"What's up guys, my name is Anon, and welcome to Explorapalooza! Tonight, we're gonna scope out this old abandoned castle. That's right, a whole fuckin' castle! I got my GoPro, my flashlight, and everything else I need, so let's get to it!" >You lean back in your chair as you watch the rest of the video. >It mostly consists of your reactions to all the cool shit you found in the castle. >Definitely one of your favorite videos to film so far. >Everything was dusty and kinda smelled, but you got a ton of amazing footage. >You can already see your subscriber count going up. >You've been doing this whole YouTube thing for about a year now. >You started out just wandering around in the middle of the night, filming yourself walking and talking. >From there, you began exploring nearby forests, graveyards, shopping malls you'd never been to. >And it just took off. >You're definitely not as popular as the big guys on YT, but you're pretty up there. >You've got about seventy-five thousand subscribers, and every video, you gush about how you appreciate every last one. >Speaking of subscribers, you decide to see what some of them are saying. >Scrolling down to the comments, you see the usual fare. >Mostly about how creepy the castle is and how brave you must've been to be there all alone. >One in particular catches your eye. >"anyone else see that furry thing in the background at 5:38?" >There's several hundred replies saying the same thing. >Some of them even say it moved, as it apparently disappeared behind a wall. >Curious, you scroll back up to the video and start it around the specified time. >Looking in the background, you can definitely see SOMETHING. >It's a sort of tan color, and furry, like the comment said. >It's only on screen for a few seconds before it vanishes. >You decide to leave a reply on the original comment, asking if you should go back and check it out. >You check back the next day. >Your reply now has several replies of its own. >Some of them say that you should go back to the castle, while a few others are against it. >For the most part, though, they want you to investigate. >You didn't manage to see every room in the castle on the first go, so a second trip isn't a bad idea. "What's up guys, My name is Anon, and welcome to Explorapalooza! Tonight, we're back in the abandoned castle from my last video. We're here because a lot of you pointed out something weird in the background that I didn't notice while I was here. So, I decided to come back and give the place a second look. Let's hope I don't die!" >You walk through a few old rooms before moving onto other areas you didn't catch earlier. >All the while, you're keeping your eyes out for anything tan and furry. >For the most part, though, it's just the same old dusty castle. >Still, it was a cool place to walk around in. >You're so engrossed in the amazement of it all that it takes you a full moment to notice the trail of blood running through the room you're in. "Holy shit..." >You kneel down by the trail, dipping your finger in it. >Yep, definitely blood. >Your common sense starts yelling at you to get the hell out of dodge, but you came here for a reason. >Still holding your GoPro, you follow the trail. >More and more blood appears as you go until you find the source in the dining hall. "What the fuck..." >The blood came from a dead deer lying in the middle of the massive table. >Hunched over it was a tan, furry...thing. >You can't get a good look at it, because its face is buried in the deer carcass. >This is definitely going to be one of your more famous episodes. >If you get out alive, that is. >Before you can even consider backing away and leaving, however, the creature looks up at you. >You freeze. >Big, yellow eyes stare at you, as if you were an intruder coming across something you shouldn't be seeing. >You hear a swallow. >"Can I *urp* help you?" >The fuck. >You're next to positive you just heard the furry thing speak. >Not only that, but it had a decidedly female voice. >While you ponder this, you catch sight of the same tan, fluffy thing in the background of your first castle video. >It was its tail. "Uh, sorry, am I interrupting something?" >The thing wipes its mouth with one of its forelegs, although it looks much more like a humanoid arm. >"Just my dinner. What are you doing here? I always figured this place was abandoned." "Well, so did I." >Against your better judgement, you step forward a bit. >As you do, you're able to get a better look at the creature. >Much like her tail, the rest of her is tan and furry, aside from the messy mop of curly red hair on top of her head with two pointed ears sticking out of it. >Her nose is more like a snout, and you see pointed canines as she takes another bite of deer. >She's wearing torn jeans, a crop top, and what looks to be a plaid flannel