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base repository: mockingbirdnest/Principia
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base: 5cfb589822c2
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head repository: mockingbirdnest/Principia
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compare: 1bd3d975eaa6
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  • 7 commits
  • 7 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Aug 16, 2021

  1. 3

    eggrobin committed Aug 16, 2021
    Copy the full SHA
    ef39dfc View commit details

Commits on Aug 17, 2021

  1. merge

    eggrobin committed Aug 17, 2021
    Copy the full SHA
    9d3c899 View commit details
  2. not yet

    eggrobin committed Aug 17, 2021
    Copy the full SHA
    2c76c2b View commit details

Commits on Aug 18, 2021

  1. after pleroy’s review

    eggrobin committed Aug 18, 2021
    Copy the full SHA
    be2d7d1 View commit details

Commits on Aug 19, 2021

  1. ^N and ^n, not ^d

    eggrobin committed Aug 19, 2021
    Copy the full SHA
    9dad5ab View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    d8b0bf1 View commit details
  3. Merge pull request #3101 from eggrobin/fr

    Improve translation malleability
    eggrobin authored Aug 19, 2021
    Copy the full SHA
    1bd3d97 View commit details
16 changes: 10 additions & 6 deletions ksp_plugin_adapter/localization/celestial_strings.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -20,15 +20,18 @@
// “However, the argument of periapsis increases approximately 0.9° per
// orbit, sending the latitude of perijove further from the equator.”
// in [KJL08]. We follow this usage.
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription_Primary(Sun).en-us = heliocentric
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription_Primary(Moon).en-us = lunar
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription_SynchronousPrimary(Earth).en-us = geosynchronous
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription_StationaryPrimary(Earth).en-us = geostationary

// <<3>> is the sequence of properties, ending with a space.
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription(Sun).en-us = <<3>>heliocentric orbit
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription(Moon).en-us = <<3>>lunar orbit
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription_Synchronous(Earth).en-us = <<3>>geosynchronous orbit
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription_Stationary(Earth).en-us = geostationary orbit

#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Name_BodyCentredNonRotating(Sun).en-us = Heliocentric Inertial
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Abbreviation_BodyCentredNonRotating(Sun).en-us = HCI
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Name_BodyCentredParentDirection(Earth,Sun).en-us = Geocentric Solar Ecliptic
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Abbreviation_BodyCentredParentDirection(Earth,Sun).en-us = GSE
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_BodyCentredParentDirection(Earth,Sun).en-us = The centre of <<1>> is fixed.\nThe ecliptic (the plane of its orbit around <<2>>) is horizontal.\nThe reference frame rotates with the orbit, fixing the direction of <<2>>.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_BodyCentredParentDirection(Earth,Sun).en-us = The centre of <<A:1>> is fixed.\nThe ecliptic (the plane of its orbit around <<A:3>) is horizontal.\nThe reference frame rotates with the orbit, fixing the direction of <<A:3>>.
// Note that JSE is attested for Jupiter, but the more generic JSO is more
// modern (the former is common in the context of Galileo, the latter in the
// context of Juno).
@@ -78,6 +81,7 @@
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Name_BodySurface(Earth).zh-cn = 地心地固
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Name_BodySurface(Moon).zh-cn = 月心月固
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Name_BodyCentredParentDirection(Earth,Sun).zh-cn = 地心太阳黄道
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_BodyCentredParentDirection(Earth,Sun).zh-cn = <<1>>的质心已固定,\n水平面为黄道(<<1>>绕<<2>>的轨道面)。\n这个参考系跟随轨道旋转,面向着<<2>>的方位不变。
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_NavballName_BodyCentredParentDirection(Earth,Sun).zh-cn = 地心太阳黄道
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_BodyCentredParentDirection(Earth,Sun).zh-cn = <<1>>的质心已固定,\n水平面为黄道(<<1>>绕<<3>>的轨道面)。\n这个参考系跟随轨道旋转,面向着<<3>>的方位不变。
74 changes: 39 additions & 35 deletions ksp_plugin_adapter/localization/en-us.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Localization {
#Principia_MainWindow_LoggingSettings = Logging Settings
#Principia_MainWindow_KspFeature_DisplayPatchedConics = Display patched conics (do not use for flight planning!)
#Principia_MainWindow_TargetCelestial_Select = Select target celestial...
#Principia_MainWindow_TargetCelestial_Name = Target: <<1>> // <<1>> celestial name
#Principia_MainWindow_TargetCelestial_Name = Target: <<A:1>>
#Principia_MainWindow_TargetCelestial_Clear = Clear
#Principia_MainWindow_LoggingSettings_VerboseLevel = Verbose level:
#Principia_MainWindow_LoggingSettings_LogOption = Log
@@ -41,34 +41,42 @@ Localization {
#Principia_SpeedDisplayText = <<1>> m/s // <<1>>: active_vessel_velocity.magnitude.ToString("F1").

