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base repository: HaikuArchives/Weather
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: dc553db9cda8
Choose a base ref
head repository: HaikuArchives/Weather
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: b29c0c7b0fbe
Choose a head ref
  • 1 commit
  • 17 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Aug 1, 2021

  1. New and updated translations

    Thanks to all translators:
    Catalan (ca)	Davidmp
    Czech (cs)		nkin
    Croatian (hr)	zvacet
    English (British) (en_GB)	Adam Fowler
    Esperanto (eo)	Jakub Fabijan
    Finnish (fi)	Karvjorm
    French (fr)		Briseur, Loïc
    Friulian (fur)	tmtfx
    Greek (Modern) (el)	Panagiotis Vasilopoulos (AlwaysLivid)
    Hindi (hi)		TejasMate
    Hungarian (hu)	miqlas
    Indonesian (id)	mazbrili
    Portuguese (pt)	Victor Domingos
    Russian (ru)	TK-313
    Turkish (tr)	Emir Sarı
    Humdinger committed Aug 1, 2021
    Copy the full SHA
    b29c0c7 View commit details
Showing with 687 additions and 32 deletions.
  1. +1 −1 Makefile
  2. +73 −0 locales/ca.catkeys
  3. +73 −0 locales/cs.catkeys
  4. +4 −4 locales/de.catkeys
  5. +73 −0 locales/en_GB.catkeys
  6. +4 −4 locales/es.catkeys
  7. +73 −0 locales/fi.catkeys
  8. +73 −0 locales/fr.catkeys
  9. +73 −0 locales/fur.catkeys
  10. +5 −5 locales/it.catkeys
  11. +4 −6 locales/pl.catkeys
  12. +73 −0 locales/pt.catkeys
  13. +4 −4 locales/ro.catkeys
  14. +73 −0 locales/ru.catkeys
  15. +4 −4 locales/sv.catkeys
  16. +73 −0 locales/tr.catkeys
  17. +4 −4 locales/uk.catkeys
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ OPTIMIZE :=
# will recreate only the "locales/en.catkeys" file. Use it as a template
# for creating catkeys for other languages. All localization files must be
# placed in the "locales" subdirectory.
LOCALES = de en es it pl ro sv uk
LOCALES = ca cs de en en_GB es fi fur it pl pt ro ru sv tr uk

# Specify all the preprocessor symbols to be defined. The symbols will not
# have their values set automatically; you must supply the value (if any) to
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions locales/ca.catkeys
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
1 Catalan x-vnd.przemub.Weather 3662372937
About Weather ForecastView Quant al Temps
Background ForecastView Fons
Blowing snow ForecastView Bufa neu
Blustery ForecastView Vent fort
Clear ForecastView Neteja
Cloudy ForecastView Ennuvolat
Cold ForecastView Fred
Connecting… ForecastView Es connecta...
Connection error ForecastView Error de connexió
Default ForecastView Pe defecte
Drizzle ForecastView Plugim
Dust ForecastView Polseguera
Fair ForecastView Bon temps
Fog ForecastView Boira
Freezing drizzle ForecastView Plugim fred
Freezing rain ForecastView Pluja freda
Hail ForecastView Calamarsa
Haze ForecastView Calitja
Heavy snow ForecastView Neu intensa
Hot ForecastView Calor
Hurricane ForecastView Huracà
Isolated thundershowers ForecastView Ruixats isolats
Isolated thunderstorms ForecastView Tempestes isolades
Light snow showers ForecastView Ruixats amb neu lleugera
Loading… ForecastView Es carrega...
Mixed rain and hail ForecastView Pluja i calamarsa
Mixed rain and sleet ForecastView Pluja i aiguaneu
Mixed rain and snow ForecastView Pluja i neu
Mixed snow and sleet ForecastView Neu i aiguaneu
Mostly cloudy ForecastView Força ennuvolat
No network ForecastView Sense xarxa
Not available ForecastView No disponible
OK ForecastView D'acord
Partly cloudy ForecastView Parcialment ennuvolat
Scattered showers ForecastView Ruixats dispersos
Scattered snow showers ForecastView Nevades disperses
Scattered thunderstorms ForecastView Tempestes disperses
Severe thunderstorms ForecastView Tempestes severes
Showers ForecastView Ruixats
Sleet ForecastView Aiguaneu
Smoky ForecastView Calitja
Snow ForecastView Neu
Snow flurries ForecastView Xàfecs de neu
Snow showers ForecastView Ruixats de neu
Sunny ForecastView Assolellat
Text ForecastView Text
Thundershowers ForecastView Tempestes amb trons
Thunderstorms ForecastView Tempestes
Tornado ForecastView Tornado
Transparent ForecastView Transparent
Tropical storm ForecastView Tempesta tropical
Weather (The Replicant version) ForecastView Temps (La versió replicant)
Windy ForecastView Ventós
Change location SelectionWindow Canvia la ubicació
City: SelectionWindow Ciutat:
OK SelectionWindow D'acord
Select city: city, country, region SelectionWindow Seleccioneu la ciutat: ciutat, país, regió
Change location… MainWindow Canvia la ubicació...
