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base repository: NixOS/nixpkgs
base: 9a414c148874
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head repository: NixOS/nixpkgs
compare: 34b467c4b0f2
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  • 17 commits
  • 14 files changed
  • 4 contributors

Commits on May 9, 2021

  1. nixos/testing: Switch from black to pyflakes

    So far, we have used "black" for formatting the test code, which is
    rather strict and opinionated and when used inline in Nix expressions it
    creates all sorts of trouble.
    One of the main annoyances is that when using strings coming from Nix
    expressions (eg. store paths or option definitions from NixOS modules),
    completely unrelated changes could cause tests to fail, since eg. black
    wants lines to be broken.
    Another downside of enforcing a certain kind of formatting is that it
    makes the Nix expression code inconsistent because we're mixing two
    spaces of indentation (common in nixpkgs) with four spaces of
    indentation as defined in PEP-8. While this is perfectly fine for
    standalone Python files, it really looks ugly and inconsistent IMO when
    used within Nix strings.
    What we actually want though is a linter that catches problems early on
    before actually running the test, because this is *actually* helping in
    development because running the actual VM test takes much longer.
    This is the reason why I switched from black to pyflakes, because the
    latter actually has useful checks, eg. usage of undefined variables,
    invalid format arguments, duplicate arguments, shadowed loop vars and
    Signed-off-by: aszlig <>
    Closes: #72964
    aszlig committed May 9, 2021
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    c362a28 View commit details
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  2. nixos/testing-python.nix: Expose driver

    (cherry picked from commit a2c9220568648b4528154ebd8e657add243ed0b4)
    roberth authored and aszlig committed May 9, 2021
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    71087b2 View commit details
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  3. nixos/testing: Set up scope for testScript linter

    Our test driver exposes a bunch of variables and functions, which
    pyflakes doesn't recognise by default because it assumes that the test
    script is executed standalone. In reality however the test driver script
    is using exec() on the testScript.
    Fortunately pyflakes has $PYFLAKES_BUILTINS, which are the attributes
    that are globally available on all modules to be checked. Since we only
    have one module, using this environment variable is fine as opposed to
    my first approach to this, which tried to use the unstable internal API
    of pyflakes.
    The attributes are gathered by the main derivation of the test driver,
    because we don't want to end up defining a new attribute in the test
    driver module just to being confused why using it in a test will result
    in an error.
    Another way we could have gathered these attributes would be in
    mkDriver, which is where the linting takes place. However, we do have a
    different set of Python dependencies in scope and duplicating these will
    again just cause confusion over having it at one location only.
    Signed-off-by: aszlig <>
    Co-Authored-By: aszlig <>
    roberth and aszlig committed May 9, 2021
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    56d9637 View commit details
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  4. nixosTests.acme: lint

    roberth authored and aszlig committed May 9, 2021
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    06b070f View commit details
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  5. nixos/tests/nfs: lint

    roberth authored and aszlig committed May 9, 2021
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    b9e7fb1 View commit details
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  6. nixosTests.chromium: lint

    Note: I didn't execute it entirely because I'd have to build chromium
    for this, but the diff appears fine.
    Ma27 authored and aszlig committed May 9, 2021
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    774aba1 View commit details
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  7. nixosTests.containers-custom-pkgs: lint

    The new linter basically does
       def testScript
          # ...
    before calling `pyflakes`. As this test-script is empty, it would lead
    to a syntax-error unless `pass` is added.
    Ma27 authored and aszlig committed May 9, 2021
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    fc76a44 View commit details
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  8. nixosTests.containers-imperative: lint

    Ma27 authored and aszlig committed May 9, 2021
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    b4b5dcb View commit details
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  9. nixosTests.custom-ca: lint

    Ma27 authored and aszlig committed May 9, 2021
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    b782440 View commit details
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  10. nixos/tests/yggdrasil: Fix linting error

    Linter error was: f-string is missing placeholders
    Signed-off-by: aszlig <>
    aszlig committed May 9, 2021
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    62a518b View commit details
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  11. nixos/tests/networking: Fix str literal comparison

