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base repository: HaikuArchives/StreamRadio
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: c6a1879eb3f6
Choose a base ref
head repository: HaikuArchives/StreamRadio
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: f399618d6bd2
Choose a head ref
  • 2 commits
  • 6 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Nov 19, 2021

  1. New and updated translations

    Thanks to:
    Portuguese (pt)	Victor Domingos, kenmays
    Humdinger committed Nov 19, 2021
    Copy the full SHA
    a5b6f1b View commit details
  2. Bump version to 1.0

    and alpha order contributers.
    Humdinger committed Nov 19, 2021
    Copy the full SHA
    f399618 View commit details
Showing with 57 additions and 13 deletions.
  1. +1 −1 Makefile
  2. +2 −2 RadioApp.cpp
  3. +4 −4 locales/es.catkeys
  4. +3 −3 locales/fr.catkeys
  5. +44 −0 locales/pt.catkeys
  6. +3 −3 locales/tr.catkeys
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ OPTIMIZE = FULL
# will recreate only the "locales/en.catkeys" file. Use it as a template
# for creating catkeys for other languages. All localization files must be
# placed in the "locales" subdirectory.
LOCALES = ca de en_GB en es fr fur id it nl ro sv tr uk
LOCALES = ca de en_GB en es fr fur id it nl pt ro sv tr uk

# Specify all the preprocessor symbols to be defined. The symbols will not
# have their values set automatically; you must supply the value (if any) to
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions RadioApp.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ RadioApp::AboutRequested()

const char* kAuthors[] = {
"Javier Steinaker",
"Jacob Secunda",
"Jacob Secunda",
"Javier Steinaker",