Edit MainWindow Edita
Loading… MainWindow Es carrega...
Preferences… MainWindow Preferències…
Quit MainWindow Surt
Refresh MainWindow Refresca
View MainWindow Vista
OK PreferencesWindow D'acord
Preferences PreferencesWindow Preferències
Use degrees Celsius PreferencesWindow Usa graus Celsius
Use degrees Delisle PreferencesWindow Usa graus Delisle
Use degrees Fahrenheit PreferencesWindow Usa graus Fahrenheit
Use degrees Rankine PreferencesWindow Usa graus Rankine
Use units Kelvin PreferencesWindow Usa unitats Kelvin
Weather System name Temps
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions locales/cs.catkeys
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
1 Czech x-vnd.przemub.Weather 3662372937
About Weather ForecastView O aplikaci počasí
Background ForecastView Pozadí
Blowing snow ForecastView Sněhová bouře
Blustery ForecastView Bouřky
Clear ForecastView Jasno
Cloudy ForecastView Oblačno
Cold ForecastView Zima
Connecting… ForecastView Připojování…
Connection error ForecastView Chyba spojení (koukněte se z okna)
Default ForecastView Výchozí
Drizzle ForecastView Mrholení
Dust ForecastView Prašno
Fair ForecastView Hezky
Fog ForecastView Mlha
Freezing drizzle ForecastView Mrznoucí mrholení
Freezing rain ForecastView Mrznoucí déšť
Hail ForecastView Kroupy
Haze ForecastView Opar
Heavy snow ForecastView Husté sněžení
Hot ForecastView Teplo
Hurricane ForecastView Hurikán
Isolated thundershowers ForecastView Ojedinělé bouřky
Isolated thunderstorms ForecastView Ojedinělé bouřky
Light snow showers ForecastView Lehké sněhové přeháňky
Loading… ForecastView Načítání…
Mixed rain and hail ForecastView Déšť s kroupama
Mixed rain and sleet ForecastView Déšť a plískanice
Mixed rain and snow ForecastView Déšť se sněhem
Mixed snow and sleet ForecastView Sníh a plískanice
Mostly cloudy ForecastView Většinou oblačno
No network ForecastView Žádná síť
Not available ForecastView Nedostupné
OK ForecastView OK
Partly cloudy ForecastView Částečně oblačno
Scattered showers ForecastView Rozptýlené přeháňky
Scattered snow showers ForecastView Rozptýlené sněhové přeháňky
Scattered thunderstorms ForecastView Ojedinělé přeháňky
Severe thunderstorms ForecastView Silné bouřky
Showers ForecastView Deštivo
Sleet ForecastView Plískanice
Smoky ForecastView Kouř
Snow ForecastView Sníh
Snow flurries ForecastView Sněhová bouře
Snow showers ForecastView Sněhové přeháňky
Sunny ForecastView Slunečno
Text ForecastView Text
Thundershowers ForecastView Bouřkové přeháňky
Thunderstorms ForecastView Bouřky
Tornado ForecastView Tornádo
Transparent ForecastView Průhledné
Tropical storm ForecastView Tropická bouře
Weather (The Replicant version) ForecastView Počasí (replikant)
Windy ForecastView Větrno
Change location SelectionWindow Změnit umístění
City: SelectionWindow Město:
OK SelectionWindow OK
Select city: city, country, region SelectionWindow Zvolte město: město, země, kraj
Change location… MainWindow Změnit umístění…
Edit MainWindow Upravit
Loading… MainWindow Načítání…
Preferences… MainWindow Možnosti…
Quit MainWindow Ukončit
Refresh MainWindow Obnovit
View MainWindow Zobrazení
OK PreferencesWindow OK
Preferences PreferencesWindow Možnosti
Use degrees Celsius PreferencesWindow Použít stupně Celsia
Use degrees Delisle PreferencesWindow Použít stupně Delisla
Use degrees Fahrenheit PreferencesWindow Použít stupně Fahrenheita
Use degrees Rankine PreferencesWindow Použít stupně Rankina
Use units Kelvin PreferencesWindow Použít jednotky Kelvina
Weather System name Počasí
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions locales/de.catkeys
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -52,6 +52,10 @@ Transparent ForecastView Transparent
Tropical storm ForecastView Tropischer Sturm
Weather (The Replicant version) ForecastView Wetter (die Replikant Version)
Windy ForecastView Windig
Change location SelectionWindow Standort ändern
