A big dumb muhreen saves a cute deer from an abusive boyfriend. >Today was a stressful day at work. >Summer was coming up and we always got summer off when our business was transferred to younger staff. >Still got payed during this time which was cash. >Thought that I might go and check out the local nude beach to see what kind of babes might be there. >And babes there were. >I grabbed my towel and put on some boxers. >Not confident in my dick size, so I might as well keep it from getting sun burned. >The beach is full of hot babes of all kinds. >But anthros are the most prevalent. >nice.jpg >Lots of doggos and kitters but there were a few more exotic species around too. >I spotted a deer couple and decided that it being lake Michigan, it was only fair to sit by them. >I sit about 20 yards from them, they stare at me because I'm the only one wearing boxers. >I put on some tanning lotion and some sun glasses and begin to drift off >I wake up to the sound of slapping to my right >I expect the deer couple to be "coupled" but I saw something completely different >The buck was slapping the doe around "You stupid bitch! I told you not to fucking look at other dudes!" "I-I-I'm sorry taro! I didn't mean-AH" >The buck slaps this girl again >What the fuck? >Refrain from white knighting because It's not my problem >I continue to watch out of the corner of my eye "You think that fucking MONKEY is better than me? Don't you?!" "I-I didn't say anything-AH!" "Shut the fuck up when I talk!" >He clenches his fist and punches her >My problem now >"Hey, could you guys stop fighting, I'm trying to relax here." "And who the fuck are you bud?" >He gets up and walks towards me >This fucking guy has a 6 pointer on him >"Dude, she was just looking at someone. That's no reason to flip the fuck out man." >He cracks his knuckles >Must be at least 6'3" >Am only 6 foot >Fucking sharp ass antlers and taller than me too. >Need to think smart >But I wasn't confident I could win without getting seriously wounded >He was rushing up to me with his fists clenched >"Hey man, I don't want any troub-" >He decks me and breaks my fucking nose >Can feel blood running down my nose >I'm back in afghanistan >Anthros being gunned down in the street by angry hadjis and their goats >A dog anthro runs to me and a man with a knife closes in >My rifle jams and he's too close to unjam it >I throw it on the ground >He grabs me and tries to slice my throat >Think again fucker >Throw him over my shoulder and grab his arm >Before he hits the ground, I use his body weight to break his elbow while he falls >He screams like a little bitch and drops the knife >He tries to hit me with his other hand but I am already on top of him >I put him in an arm bar and break his other arm >I roll him over and put him in a sleeper hold until he falls limp >I wipe the blood off my nose and put it back in place >It makes a wet snap and my nose stings >I Fix both of his elbows and drag him to a drainage ditch >I Throw him in the drink and he comes back up sputtering and spitting >He swims ashore and starts crying, still feeling the pain of 2 reset elbows >I snap back to reality and see the man I just savagely beat was a deer >I walk back to the doe and see how badly she's hurt >Her eye is already starting to swell from being beaten >She had a bloody nose and multiple places where skin was torn and bleeding >Her fur was matted with blood and she was crying >I put my hand on her shoulder and she instinctively pulled away >"I'm sorry about your boyfriend miss, but-" >She hugs me and squeezes me "Please help me! I don't want to be near him anymore! He beats me and rapes me daily and I-" >"Woah, it's okay! I won't leave you if he really is that bad." >She is still bleeding and crying >I carry her to my work truck and open the doors >I realize she's still naked and grab the cleanest shirt out of my spare clothes bag >I get my first aid box out of the back seat >"This is going to hurt a little, but if I don't do it, you'll get an infection." >I grab some neosporin and hydrogen peroxide and start putting it on her cuts >She whimpers and I finish >"I'm going to need to stitch up the bigger one, it might sting but you can squeeze my hand if you want." >She grabs my hand and holds it >I grab the suture kit with my one free hand and start putting in sutures >She squeezes the fuck out of my hand until I finish >I grab a large bandaid from my box and put it on the cuts >"All done!" >I hear clopping behind me and see her tense up >I open my glove box and pull out my M&P shield and point it straight at the bucks face >He has a knife and was about to stab me until I pulled my gun >"You've outstayed your welcome and my hospitality boy. If you wish to remain alive and not a trophy on my wall, you will walk away from this truck and never even think about coming back. You understand?" >He already dropped the knife and was nodding violently >"Good. Now git!" >He runs off and I grab the rusty shank >Doesn't even take care of his weapon >I drive away and go back to my house >I carry her inside before laying her on the couch >I'll make her a salad >She wakes up and I hand the salad over to her >"Do you eat meat at all? I don't really know anything about anthro deer." "Yeah, I can. I just never get to." >She munches on the berries in the salad >"Do you want to watch anything? I have satellite TV." "Do you have animal planet? I love watching man vs wild." >Saw that one coming >I turn the TV to animal planet and saw bear grylls eating a fucking centipede "Ewww! That's gross." >I get up because I know it's all fake as shit and want to make myself some tendies >I decide against it because I don't want to look like a fucking retard with kid cuisine tendies >Make some popcorn instead >I sit by her and set the bowl between us >She already finished the entire fucking bowl of salad >Holy fuck dude >"Mind if I turn on something else? I really don't watch TV too often anymore and just watch youtube instead." "Sure, man vs wild ended anyways." >Turn on some forgotten weapons and put the foot rest up >Ian starts talking about a swedish recoil less rifle >Her eyes light up as she watches gun jesus finger fuck a 20mm AT gun >She reaches for some popcorn at the same time I do and we touch hands >l-lewd.png >She looks at me and smiles >I take her hand in mine and squeeze it lightly >She giggles and I do too >We continue watching forgotten weapons for a while until Allie feels tired. >She falls asleep and I lift her up >I carry her to my bed and put her under the covers >I cover her up and kiss her forhead >"Goodnight Allie." >She doesn't respond and I close the door carefully >I guess everything is starting to look up after all >I'm about to go to sleep next to Allie when my house erupts into flames >The entire house is gone and I'm in a foxhole >Afghanistan >No >NO >I grab my M240 and fire at the hadjis >I lay down suppressing fire for my squad to move back >A mixture of anthro goats and brown skinned humans are rushing our position >We needed to get the fuck out of there or we were gonna end up on a cross >My M240 ran dry and half my platoon was gunned down by camel jockeys and afghan goats >"NO!" >I run from my foxhole and spray at the offending goats >They're gunned down by an M16 and I drag 2 men at a time back to the evac site >A blackhawk lands and picks up the wounded I have brought back >I feel a round impact my side and I crumple in pain >I hear the screams of my brothers with torn limbs and broken bones >I suck it up and run back to grab more men to medevac >Two men at a time with only a rifleman covering my advances >He's gone through three magazines already and is down to his last 2 >I only had 10 more men to go >Fredrich grabbed me and started speaking in a heavy german accent >He was a German Shepard marine "You need to leave me freund! I'm not going to make it." >"YOU'RE GONNA MAKE IT! IF YOU DIE I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" >He laughs and starts coughing up more blood >I sprint back to the medevac >2 more >Hadji goats are on my ass as I drag the last 2 wounded men to the blackhawk >The rifleman has already retreated, having no mags left >So much blood is on my hands >I get shot twice in my leg >"MOTHER FUCKER AAAGH!" >I limp with 2 marines holding on for dear life beside me >The medevac helicopter says they're full when I put the last 2 marines in >They have another helo inbound in about 2 minutes >I grab my M240 and begin to fire at anything in front of me that moves >I use up my tracer belt within the first minute >They just keep coming >I try and suppress them but they know it's just me >I'm almost overrun when I hear the sound of a minigun mowing down goats and goatfuckers alike >I'm getting weak >Before I pass out I ask >"Are my men okay chief?" "They're fine gunny." >"Good." >I pass out and wake up on my couch, Allie staring at me with worry in her eyes "A-are you okay, I heard you screaming in your sleep a-and I thought you were hurt." >"Allie, I need to tell you something." >I told her about my tours in afghanistan, my medal of honor, my wounds, and my lost comrades >I do something I haven't done since that day in afghanistan >I cry like a little bitch >She hugs me and starts running her hands through my hair >I cry into the shirt I gave her and eventually it slows to sobs and then sniffles >I just lay there for what felt like hours >Her embracing me as if I was a child, me crying like a little sissy bitch >She lets me go for a second and looks at me with her sweet amber eyes >"Has anybody ever told you that you have beautiful eyes?" >She blushes and looks away, flattening her ears as she does this "N-no, never. My family never really cared for me and my ex beat me all the time. He would push sex on me when I didn't want it and would even beat me until I couldn't fight back." >"Fucking coward. I should have broke his legs too." >She giggles slightly and kisses me on the cheek "You're the nicest person I've ever met. I don't know if I can ever repay you." >I feel my cheeks start to burn up and I have the sudden urge to look away >"Th-thanks." >I look out to see that it's night already >"Do you want to sleep in my bed with me, or do you want to sleep in the guest bed?" "With you! I-I mean I want to sleep with you, er, I never got your name." >"Anonson, but you