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Item11267: Initial script to update github hooks
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This can run from a cron job to verify that the standard git hooks are
active for all foswiki repositories.
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gac410 committed Sep 9, 2014
1 parent c62a009 commit f086cd4
Showing 1 changed file with 198 additions and 0 deletions.
198 changes: 198 additions & 0 deletions core/tools/develop/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
#! /usr/bin/env perl

---+ foswiki-github-hooks
This is a maintenance script for the foswiki gihub account.
It is intended to be run on in the github mirror directory.
It examines and sets the hooks for each repository.
It requires a password file for proper operation
$secrets = { github_access_token => '<access token for the github foswiki account>',
'webhook_secret' => '<secrete required to validate rest handler posts>',
'mailman_secret' => '<Used by hook to be able to send messages to the mailing list>',
'GithubBot_password' => '<password for GithubBot IRC account>;
return $secrets;

use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use Net::GitHub;
use Net::GitHub::V3;
use Time::Local;
use Data::Dumper;

# Set to 1 for basic information, 2 for dump of github responses
use constant VERBOSE => 0;

my $secrets = do '.github-secrets' or die "Unable to read secrets file";

my $gh = Net::GitHub::V3->new(
version => 3,
access_token => $secrets->{'github_access_token'},

my $ghaccount = 'foswiki';

my %HOOKS = (
email => {
'name' => 'email',
'active' => '1',
'config' => {
'address' => '',
'secret' => $secrets->{'mailman_secret'},
'send_from_author' => '0',
irc => {
'name' => 'irc',
'active' => '1',
'config' => {
'server' => '',
'port' => '6667',
'room' => 'foswiki',
'nick' => 'GithubBot',
'password' => $secrets->{'GithubBot_password'},
web => {
'name' => 'web',
'active' => '1',
'config' => {
'url' =>
'content_type' => 'json',
'secret' => $secrets->{'webhook_secret'},

my $ghAccount = 'foswiki';
my $repos;
my @rp;

$repos = $gh->repos;

@rp = $repos->list_org($ghAccount);

while ( $gh->repos->has_next_page ) {
push @rp, $gh->repos->next_page;

my $created = 0;
my $updated = 0;
my $rpcount = scalar @rp;

foreach my $r (@rp) {
my $rname = $r->{'name'};

# if ( $rname eq 'TestBootstrapPlugin')
# {
"\n============================== $r->{name} ======================\n"
print Data::Dumper::Dumper( \$r ) if ( VERBOSE == 2 );

checkHooks( $repos, $r );

# }


"Hooks check completed: $rpcount repositories processed: hooks created: $created, hooks updated: $updated\n";

sub checkHooks {
my $repos = shift;
my $r = shift;

my @hooks = $repos->hooks( 'foswiki', $r->{'name'} );

foreach my $h ( keys %HOOKS ) {
$HOOKS{$h}{installed} = '0';

if ( scalar @hooks ) {
foreach my $h (@hooks) {
if ( defined $HOOKS{ $h->{name} } ) {
$HOOKS{ $h->{name} }{installed} = '1';
my $valid =
checkHook( $repos, $h, $HOOKS{ $h->{name} }, $r->{'name'} );
updatehook( $repos, $r->{name}, $h->{id}, $HOOKS{ $h->{name} } )
unless ($valid);
else {
print " Repo $r->{'name'} unknown HOOK $h->{name}\n";

foreach my $h ( keys %HOOKS ) {
unless ( $HOOKS{$h}{installed} ) {
print " Repo $r->{'name'} HOOK $h MISSING\n";
createhook( $repos, $r->{name}, $HOOKS{$h} );

sub checkHook {
my $repos = shift;
my $hook = shift;
my $hookdef = shift;
my $reponame = shift;
my $valid = 1;

unless ( $hook->{active} ) {
$valid = 0;
print "Repo $reponame, HOOK $hook->{'name'} is not active\n";

if ( $hook->{config} ) {
foreach my $cfg ( keys %{ $hookdef->{config} } ) {
next if ( $cfg eq 'secret' || $cfg eq 'password' );
my $current = $hook->{config}{$cfg} || '0';
my $desired = $hookdef->{config}{$cfg};
if ( "$current" eq "$desired" ) {
print "$cfg: $current matches $desired\n" if (VERBOSE);
else {
"Repo $reponame, Key mismatch $cfg: $current ne $desired\n";
$valid = 0;
else {
$valid = 0;

return $valid;

sub updatehook {
my $repos = shift;
my $rname = shift;
my $hookid = shift;
my $hookdef = shift;

my $hook = $repos->update_hook( $ghaccount, $rname, $hookid, $hookdef, );
print "$rname $hookid updated\n";

sub createhook {
my $repos = shift;
my $rname = shift;
my $hookdef = shift;

my $hook = $repos->create_hook( $ghAccount, $rname, $hookdef, );
print "$rname Hook created\n";

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