// ReferenceFrameSelector
// <<1>> and <<2>> are the names of the relevant celestial bodies without articles, <<2>> being the parent of <<1>>.

// For the names, abbreviations, and descriptions, except the description of
// the target frame, <<12>> and <<34>> are the names and initials of the relevant
// celestial bodies, <<34>> being the parent of <<12>>.
// Odd: names (Sun^n, Moon^n, Saturn^N, Terre^f, Vénus^F, 火星),
// Even: initials if applicable (S, M, S, T, V, 火星).

#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Name_Target = Target-<<1>>-Orbit
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Name_BodyCentredNonRotating = <<1>>-Centred Inertial
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Name_BodyCentredParentDirection = <<1>>-<<2>>-Orbit
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Name_BodyCentredParentDirection = <<1>>-<<3>>-Orbit
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Name_BodySurface = <<1>>-Centred <<1>>-Fixed

// <<1>> and <<2>> are the first letters of the relevant celestial bodies, <<2>> being the parent of <<1>>.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Abbreviation_Target.en-us = Tgt <<1>>O
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Abbreviation_BodyCentredNonRotating.en-us = <<1>>CI
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Abbreviation_BodyCentredParentDirection.en-us = <<1>><<2>>O
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Abbreviation_BodySurface.en-us = <<1>>C<<1>>F
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Abbreviation_Target.en-us = Tgt <<2>>O
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Abbreviation_BodyCentredNonRotating.en-us = <<2>>CI
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Abbreviation_BodyCentredParentDirection.en-us = <<2>><<4>>O
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Abbreviation_BodySurface.en-us = <<2>>C<<2>>F

// <<1>> is the full name of the reference frame, <<2>> is its abbreviation.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_Heading = <<1>> (<<2>>) reference frame:
// <<1>> and <<2>> are the names of the relevant bodies, with articles if appropriate, <<2>> being the parent of <<1>>.
// For the target frame, <<1>> is the name of the target vessel.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_Target = The target vessel, <<1>>, is fixed.\nThe plane of its orbit around <<2>> is horizontal.\nThe reference frame rotates with the orbit, fixing the direction of <<2>>.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_BodyCentredNonRotating = The centre of <<1>> is fixed.\nIts equator is horizontal.\nThe reference frame does not rotate.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_BodyCentredParentDirection = The centre of <<1>> is fixed.\nThe plane of its orbit around <<2>> is horizontal.\nThe reference frame rotates with the orbit, fixing the direction of <<2>>.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_BodySurface = <<1C>> is fixed.\nIts equator is horizontal.\nThe reference frame rotates with <<1>>.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_ReferencePlane_Centred = equator of <<1>> // <<1>> centred body

// <<1>> is the name of the target vessel, <<2>> is the name of its primary.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_Target = The target vessel, <<1>>, is fixed.\nThe plane of its orbit around <<A:2>> is horizontal.\nThe reference frame rotates with the orbit, fixing the direction of <<A:2>>.