can call me anon if you like." "Sounds vague, I like it." >I carry her to the bed, though she insisted she could walk on her own >"Not in my house Missy, you're my guest." >She relaxed and fell asleep in my arms >I set her down on the bed gently, trying my best not to wake her >I cover her up and lay down on my side of the bed >I begin to drift off into sleep when she slides herself against my front >She grabs my arm and puts it around her, thinking I wasn't awake >Her breathing slows and I fall asleep with her in my arms >I wake up with Allie snuggled up close to me under the covers >I slowly lift her arms off of me so I can get up >She whines a bit, but eventually lets go >I ruffle her hair slightly and get up to brush my teeth >After I am done with this, I walk outside to get the mail >I get my newspaper and mail from the mailbox and unroll the paper >In the middle of reading the sports page, I hear the squeaking of brakes in front of my house >Then three doors open up and I set down my paper >4 bucks just got out of the car and were all carrying some sort of nigger tier weapon >One had brass knuckles, one had a chain, and the other 2 had makeshift flails >I know where this is going >"Hello gentlemen, how may I help you?" >The leader buck smashes the flail into my gut, sending me to the ground >The one with a chain wraps it around me so I can't move my arms >They start wailing on me >I can barely think as blow after blow lands on me >The pain is like nothing I've felt in a while >I cry out in pain as the assault seems to never end >I hear the front door open and a scream "STOP IT! STOP IT RIGHT NOW! I SAID STOP!" >I hear the sound of hooves on my walkway, and hear a crack as something is flung against her >It sounds like a bag of potatoes hit the ground and they continue to beat me >This goes on for a few more agonizing minutes until they stop >Then the leader speaks "You better give me back my girl or I'm gonna ventilate your ass." >I black out as they remove the chains and run back to their car >I can't see anything now >I see a white light at one side of the void >Screaming coming from it >Then, the void disappears and is replaced with a room >An anthro dog is sitting in a fetal position at the center of the room >I walk closer and see it's dressed in full combat gear >I know what this is and don't want to look >They turn around to reveal a hole in their gut, revealing entrails and blood >I look up to see they have no eyes "Why didn't you save me anon?" >More voices start saying the same thing >More marines started circling me >All of them started to chant it "Why didn't you save us?" "Why didn't you save us?!" "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE US!?" >"I tried alright! I was hurt and couldn't go back! I saved as many of you as I could!" "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE US!?" >I tried covering my ears but they were in my head >"Stop it! Stop it please! STOP!" >They started shaking me chanting it over and over >I woke up to Allie shaking me awake >It was mid day and she was crying >I groaned "Oh my god you're alive! I thought you died for a second!" >"It's gonna take a bit more than that to kill me. I also think they left me alive because they wanted to." "I-I'll just go back with taro! I don't want you to get-" >I stand up and feel a searing pain in my back and chest >I put my hand on her shoulder more to support myself than comfort her >"I couldn't live with the thought of you being beaten by that coward. I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared to death of them right now. But for the first time in a while, I've felt genuinely happy about something. I'm not going to let some wife beater take you to be his personal sex slave. I'll go in and patch myself up. If you want, I'll take you to the hospital, but I'm not going to stay at some hospital and wait for the police to come knocking. This pussy just signed his death warrant and so did his buddies." >She smiles and hugs me "I can't thank you enough for all of this. You barely know me and you're ready to lay your life down for me." >"So, do you want to go to the hospital? I can take you right now if you want." "No, I'll be fine. You, on the other hand, need to put some bandaids on those cuts." >I chuckle and limp over to the house >"Thanks, love you." >I put my hand over my mouth realizing what I just said >"I uh, um I mean, uh-" >She giggles and says "Love you too anon." >Holy fuck that was a close one >I open the door and go inside >It's going to be a long night >Fast forward to night >I open my trunk by my bed and pick up an antique from my grandpa >An old 1903 springfield >I dig deeper in and find something I didn't remember him giving me >A wax paper wrapped box >I opened it and I saw a WWI M1911 pre A1 sitting in it's original packaging >I loaded it's magazine and racked a round >I grabbed some bricks out of my back yard and stacked them up by the window facing my street >Loaded guns, check >Cover vs pistols, check >Aldea is safe and sound in the basement, check >Everything checks out >I see a car pull up and 4 figures step out >I go outside to meet them >The all have pistols and one has a shotgun >"You here for the girl?" "No we're here for the plants, of course we're here for the girl!" >"Alright then fellas. Let me go get her." "Be back in 5 minutes or we're going to pop a cap in your monkey ass." >2 more cars pull up and more durr mafia step out >I walk back inside and load the 1903 >Time for my trap card >I get some doe estrus fluid from my closet and spray it out my open window >I see some of them become visibly aroused under the moonlight "Yo nigga, what smells so good?" >I then press a button on my radio and a recording plays of Aldea moaning >I see one in the back drop his pants and start jacking off >The rest of them are visibly hard >Anthros are so easy >I take aim at the closest durr nigger and fire my rifle >A loud crack and a wet thud is heard >I rack the bolt back and forth and get another round off into another deer before they react >They're so horny that they can't even process noise >The begin to light my house the fuck up and I take cover behind my bricks >I aim through the hole in the bricks I made and let off 3 more rounds into 3 durr niggers >They all drop with a single shot >fuddy-06 is no joke dude >They take cover behind there shit mobiles and take potshots at me >I continue to pick off the deer niggers with my rifle until I run out of 30-06 >I switch to my fuddy-five and start dumping rounds into their beaters "Fuck this shit I'm out! Let's go boys!" >I fire at them as they get away in their cars >I get up and go downstairs to check on Allie >She's huddled in a corner, shaking >She sees me and comes running >She almost knocks me over when she slams into me "OH MY GOD YOU'RE OKAY! Are you hurt? Did you kill them? Did-" >"Shhhhhh." >I hold her tight and she quiets down after sobbing a little >I carry her up to the bed room and lay her down. >I call the police to report an attempted break in and shootout >I wait for the police by counting the bodies >10 deer nigs in total >The police arrive, guns drawn >I put my hands up and tell them what happened >I give them the best description I could and they said they would investigate >They cleaned the bodies up and left >I surveyed the damage to my house >Lots of entry holes but no exit holes >Oak house 2op >Go back inside and collapse on the bed >Fall asleep instantly and dream of Allie and me on the beach >I wake up and attempt to get out of bed >Allie grabs my arm and pulls me back in bed >"I was going to make breakfast. I'm not going anywhere." >She huffs and lets me go >I make scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast >I bring it to her along with a glass of milk to hydrate her >She wolfs it all down in under a minute >I do the same and we look at each other >She giggles and so do I >She has a huge milk mustache and I assume I do too >I finish my toast and go to asses the damage to my house >Being in the dark doesn't really help when you're trying to look for gun shots >I Grab the spare shell casings off the floor and stuff them in my pocket >Opening the door, I step outside to reveal that they missed almost every single shot >Fucking gang bangers need to go and stay go >Only 1 round impacted my brick barricade and it was, by the looks of it, only 9mm >lol only 9 millimeter >I pick up the casings and stuff them in my other pocket >I turn to see Allie standing in the doorway, dressed in my bedsheet >"Do you have any clothes at all?" "No, they're all at taro's and they are all really skimpy or loose." >I walk to my mailbox, which the deer niggers managed to put 2 shots into >I open it to see my check came in the mail from work >I grin and look over at her >"Want to go and get some new clothes?" >Her eyes light up and I walk over to the porch "Y-you mean it? I-I don't have any money! I couldn't-" >"It's alright Allie, I'll pay for them." >She grabs onto me and squeezes me >I return the hug and she plants a kiss on my cheek >I let go and head inside to get my keys >I dump the shell casings and look at my 1911 >I grab it and load a magazine with rounds >Sliding the magazine in, I put it in an open carry holster made of leather >Decide to leave the rifle home because I'm not demonstrating why the 2nd SHALL NOT >Grab keys and wallet before opening the door to see Allie running over to the truck >She snuck in and grabbed one of my shirts and shorts >No wonder why deer need to be tracked, sneaky little doe >I get in my truck and so does Allie >We drive off to the mall >I walk into the department store Allie was racing towards, seeing it's full of neutral and slightly girly clothing >She already picked out a T-shirt and some loose pants to buy >I okay them >She picks out a dress and I approve it >It fits really nice on her and looks very formal >She goes to pick out some extremely skimpy short shorts and a top that barely covers her tits >I hnnnng a bit but say no "Aw why not?" >"I really don't think I could hide my boner if you wore that in public." >She pouts a bit but puts them back >After 2 hours of yes and no, she finally picks out 17 sets of clothes >Only costs me a few hundred bucks >This store is cheap as fuck, I think I'm gonna come back and buy some of my clothes here >I carry 4 bags of