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base repository: jruby/jruby
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base: ab8c9e41365c
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head repository: jruby/jruby
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compare: e79aed476661
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  • 7 commits
  • 9 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Mar 3, 2015

  1. Copy the full SHA
    9132b54 View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    e6fdfbc View commit details
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    594b08e View commit details
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    09648c9 View commit details
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    6111fc8 View commit details
  6. Copy the full SHA
    f273f91 View commit details
  7. Copy the full SHA
    e79aed4 View commit details
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/string/append_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
fails:String#<< taints self if other is tainted
fails:String#<< untrusts self if other is untrusted
fails:String#<< with Integer concatencates the argument interpreted as a codepoint
fails:String#<< with Integer returns a ASCII-8BIT string if self is US-ASCII and the argument is between 128-255 (inclusive)
fails:String#<< with Integer raises RangeError if the argument is an invalid codepoint for self's encoding
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/string/b_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/string/byteslice_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,9 @@
fails:String#byteslice returns the character code of the character at the given index
fails:String#byteslice returns nil if index is outside of self
fails:String#byteslice calls to_int on the given index
fails:String#byteslice with index, length always taints resulting strings when self is tainted
fails:String#byteslice with index, length returns nil if the offset falls outside of self
fails:String#byteslice with index, length returns nil if the length is negative
fails:String#byteslice with index, length calls to_int on the given index and the given length
fails:String#byteslice with index, length returns subclass instances
fails:String#byteslice with index, length handles repeated application
fails:String#byteslice with Range returns the substring given by the offsets of the range
fails:String#byteslice with Range returns nil if the beginning of the range falls outside of self
fails:String#byteslice with Range returns an empty string if range.begin is inside self and > real end
fails:String#byteslice with Range always taints resulting strings when self is tainted
fails:String#byteslice with Range returns subclass instances
fails:String#byteslice with Range calls to_int on range arguments
fails:String#byteslice with Range works with Range subclasses
fails:String#byteslice with Range handles repeated application
fails:String#byteslice on on non ASCII strings returns byteslice of unicode strings
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/string/concat_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
fails:String#concat taints self if other is tainted
fails:String#concat untrusts self if other is untrusted
fails:String#concat with Integer concatencates the argument interpreted as a codepoint
fails:String#concat with Integer returns a ASCII-8BIT string if self is US-ASCII and the argument is between 128-255 (inclusive)
fails:String#concat with Integer raises RangeError if the argument is an invalid codepoint for self's encoding
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/string/split_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,17 +10,14 @@ fails:String#split with String splits between characters when its argument is an
fails:String#split with String tries converting its pattern argument to a string via to_str
fails:String#split with String tries converting limit to an integer via to_int
fails:String#split with String returns subclass instances based on self
fails:String#split with String does not call constructor on created subclass instances
fails:String#split with String taints the resulting strings if self is tainted
fails:String#split with Regexp defaults to $; when regexp isn't given or nil
fails:String#split with Regexp includes all captures in the result array
fails:String#split with Regexp does not include non-matching captures in the result array
fails:String#split with Regexp tries converting limit to an integer via to_int
fails:String#split with Regexp returns subclass instances based on self
fails:String#split with Regexp does not call constructor on created subclass instances
fails:String#split with Regexp taints the resulting strings if self is tainted
fails:String#split with Regexp taints an empty string if self is tainted
fails:String#split with Regexp retains the encoding of the source string
fails:String#split with Regexp splits a string on each character for a multibyte encoding and empty split
fails:String#split with Regexp returns an ArgumentError if an invalid UTF-8 string is supplied
fails:String#split with Regexp doesn't taints the resulting strings if the Regexp is tainted
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -52,6 +52,19 @@ public TaintResultNode(TaintResultNode prev) {
isTaintedNode = prev.isTaintedNode;

public Object maybeTaint(RubyBasicObject source, RubyBasicObject result) {
if (taintProfile.profile(isTaintedNode.isTainted(source))) {
if (taintNode == null) {
taintNode = insert(TaintNodeFactory.create(getContext(), getSourceSection(), null));


return result;

public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) {
final RubyBasicObject result;
@@ -72,14 +85,7 @@ public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) {
taintSource = (RubyBasicObject) RubyArguments.getUserArgument(frame.getArguments(), adjustedIndex);

if (taintProfile.profile(isTaintedNode.isTainted(taintSource))) {
if (taintNode == null) {
taintNode = insert(TaintNodeFactory.create(getContext(), getSourceSection(), null));

maybeTaint(taintSource, result);

return result;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ public Object compare(VirtualFrame frame, RubyString a, Object b) {

