“Eey, earth to Anon! We got to make sure niggers don’t get ate by rabid hyenas and it ain’t gonna do us no good if you are sleepin.” Private Arpino delivered a series of knocks to the top of Anon’s helmet as Corporal Johnson shot Arpino a dirty look. Johnson piped up “Really? You’re just going to go ahead and throw around the word nigger like I ain’t even here?” “Yeah, what of it? My family came here in 20’s. It ain’t got the same baggage if I use it, see? My family didn’t even see a nigger till then let alone whipped one” replied Arpino. Private Johnson rolled his eyes and rested the back of his head on the top of the seat. “I don’t think it works like that, Arpino; unless you want me to start calling you a wop because my town doesn’t have any Italians.” said Anon. Arpino stood up, head barely sticking up over the gun mount. “Listen here you… Fuck what even are you? How the fuck are we supposed to have this wonderful cultural exchange if we don’t even know what you are?” Arpino asked. Anon replied “My family is German.” Anon wanted to spice things up by telling them about his wolf-morph grandmother but thought better of telling that to Arpino. “Woah, German eh? Real exciting.” Arpino said as he popped the top off the M1919 on the back of the Jeep to fiddle with the belt. Anon groaned while rubbing his forehead and said “That is the 50th fucking time you have fiddled with that thing in the last 2 hours, Its fucking fine. Do you really think we are going to have to use a goddamn machinegun? A whole god damn wave of chucklers is going to launch an attack on Sugar Hill?” “Chucklers? Who’s being racist now?” Arpino replied. Anon pulled back the bolt of his M14 just far enough to check if it was loaded before saying “First of all, I never said you are racist, second of all Chucklers ain’t racist. Not like nigger is anyways. Hey Johnson, are we supposed to be parked here all night? If I got to listen to Arpino for 6 hours straight I’m gonna suck-start this rifle.” Johnson reached for a book he had stuffed between the two front seats and turned on his flashlight. “Lets see here...we gotta take a ride around the neighborhood at 11:30 and its...11:24. Eh, fuck it close enough, lets tour Sugar Hill. I’d point out my house but I don’t want Arpino to know where I live.” Johnson turned the ignition and put the jeep into drive and gently drifted out of the Alley way and into the street. “Ey, Johnson, your grandma teach ya how to drive?” Arpino said to which Johnson swiftly replied “Shut the fuck up and watch for any thing not human.” Arpino got that grin on his face that let everyone know he was going to be a smartass and said “what if a morph lives ‘ere. What about that Johnson?” Johnson drifted the car around a pile of burned-out furniture before replying “ain’t no fuckin morph can afford to live in Sugar hill except rats and rats don’t live in Harlem. You see any chuckler just go ahead and waste ‘em because the only reason a Hyena would be out of the slums is to start trouble.” Why can only rats live on Sugar Hill, Johnson? Is it because they’re Jews? All Jews are rich, is that it, Johnson?” Arpano asked mischievously. Johnson clucked his tongue and shook his head. “Fine Arpino, you got me, I’m the real racist and you are allowed to say nigger. Now please give me some goddamn peace and quiet.” As they slowly rode down the street, Anon spotted a hooded figure down an alleyway. Having wolf-morph ancestry brought a lot of problems but it had its perks as well, Anon had the best night-vision in the company. Anon whispered sharply “Hey, Arpino, got movement down that alley. Get that gun ready as soon as I got the spot-light on it.” Johnson hit the breaks and the figure noticeably bristled at the sudden noise before being illuminated. It was obviously a morph from the way it stood on its legs and the muzzle sticking out from under its hood. The figure stood frozen as Anon shouted “Stop! You are in vio-” The figure didn’t even give Anon time to finish before breaking into a sprint deeper into the alley. Anon brought his m14 up to his shoulder and pointed it out of the Jeep to fire a warning shot. BANG! The figure dropped and the only noise was the sound of the casing bouncing on the ground and the sound of a can rolling along the ground from deeper in the alley. Anon’s blood ran cold, It was supposed to be a warning shot, he was sure he aimed above their head. He is going to be in a world of shit. A feminine voice calls out “I give up! Don’t fucking shoot me god damn it!” Anon feels his heart beating in his chest again before saying “Johnson give me the cuffs and keep the spotlight on her” Johnson digs under the seat before pushing a pair towards Anon before saying “You should have shot her, have you given a thought to where we are going to put her? We got a machinegun in the back.” As anon got out of the jeep he said “I ain’t gonna go to jail just to save you the hassle, just unload it and put Arpino in front.” Johnson shouted back “Why the fuck do I have to sit next to Arpino because you can’t shoot straight?” Anon trained his rifle on the figure and starting walking towards them “No sudden moves or I will fucking ventilate you!” The figure was lying forward on the ground, head resting on its left side, a bushy brown tail tucked between their legs. They groaned out “I ain’t fuckin doing shit.” Anon shifted his gaze towards the wall they were standing in front of a couple seconds ago. “Judas has his si-” was spray-painted on the wall. Anon turned his head back to the morph on the ground before sarcastically replying “Yeah I bet you were just washing that off the wall right? Can always count on a Hyena to be a model citizen.” The figure on the ground noticeably bristled before shouting “Fuck you ya god damn weekend soldier, how the fuck you know if I am a Hyena?” Anon rolled his eyes and said “You folk have been causing trouble in Harlem all night, what else the fuck would you be? Not to mention you already put your hands behind your back before I told you which tells me this ain’t the first time you’ve been arrested.”