clothes while she skips back to the truck with her dress in hand >We go back to the house and I drop the clothes off in my bedroom >I fall asleep shortly after, but my dreams aren't nearly as pleasant tonight >I'm back in afghanistan again >Made a full recovery, so I was sent back to the front lines, or what could be called the front lines >Promoted from sergeant to Gunnery Sergeant >But by now I've been having the nightmares >I have the shakes every time someone gets hit, even if they aren't injured from it >I always get my men out alive, and even got some unofficial medical lessons from our platoon medic >But the nightmares are constant >Today we were due to start a Search & Destroy mission >the Al-Qaeda stronghold in this city was, of course, based in a mosque >Big open area with lots of support pillars to hide behind >A terrible area to attack and defend >I take point on the big wood doors sealing the mosque away from the outside >I place a huge brick of c-4 on the door as a breaching charge and count down >"3...2...1...BREACH!" >I clicked the clacker 3 times and the C-4 went off >Smoke and debris filled the air as I took point leading my squad inside >Gunfire erupted from behind 2 of the frontal pillars >My grenadier lobbed 40 millimeters of High Explosive freedom at one of the pillars, causing it to collapse >I saw a crack run up the roof of the mosque and yelled >"EVERYONE OUT! IT'S COMING DOWN!" >I push my squad back and out the door >Except a squad was still inside, covering an assault we weren't even doing >I try to run for the door but the mosque caves in before I can save them >"FUCK!" >I storm over to the dumbass private who dared to kill half my platoon >"WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF IDIOT SHOOTS A SUPPORT PILLAR WITH A 40 MIKE MIKE?!" "S-sorry gunny I didn't mean-" >I slam the butt of my m16 into his face, causing him to collapse >His nose was bleeding >"If I gave enough of a shit to do the paperwork, I'd court marshal your ass!" "G-gunny, I'm sorry! I didn't think-" >"YOU DIDN'T THINK! THAT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE FUCKING STUPID PRIVATE! YOU DON'T GET PAYED TO THINK!" >The private begins to break down, crying >I feel a pang of regret, and compose myself >"Private, you're not at fault here, because you were scared. People do stupid things when they're scared. I'm sorry I yelled at you, but we need to go and file a report. Some dumb hadji just blew up a mosque with half our guys in it." >I help the young guy off the ground and give him a rag for his nose bleed >He stops crying and looks at me >I see his eyes are gone >His mouth opens and he begins screaming >I begin screaming >Words start coming from his mouth, but his mouth isn't moving "YOU DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO SAVE US!" "YOU LEFT US FOR DEAD!" "WE DIED AND IT'S YOUR FAULT!" "YOUR FAULT!" "YOUR FAULT!" "YOUR FAULT!" >I wake up to Allie shaking me awake "WAKE UP!" >I scream and look around for my rifle, but realize it was just a dream >Allie pulls me into a hug and I start to sob >"It's all -sob- my fault! -sob- I didn't give them the -sob- order to move back! -sob- THEY DIED BECAUSE OF ME!" >Allie holds me tighter as I attempt to deal with the grief of losing 37 men to a mosque >Allie strokes my hair "It's not your fault anon, you did what you could." she cooed >I just sat there in her arms >I'm the man, I'm supposed to be strong and I'm crying into my doe's shoulder >She lays me back down on the bed and wipes the tears from my face >After about 10 minutes of sobbing, I calm myself down and look at her >"I killed so many people. I've had nightmares every night since I came home from afghanistan. Yesterday was the first night in a long time that I had a good night's sleep. I'm sorry for waking you. I'll go make some breakfast and-" >She puts her finger over my lips "You don't need to do anything. I'll make something for you." >I was about to protest but she put her hand on my shoulder "You've already done enough for me. It's the least I can do." >I nod and lay back down >She calls me in to the kitchen when she's done >I walk in and see she's prepared omelets, some grilled cheese, bacon, and a couple apples >I stand there with my mouth wide open >"You cooked all this?" "Mmhm." >I sit down at the table where she was waiting for me >She is already half way done with her omelet when I start eating mine >She is already finished when I'm halfway through my bacon >This woman is fucking awesome >I finish my apple and toss the core away >I belch and she looks at me weird >She then belches a few decibels higher than mine >"Show off." >She giggles and picks up the plates >I walk over to the couch and turn on the TV >I switch the channel in a hurry and see Ice road truckers is on >Animal planet is showing a cheetah running down an antelope >God dammit >I switch to my laptop and put on more gun jesus "Welcome back to forgotten weapons, I'm Ian and today we're going to be taking a look at the Type 97 Japanese anti tank rifle." >I fucking know this one "Well, more like a man portable auto cannon, as it is fully automatic and-" >Allie jumps onto the couch and stares at the TV "I love this show!" >Internally, I shed a tear, as forgotten weapons would have been on the Hitler channel if american pickers didn't take up 50 time slots >I let out a chuckle and she lays on my shoulder >We watch old Forgotten Weapons vids for the rest of the day ANON'S MARS ADVENTURE BREAK OFF https://pastebin.com/MpE4RuXh (Writing style change) >You wake up with Allie nowhere to be seen >You are about to search for her and hear a knock at the door >"Hang on a second! Let me get dressed." >You get up and put on your ankle holster and get some pants on >You open the door and powder is blown in your face >Fucking shit >Your world spins and you fall down >Everything is black >When you wake, you're in a concrete room, strapped to a mattress spring set >What the fuck? >You see a familiar face enter the room, a scar now running across his face >You're shitting me "Thought you could steal my girl and get away with it?" >You don't even look at him "Well, I told you there was gunna be some consequences." >He walks up to a switch and clicks it on >You feel a searing pain as you lose control of your body >You let out a scream of pain as he cackles like a shitty power rangers villain >He lets up on the electrocution and grabs a pipe >Your mind goes blank for a second and he's no longer there >He is replaced with a goat anthro >"Now I am going to ask you a seempel question infidel. Where is the rest of your squad?!" >He turns the power back on, sending 120 volts screaming through you >You scream in agony as you try desperately to hold onto life >"I am Anon Anonson, Gunnery Sergeant, 235 21 6739, 05/30/1988." >He looks at you and flicks the switch again >You let out another scream of agony as he kept the switch held down "THE REST OF YOUR SQUAD! WHERE ARE THEY?!" >"I am *cough* Anon Anonson, G-Gunnery Sergeant, 235 21 6739, 05/30/1988." >He flicks the switch again and you're pulled back to reality "YOU ARE GOING TO BEG FOR DEATH ONCE I'M DONE WITH YOU!" >More screams >He flicks the switch off >You're fading >Your life flashes before your eyes >All the heartbreak >Papa anon >Julie >Aldea >Wait >Aldea isn't dead >You pull yourself back to reality and Entaros flips the switch once more >You struggle against your bonds and they rattle violently >The last thing you see is a hood being draped over your head 3 days later >When you wake up this time, a petite fox lifts your hood, cracking their knuckles >They grab a wrench >Your jaw drops when you get a good look at them >"A-austin?" >His ears perk up as he gets a closer look at you in the dimly lit room >You see his ears droop against his head and his tail tuck between his legs "G-gunny?" >"Austin! How you *cough* been?" >He drops a wrench he was holding and begins to untie your bonds >Your throat is dry and your head aches >When Austin breaks you free, he starts stammering out an apology "G-gunny I'm SO sorry! I-I didn't kn-know who it was, I should've asked!" >"Austin, fall in line." >He stands straight and rigid as a board >You smirk at him before letting out another series of coughs >After your lungs stop trying to eject themselves from your body, you put a hand on his shoulder >"Wh-what are you doing in a place like this?" "I, uh, needed some money after my tour gunny. My family is tight on cash and we had nowhere else to turn." >"Wait, you have a family?" "Yeah, 2 kids and my beautiful wife." >You laugh at the idea of this skittish fox marksman having a wife, much less kids >Your thoughts rest back on Allie >"Wait, do you know where Aldea is?" >His ears go flat against his head as he speaks "N-no, the boss sent me here to interrogate you for her location." >"Hey, how about I see if I can give you an honest job at the office I work at? In return, you help me out of here. Sound like a plan?" >His ears go straight up and his tail starts to wag violently "Y-you'd do that?" >"Hey, we're a team remember?" >You thought for a second >Maybe some of these guys aren't here by choice, so you might want to avoid violence >Just this once >"Hey, Austin. Anybody else here like you? As in, they have no choice? I don't feel like killing somebody's father because he can't find decent work." >Austin thinks for a moment and looks back at you "There's one or two that I know of, but they're gone today. I don't know if any of them have kids though, so let's play smart." >You nod your head and he puts the bag over your head >You feel your hands being bound loosely by rope >Loose enough where you could break free if you needed >About 10 minutes later, you are being pushed through a door outside >Austin talks to some random goon before pushing you into a truck >The seats felt nice >You love cloth seats >The door to your left opened and slammed closed before the truck rumbled to life >After driving for a few minutes, Austin took off your hood and you broke free of your binds >"That's it? No fight or suspicious guards?" "Yeah, they're not too bright gunny." >Huh, that was easy >You take the wheel after a bit and drive back to your house >When you get home, you see a deer girl pop out of the doorway with your rifle "GET THE HELL OUT OF THE TRUCK AND KNEEL!" >Holy fuck she's