#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_BodyCentredNonRotating = The centre of <<A:1>> is fixed.\nIts equator is horizontal.\nThe reference frame does not rotate.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_BodyCentredParentDirection = The centre of <<A:1>> is fixed.\nThe plane of its orbit around <<A:3>> is horizontal.\nThe reference frame rotates with the orbit, fixing the direction of <<A:3>>.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_BodySurface = <<AC:1>> is fixed.\nIts equator is horizontal.\nThe reference frame rotates with <<A:1>>.

#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_ReferencePlane_Centred = equator of <<A:1>> // <<1>> centred body
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_ReferencePlane_Secondary_Target = the target
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_ReferencePlane = orbit of <<1>> around <<2>> // <<1>> secondary body <<2>> centred body
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_ReferencePlane = orbit of <<A:1>> around <<A:2>> // <<1>> secondary body <<2>> centred body
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_ToggleButton = <<1>> selection (<<2>>)... // <<1>> plotting <<2>> selected frame
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Title = <<1>> selection (<<2>>) // <<1>> plotting <<2>> selected frame
// <<1>> is the full name of the reference frame, <<2>> is the central body.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Tooltip_BodyCentredNonRotating = <<1>> reference frame: for perturbed Keplerian trajectories around <<2>>.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Tooltip_BodySurface = <<1>> reference frame: for operations involving the surface of <<2>>: landings, remote sensing, imaging, ground communications, etc.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Tooltip_BodyCentredParentDirection = <<1>> reference frame: for flybys of <<2>>, transfers to or from it.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Tooltip_BodyCentredNonRotating = <<1>> reference frame: for perturbed Keplerian trajectories around <<A:2>>.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Tooltip_BodySurface = <<1>> reference frame: for operations involving the surface of <<A:2>>: landings, remote sensing, imaging, ground communications, etc.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Tooltip_BodyCentredParentDirection = <<1>> reference frame: for flybys of <<A:2>>, transfers to or from it.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Tooltip_Target = <<1>> reference frame: for intercepts or rendez-vous with the target vessel.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Target = Target: <<1>>
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Pin = Pin
@@ -80,9 +88,9 @@ Localization {
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_Duration_GroundTrackCycles = \u0020(<<1>> ground track cycles) // <<1>> ground_track_cycles.FormatN(0)
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_Duration_Revolutions = <<1>> sidereal revolutions\n<<2>> nodal revolutions<<3>>\n<<4>> anomalistic revolutions // <<3>> duration_in_ground_track_cycles
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_Warning_NoElements1 = could not determine elements; mission duration may be shorter than a revolution, or trajectory may not be gravitationally bound.
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_Warning_NoElements2 = could not determine elements; mission duration may be shorter than a revolution, or trajectory may not be gravitationally bound to <<1>>. // <<1>> primary.NameWithArticle()
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_Warning_NoElements2 = could not determine elements; mission duration may be shorter than a revolution, or trajectory may not be gravitationally bound to <<A:1>>. // <<1>> primary.NameWithArticle()
