>Growing up in Louisiana, you'd never put much thought into some of the more trivial things. >What your own little slice of Heaven was a small pit of Hell for her. She can't look you in the eyes and you know she won't say a word. >The sound of rain pitter-pattering on the bedroom window would normally lull you into sleep's comforting embrace, but tonight is a little different. There was a flash of Lightning and a rolling of T h u n d e r . >You read somewhere that light travels at a speed of over six hundred million miles per hour. In that instant of bright flash through the bedroom window, your mind takes a crystal clear snapshot of the room. >The Best Buddies certificate and PhD. that both hang proudly side by side on the whitewashed wall >The small revolver on the bedside table. >The metal crutches that lean next to the window sill. >The dusty-gray love of your life that clings to you like a lost child. >Her fur feels just as soft as it looks. The hair on the top of her head is a chestnut brown >As your try to keep her from yipping, your hands glide over her form taking in all the little details that you know so well >Her thin shoulders, the floof on her sternum, the small mounds on her chest, and her trim waistline. >Cassie's tremors refuse to stop as the thunderstorm continues to barge through the night. You know that tonight will most likely be a sleepless one. > You just wish that you could gaze into those mesmerizing blue eyes of hers. > As many times as you've begged her to move away from here she adamantly refuses to leave. >"I-I-I grew up here, silly! Why w-would I wanna...move...m-move away? This is my home." >Her tail is curled between both of y'all's legs, and she continues to hug you as close as possible. >The fluffy fur on the top of her head tickles your mouth as she keeps her head tucked under your chin. >Home should not be a place where you are kept up three nights a week. >For some reason, a warm anger washes over you. >You take care of her. >You helped her study for those countless hours to help her achieve her dream of getting a Doctorate. >You handle the taxes every April. >You cook every meal every day: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. >You showed her the exciting world of motor sports and even bought tickets to that one race. >If she would just stop being a fucking child for a single fucking second and not whine like a puppy... >Another f l a s h . >Another b o o m . >And as soon as the anger came over you, it leaves; a whole other feeling comes crashing down. >Guilt >It's not her fault that she was put into this disposition. >Every other kid in school either ignored her or made her life a living nightmare >She fought so hard all these years past her CP and Aspergers to get where she is. >She was the one who asked to be more than friends. >She was your first partner, and your only as far as you're concerned. >You don't deserve her. >The fact that she has accomplished so much on her own, despite her disabilities is a testament to her sheer strength. >And when she needs you the most, you have such cowardly thoughts and let your feelings get the best of you. >It's as if Cassie can feel your own inward battle, despite her being the one physically shaking. >Her shivering stops, and she looks up from being buried onto your chest. >Those pure pools of water pierce your very soul. >"Anon, I love you. Th-thanks for being w-with me." >Her head is wet, but she is not the one crying. >"I love you, too. So very much." P l e a s e d o n ' t e v e r l e t m e g o