trying to be intimidating >You get out of the truck with your hands in the air >Her expression softens when she sees it's you >She drops the rifle on your lawn and you cringe >Allie leaps onto you and hugs you >Actually, it feels like she's trying to strangle you >You return the 'hug' and she loosens her grip slightly "I thought they killed you!" >"I did too." >She starts sobbing and you stroke her hair >You hold back sobs of your own, letting a single tear roll down your cheek >You're home again >Part II >Allie was in the basement getting something out of the freezer when she heard you hit the floor >She stayed hidden until the door closed again and tried calling the police >The phone line was cut and you didn't have a cell phone for her >You're gonna need to fix that later >She waited the entire time for you to come home >Eventually, she got paranoid and kept your rifle with her at all times >When she saw the truck pull up, she thought whoever took you came back for her >But she saw you get out and you know the rest >"I'm sorry I wasn't here. I should've checked who was at the door. I'm going to be getting some stuff from the hardware store later to make the house a bit safer. Want to tag along?" >She grabs your arm and burrows her head into your chest >"I'll take that as a yes." >You go to your closet and change out of your tattered old clothes and put on some fresh pants >You grab a polo shirt and grab a belt >You loop your 1911s holster through the belt and put it on >You slide your 1911 into the holster and pull your polo shirt over the top >Should make it a bit more difficult for grabbers to touch it >You grab your keys and phone as well as your wallet >When you get out of the room, Allie is already walking to the truck >You unlock the door for her and tell her to give you a moment >You lock the door behind you and jog to the truck >She smiles at you and you start the truck >You pat her head and she giggles a bit >She's so cute >"How'd a girl like you manage to fall for a guy like me?" >She laughs at your corniness and you reverse out of the driveway >During the drive, she starts seat dancing to the music you have on and sings along >You join in and basically sing karaoke the whole way to home Menards >Once you get inside, you find the some window cages and some steel doors >Allie wants to hurry because she doesn't want to be out and about too long >"Don't worry Allie. Nobody's going to assault us in a public place. It's suicidal." >You have an idea >Those 2 door entrances you find in almost every big store >You could make one for yourself >You grab some fencing and brackets to secure it to the floor >Allie is following you closely, making sure not to leave your side >After you loaded all your materials onto the 6 wheeled cart thing, you push it to the checkout >Once everything is payed for you get out to the truck and Allie is pretty much jogging to the truck >You open it up for her and she gets inside >Leaving you to unload all the heavy things you put in the cart >You heft the doors into the truck bed along with the fencing and other stuff >Once everything is unloaded, an employee comes out and takes the cart in >Gee thanks asshole, not like I could have used your help earlier >You close the tailgate and walk to your side of the truck >You open the door and see Allie holding a piece of paper >It's a photo >You look and see what it's of >It's a photo of Julie >Oh fuck >She whips the photo at you and yells "WHO'S THAT?" >"A-Allie, it's an old photo. I-I'm not in a relationship with her." >She scowls at you and starts getting hysterical "I can't believe you would date somebody behind my back! I thought what we had was special!" >"Allie..." "And then you go off and with some bitch! I can't believe you!" >"Allie..." "Then you have the nerve to even come back to me after being with some dumb spotted cat!" >"Allie, if you don't stop I'm going to yell." "But then I find this picture with a lipstick kiss on it! What am I? Just another-" >"ALLIE LISTEN GOD DAMMIT!" >Her ears instantly go flat and her eyes widen with shock >"She's... dead." >Her ears droop even more >"We were deployed together and I thought we could make it back together. She loved me so much. I loved her too. But she died when I couldn't kill an RPG crew fast enough." >You feel tears well up in your eyes >"S-she looked me in the eyes when the RPG was coming towards her. Th-then she screamed." >You feel your knees begin to give >"S-she screamed my name! I couldn't do anything to stop it! She got hit straight in the side and was blown apart! OH MY GOD! A PIECE OF HER ARM HIT MY CHEST!" >You are bawling your eyes out now, not caring you were in public >"A-AND IT WAS STILL TWITCHING! OH GOD!" >She stares at you in horror as you continue >"I WAS COVERED IN HER BLOOD! I-I-I-" >You slam your head into the seat and wail >"I FAILED TO KEEP HER SAFE! SHE DIED BECAUSE OF ME!" >You just sit there on your knees, crying into your seat >You felt a soft hand on your head and you just cried louder >Allie started rubbing your head as you let out all the pent up sadness "A-anon, I had no idea. I'm so sorry." >You try to calm yourself down >"*sniff* No, it was m-my fault. I-I should've t-told you e-everything *sniff*" >You climb into your truck and shut the door before crying into your steering wheel >"E-every night before you came, I had the same dream. My squad would be on a mission and then i-it shifted to a room." >She puts her hand on your shoulder >"Then s-somebody would be in the middle of the r-room. It was usually h-her. S-she would tell me I'm a failure and how I could have saved her. It was h-horrible!" >She pulls you into a hug and you sob into her chest >She just strokes your head as you calm yourself down >After this goes on for 5 more minutes you finally calm down enough to drive away >On the way home, Allie just stares out the window while you drive >You get home without incident >Allie helps you unload the materials >You set them down in the living room before getting your tools >Once you get them, Allie is already trying to figure out the instructions >"Hey Allie, can you help me lift some of these 2 by 4s to the doorway? I have a pretty good idea how I'm doing this." >She gets up from the floor and grabs a couple of planks >She struggles to lift them to the doorway >"If you need help I can help you." >She looks at you and hefts them over with renewed vigor >After dropping them down, she crosses her arms and huffs at you "I'm not weak y'know." >You look at her and shake your head >"Never said you were." >After about 2 hours of work, you had a fenced in area along with a doorway for your old door >You just finished mounting the old door to the rear of the enclosure >The last thing you needed to do was make a frame for the new steel door >It needed to be steel, so it was impossible to kick in >You take Allie out to your garage before taking the tarp off your stick welder >You get some square hollow beams from your scrap heap >You also grab some welding masks and put yours on >You smile >"Hey Allie, do you know how to weld?" >She stares at you for a second before her eyes go wide "D-do you want me to?" >You nod your head >She squees and you flick your welding mask down >About an hour later >"No, you're still pushing the stick too deep." >She tries in vain to pull the now welded stick from the metal "S-sorry." >"It's fine, I made the same mistake the first time I did my welds." >She relaxes at that as you cut the metal rod with bolt cutters >"Now try again, this time be a bit gentler." >You guide her arms with your hands before letting her do it on her own >She keeps welding the bar catch to the frame you made before reaching the end >You take the welder from her before taking off the almost spent rod >She flips up her mask and you flip up yours >It's okay >Not great, but not terrible >"It's perfect Allie." >Her ears flick back and forth excitedly >You insert a new rod into the clamp >You flick her mask down eliciting a surprised 'eep' from her >You flick yours down too before welding the other >About 3 hours of fucking around with the door fittings >You give a final swing of your sledge hammer, a loud clang being produced >The heavy door finally slots onto the hinge and you sigh, relieved >"It's about time!" >Allie slumps down against the door, her ears at the side of her head >She lets out a deeper sigh as you sit beside her "That took waaaaay too long." >The 200 pound door needed to be forced onto the hinges because you were too stupid to make the frame wider >Then Allie speaks "Wait, couldn't we have just mounted it on the hinges while they were extended?" >You slam your palm to your forhead >You're fucking stupid >"Yes... we could have." >She opens the door and the door swings open, nearly conking you in the head >You attach the hydraulic spring before going back inside >It was dark and you had a new security door >When you got inside Allie was already stripping down to get in the shower >"Whoa! Don't do that in here! The blinds are open!" >She walks over to the blinds, almost stark naked, and closes them >She smiles at you "Now they're closed." >"Yer a cheeky cunt, I'll give ya that." >She smirks "I could call over my sister, Alison to help with the window cages. She's a scientist. At least, I think she is. She always wears a labcoat and goggles. She might be able to figure stuff out a bit better than me." >"Sure, the more the merrier." >You made a terrible mistake >Next morning >You hear rapid knocking on the door >You look over at the clock >6 o' clock >Fuuuuuuuck >You groan as you drag yourself from the bed >You grab your 1911 out of the holster and chamber a round >You unlock the first door before unlatching the multiple locks >When you open the door, you point your pistol at whoever was knocking >It's still dark out and you turn on the porch light >You see a deer standing in the doorway in a labcoat and some jeans >She has a pair of goggles on her head and she's staring at your gun with her hands up "I-I'm Alison. A-Aldea called me t-to help with a p-project." >You lower your gun and put your hand on her shoulder >"I'm so sorry! I've been having a rough week and I thought you were one of them." >She looks down at the gun and back to you before smiling "I understand. Now where's my sister? I'm so excited to see her!" >She's