>be some middle level noble's son and/or very very distant blood relative of the emperor >get sent to try to resolve another blood feud threatening to turn into a war between the cobra and mongoose clan or at least secure an alliance with one side >both are neutral/allies to the human empire and their war would be bad for the humans too >both sides catch on that you're a way to getting human support to their side ensuring a victory over the other clan >you at least get a momentary ceasefire negotiation talk going >the representatives each clan sent was what are essentially their princesses with some guards too >the fighting has at least stopped for the moment, but your life is now at risk due to the princesses fighting for your support through marriage and each species is infamous for their rough long mating sessions >shenanigans ensue has each clan's guards try to kidnap you or steal you away from each other the whole time so their leader can fuck you into clan marriage >needless to say this shit is way over your head and you're not prepared for this >you're not even a warrior just the son of a minor noble who has some middling skill in diplomacy with beastkin >and both the princesses are deadly warriors too >and even worse both sides have been spiking your food and drink with aphrodisiacs so you're super on edge and pent up >things come to ahead when both princesses end up cornering you in a room with the same intent of seducing you >you can't take it anymore when they both strip and try to temp you with escalating shows of sexuality/competition >que what can only be described has a hellish all night long gauntlet of sex >pass out at some point due to exhaustion and dehydration >you were out for a day afterwards in recovery >when you awoke you nearly depleted both side's supply of water >at least it looks like both sides aren't fighting >still need help walking around though and the bruises are still tender >with all those aphrodisiacs in your system at the time you were so productive and fertile both princesses are going to have a full clutch and litter >and by beastkin culture you're married/mated to both now >and now the clans can't fight due to your three way marriage which complicates things and neither side knows what to do in the situation >since neither princess is willing to live within the other's land and yours is too faraway from either sides lands a new settlement needs to be made >this causes members from both clans to come help build and populate it and your family lands/empire also see the opportunity and joins in settling too >you just accidentally created a new fledgling kingdom that is fiercely guarded by venomous cobra beastkin and unrelenting mongoose beastkin along with the humans looking for new opportunities >not to mention your efforts for your new home and family have increased your diplomatic skills earning you some mutual agreements with other close beastkin clans >all the mixing of species has created an almost new culture unto its own as well separating you from the empire >and people won't stop exaggerating stories about you making it sound like you're going to take over the empire >your wives have to drag you out from hiding in your bed sometimes from anxiety of dealing with it all >and your wives have only become more dangerous due to wanting to protect you, their children, their people, and kingdom >and you've at least become immune to cobra venom now with how many times your children have accidentally bitten you which just makes the stories about you more outlandish >and worse of all your wives are still just has competitive sexually has the first night you were with them