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base repository: rubinius/rubinius
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head repository: rubinius/rubinius
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compare: 8d7cba8fbf92
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  • 3 commits
  • 3 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Mar 2, 2015

  1. Added new Marshal.load spec for object with user-defined _dump

    Spec covers another edge case.
    sshao committed Mar 2, 2015
    Copy the full SHA
    ddacb4b View commit details
  2. Fixed Marshal again for objects whose _dump returns an immediate.

    specs behind this change: 58631d4
    sshao committed Mar 2, 2015
    Copy the full SHA
    363bb78 View commit details
  3. Copy the full SHA
    8d7cba8 View commit details
Showing with 88 additions and 66 deletions.
  1. +1 −1 kernel/common/marshal.rb
  2. +84 −62 spec/ruby/core/marshal/shared/load.rb
  3. +3 −3 spec/tags/ruby/core/marshal/load_tags.txt
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion kernel/common/marshal.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ def add_non_immediate_object(obj)

def add_object(obj)
sz = @links.size
sz = @objects.size
@objects[sz] = obj
@links[obj.__id__] = sz
146 changes: 84 additions & 62 deletions spec/ruby/core/marshal/shared/load.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -20,62 +20,105 @@
lambda { Marshal.send(@method, kaboom) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)

it "returns the value of the proc when called with a proc" do
Marshal.send(@method, Marshal.dump([1,2]), proc { [3,4] }).should == [3,4]
describe "when called with a proc" do
it "returns the value of the proc" do
Marshal.send(@method, Marshal.dump([1,2]), proc { [3,4] }).should == [3,4]

it "calls the proc for recursively visited data" do
a = [1]
a << a
ret = []
Marshal.send(@method, Marshal.dump(a), proc { |arg| ret << arg; arg })
ret.first.should == 1
ret[1].should == [1,a]
ret[2].should == a
ret.size.should == 3
it "calls the proc for recursively visited data" do
a = [1]
a << a
ret = []
Marshal.send(@method, Marshal.dump(a), proc { |arg| ret << arg; arg })
ret.first.should == 1
ret[1].should == [1,a]
ret[2].should == a
ret.size.should == 3

it "loads an array containing objects having _dump method, and with proc" do
arr = []
myproc = { |o| arr << o; o }
o1 =;
o2 =
obj = [o1, o2, o1, o2]
it "loads an Array with proc" do
arr = []
s = 'hi'
s.instance_variable_set(:@foo, 5)
st ="Brittle", :a).new
st.instance_variable_set(:@clue, 'none')
st.a = 0.0
h ='def')
h['nine'] = 9
a = [:a, :b, :c]
a.instance_variable_set(:@two, 2)
obj = [s, 10, s, s, st, a]
obj.instance_variable_set(:@zoo, 'ant')
proc = { |o| arr << o; o}

Marshal.send(@method, "\x04\b[\tu:\x10UserDefined\x18\x04\b[\aI\"\nstuff\x06:\x06EF@\x06u:\x18UserDefinedWithIvar>\x04\b[\bI\"\nstuff\a:\x06EF:\t@foo:\x18UserDefinedWithIvarI\"\tmore\x06;\x00F@\a@\x06@\a", myproc)
Marshal.send(@method, "\x04\bI[\vI\"\ahi\a:\x06EF:\t@fooi\ni\x0F@\x06@\x06IS:\x14Struct::Brittle\x06:\x06af\x060\x06:\n@clueI\"\tnone\x06;\x00FI[\b;\b:\x06b:\x06c\x06:\t@twoi\a\x06:\t@zooI\"\bant\x06;\x00F", proc)

arr.should == [o1, o2, o1, o2, obj]
arr.should == ["hi", false, 5, 10, "hi", "hi", 0.0, st, "none", false,
:b, :c, a, 2, ["hi", 10, "hi", "hi", st, [:a, :b, :c]], "ant", false]

it "loads an array containing an object with _dump that returns an immediate value, followed by multiple instances of another object" do
str = "string"
describe "when called on objects with custom _dump methods" do
it "does not set instance variables of an object with user-defined _dump/_load" do
# this string represents: <#UserPreviouslyDefinedWithInitializedIvar @field2=7 @field1=6>
dump_str = "\004\bu:-UserPreviouslyDefinedWithInitializedIvar\a:\f@field2i\f:\f@field1i\v"

marshaled_obj = Marshal.send(@method, "\004\b[\bu:\031UserDefinedImmediate\000\"\vstring@\a")
marshaled_obj = Marshal.send(@method, dump_str)

marshaled_obj.should == [nil, str, str]
marshaled_obj.should be_an_instance_of(UserPreviouslyDefinedWithInitializedIvar)
marshaled_obj.field1.should be_nil
marshaled_obj.field2.should be_nil

describe "that return an immediate value" do
it "loads an array containing an instance of the object, followed by multiple instances of another object" do
str = "string"