bouncing up and down like a spazz and you sigh internally >You let her go past and she skips inside >You close the heavy door and lock the multiple locks >She's already in your bedroom talking to Allie "Allie! I haven't seen you in forever!" >Allie sighs and tries to roll back over "Sleep first. Then talk." >You chuckle and see the bouncy deer get off the bed and walk towards you >She walks over to the kitchen and starts looking through the fridge >"Uh, miss, what are you doing?" "I'm looking for ramen noodles!" >"We don't keep ramen in the fridge. It's in the cupboards." >She blushes a bit and her ears go flat "I-I knew that." >She looks in the cupboards and finds a pack of ramen to cook >She puts the block of ramen in a pot before grabbing some cheese >She puts a slice of cheese in the water before boiling it >Gross >After it's cooked she gives it a sniff before pouring the watery cheese mix out >She pours the remaining broth and noodles into a bowl before grabbing a plastic spork >She takes a wad of it and shoves it in her mouth >Her eyes go wide and she spits it out "Yuck!" >"Why did you do that?" "I was experimenting! Duh." >"Well, I'm making some real food before you burn my house down. So just sit on the couch and wait." >She squees and squishes her boobs together before skipping over to the couch >You're definitely not having kids if this is what could happen >You turn on the radio and start making some scrambled eggs and bacon >"You like bacon Alison?" "YES! I LOVE IT!" >"Alright, no need to scream." >You pop some toast in the toaster and continue making breakfast >After making a hardy breakfast for your 2 deer, you get some plates out and put the food on them >You walk over to the couch with 2 plates >"Alright you can eat at the couch if you want, but make sure not to sp- WHOA!" >She's out of her lab coat and in the process of taking her bra off >She looks at you, puzzled "It's hot in here, I want to take my clothes off to get cool." >"You could've told me! I'll turn the thermostat down!" >She puts her bra back on and blushes "Oh you thought I wanted you! Heh, that would be weird! I mean, you just met me and stuff!" >Was she coming on to you >You turn the thermostat down and chuckle awkwardly >The AC kicks in and cold air rushes through the vents >You sit down on the couch next to Alison, who is sitting in the middle >You hand her the plate and she begins wolfing down her food "Yew haff no idya how hungwy I was!" >You chuckle and eat your food as well >Allie walks out of the bedroom in her usual loose clothing >She grabs a plate of food and sits down beside Alison >You turn on your laptop and forgotten weapons plays >Alison leans on your shoulder and you look over at Allie "ALICE! Get off Anon right now!" >She sits straight up and you sigh >Time to get to work >You get up and so do they >"Alright, I have some window cages I need installed. We thought it would go a bit faster if you helped." >She perks up and grabs a cage and screws "Let's go then!" >You sigh and grab another cage >4 hours later >Your house now has window cages over every window >Alice was constantly rubbing against you >She's not bad looking either, but your heart's in a different place >Allie decided to go to the mall and you stayed inside with Alice >You fall asleep on the couch >When you wake up, you feel something on top of you >Something soft >When you open your eyes, Alice is bouncing on top of you >Wait, is she naked? >You look down and see what Alice is bouncing on >Your pants were gone and feeling was coming back to you >Holy fuck your dick feels amazing >Realization hits >"A-ALICE! G-GET OFF ME!" >You push her off, much to your dick's dismay >Alice squeaks as she falls flat onto the couch >"W-what was that?! We just met a few hours ago! WHY?" >She turns around and looks at you timidly "I-I've never seen a human penis before a-and I kind of wanted to-" >Her voice goes to a whisper >"What?" "I kind of wanted to try it. F-for science! I swear!" >She's looking anywhere but at you >"Alice, I don't know how things work where you come from, but you don't just fuck someone in their sleep! In the civilized world, that's called rape!" >Her ears instantly go flat and she winces at the word "I-I didn't know Anon. I never really got out much as a kid and usually the boys never complain when I do, ya know." >"Well this is different, I'm in a relationship. With your sister, no less. I see I'm going to have to teach you how this works in detail." >You sat on the couch for hours, explaining common sense and sexual taboos to the poor sheltered doe >She would ask questions about things you said and you would answer as best you could >This was the first time you got a good look at her >She wasn't as skinny as Allie was, but she was only chubby in all the right places >She would be a solid 8/10 if you were looking for someone to date >After a while, you heard the door open and saw Allie come in with groceries and new clothes for Alice >When she got inside and saw you, she dropped everything and yelled "WHAT THE FUCK ALICE?!" >You stand up, half naked yourself >"Allie, calm down for a second." "NO! SHE'S NAKED AND YOU'RE GETTING THERE! HOW COULD YO-" >You walk over and put your hand over her mouth >"Shhhhh, we're not doing this again. I was just explaining how it's not okay to have sex with people who are sleeping. She didn't know any better, so don't be mad at her." >She tried shaking away but you held her firmly >Eventually after explaining everything, you let her go and she picked up her bags >You go and get clothes on and see Alice already has her labcoat and bra on >Alice goes to Aldea and apologizes profusely >Allie just sits there and scolds her >You decide to make lunch to calm everybody down >You make some sandwiches and put some chips on the side to give it little crunchiness >"Alright you two, lunch is ready." >The door to your bedroom clicks open "-ike him too! He's really nice and-" >Alice stops as soon as she sees you with some plates >She immediately blushes and rushes back into the room >Huh, wonder what that was all about >"Hey Allie, what was that whole thing about?" >Allie flicks her ears back and she takes a plate "I-I think my sister sorta, kinda, likes you." >You hope it isn't what you think it is >"Oh, well that's good. I want people to like me. You know back in school I didn-" "Not that kind of like! She LIKE likes you." >You freeze and stare at her >"Haha Allie, very funny." "I'm not joking. Deer become attracted to a strong mate in a very short period of time. It also might send them into a breeding frenzy or early heat if it's really strong. This is a thing with anthros and not feral deer. I don't know how else to explain it, but my sister loves you. A lot." >You drop your plate and the sandwich splays across the floor >"Oh fuck. I feel terrible now!" >Allie's ears go flat against her head "S-sorry." >You knew anthros weren't always monogamous like humans are, but this is a whole new level of what the fuck >You grab Allie's hand and take her into the room with you >You walk in and see Alison on your bed, sobbing >"H-hey Alison, I uh, didn't know you um....liked me." >She turns around, her fur around her eyes matted from crying >"Look, I'm not going to pretend to know how any of this stuff works, I don't even know how regular love works. But if you really do have feelings for me, I would be glad to share them with you." >Alison shoots off the bed and pulls you into a hug "Thank you anon! I love you so much and I just-" >"Shhhhhh, no talk now, only hugs." >5 days later >Alison had moved in with you >She had been living in her lab for a while and needed a place to stay that wasn't filled with chemicals >You were busy studying anthro biology so you could better understand your ladies >You learned that your doe's estrus cycles can last up to 6 months, which is specific to anthros >Something about the chemistry of bipedals increases the estrus period >Basically they go into heat for about 72 hours at a time compared to 24 hours in feral deer >Their heat can also be triggered by strong male pheromones outside of the estrus cycle >But inside estrus, if you so much as sweat a bit too much, you better be ready for a shattered pelvis >You started reading up a bit on white tailed deer anthros and found their heat cycles are a bit, weird >They're erratic compared to other anthro deer species >They have estrus cycles that can come in during late July and last until December >It's late June "Hey Anon, whatcha reading?" >Alice hops onto the couch and takes a look at the book you have >It's a very thick book with a picture of a smug looking grey wolf on the front >"I'm trying to figure out what to expect. I've never had a real relationship before, much less with an anthro, and even more so two of them." >Her face lights up "Anon, that's so sweet of you. This must be really hard for you then." >You smile and close the book up >"Do you mind if I ask you some, er, personal questions." >She gives you a sultry look before answering "Sure Anon, what do you want~?" >You feel your cheeks heat up >"D-do you know when your, um, heat cycle is." >She cocks her head to the side and answers "Oh, I thought it was something else. Allie and I go into heat around the same time. It happens usually during August or early September, but it's happened earlier than that. Is that all?" >You nod and look at the clock >It's already 8:00 at night and the sun was down >You were getting tired and Allie was finishing the dishes >"I'm gonna go and sleep. Good night you two." >They both said good night and Alice followed you to bed >You laid down in the middle of your bed and got the covers over you >After Alice had pressed herself against your back, you fall asleep to her gentle breathing >You awake to gun fire >You're in afghanistan and the town you took is under attack >You grab your 240 and rush to the top of a building where 2 soldiers are cowering >You unfold the bi-pod before setting your weapon down >You rack the bolt forward and back before laying down suppressing fire >After your belt runs dry, you take a moment to look at the 2 marines in the corner >You can't see them very well through all the dust, but they're hugging each other tight >Slapping the cover closed, you continue firing your M240 at the forest beyond you >You finish your