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_Warning_NoPrimary = <<1>> is not gravitationally bound over <<2>> // <<2>>mission_duration.FormatDuration <<1>> vessel name
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_AnalysisDescription = Orbit of <<1>> with respect to <<2>> over <<3>>:\n<<4>> // <<1>> vessel name <<2>> centre body <<3>> time <<4>> result
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_AnalysisDescription = Orbit of <<1>> with respect to <<A:2>> over <<3>>:\n<<4>> // <<1>> vessel name <<2>> centre body <<3>> time <<4>> result
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription_Circular = circular\u0020
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription_HighlyElliptical = highly elliptical\u0020
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription_Equatorial = equatorial\u0020
@@ -91,11 +99,9 @@ Localization {
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription_Synchronous = synchronous\u0020
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription_Stationary = stationary\u0020
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription_Semisynchronous = semisynch.\u0020
// <<1>> is the name of the primary without an article.
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription_Primary = <<1>>
// <<1>> is the sequence of properties, ending with a space.
// <<2>> is the Primary string above.
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription = <<1>><<2>> orbit
// <<12>> is the primary, in two forms as above.
// <<3>> is the sequence of properties, ending with a space.
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription = <<3>><<1>> orbit
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_Elements_LowestAltitude = Lowest altitude
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_Warning_Collision = collision
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_Warning_CollisionRisk = collision risk
@@ -213,19 +219,17 @@ Localization {
// MapNodePool
#Principia_MapNode_Planned = Planned
#Principia_MapNode_Predicted = Predicted
// For the apsides, <<1>> is the name of the celestial without an article.
#Principia_MapNode_Periapsis = <<1>> Periapsis
#Principia_MapNode_Apoapsis = <<1>> Apoapsis
// <<1>> is the source (predicted or planned).
// <<2>> is the apsis (from the strings above).
// <<3>> is the altitude in metres.
#Principia_MapNode_ApsisHeader = <<1>> <<2>> :\n<<3>> m
// For the apsides, <<12>> is the name of the relevant celestial (in two forms as above).
// <<3>> is the source (predicted or planned).
// <<4>> is the altitude in metres.
#Principia_MapNode_PeriapsisHeader = <<3>> <<1>> Periapsis:\n<<4>> m
#Principia_MapNode_ApoapsisHeader = <<3>> <<1>> Apoapsis:\n<<4>> m
#Principia_MapNode_ApsisCaptionLine2 = <<1>> m/s // <<1>>: speed.FormatN(0).
#Principia_MapNode_AscendingNode = Ascending Node
#Principia_MapNode_DescendingNode = Descending Node
#Principia_MapNode_NodeHeader = <<1>> <<2>> :\n<<3>> // <<1>>: source; <<2>>: node_name; <<3>>: plane.
#Principia_MapNode_NodeHeader = <<1>> <<2>>:\n<<3>> // <<1>>: source; <<2>>: node_name; <<3>>: plane.
#Principia_MapNode_NodeCaptionLine2 = <<1>> m/s // <<1>>: properties.velocity.z.FormatN(0)
#Principia_MapNode_ApproachHeader = <<1>> Target Approach : <<2>> m // <<1>>: source, <<2>>: separation.FormatN(0).
#Principia_MapNode_ApproachHeader = <<1>> Target Approach: <<2>> m // <<1>>: source, <<2>>: separation.FormatN(0).
#Principia_MapNode_ApproachCaptionLine2 = <<1>> m/s // <<1>>: speed.FormatN(0).
#Principia_MapNode_ImpactHeader = <<1>> <<2>> Impact // <<1>>: source, <<2>>:
43 changes: 25 additions & 18 deletions ksp_plugin_adapter/localization/zh-cn.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -41,23 +41,34 @@ Localization {
#Principia_SpeedDisplayText = <<1>> m/s // <<1>>: active_vessel_velocity.magnitude.ToString("F1").

