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Yogurt is a template language for PHP (>=5.3) inspired by Beach's Hammer. Hammer's syntax was based on regular ol' HTML comment tags, so you won't have to install another syntax highlighter for your editor. Nice, huh?

Getting started


Yogurt is available via Composer.

  "require": {
    "oscarpalmer/yogurt": "1.*"

Basic usage

use oscarpalmer\Yogurt\Yogurt;

$yogurt = new Yogurt("./directory/for/templates", "template-extension");

$flavour = $yogurt->flavour("my-template");
# Or $flavour = new Flavour($yogurt, "my-template");

  "title" => "My Title"

$flavour->tagline = "My tagline.";

echo $flavour->taste();
# Or just echo $flavour;


The syntax is based on regular HTML comments and the control structures (if and foreach) are based on Twig's syntax, so it shouldn't be too difficult to learn.


<p><!-- variable --></p>
<p><!-- --></p>

variable is a direct child of the data object ($flavour->data();), and the is a nested child of multiple arrays or objects inside the data object.

Variables should be of the scalar type, i.e. boolean, float, integer, or string. If not, PHP will scream.

Variable modifiers

<p><!-- variable ~ escape --></p>

Variables can be modified, too.

  • dump: dumps the variable with var_dump.
  • escape: escapes bad characters, e.g. tags.
  • json: transforms anything into valid JSON markup.
  • lowercase: converts the string to a lowercase version of it.
  • trim: trims the string of leading and trailing whitespace.
  • uppercase: converts the string to an uppercase version of it.

Including other files

<!-- include file.html -->
<!-- include file -->

Yogurt will then attempt to find the file in the directory supplied to Yogurt as shown in the "Getting started" example; the second one will automatically append the supplied file extension.


<!-- for item in items -->
<p><!-- item --></p>
<!-- endfor -->

items should be an array or object, but item can be whatever; just remember to chain names to access the item's children if it isn't scalar, like this: item.title.


When looping, sometimes you need to know the index of the item – i.e. its place in the array or object. The item's index can be accessed by appending _index to the array or object's name, e.g. array_index for an array named array.

Ifs and else-ifs

<!-- if title -->
<p>Title exists.</p>
<!-- endif -->

<!-- if page is "some-page" -->
<p>Page is "some-page".</p>
<!-- elseif number === 1234 -->
<p>Number is "1234".</p>
<!-- else -->
<p>This is pretty cool.</p>
<!-- endif -->

Supported comparison operators are ===, ==, !==, !=, >=, <=, <>, >, <, is, and isnt. is and isnt will be turned into == and != respectively.

Values can be scalar, null, or variables. boolean, float, integer, and null values can be wrapped in quotation marks, but don't necessarily need them.

Strings however, do need quotation marks; if they're not wrapped in quotation marks, they're assumed to be variables.


  • More string modifiers.
  • Adding and removing custom modifier functions.
  • Adding and removing custom parsers functions?
  • Caching?


MIT Licensed; see the LICENSE file for more info.