second belt when you look over and see the marines still huddling in the corner >Time to see what's going on >The dust thins a bit and you see long ears and snouts >After crawling a bit, you see who the two marines are >Alice and Allie are in full marine gear, sobbing and covering their ears >You tactically shit yourself before grabbing them both by the arms >You join the group hug and try to talk to them >They're hysterical and nothing you say is working >You start to panic >Nothing is working >You panic so much that you yell at them >"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE? YOU'RE GONNA DIE!" >They look up at you, shocked >"GRAB A RIFLE AND FOLLOW MY LEAD! DON'T STRAY FROM ME OR YOU WILL FUCKING DIE!" >They shakily grab their rifles and crawl after you >Rounds impact the knee high wall as dust and debris rain down on you >You find an elevated spot of cover next to your M240 and sit up >They crawl towards you and start shouting over the cracks of rounds whizzing by "WHAT'S HAPPENING?! WHY ARE WE HERE?!" >"I DON'T KNOW! I'M GOING TO LAY DOWN FIRE FOR YOU TWO TO GET OFF THE ROOF! WHEN I START SHOOTING, MAKE A RUN FOR IT!" >You scramble towards your weapon and rack the bolt >You begin laying down fire at enemy soldiers who dare fire at your deer >You see 2 figures plop down on your side and begin firing with you >You look over and see Alison firing short bursts and Allie spraying her rifle at the enemy >"I TOLD YOU TWO TO RUN! YOU'RE GONNA GET KILLED!" >They don't listen and keep firing along with you >Rounds start impacting below Alison >You push her out of the way and take the full force of 6 7.62x39 rounds to your face >You wake up screaming before Alice wakes up crying along with Allie >They look at you and pull you into a hug >You don't even look at them and stare at the wall >You feel tears well up in your eyes >"Wh-what the f-fuck?" >You just repeat it over and over as your soft lumps of fur squeeze you hard >You hold back sobs >"W-was it a dream?" >You look around, finally snapping out of your daze >"H-how?" >Alison speaks first "I-I thought I told you I put a drink in your water that makes us share dreams." >You whip your head around and stare daggers into her >She crumbles under your look before you soften up a bit >"I don't want you to do that anymore. My dreams aren't for sharing. They are very VERY traumatic and dangerous. Don't do it again. Ever." >She nods slowly before you fall back onto your pillow >You are finding it hard to control your breathing >You want to hyperventilate but what good would it do? >You decide to just fall back asleep and hope you have better dreams >You didn't >This time it was your worst nightmare >You were clearing an alleyway out of enemy combatants >You quickly realized what was happening and saw your 2 deer by the tank, providing covering fire >You try and shout but all that comes out is a squeak >You try thinking of what to do when you notice your pistol in your hands >You point up in the sky and try to pull the trigger >Your finger feels so weak >You try pulling harder but it's not enough >You decide to use both hands and finally, the trigger breaks >The crack of the round gets their attention as you wave them over >Julie is ignoring you, as she had a helmet and headphones on >You pulled the girls down and covered them as best you could before the explosion hit >You feel something smack into your back >You didn't dare turn around to see it >It's too painful >You see shrapnel had hit Alice in the leg and she was screaming in pain while you yelled for a medic >Allie is trying to keep pressure on the wound, but it hit a femoral artery >You wake up yelling again, this time it's morning >You shake the others awake, with Allie crying and Alice in a daze >Allie hugs her sister and you sit with your head in your arms >You feel hands on your shoulder as the two try to comfort you >"You see what I mean? This happens almost every night. I have been to therapists but they said I'm too far gone." >You pull your head up and look at your 2 girls >"I've tried to kill myself before, but I was never able to pull the trigger. The pain, the loneliness, the sorrow, it was all new to me. I never had someone I actually cared about die before then. The shrink said I have the worst case of PTSD they had ever seen and recommended I be put in a mental hospital." >They both pull you into an embrace as you continue >"I politely declined, saying I'd be fine. That was a few days before I met you Allie. I was planning on shooting myself when I got home that night. I know this sounds cheesy, but you made me rethink all that. Somebody in pain, somebody who needed help." >You were on the verge of tears by now >"Aldea, whether you realize it or not, you saved my life. You gave me hope when I thought all was lost." >You were sobbing now >"A-Alice, you helped me face my fear with people I c-cared about, gave me c-closure. I can't th-thank you e-enough." >"A-Allie, Alice, I'm not v-very good with words b-but, I love you! I love both of you so much! I never want to leave either of you! P-please don't leave me! I know I'm not the nicest or best looking, a-and I have so many problems, but you both make me so h-happy-" >You break down and start crying >You sit there and cry like the little bitch boy you are >You weren't strong and you didn't know a lot, hell you weren't even good with words >You preferred using your fists to settle arguments because words failed you every time >But you knew one thing >You loved both of these women more than anything and nothing was going to happen to either of them >That was a promise >5 days later >You were helping Alice out with new chemicals and inventions >She was incredibly smart, probably more so than her colleagues >You gave input every now and again as you read up on dangerous chemical reactions in the body >Just in case she overlooked something and tried to give you something that creates cyanide when it reacts with saliva >Today you watched as she banged her head against the whiteboard "ERRGH! Why can't I find a catalyst for this stupid thing!?" >She slams her fist against the whiteboard before stomping over to her island table full of equipment >Beakers, test tubes, a chemical heating station full of bunsen burners and glass piping >You remembered the human body had catalysts in it from your high school chemistry class >Some of them might fit into the molecule of her chemical if it was able to connect >"Alice, I know this isn't my thing, but would a catalyst from the body work?" >She looks at you as if you had just said something stupid before softening her expression "Anon that- might actually work." >She rushes over and stands by the whiteboard before drawing in a catalyst "YES! Thank you so much anon!" >She runs over and gives you a big hug >It was more like how a car crusher hugs a car >You tap her shoulder before she let you go >You take deep breaths as the stars begin to clear "S-sorry anon." >She starts the bunsen burners and pours various colored liquids from beakers >The heated liquids travel through the clear glass tubes and begin mixing with eachother >A test tube awaits the mixed liquid at the end of the line >It's a reddish pink liquid that almost looks like it's glowing >Alice grabbed the tube with a gloved hand and set it in a holding rack >She squees in excitement as you smile warmly >You were curious about what it did >"What is it for anyways?" >She looks at you and gives you a look you didn't recognize >Her tone was also foreign to you, but sounded almost sexual "It boosts primal instincts in the user for a short time and permanently increases muscle mass. It also boosts certain nerve receptors by a factor of 5." >Primal instincts? >You understood muscle mass, but what primal instinct is she talking about >And nerve receptors? >Her expression changes immediately when she sees you thinking "You want to test it first anon?" >She was back to her usual excited self >This put your thoughts at ease as she grabbed the now cool test tube >"Before I do this, I'm not gonna go on a rampage and try to hurt you am I? This isn't a hulk formula right?" >She smiles at you before handing you the glass "It shouldn't be. If it does, then I made a terrible mistake somewhere in my triple check phase." >You look her dead in the eye >"I need to know if I'm going to hurt you before this starts. I don't want you to get hurt in any way." >She just laughs and checks the molecule again "I'll be fiiine. Just drink it!" >You shrug and put the tube to your mouth >Flipping it back, the warm liquid slides down your tongue and throat >It feels like old oil, but tastes lightly of pomegranates >Alice watches you in excitement as you sit and wait >Almost immediately, you felt your member getting hard as a rock >Fuck, not now boner >Yes right now Anon >NO GO AWAY! >You tried desperately to hide your erection from the now puzzled deer "That's odd, it should be doing something else." >This went on for about an hour before you started feeling something else >"Alice, I'm feeling funny." >She is messing with a bunsen burner when you speak up "Feeling funny how?" >"I dunno, everything just feels...good." >Everything felt amazing >Like you were wrapped in kittens and soft blankets >Alice got up and walked over to look you over >Holy fuck she's gorgeous >She grabs a tool and looks at your eyes "Pupils are dilated. Can you try flexing for me?" >You flex for her and try to keep your eyes on hers >Your arm flings up, almost hitting Alice in the process >Woah what? >"What was that?" >She feels your arm >She's so soft and warm "Your arms are shifting and it feels like something is growing." >You look down and see your dick is pushed straight against your pants >Alice notices it too "My, I didn't know it was that big!" >You notice it's a lot bigger as well >"I didn't either. Wait, what did you just give me?" >She gives you that same look "I told you, I gave you a formula that would boost your primal instincts, grow your muscles, and boost certain nerve receptors." >"What does that mean in stupid people terms?" >She gives you a devious smile "You'll see~" >You don't like that tone >She starts stripping out of her labcoat "Boy, it's hot in here! Are you hot, or is it just me?" >She drops the labcoat on the floor to reveal she was wearing a black skirt and tube top >Her curves were perfect >She walks back to you and her skirt falls off "Oops! That wasn't supposed to happen." >She turns around to pick up her skirt from the floor >Her ass pointing straight at you >You hear something coming from below you and see you are unzipping your pants >What the fuck? >You try and stop yourself but it only slows the unzipping >You struggle against your own body as it continues to remove your pants on it's own >Once unzipped your hands rip off the button and the pants with them >Once those were off your underoos were next >You tried resisting but were again unsuccessful >Your hands ripped your underwear off and your erection became visible >It was definitely larger >This alerted Alice, who was still trying to pick up her skirt >She turned around and looked at you with shock >"Anon! What's happening?" >You tried to respond but only a series of grunts came out >Oh fuck >You shook your head trying to tell her you didn't know >You began walking towards her >Did your dick become sentient? >IAMASSUMINGDIRECTCONTROL.webm >Alice looks on as you walk towards her "Anon, can you help me with these, I can't seem to-AH!" >You grab her shoulders and slam her against the wall >She yelps in surprise but doesn't struggle >You finally manage to speak >"A-Alice! I c-can't con-trol myself! W-what was that s-s-stuff?!" >She smirks at you "An aphrodisiac Anon!" >You facepalm internally >Your arms set her on the ground roughly before ripping her top off >Her breasts were perfect >You groped them and it felt like heaven on your fingers >You looked down to see your lower half lining up with hers >She had her legs spread and waiting "Do it big guy, I want you inside me. Right now!" >Your pelvis thrusts into her and a wave of pleasure rocks your body >You pull out again, before violently reinserting >Another wave of pleasure hit you as you felt yourself hit her cervix >She cried out in pain and pleasure as you began to pick up the pace >You felt her clench around your dick as you began going faster >Her back arched and her nethers spasmed, but you didn't stop >She was screaming at this point to keep going >Holy fuck the pleasure is immeasurable >Precum has been leaking from your member since you inserted, and has been mixing with her own fluids >This lubrication meant you could go even faster >You were slamming into her full force now >The slapping was getting faster as you were about to reach your limit >You looked straight into her eyes and she smiled "Do it Anon! I want it!" >With a final thrust, you slammed into her cervix full force >Your dick breached the cervix and she cried in ecstasy >Your dick spasms and you cum harder than you ever have in your entire life >You shoot so much cum inside her that it begins to pour out around your dick >Her spasms induce a second orgasm as you blow an even larger load straight into her womb >You pull out and the cum drains out like a faucet >But you weren't done yet >This girl has been creating sexual tension since she got in your house >It's time for payback >You hold her down as she tries to get up "A-anon! What're you-OH!" >You slam your cock into her slit and continue to pound her >This goes on for hours, each orgasm better than the next >You fucked her in almost every hole >Each time better than the last, no matter which one you chose >Your muscles ached but your dick needed more >You couldn't move anymore and Alice saw this >She was weak from the pounding too, but the cum had made some of her body feel as good as her pussy >She rubbed her tits together with your dick sandwiched between them and pumped up and down >Holy fuck this feels so good >She's moaning as she continues pumping her breasts up and down >You cum in less than a minute >The shockwave of pleasure is so intense, it triggers several smaller orgasms >It's so intense that you pass out from the pleasure of the 6th orgasm >The last thing you hear is Alice giggling and saying "Good boy." >You wake up in a daze >Your muscles ached >You felt cold >Your dick hurt >You open your eyes and see why you're cold >Your entire lower half is naked >You're in Alice's lab >Wait, where's Alice? >"Alice? Where are you?" >You hear a bit of commotion and a naked deer pops up from behind the island table >You look away out of politeness and hear a giggle "Anon, It's ok to look. You did much more than that earlier~" >Fuck >"Did I-" "A lot inside." >Double fuck >"Are you-" "Nah, not that I know of." >At least there's that >You begin remembering everything >Even the drink >The drink >THE DRINK >"Alice, come here for a second." >She walks from behind the island table, her tits bouncing as she walks >"And put something on please." >She giggles and puts her labcoat on >She walks up and you grab her shoulders >"Why?" >She looks puzzled >"I liked it, don't get me wrong, but why? Why couldn't Allie come over too? I was saving myself for you both, but you gave me the male equivalent of a fucking roofie! I wasn't in control the entire time and I was trying my best to stop! I couldn't even speak for fucks sake!" >She looked worried at this point >"You're going to apologize to Allie when we get home. I'll be there to make sure this doesn't get out of hand." >She looked on the verge of tears "A-Anon, I had no idea. I should've known!" >You pull her into an embrace and she sobs into your shoulder >You fucked up now >"Hey, I'm not mad at you, just disappointed. If you really want, you can bring some more of that stuff home for later. I owe Aldea that much." >She stopped sobbing and looked into your eyes "You mean it?" >You smile at her and she hugs you tight "That muscle growth is permanent you know. But I don't think it'll happen again when you drink it." >Damn, you wanted to be chadthundercock the patron saint of protein and gains >You get up and realize you're still half naked >Grabbing your buttonless pants, you zip them up, careful not catch your now sizable dong >About an hour later 8 PM "YOU WHAT?!" "I-I kinda sorta, uh, gave Anon an aphrodisiac so he'd fuck my brains out." >Alice put on as innocent a smile as she could while you watched amused "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT! THAT IS SO SELFISH AND SHALLOW! I'M GUNNA BEAT YOUR FURRY LITTLE ASS YOU SLUT!" >Allie made a grab for Alice and you stopped her >"Nuh uh." "WHY ARE YOU DEFENDING THIS LITTLE BITCH? SHE FUCKING RAPED YOU TWICE!" >"Because she's just confused and I don't want you going to prison for murder. Just calm down and think about it from her perspective. You said deer can go into early heat when a male displays "aggressive acts" or something like that." >Allie calms down a bit and you let her go "W-well that's- a valid point." >You smile and look back to Alison >"You're not going to do this again until your actual heat starts, are you Alice?" "No Anon." >"Good, now hug and make up. We have a busy week ahead of us." >They both hug and make up before going to bed, leaving you alone with your thoughts >You get a call on your phone and you pick up >It's austin Part III: Rescue and Relaxation "Anon! They found me out, I'm on the corner of 5th and 7th street! I need you over here fast. Bring a weapon!" >You hear gunfire on the phone and yells >You hang up and bust into your room >"I'm gonna be gone for a while, I have a friend who- needs help. I'll be back when I'm back." >You grab your plate carrier, helmet, your grand pappy's M2 carbine and the bandoleer of magazines, and your groin protector >The girls looked on, worried "Anon, what's going on?!" >"It's nothing. Just some loose ends that need tying up." >Allie grabs your arm and holds you "I'm coming with." >"NO! You could get hurt, or worse!" "Anon, I'm coming." "So am I." >Not Alice too >Fuck >"Fine, I have some smaller plate carriers and flak helmets in the truck. They should stop whatever these gangbangers have. DO NOT LEAVE COVER UNLESS I SAY SO! You got it?" >They both nod and you slap a mag into the M2 carbine >You flick it to full auto, flicking the bolt back >"Let's move." >You grabbed your hunting rifle and some mags for it as well as some guns for the girls >They have been to your dreams and are pretty good shots >That's weird when you say it in your head >'They've been to your dreams' >Surreal >Allie was using your M1903 that you had mounted an original scope on and Alice insisted on using your old AR-15 >You hadn't used that thing in years, but you cleaned it almost every month >You ran to the truck with your little soldiers and threw the hunting rifle and ammo in the bed, along with a canvas bag full of various useful items >You open the door and fling the center console up, making a seat for Allie to sit >You turned the truck engine over and it roared to life >Fucking exhaust leaks are a pain in your ass >You slam it into reverse and peel out of your driveway, screeching down the road towards 5th street >You had been hitting the redline the whole way there, hoping the cops might follow you >No such luck >It was dark out and you heard gunfire in the distance >Bingo >Fifth street was to your left and you slammed on the brakes, screeching to a halt >You turned the truck off and pulled the E-brake before flinging open the door >You grabbed the bag and rifle before rushing towards your former squad mate >You grabbed a pair of shitty civilian NODs from your bag and put them on >Holy shit it's the whole gang >At least 70 dudes >Make that 69 >Austin was holding his own with his handgun, but it wasn't nearly enough >You rush over and call your girls as well >You slide behind the dumpster he was using as cover >"Got you a present sunshine." "Thanks sarge." >He took the rifle and flicked on the thermal sight >$1000 sight for hunting feral coyotes and other pests >He fired a shot and worked the bolt >He was faster than you remember >You see a couple of hyenas and gorillas in saggy pants with TEC 9s trying to flank your left >"2 hostiles trying to flank our 9." "Gotcha sarge." >You fire a short burst at them with your M2 and the tracers rip into them >They fall before austin could even get his sights level "You still got it sarge." >Hell yeah you did >You may not be the smartest, but you know how to handle a rifle >Your girls were doing work too >Allie was going crazy with your 1903 screaming what can only be described as an amazonian war cry >That's pretty hot >You see what she's