// ReferenceFrameSelector

// For the names, abbreviations, and descriptions, except the description of
// the target frame, <<12>> and <<34>> are the names and initials of the relevant
// celestial bodies, <<34>> being the parent of <<12>>.
// Odd: names (Sun^n, Moon^n, Saturn^N, Terre^f, Vénus^F, 火星),
// Even: initials if applicable (S, M, S, T, V, 火星).
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Name_Target = 目标<<1>>轨道
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Name_BodyCentredNonRotating = <<1>>质心惯性
// The code will replace the U+200B (ZWSP) with a hyphen if both celestials have non-CJK names.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Name_BodyCentredParentDirection = <<1>>\u200B<<2>>轨道
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Name_BodyCentredParentDirection = <<1>>\u200B<<3>>轨道
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Name_BodySurface = <<1>>体固

#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_NavballName_BodyCentredParentDirection.zh-cn = <<2>><<4>>轨道

#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_SelectorText_Target = 轨道系
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_SelectorText_BodyCentredNonRotating = 惯性系
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_SelectorText_BodyCentredParentDirection = 轨道系
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_SelectorText_BodySurface = 体固系
// <<1>> is the full name of the reference frame, <<2>> is its abbreviation.

#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_Heading = <<1>>参考系:
// <<1>> and <<2>> are the names of the relevant bodies, with articles if appropriate, <<2>> being the parent of <<1>>.
// For the target frame, <<1>> is the name of the target vessel.
// <<1>> is the name of the target vessel, <<2>> is the name of its primary.
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_Target = 目标载具<<1>>已固定,\n水平面为绕着<<2>>的轨道。\n这个参考系跟随轨道旋转,面向着<<2>>的方位不变。

#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_BodyCentredNonRotating = <<1>>的质心已固定,\n水平面为它的赤道。\n这个参考系不旋转。
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_BodyCentredParentDirection = <<1>>的质心已固定,\n水平面为绕着<<2>>的轨道。\n这个参考系跟随轨道旋转,面向着<<2>>的方位不变。
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_BodySurface = <<1>>已固定,\n水平面为它的赤道。\n这个参考系与<<1>>共同旋转。 // <<1>>centred body name
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_BodyCentredParentDirection = <<1>>的质心已固定,\n水平面为绕着<<3>>的轨道。\n这个参考系跟随轨道旋转,面向着<<3>>的方位不变。
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Description_BodySurface = <<1>>已固定,\n水平面为它的赤道。\n这个参考系与<<1>>共同旋转。

#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_ReferencePlane_Centred = <<1>>的赤道 // <<1>> centred body
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_ReferencePlane_Secondary_Target = 目标
#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_ReferencePlane = <<1>>绕<<2>>的轨道 // <<1>> secondary body <<2>> centred body
@@ -91,11 +102,9 @@ Localization {
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription_Stationary = 静止
// See, e.g., ITU-R-HDB-55
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription_Semisynchronous = 半同步
// <<1>> is the name of the primary.
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription_Primary = <<1>>
// <<1>> is the sequence of properties.
// <<2>> is the Primary string above.
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription = <<2>><<1>>轨道
// <<12>> is the primary, in three forms as above.
// <<3>> is the sequence of properties, ending with a space.
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_OrbitDescription = <<1>><<3>>轨道
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_Elements_LowestAltitude = 最低轨道高度
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_Warning_Collision = 发生撞击
#Principia_OrbitAnalyser_Warning_CollisionRisk = 可能发生撞击
@@ -239,13 +248,11 @@ Localization {
// MapNodePool
#Principia_MapNode_Planned = 计划的
#Principia_MapNode_Predicted = 预测的
// For the apsides, <<1>> is the name of the celestial.
#Principia_MapNode_Periapsis = <<1>>近拱点
#Principia_MapNode_Apoapsis = <<1>>远拱点
// <<1>> is the source (predicted or planned).
// <<2>> is the apsis (from the strings above).
// <<3>> is the altitude in metres.
#Principia_MapNode_ApsisHeader = <<1>><<2>>:\n<<3>> m
// For the apsides, <<12>> is the name of the relevant celestial (in two forms as above).
// <<3>> is the source (predicted or planned).
// <<4>> is the altitude in metres.
#Principia_MapNode_PeriapsisHeader = <<3>><<1>>近拱点:\n<<4>> m
#Principia_MapNode_ApoapsisHeader = <<3>><<1>>远拱点:\n<<4>> m
#Principia_MapNode_ApsisCaptionLine2 = <<1>> m/s // <<1>>: speed.FormatN(0).
#Principia_MapNode_AscendingNode = 升交点
#Principia_MapNode_DescendingNode = 降交点