    Linter error:
      use ==/!= to compare constant literals (str, bytes, int, float, tuple)
    Signed-off-by: aszlig <>
    aszlig committed May 9, 2021
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    c066cc3 View commit details
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  12. nixos/tests/printing: Remove unused 'sys' import

    Signed-off-by: aszlig <>
    aszlig committed May 9, 2021
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    e157ad4 View commit details
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  13. nixos/tests/shadow: Fix linting errors

    Linter errors reported:
      6:32 f-string is missing placeholders
      7:26 f-string is missing placeholders
      8:32 f-string is missing placeholders
      30:32 f-string is missing placeholders
      31:26 f-string is missing placeholders
      32:32 f-string is missing placeholders
      48:32 f-string is missing placeholders
      49:26 f-string is missing placeholders
      50:32 f-string is missing placeholders
      76:32 f-string is missing placeholders
      77:26 f-string is missing placeholders
      78:32 f-string is missing placeholders
    Signed-off-by: aszlig <>
    aszlig committed May 9, 2021
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    6c0ec52 View commit details
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  14. nixos/testing: lint jellyfin test

    David Arnold authored and aszlig committed May 9, 2021
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    6ad2e41 View commit details
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  15. nixos/tests/unbound: Remove unused 'json' import

    Signed-off-by: aszlig <>
    aszlig committed May 9, 2021
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    74bff4e View commit details
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  16. nixos/test/virtualbox: Fix linting errors

    There were a bunch of unnecessary f-strings in there and I also removed
    the "# fmt: on/off" comments, because we no longer use Black and thus
    won't need those comments anymore.
    Signed-off-by: aszlig <>
    aszlig committed May 9, 2021
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    54bc696 View commit details
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  17. Merge pull request #122201 (black -> pyflakes)

    This switches the linting of the NixOS test driver script from Black
    (which is a code *formatter*) to PyFlakes. Contrary to Black, which only
    does formatting and a basic syntax check, PyFlakes actually performs
    useful checks early on before spinning up VMs and evaluating the actual
    test script and thus becomes actually useful in development rather than
    an annoyance.
    One of the reasons why Black has been an annoyance[1] was because it
    assumed that the files that it's formatting aren't inlined inside
    another programming language.
    With NixOS VM tests however, we inline these Python scripts in the
    testScript attribute. With some of them using string antiquotations,
    things are getting rather ugly because Black now no longer formats
    static code but generated code from Nix being used as a macro language.
    This becomes especially annoying when an antiquotation contains an
    option definition from the NixOS module system, since an unrelated
    change might change its length or contents (eg. suddenly containing a
    double quote) for which Black will report an error.
    While issue #72964 has been sitting around for a while (and probably
    annoyed everyone involved), nobody has actually proposed an
    implementation until @roberth did a first pull request[2] yesterday
    which added a "skipFormatter" attribute, which contrary to skipLint
    silently disabled Black.
    This has led to very legitimate opposition[3] from @flokli:
    > As of now, this only adds an option that does exactly the same as the
    > already existing one.
    > black does more than linting, yes. Last September it was proposed to
    > switch from black to to a more permissive (only-)linter.
    > I don't think adding another option (skipFormatter) that currently
    > does exactly the same as skipLint will help out of this confusion.
    > IMHO, we should keep skipLint, but use a linter that doesn't format,
    > at least not enforce the line length (due to the nix interpolation we
    > do).
    This was written while I was doing an alternative implementation and
    pretty much sums up the work I'm merging here, which switches to
    PyFlakes, which only checks for various errors in the code (eg.
    undefined variables, shadowing, wrong comparisons and more) but does not
    do *any* formatting.
    Since Black didn't do any of the checks performed by PyFlakes (except a
    basic syntax check), the existing test scripts needed to be fixed.
    Thanks to @blaggacao, @Ma27 and @roberth for helping with testing and
    fixing those scripts.
    [1]: #72964
    [2]: #122197
    [3]: #122197 (review)
    aszlig committed May 9, 2021
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    34b467c View commit details
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