@CoreMethod(names = { "<<", "concat" }, required = 1)
@CoreMethod(names = { "<<", "concat" }, required = 1, taintFrom = 1)
@NodeChild(value = "string"),
@NodeChild(value = "other")
@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ public boolean asciiOnly(RubyString string) {

@CoreMethod(names = "b")
@CoreMethod(names = "b", taintFrom = 0)
public abstract static class BNode extends CoreMethodNode {

public BNode(RubyContext context, SourceSection sourceSection) {
@@ -640,44 +640,6 @@ public int byteSize(RubyString string) {


@CoreMethod(names = "byteslice", required = 1, optional = 1)
public abstract static class ByteSliceNode extends CoreMethodNode {

public ByteSliceNode(RubyContext context, SourceSection sourceSection) {
super(context, sourceSection);

public ByteSliceNode(ByteSliceNode prev) {

public Object byteSlice(RubyString string, int index, UndefinedPlaceholder undefined) {
return byteSlice(string, index, 1);

public Object byteSlice(RubyString string, int index, int length) {
final ByteList bytes = string.getBytes();

final int normalizedIndex = string.normalizeIndex(index);

if (normalizedIndex > bytes.length()) {
return getContext().getCoreLibrary().getNilObject();

int rangeEnd = normalizedIndex + length;
if (rangeEnd > bytes.getRealSize()) {
rangeEnd = bytes.getRealSize();

final byte[] copiedBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), normalizedIndex, rangeEnd);

return new RubyString(getContext().getCoreLibrary().getStringClass(), new ByteList(copiedBytes, string.getBytes().getEncoding()));


@CoreMethod(names = "chomp!", optional = 1)
public abstract static class ChompBangNode extends CoreMethodNode {

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -17,15 +17,20 @@
import org.jcodings.exception.EncodingException;
import org.jcodings.specific.ASCIIEncoding;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.RubyNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.cast.TaintResultNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.core.StringNodes;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.core.StringNodesFactory;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.dispatch.CallDispatchHeadNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.dispatch.DispatchHeadNodeFactory;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.RubyContext;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.UndefinedPlaceholder;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.control.RaiseException;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.core.*;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
import org.jruby.util.StringSupport;

import java.util.Arrays;

* Rubinius primitives associated with the Ruby {@code String} class.
@@ -34,21 +39,47 @@ public abstract class StringPrimitiveNodes {
@RubiniusPrimitive(name = "string_byte_substring")
public static abstract class StringByteSubstringPrimitiveNode extends RubiniusPrimitiveNode {

@Child private StringNodes.ByteSliceNode byteSliceNode;
@Child private TaintResultNode taintResultNode;

public StringByteSubstringPrimitiveNode(RubyContext context, SourceSection sourceSection) {
super(context, sourceSection);
byteSliceNode = StringNodesFactory.ByteSliceNodeFactory.create(context, sourceSection, new RubyNode[] {});
taintResultNode = new TaintResultNode(context, sourceSection, true, 0, null);

public StringByteSubstringPrimitiveNode(StringByteSubstringPrimitiveNode prev) {
byteSliceNode = prev.byteSliceNode;
taintResultNode = prev.taintResultNode;

public Object stringByteSubstring(RubyString string, int index, UndefinedPlaceholder length) {
return stringByteSubstring(string, index, 1);

public Object stringByteSubstring(RubyString string, int index, int length) {
final ByteList bytes = string.getBytes();

final int normalizedIndex = string.normalizeIndex(index);

if (normalizedIndex > bytes.length()) {
return getContext().getCoreLibrary().getNilObject();

int rangeEnd = normalizedIndex + length;
if (rangeEnd > bytes.getRealSize()) {
rangeEnd = bytes.getRealSize();

final byte[] copiedBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), normalizedIndex, rangeEnd);
final RubyString result = new RubyString(getContext().getCoreLibrary().getStringClass(), new ByteList(copiedBytes, string.getBytes().getEncoding()));

return taintResultNode.maybeTaint(string, result);

public Object stringByteSubstring(VirtualFrame frame, RubyString string, int index, int length) {
return byteSliceNode.byteSlice(string, index, length);
public Object stringByteSubstring(RubyString string, RubyRange range, UndefinedPlaceholder unused) {
return null;

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1560,7 +1560,9 @@ public RubyNode visitInstVarNode(org.jruby.ast.InstVarNode node) {

if (sourceSection.getSource().getPath().equals("core:/core/rubinius/common/string.rb")) {
if (sourceSection.getSource().getPath().equals("core:/core/rubinius/bootstrap/string.rb") ||
sourceSection.getSource().getPath().equals("core:/core/rubinius/common/string.rb")) {

if (nameWithoutSigil.equals("@num_bytes")) {
return new RubyCallNode(context, sourceSection,