8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions locales/es.catkeys
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,24 +8,24 @@ App MainWindow Aplicación
Check station MainWindow Comprobar estación
Failed playing station %s: %s MainWindow Error al reproducir la estación %s: %s
File %s could not be loaded as a station MainWindow El archivo %s no pudo ser reconocido como una estación
Find stations… MainWindow Find stations
Find stations… MainWindow Buscar estaciones
Help… MainWindow Ayuda…
Now playing %s MainWindow Reproduciendo %s
OK MainWindow Aceptar
Paste Shoutcast URL MainWindow Pegar URL de Shoutcast
Probing station %station% failed MainWindow Falló la conexión a %station%
Probing station %station% successful MainWindow La conexión a %station% fue exitosa
Quit MainWindow Salir
Remove station MainWindow Remove station
Remove station MainWindow Quitar estación
Search MainWindow Buscar
Station MainWindow Station
Station MainWindow Estación
Station %s did not respond correctly and could not be added MainWindow La estación %s no respondió correctamente y no pudo ser añadida
Unknown station MainWindow Estación desconocida
unknown title MainWindow título desconocido
A directory for saving stations has been created in your settings folder. Link this directory to your deskbar menu to play stations directly. Station Una carpeta para guardar estaciones ha sido creada en tu directorio de configuración. Enlaza esta carpeta a tu menú de Deskbar para reproducir estaciones directamente.
OK Station Aceptar
Stations directory created Station Carpeta de estaciones creada
A player for online radio. RadioApp A player for online radio.
A player for online radio. RadioApp Un reproductor de radio en línea.
Usage: StreamRadio <filename>\n<filename> should be a Shoutcast playlist file.\nIf the station already exists, it is made to play otherwise it is added.\n RadioApp Modo de uso: StreamRadio <filename>\n<filename> debe ser un archivo de lista de reproducción de Shoutcast.\nSi la estación ya existe, comienza a reproducirse, de lo contrario es añadida.\n
Add StationFinder Añadir
Add station failed StationFinder Error al añadir estación
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions locales/fr.catkeys
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ App MainWindow App
Check station MainWindow Vérifier la station
Failed playing station %s: %s MainWindow Échec à la lecture de la station %s: %s
File %s could not be loaded as a station MainWindow Le fichier %s n'a pas pu être chargé en tant que station
Find stations… MainWindow Find stations…
Find stations… MainWindow Trouver des stations…
Help… MainWindow Aide…
Now playing %s MainWindow Passe actuellement %s
OK MainWindow D'accord
Paste Shoutcast URL MainWindow Coller une URL Shoutcast
Probing station %station% failed MainWindow Échec à l’interrogation de la station %station%
Probing station %station% successful MainWindow L'interrogation de la station %station% réussie
Quit MainWindow Quitter
Remove station MainWindow Remove station
Remove station MainWindow Supprimer la station
Search MainWindow Recherche
Station MainWindow Station
Station %s did not respond correctly and could not be added MainWindow La station %s n'a pas répondu correctement et n'a pu être ajoutée
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ unknown title MainWindow Titre inconnu
A directory for saving stations has been created in your settings folder. Link this directory to your deskbar menu to play stations directly. Station Un dossier pour enregistrer les stations a été créé dans votre dossier de réglages («settings»). Ajouter un lien vers ce dossier au menu de votre deskbar pour jouer les stations directement.
OK Station D'accord
Stations directory created Station Dossier des stations créé
A player for online radio. RadioApp A player for online radio.
A player for online radio. RadioApp Un lecteur de flux radio en ligne.
Usage: StreamRadio <filename>\n<filename> should be a Shoutcast playlist file.\nIf the station already exists, it is made to play otherwise it is added.\n RadioApp Utilisation : StreamRadio <nom_de_fichier>\n<nom_de_fichier> doit être un fichier de liste de lecture Shoutcast.\nSi la station existe déjà elle est jouée; autrement elle est ajoutée.\n
Add StationFinder Ajouter
Add station failed StationFinder Échec à l'ajout de de la station
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions locales/pt.catkeys
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
1 Portuguese application/x-vnd.Fishpond-StreamRadio 1780791103
%station% now plays %title% MainWindow %station% agora joga %title%
About MainWindow Sobre
Add station failed MainWindow A estação de adição falhou
Added station %s to list MainWindow Estação adicional %s para listar
Allow parallel playback MainWindow Permitir reprodução paralela
App MainWindow Aplicação
Check station MainWindow Estação de verificação
Failed playing station %s: %s MainWindow Estação de jogo falhada %s: %s
File %s could not be loaded as a station MainWindow O ficheiro %s não podia ser carregado como estação
Find stations… MainWindow Encontre estações...
Help… MainWindow Ajuda…
Now playing %s MainWindow Agora jogando %s
OK MainWindow OK
Paste Shoutcast URL MainWindow URL de pasta shoutcast
Probing station %station% failed MainWindow Estação de sondagem %station% falhou
Probing station %station% successful MainWindow Estação de sondagem %station% bem sucedida
Quit MainWindow Demita-se
Remove station MainWindow Remover estação
Search MainWindow Pesquisar
Station MainWindow Estação
Station %s did not respond correctly and could not be added MainWindow A estação %s não respondeu corretamente e não pôde ser adicionada
Unknown station MainWindow Estação desconhecida
unknown title MainWindow título desconhecido
A directory for saving stations has been created in your settings folder. Link this directory to your deskbar menu to play stations directly. Station Foi criado um diretório para estações de poupança na sua pasta de definições. Ligue este diretório ao menu do seu deskbar para reproduzir as estações diretamente.
OK Station OK
Stations directory created Station Diretório de estações criado
A player for online radio. RadioApp Um leitor de rádio online.
Usage: StreamRadio <filename>\n<filename> should be a Shoutcast playlist file.\nIf the station already exists, it is made to play otherwise it is added.\n RadioApp Utilização: StreamRadio <nome de arquivo>\n<nome de arquivo> Deve ser um ficheiro de reprodução shoutcast.\nSe a estação já existe, é feita para jogar de outra forma, é adicionada.\n
Add StationFinder Adicionar
Add station failed StationFinder A estação de adição falhou
Find stations StationFinder Localizar estações
OK StationFinder OK
Search by StationFinder Pesquisar por
Search for StationFinder Pesquisar
Service StationFinder Serviço
Station %s did not respond correctly and could not be added StationFinder A estação %s não respondeu corretamente e não pôde ser adicionada
Community Radio Browser StationFinderRadioNetwork Navegador de Rádio Comunitário
Genre StationPanel Género
Name StationPanel Nome
Station URL StationPanel URL da estação
Stream URL StationPanel URL de fluxo [experimental] StationFinderListenLive [experimental]
StreamRadio System name StreamRadio
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions locales/tr.catkeys
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ unknown title MainWindow bilinmeyen başlık
A directory for saving stations has been created in your settings folder. Link this directory to your deskbar menu to play stations directly. Station İstasyonları kaydetmek için bir dizin ayarlar klasörünüzde oluşturuldu. İstasyonları doğrudan çalmak için bu dizini Masaüstü Çubuğu menünüze bağlayın.
OK Station Tamam
Stations directory created Station İstasyonlar dizini oluşturuldu
A player for online radio. RadioApp A player for online radio.
A player for online radio. RadioApp Çevrimiçi radyo oynatıcısı
Usage: StreamRadio <filename>\n<filename> should be a Shoutcast playlist file.\nIf the station already exists, it is made to play otherwise it is added.\n RadioApp Kullanım: StreamRadio <dosyaadı>\n<dosyaadı> bir Shoutcast çalma listesi dosyası olmalıdır.\nEğer istasyon halihazırda varsa çalınır, yoksa eklenir.\n
Add StationFinder Ekle
Add station failed StationFinder İstasyon eklenemedi
Find stations StationFinder İstasyon Bul
OK StationFinder Tamam
Search by StationFinder Şununla ara
Search for StationFinder Şunu ara
Search by StationFinder Arama ölçütü
Search for StationFinder Arama metni
Service StationFinder Hizmet
Station %s did not respond correctly and could not be added StationFinder %s düzgün bir yanıt döndürmediği için eklenemedi
Community Radio Browser StationFinderRadioNetwork Topluluk Radyo Tarayıcısı