamadı (%code%). Kayıtlı olaylarınız yüklenemeyecek.
Default SQLiteManager Öntanımlı
OK SQLiteManager Tamam
There was an SQLite error (%code%). SQLiteManager Bir SQLite hatası oluştu (%code%).
Calendar System name Takvim
Configuration file Preferences Yapılandırma dosyası
Couldn't open configuration file because permission was denied. It usually means that you don't have read permissions to your settings directory. If you want to have your personal settings loaded, check your OS documentation to find out which directory it is and try changing its permissions. Preferences Yapılandırma dosyası açılamadı, çünkü gerekli izin yok. Bu genelde ayarlar dizininize yazma izninizin olmadığı anlamına gelir. Kendi kişisel ayarlarınızı yüklemek isterseniz işletim sistemi yardım belgelerine bakıp ayarlar dizininin hangisi olduğunu öğrenin ve izinlerini denetleyin.
Couldn't open configuration file because the path is not specified. It usually means that the programmer made a mistake. There is nothing you can do about it. Your personal settings will not be loaded. Sorry. Preferences Yapılandırma dosyası açılamadı, çünkü yolu belirtilmemiş. Bu genelde programcının bir hata yaptığı anlamına gelir. Sizin bunun hakkında yapabileceğiniz pek bir şey yok. Kişisel ayarlarınız yüklenemeyecek. Kusura bakmayın.
OK Preferences Tamam
There is not enough memory available on your system to load the configuration file. If you want to have your personal settings loaded, try closing a few applications and restart Calendar. Preferences Yapılandırma dosyasını yüklemek için sistemde yeterli bellek yok. Kendi kişisel ayarlarınızı yüklemek isterseniz birkaç uygulamayı kapatın ve Takvim'i yeniden başlatın.
There is not enough memory available on your system to save the configuration file. If you want to have your personal settings saved, try closing a few applications and try again. Preferences Yapılandırma dosyasını kaydetmek için sistemde yeterli bellek yok. Kendi kişisel ayarlarınızı kaydetmek isterseniz birkaç uygulamayı kapatın ve yeniden deneyin.
Delete EventListView Sil
Edit EventListView Düzenle
You don't have any events on this day! EventListView Herhangi bir etkinlik yok!
Error GoogleEventSyncWindow Hata
Failed GoogleEventSyncWindow Başarısız
Google Calendar Sync GoogleEventSyncWindow Google Takvim Eşzamanlama
Last Sync: %status% at %time%. GoogleEventSyncWindow Son Eşzamanlama: %status%/%time%.
No Data Available GoogleEventSyncWindow Veri yok
OK GoogleEventSyncWindow Tamam
Please wait while we sync... GoogleEventSyncWindow Eşzamanlanırken lütfen bekleyin...
Success GoogleEventSyncWindow Başarılı
There was an error in loading the last sync data. GoogleEventSyncWindow Son eşzamanlama verisi yüklenirken bir hata oluştu.
There was an error in saving the recent sync data. GoogleEventSyncWindow Son eşzamanlama verisi kaydedilirken bir hata oluştu.