firing at and you see why >A bunch of saggy bucks holding their weapons sideways >God damn kids don't even know how to shoot >You flick the switch on the side of your rifle and start double tapping them for her >Alice is sitting prone, trying to see where the fire is coming from >But when she got one in her sights, they got a full 30 rounds dumped into them >Rounds were still impacting around you, tearing up the sidewalk and hitting the dumpster >Fuck this >You pull out a drum mag and flick over to full auto again >You rest the carbine on the top of the dumpster and fire short controlled bursts >You have to shake away afghanistan flashbacks and PTSD, for fear of going full retard >Your vision jumped between goats and sand, to deer and asphalt >You couldn't keep the visions away >Your drum ran dry, and you were back in afghanistan, loading a belt into your 240L >You vaulted over the cover and started hip firing at the disgusting goats >Your fireteam watched in horror as their squad lead just went apeshit >You sprayed the streets with your 240 as the goats put shots into your plate carrier >The ceramics held tight and only served to push you back a bit >They started to retreat but it's too late for them >You put rounds into their backs as they tried to run >You continued down the streets, mowing down anything with a gun >They were running for some technicals >Not today fuckers >You loaded a new belt and peppered their trucks with 30 caliber freedom >This killed the occupants along with the trucks >Your arms ached and your chest hurt, but you were angry >No, you were rage incarnate >You were enraged that anyone dare fire on your squad >Your friends >Your brothers >You let out a war cry that would make god piss has pants in fear as you continued your rampage >There was one left running >You aim your 240 at him >Click >You sling the 240 and take out your 92 >PAP PAP PAP PAP PAP PAP >He went down like a sack of potatoes >You loaded a belt into your 240 and scanned for targets >You look down and see your plate is torn to shreads and your arms were torn up >You saw a few struggling and loaded a new mag into your pistol >Snapping back to reality, you saw a gorilla pleading for mercy >"I'm all out of mercy." >BLAM >He slumped back, dead before he his head hit the floor >You repeated this a few more times before nothing lined the streets but dead nigger wannabes and blood >Your arms were leaking blood and you were aching all over >Your m2 carbine's barrel was glowing slightly and steaming >You look back to the dumpster and see Austin and your girls standing in awe >You try to walk, but a pain in your leg causes you to limp >When you reach the dumpster you speak >"Y-you okay Corporal?" "Yeah sarge, I'm okay." >"Privates, you okay?" >They both nod their heads >"Oo-rah marine corps, git sum." >You collapse and everything goes black >You awake in your office >Your boss looking over your report and glancing back at you every now and again "Anon, see me in my office." >Fuck >You watch your boss walk away as she swayed her hips a bit too much >Your boss was a mountain lion who was in her 40s, but she looked a lot younger than that >Everyone else called her a cougar but you called her mama >She acted very much like your mother and sounded almost identical >But your mother wasn't an anthro >She's also dead >You grabbed your other reports and put them in your file before getting up and walking to her office >It was a nicely decorated room made to resemble a mountainside >You closed the door and stood in front of her desk "Sit." >You sat down in a chair "Anon, I've been looking at your reports and I have to say, I'm very impressed. You keep track of all your sales and transactions down to the cent. I think you earned yourself a promotion." >Nice >But you have a question you always ask before you get promoted >"Before I accept, I just have one question." "What's that?" >She looks a bit surprised at your apprehensiveness >"Will I be moved to another building?" >She seems to relax a bit and smiles "Oh, nothing like that! It's just a pay raise and some extra time off is all." >You relax at this >You've made a few friends at the office and didn't want to move away from them >She also mentioned extra time off >You got this job to keep your mind off of other things, so you never took time off >You even worked overtime most weeks >"Well that's a relief. I thought I was called in because I screwed something up." >She chuckles "Oh Anon, you know I never call people into my office for those kind of talks. I just make an example of them in the office!" >You'd seen it first hand >She once brought a grizzly bear to his knees when he fucked up his sales records >She fired him on the spot and it turned out he was doing some shady stuff with company money "Well Anon, it's always a pleasure to talk with you. You're very polite and respectful. Unlike those kids that we hire during the summer. They always need to be whipped into shape." >You get up to leave "Oh wait! I almost forgot." >You turn around and see her swaying her way towards you >DEFCON 2 >Dangerous predator anthro closing in >She smiles at your reaction to her and licks her lips >DEFCON FUCKING 1 >You reach for your hip instinctively only to find nothing there >She pushes you up against the wall >You're not weak by any means, but this woman was pure muscle >"M-Ms. Patterson, what're you doing?" >She pulls you into a kiss >You're taken by surprise first, but realize she's not trying to eat you and return the kiss >Fuck, your first kiss was stolen by a mountain lioness >She guided her furry paw down your chest, feeling your fading abs >She made her way to your groin and began to unzip your pants >Everything stopped and faded to white >You wake up again, this time in a hospital bed >Allie and Alice were asleep on a couch, cuddled together >Austin was cleaning the rifle you had given him with some brace rods and gauze >He slid a final gauze patch down the barrel coated with oil and pulled it out the other side >After sliding the bolt back in, he checked the action and made sure it cycled >He dry fired it and smiled before setting it aside >You tried moving but felt sharp pain all over your extremities >Austin noticed and ran to your side "SARGE! You're alive!" >"Gonna take more than a couple of dune coons to kill me." >You feel a sharp pain in your chest and cough >A nurse walks in and almost drops the tray of bandages and medication when she saw you >She was a small mouse anthro with white fur and red eyes >She called someone from the hall in and they entered the room >What in the god damn? "Yeah, yeah I heard you. Now who's the guy that took out half of the Antlords?" >He finally looks up at you from his paperwork and drops the clipboard "JESUS JUMPING CHRIST! PRIVATE ANON!?" >It's your fucking drill instructor >And he's a cop >You hop off the bed and searing pain radiates from your right leg to the rest of your body >You stand at attention, grimacing and give a salute while saying through gritted teeth >"G-GUNNERY SERGEANT ANON R-REPORTING D-DRILL INSTRUCTOR!" >The pain was unbearable and your legs felt like wet noodles, but the marines didn't care about your injuries or fatigue >Your old drill instructor grimaces as he sees you saluting a superior in your condition "Holy christ anon as you were! There's no need for that." >You collapse onto the bed and attempt to position yourself properly >He picks the clipboard off the ground and takes a seat beside your bed "Well then Anon, I guess you got some explaining to do." >You explain to your old DI what went down and why you killed over fiddy men >"-then they tried to kill one of my old squad mates, so I came over as fast as I could and I did what I was trained to do." >Your drill instructor's expression sours and the nurse leaves the room >After she closes the door, he smiles at you "You did good Anon. I did train you well didn't I?" >"Yes you did Gunny." "But what in the hell is this about screaming 'goat fuckers' or some shit? You okay son?" >You sigh before continuing >"I have PTSD Gunny. They wanted me in an institution but I said no. I never hurt anybody because of it until then. Even then, it wasn't until I was provoked. I really don't wanna go to a loony bin Gunny. It wouldn't help." >He looks at you and thinks for a while "Hmm, well I think that these animals were harassing you and your friend. So this is a clear case of self defense and fleeing felons. I'll let the sheriff know what happened and have the court order waved. None of the suspects survived to receive a trial anyways." >You smile and lay back in the bed >The nurse comes back into the room and the killhat's expression sours "Time's up for me. I gotta go. See you around 'gunny'" >"See ya Gunny." >He leaves the room humming a marching cadence from one of your runs >The nurse comes into the room with X-Rays of your body >1 penetrating wound to the leg, 4 grazing hits, 1 grazing hit on your skull, and a penetrating wound through your left arm >Your femoral artery was skimmed by the penetrating wound but the cut was able to clot >You were lucky to be alive >The nurse gave you some water which you happily accepted >Allie and Alice were awake by now >They both ran up to you and were crying "OH MY GOD ANON WE THOUGHT YOU DIED!" "DON'T EVER DO SOMETHING THAT STUPID AGAIN!" >"Whoa, slow down. Can someone tell me what day it is?" >Austin spoke "It's July 3rd. You've been out for a week." >A week >A full fucking week? "The doctor said you can walk with crutches if you want to leave, but they highly recommend staying for a few more days." >"Fuck that, I'm leaving now. NURSE!" >The mouse popped her head in >"Can you get me some crutches please?" >She nods and walks down the hall >You take out the IV drip and the monitoring equipment >The heart monitor flatlined and you turned it off >The mouse nurse came back in with crutches that were too big for her >She handed them to you and you took them before thanking her >You tested the crutches and they held >You went for the door and left >Once outside, you found your truck had many holes in the bed and sides, but none in the engine bay >You hobble over and unlock the door before doing an awkward twist climb into the cabin >After getting inside, you started the truck and waited for the others >They got in and you drove back home