shirt, unbuttoned. >And of course, her tail sways gently behind her. "Are...you a werewolf?" >"No, I'm a duck." >She rolls her eyes as she licks the leftover meat off of a bone. >"What's it to you? You some kinda paranormal investigator?" >She gestures to your GoPro "Oh, no, not really. Just an explorer. I didn't realize this was your home." >"It's not. Well, I don't OWN it, at least. I found it after living in the woods for most of my life, and since no one was living there, I decided to move in." >She scratches at her side, and you're pretty sure you see a flea jump away. >"You got somewhere to be? Why don't you stay a while? I could use the company." >You'd be lying if you said this wasn't unexpected. >Usually in situations like this, the thing living in the castle wants the intruder OUT. >Not her, though. >You shrug and turn off your GoPro. "I guess I can hang around. This is a pretty cool place." >She smiles a bit. >"Sweet. Pop a squat, man. Name's Winnie." >You sit down across from her. "My name's Anon. So, how long have you lived here?" >She had already started chewing on the deer again as soon as you sat down. >She swallows, blood dripping from her chin. >"Couple years, at least. It's definitely a step up from the woods." "You ever get lonely?" >"Sometimes. Still, living alone has its perks. It's nice not having anyone around to judge me for all the gross shit I do." >She follows up by ripping a loud fart. >Gross. >She chuckles. >"Yeah, I'm kind of a slob. But hey, I'm happy, ain't I?" >You nod. "Yeah, I guess." >"Enough about me, though. What exactly made you wanna snoop around an old place like this?" "Oh, it's kinda my job. See, I've got an urban exploration channel on YouTube, so I kinda frequent old places like this." >"Run into any other castles with werewolves living in 'em?" >You smile. "Heh, no, yours is the first. I don't think I'll post this video, though. Not sure how my subscribers would react to seeing a werewolf." >"Fair enough." >She leans back in her chair, resting her feet/paws on the table. >"What's internet fame like?" "Well, I wouldn't call myself famous. I mean, I've got 75 thousand subs, but...I dunno. I guess I don't really feel famous. You know what I mean?" >"Not at all. Course, I've never been really 'famous' for anything myself. Now my dad? HE was famous." >You quirk an eyebrow. "Famous for what?" >"Oh, come on! Don't tell me you've never heard of The Wolfman!" "Like, the movie?" >She rolls her eyes again. >"Yes, the movie, but what do you think the movie was based on? A book? Nah, my dad's been around LONG before that." "But, The Wolfman was made back in the forties." >"So? My dad was around back then. See, when you're bitten by a werewolf, you become practically immortal. The only thing that can really kill you is silver. So, me and my dad lived through the better part of the 20th century. He had me shortly after they made the movie." "Wait, if he had you in the forties, then that would make you-" >"75. Surprised?" "Kind of, but you do look pretty good for your age." >She snorts. >"You can thank my dad for that. I got all my wolf traits from him." "What about your mom?" >"She was human, believe it or not. Married my dad before the whole werewolf thing, but stayed with him after it." "So...is she..." >"Yeah, died in the early 90's. It was sad, but I had more than enough time with her. 50 years to be exact." >You're honestly surprised. >When you first saw Winnie hunched over that deer, you were sure she was going to tear you to pieces. >Now, here you are, having a friendly chat. >Shows you for making assumptions. >It is getting pretty late, though. "Hey, I'm having a good time talking, but I should really get going. I have a long drive back." >"I get it. Gotta get in your beauty sleep to look pretty for all your subscribers." >She smirks. >"Feel free to come back whenever, though. You're a pretty cool dude." "Oh, thanks. You're pretty alright, too." >"Wha- just alright? You better watch your mouth, baldy! I'm a predator for a reason!" >She grins, showing off her sharp teeth before sticking her tongue out at you. >You smile and say your goodbyes. >The next day, you put up a new video. "Hey guys, I just wanted to give you an update on what happened last night. I went back to the castle like you wanted me to, and what I saw was...well, it's hard to explain. I found the source of that weird thing you pointed out in the first video, but I'm not really ready to share what exactly it was. It wasn't horrible or anything, like a murderer or anything. Obviously, I'm still here. I just need some time to prepare myself so I can show this, because...it's weird. Like, really weird. As always, I appreciate each and every one of you guys, and your patience with this will mean the world to me. Just hang in there, alright? I love you guys."