City: SelectionWindow Stadt:
OK SelectionWindow OK
Select city: city, country, region SelectionWindow Stadt auswählen: Stadt, Land, Region
Change location… MainWindow Standort ändern…
Edit MainWindow Bearbeiten
Loading… MainWindow Lade Daten…
@@ -66,8 +70,4 @@ Use degrees Delisle PreferencesWindow Grad Delisle benutzen
Use degrees Fahrenheit PreferencesWindow Grad Fahrenheit benutzen
Use degrees Rankine PreferencesWindow Grad Rankine benutzen
Use units Kelvin PreferencesWindow Kelvin benutzen
Change location SelectionWindow Standort ändern
City: SelectionWindow Stadt:
OK SelectionWindow OK
Select city: city, country, region SelectionWindow Stadt auswählen: Stadt, Land, Region
Weather System name Wetter
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions locales/en_GB.catkeys
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
1 English (British) x-vnd.przemub.Weather 3662372937
About Weather ForecastView About Weather
Background ForecastView Background
Blowing snow ForecastView Blowing snow
Blustery ForecastView Blustery
Clear ForecastView Clear
Cloudy ForecastView Cloudy
Cold ForecastView Cold
Connecting… ForecastView Connecting…
Connection error ForecastView Connection error
Default ForecastView Default
Drizzle ForecastView Drizzle
Dust ForecastView Dust
Fair ForecastView Fair
Fog ForecastView Fog
Freezing drizzle ForecastView Freezing drizzle
Freezing rain ForecastView Freezing rain
Hail ForecastView Hail
Haze ForecastView Haze
Heavy snow ForecastView Heavy snow
Hot ForecastView Hot
Hurricane ForecastView Hurricane
Isolated thundershowers ForecastView Isolated thundershowers
Isolated thunderstorms ForecastView Isolated thunderstorms
Light snow showers ForecastView Light snow showers
Loading… ForecastView Loading…
Mixed rain and hail ForecastView Mixed rain and hail
Mixed rain and sleet ForecastView Mixed rain and sleet
Mixed rain and snow ForecastView Mixed rain and snow
Mixed snow and sleet ForecastView Mixed snow and sleet
Mostly cloudy ForecastView Mostly cloudy
No network ForecastView No network
Not available ForecastView Not available
OK ForecastView Alright
Partly cloudy ForecastView Partly cloudy
Scattered showers ForecastView Scattered showers
Scattered snow showers ForecastView Scattered snow showers
Scattered thunderstorms ForecastView Scattered thunderstorms
Severe thunderstorms ForecastView Severe thunderstorms
Showers ForecastView Showers
Sleet ForecastView Sleet
Smoky ForecastView Smoky
Snow ForecastView Snow
Snow flurries ForecastView Snow flurries
Snow showers ForecastView Snow showers
Sunny ForecastView Sunny
Text ForecastView Text
Thundershowers ForecastView Thundershowers
Thunderstorms ForecastView Thunderstorms
Tornado ForecastView Tornado
Transparent ForecastView Transparent
Tropical storm ForecastView Tropical storm
Weather (The Replicant version) ForecastView Weather (The Replicant version)
Windy ForecastView Windy
Change location SelectionWindow Change location
City: SelectionWindow City:
OK SelectionWindow Alright
Select city: city, country, region SelectionWindow Select city: city, country, region
Change location… MainWindow Change location…
Edit MainWindow Edit
Loading… MainWindow Loading…
Preferences… MainWindow Preferences…
Quit MainWindow Quit
Refresh MainWindow Refresh
View MainWindow View
OK PreferencesWindow Alright
Preferences PreferencesWindow Preferences
Use degrees Celsius PreferencesWindow Use degrees Celsius
Use degrees Delisle PreferencesWindow Use degrees Delisle
Use degrees Fahrenheit PreferencesWindow Use degrees Fahrenheit
Use degrees Rankine PreferencesWindow Use degrees Rankine
Use units Kelvin PreferencesWindow Use units Kelvin
Weather System name Weather
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions locales/es.catkeys
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -52,6 +52,10 @@ Transparent ForecastView Transparente