# this string represents: [<#UserDefinedImmediate A>, <#String "string">, <#String "string">]
marshaled_obj = Marshal.send(@method, "\004\b[\bu:\031UserDefinedImmediate\000\"\vstring@\a")

marshaled_obj.should == [nil, str, str]

it "loads any structure with multiple references to an object with _dump that returns an immediate value" do
array_dump = "\004\b[\au:\031UserDefinedImmediate\000@\006"
hash_dump = "\004\b{\a:\006bu:\031UserDefinedImmediate\000:\006a@\006"
it "loads any structure with multiple references to the same object, followed by multiple instances of another object" do
str = "string"

marshaled_obj = Marshal.send(@method, hash_dump)
marshaled_obj.should == {:a => nil, :b => nil}
# this string represents: {:a => <#UserDefinedImmediate A>, :b => <#UserDefinedImmediate A>, :c => <#String "string">, :d => <#String "string">}
hash_dump = "\x04\b{\t:\x06aIu:\x19UserDefinedImmediate\x00\x06:\x06ET:\x06b@\x06:\x06cI\"\vstring\x06;\aT:\x06d@\a"

marshaled_obj = Marshal.send(@method, array_dump)
marshaled_obj.should == [nil, nil]
marshaled_obj = Marshal.send(@method, hash_dump)
marshaled_obj.should == {:a => nil, :b => nil, :c => str, :d => str}

# this string represents: [<#UserDefinedImmediate A>, <#UserDefinedImmediate A>, <#String "string">, <#String "string">]
array_dump = "\x04\b[\tIu:\x19UserDefinedImmediate\x00\x06:\x06ET@\x06I\"\vstring\x06;\x06T@\a"

marshaled_obj = Marshal.send(@method, array_dump)
marshaled_obj.should == [nil, nil, str, str]

it "loads an array containing references to multiple instances of the object, followed by multiple instances of another object" do
str = "string"

# this string represents: [<#UserDefinedImmediate A>, <#UserDefinedImmediate B>, <#String "string">, <#String "string">]
array_dump = "\x04\b[\tIu:\x19UserDefinedImmediate\x00\x06:\x06ETIu;\x00\x00\x06;\x06TI\"\vstring\x06;\x06T@\b"

marshaled_obj = Marshal.send(@method, array_dump)
marshaled_obj.should == [nil, nil, str, str]

it "does not set instance variables of an object with user-defined _dump/_load" do
# this string represents: <#UserPreviouslyDefinedWithInitializedIvar @field2=7 @field1=6>
dump_str = "\004\bu:-UserPreviouslyDefinedWithInitializedIvar\a:\f@field2i\f:\f@field1i\v"
it "loads an array containing objects having _dump method, and with proc" do
arr = []
myproc = { |o| arr << o; o }
o1 =;
o2 =
obj = [o1, o2, o1, o2]

marshaled_obj = Marshal.send(@method, dump_str)
Marshal.send(@method, "\x04\b[\tu:\x10UserDefined\x18\x04\b[\aI\"\nstuff\x06:\x06EF@\x06u:\x18UserDefinedWithIvar>\x04\b[\bI\"\nstuff\a:\x06EF:\t@foo:\x18UserDefinedWithIvarI\"\tmore\x06;\x00F@\a@\x06@\a", myproc)

marshaled_obj.should be_an_instance_of(UserPreviouslyDefinedWithInitializedIvar)
marshaled_obj.field1.should be_nil
marshaled_obj.field2.should be_nil
arr.should == [o1, o2, o1, o2, obj]

it "loads an array containing objects having marshal_dump method, and with proc" do
@@ -90,27 +133,6 @@
arr.should == ['stuff', o1, 'my data', ['my data'], o2, o1, o2, obj]

it "loads an Array with proc" do
arr = []
s = 'hi'
s.instance_variable_set(:@foo, 5)
st ="Brittle", :a).new
st.instance_variable_set(:@clue, 'none')
st.a = 0.0
h ='def')
h['nine'] = 9
a = [:a, :b, :c]
a.instance_variable_set(:@two, 2)
obj = [s, 10, s, s, st, a]
obj.instance_variable_set(:@zoo, 'ant')
proc = { |o| arr << o; o}

Marshal.send(@method, "\x04\bI[\vI\"\ahi\a:\x06EF:\t@fooi\ni\x0F@\x06@\x06IS:\x14Struct::Brittle\x06:\x06af\x060\x06:\n@clueI\"\tnone\x06;\x00FI[\b;\b:\x06b:\x06c\x06:\t@twoi\a\x06:\t@zooI\"\bant\x06;\x00F", proc)

arr.should == ["hi", false, 5, 10, "hi", "hi", 0.0, st, "none", false,
:b, :c, a, 2, ["hi", 10, "hi", "hi", st, [:a, :b, :c]], "ant", false]

it "assigns classes to nested subclasses of Array correctly" do
arr =
arr_dump = Marshal.dump(arr)
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions spec/tags/ruby/core/marshal/load_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
fails:Marshal.load returns the value of the proc when called with a proc
fails:Marshal.load calls the proc for recursively visited data
fails:Marshal.load when called with a proc returns the value of the proc
fails:Marshal.load when called with a proc calls the proc for recursively visited data
fails:Marshal.load loads an array containing objects having _dump method, and with proc
fails:Marshal.load loads an array containing objects having marshal_dump method, and with proc
fails:Marshal.load loads an Array with proc
fails:Marshal.load when called with a proc loads an Array with proc
fails:Marshal.load returns an untrusted object if source is untrusted
fails:Marshal.load loads a Random
fails:Marshal.load for a user Class raises ArgumentError if the object from an 'o' stream is not dumpable as 'o' type user class