Tropical storm ForecastView Tormenta tropical
Weather (The Replicant version) ForecastView Clima (versión replicante)
Windy ForecastView Ventoso
Change location SelectionWindow Cambiar ubicación
City: SelectionWindow Ciudad:
OK SelectionWindow OK
Select city: city, country, region SelectionWindow Seleccionar ciudad: ciudad, país, región
Change location… MainWindow Cambiar ubicación…
Edit MainWindow Editar
Loading… MainWindow Cargando…
@@ -66,8 +70,4 @@ Use degrees Delisle PreferencesWindow Usar grados Delisle
Use degrees Fahrenheit PreferencesWindow Usar grados Fahrenheit
Use degrees Rankine PreferencesWindow Usar grados Rankine
Use units Kelvin PreferencesWindow Usar grados Kelvin
Change location SelectionWindow Cambiar ubicación
City: SelectionWindow Ciudad:
OK SelectionWindow OK
Select city: city, country, region SelectionWindow Seleccionar ciudad: ciudad, país, región
Weather System name Clima
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions locales/fi.catkeys
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
1 Finnish x-vnd.przemub.Weather 3662372937
About Weather ForecastView Ohjelmasta Weather
Background ForecastView Tausta
Blowing snow ForecastView Lumituisku
Blustery ForecastView Myrskyisä
Clear ForecastView Selkeää
Cloudy ForecastView Pilvistä
Cold ForecastView Kylmää
Connecting… ForecastView Yhdistetään…
Connection error ForecastView Yhteysvirhe
Default ForecastView Oletus
Drizzle ForecastView Tihkusade
Dust ForecastView Pöly
Fair ForecastView Poutainen
Fog ForecastView Sumu
Freezing drizzle ForecastView Jäätävä tihkusade
Freezing rain ForecastView Jäätävä sade
Hail ForecastView Raekuuro
Haze ForecastView Usva
Heavy snow ForecastView Raju lumisade
Hot ForecastView Kuuma
Hurricane ForecastView Hirmumyrsky
Isolated thundershowers ForecastView Yksittäisiä ukkoskuuroja
Isolated thunderstorms ForecastView Yksittäisiä ukkosmyräkköjä
Light snow showers ForecastView Heikkoja lumisadekuuroja
Loading… ForecastView Ladataan…
Mixed rain and hail ForecastView Raesade
Mixed rain and sleet ForecastView Räntäsade
Mixed rain and snow ForecastView Räntäsade
Mixed snow and sleet ForecastView Räntäsade
Mostly cloudy ForecastView Enimmäkseen pilvistä
No network ForecastView Ei verkkoa
Not available ForecastView Ei saatavilla
OK ForecastView Valmis
Partly cloudy ForecastView Osittain pilvistä
Scattered showers ForecastView Hajanaisia kuuroja
Scattered snow showers ForecastView Hajanaisia lumikuuroja
Scattered thunderstorms ForecastView Hajanaisia ukkosmyräköitä
Severe thunderstorms ForecastView Rajuja ukkkosmyräköitä
Showers ForecastView Kuuroja
Sleet ForecastView Räntäsade
Smoky ForecastView Savuinen
Snow ForecastView Lumisade
Snow flurries ForecastView Lumituiskuja
Snow showers ForecastView Lumikuuroja
Sunny ForecastView Aurinkoinen
Text ForecastView Teksti
Thundershowers ForecastView Ukkoskuurot
Thunderstorms ForecastView Ukkosmyräkät
Tornado ForecastView Trombi
Transparent ForecastView Kuulas
Tropical storm ForecastView Trooppinen myräkkä
Weather (The Replicant version) ForecastView Weather (Kopio-versio)
Windy ForecastView Tuulinen
Change location SelectionWindow Vaihda sijaintia
City: SelectionWindow Kaupunki:
OK SelectionWindow Valmis
Select city: city, country, region SelectionWindow Valitse kaupunki: kaupunki, maa, seutu
Change location… MainWindow Vaihda sijaintia…
Edit MainWindow Muokkaa
Loading… MainWindow Ladataan…
Preferences… MainWindow Asetukset…
Quit MainWindow Poistu
Refresh MainWindow Virkistä
View MainWindow Näkymä
OK PreferencesWindow Valmis
Preferences PreferencesWindow Asetukset
Use degrees Celsius PreferencesWindow Käytä Celsius-asteita
Use degrees Delisle PreferencesWindow Käytä Delisle-asteita
Use degrees Fahrenheit PreferencesWindow Käytä Fahrenheit-asteita
Use degrees Rankine PreferencesWindow Käytä Rankine-asteita
Use units Kelvin PreferencesWindow Käytä Kelvin-yksikköjä
Weather System name Weather