#!/usr/bin/env bash # # https://github.com/P3TERX/warp.sh # Description: Cloudflare WARP Installer # System Required: Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, Oracle Linux, Arch Linux # Version: 1.0.40_Final # # MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2021-2024 P3TERX # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # shVersion='1.0.40_Final' FontColor_Red="\033[31m" FontColor_Red_Bold="\033[1;31m" FontColor_Green="\033[32m" FontColor_Green_Bold="\033[1;32m" FontColor_Yellow="\033[33m" FontColor_Yellow_Bold="\033[1;33m" FontColor_Purple="\033[35m" FontColor_Purple_Bold="\033[1;35m" FontColor_Suffix="\033[0m" log() { local LEVEL="$1" local MSG="$2" case "${LEVEL}" in INFO) local LEVEL="[${FontColor_Green}${LEVEL}${FontColor_Suffix}]" local MSG="${LEVEL} ${MSG}" ;; WARN) local LEVEL="[${FontColor_Yellow}${LEVEL}${FontColor_Suffix}]" local MSG="${LEVEL} ${MSG}" ;; ERROR) local LEVEL="[${FontColor_Red}${LEVEL}${FontColor_Suffix}]" local MSG="${LEVEL} ${MSG}" ;; *) ;; esac echo -e "${MSG}" } if [[ $(uname -s) != Linux ]]; then log ERROR "This operating system is not supported." exit 1 fi if [[ $(id -u) != 0 ]]; then log ERROR "This script must be run as root." exit 1 fi if [[ -z $(command -v curl) ]]; then log ERROR "cURL is not installed." exit 1 fi WGCF_Profile='wgcf-profile.conf' WGCF_ProfileDir="/etc/warp" WGCF_ProfilePath="${WGCF_ProfileDir}/${WGCF_Profile}" WireGuard_Interface='wgcf' WireGuard_ConfPath="/etc/wireguard/${WireGuard_Interface}.conf" WireGuard_Interface_DNS_IPv4=',' WireGuard_Interface_DNS_IPv6='2001:4860:4860::8888,2001:4860:4860::8844' WireGuard_Interface_DNS_46="${WireGuard_Interface_DNS_IPv4},${WireGuard_Interface_DNS_IPv6}" WireGuard_Interface_DNS_64="${WireGuard_Interface_DNS_IPv6},${WireGuard_Interface_DNS_IPv4}" WireGuard_Interface_Rule_table='51888' WireGuard_Interface_Rule_fwmark='51888' WireGuard_Interface_MTU='1280' WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint_IP4='' WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint_IP6='2606:4700:d0::a29f:c001' WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint_IPv4="${WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint_IP4}:2408" WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint_IPv6="[${WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint_IP6}]:2408" WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint_Domain='engage.cloudflareclient.com:2408' WireGuard_Peer_AllowedIPs_IPv4='' WireGuard_Peer_AllowedIPs_IPv6='::/0' WireGuard_Peer_AllowedIPs_DualStack=',::/0' TestIPv4_1='' TestIPv4_2='' TestIPv6_1='2606:4700:4700::1001' TestIPv6_2='2620:fe::fe' CF_Trace_URL='https://www.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/trace' Get_System_Info() { source /etc/os-release SysInfo_OS_CodeName="${VERSION_CODENAME}" SysInfo_OS_Name_lowercase="${ID}" SysInfo_OS_Name_Full="${PRETTY_NAME}" SysInfo_RelatedOS="${ID_LIKE}" SysInfo_Kernel="$(uname -r)" SysInfo_Kernel_Ver_major="$(uname -r | awk -F . '{print $1}')" SysInfo_Kernel_Ver_minor="$(uname -r | awk -F . '{print $2}')" SysInfo_Arch="$(uname -m)" SysInfo_Virt="$(systemd-detect-virt)" case ${SysInfo_RelatedOS} in *fedora* | *rhel*) SysInfo_OS_Ver_major="$(rpm -E '%{rhel}')" ;; *) SysInfo_OS_Ver_major="$(echo ${VERSION_ID} | cut -d. -f1)" ;; esac } Print_System_Info() { echo -e " System Information --------------------------------------------------- Operating System: ${SysInfo_OS_Name_Full} Linux Kernel: ${SysInfo_Kernel} Architecture: ${SysInfo_Arch} Virtualization: ${SysInfo_Virt} --------------------------------------------------- " } Install_Requirements_Debian() { if [[ ! $(command -v gpg) ]]; then apt update apt install gnupg -y fi if [[ ! $(apt list 2>/dev/null | grep apt-transport-https | grep installed) ]]; then apt update apt install apt-transport-https -y fi } Install_WARP_Client_Debian() { if [[ ${SysInfo_OS_Name_lowercase} = ubuntu ]]; then case ${SysInfo_OS_CodeName} in bionic | focal | jammy) ;; *) log ERROR "This operating system is not supported." exit 1 ;; esac elif [[ ${SysInfo_OS_Name_lowercase} = debian ]]; then case ${SysInfo_OS_CodeName} in bookworm | buster | bullseye) ;; *) log ERROR "This operating system is not supported." exit 1 ;; esac fi Install_Requirements_Debian curl https://pkg.cloudflareclient.com/pubkey.gpg | gpg --yes --dearmor --output /usr/share/keyrings/cloudflare-warp-archive-keyring.gpg echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/cloudflare-warp-archive-keyring.gpg] https://pkg.cloudflareclient.com/ ${SysInfo_OS_CodeName} main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudflare-client.list apt update apt install cloudflare-warp -y } Install_WARP_Client_CentOS() { if [[ ${SysInfo_OS_Ver_major} = 8 ]]; then rpm -ivh http://pkg.cloudflareclient.com/cloudflare-release-el8.rpm yum install cloudflare-warp -y else log ERROR "This operating system is not supported." exit 1 fi } Check_WARP_Client() { WARP_Client_Status=$(systemctl is-active warp-svc) WARP_Client_SelfStart=$(systemctl is-enabled warp-svc 2>/dev/null) } Install_WARP_Client() { Print_System_Info log INFO "Installing Cloudflare WARP Client..." if [[ ${SysInfo_Arch} != x86_64 ]]; then log ERROR "This CPU architecture is not supported: ${SysInfo_Arch}" exit 1 fi case ${SysInfo_OS_Name_lowercase} in *debian* | *ubuntu*) Install_WARP_Client_Debian ;; *centos* | *rhel*) Install_WARP_Client_CentOS ;; *) if [[ ${SysInfo_RelatedOS} = *rhel* || ${SysInfo_RelatedOS} = *fedora* ]]; then Install_WARP_Client_CentOS else log ERROR "This operating system is not supported." exit 1 fi ;; esac Check_WARP_Client if [[ ${WARP_Client_Status} = active ]]; then log INFO "Cloudflare WARP Client installed successfully!" else log ERROR "warp-svc failure to run!" journalctl -u warp-svc --no-pager exit 1 fi } Uninstall_WARP_Client() { log INFO "Uninstalling Cloudflare WARP Client..." case ${SysInfo_OS_Name_lowercase} in *debian* | *ubuntu*) apt purge cloudflare-warp -y rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudflare-client.list /usr/share/keyrings/cloudflare-warp-archive-keyring.gpg ;; *centos* | *rhel*) yum remove cloudflare-warp -y ;; *) if [[ ${SysInfo_RelatedOS} = *rhel* || ${SysInfo_RelatedOS} = *fedora* ]]; then yum remove cloudflare-warp -y else log ERROR "This operating system is not supported." exit 1 fi ;; esac } Restart_WARP_Client() { log INFO "Restarting Cloudflare WARP Client..." systemctl restart warp-svc Check_WARP_Client if [[ ${WARP_Client_Status} = active ]]; then log INFO "Cloudflare WARP Client has been restarted." else log ERROR "Cloudflare WARP Client failure to run!" journalctl -u warp-svc --no-pager exit 1 fi } Init_WARP_Client() { Check_WARP_Client if [[ ${WARP_Client_SelfStart} != enabled || ${WARP_Client_Status} != active ]]; then Install_WARP_Client fi if [[ $(warp-cli --accept-tos account) = *Missing* ]]; then log INFO "Cloudflare WARP Account Registration in progress..." warp-cli --accept-tos register fi } Connect_WARP() { log INFO "Connecting to WARP..." warp-cli --accept-tos connect log INFO "Enable WARP Always-On..." warp-cli --accept-tos enable-always-on } Disconnect_WARP() { log INFO "Disable WARP Always-On..." warp-cli --accept-tos disable-always-on log INFO "Disconnect from WARP..." warp-cli --accept-tos disconnect } Set_WARP_Mode_Proxy() { log INFO "Setting up WARP Proxy Mode..." warp-cli --accept-tos set-mode proxy } Enable_WARP_Client_Proxy() { Init_WARP_Client Set_WARP_Mode_Proxy Connect_WARP Print_WARP_Client_Status } Get_WARP_Proxy_Port() { WARP_Proxy_Port='40000' } Print_Delimiter() { printf '=%.0s' $(seq $(tput cols)) echo } Install_wgcf() { curl -fsSL git.io/wgcf.sh | bash } Uninstall_wgcf() { rm -f /usr/local/bin/wgcf } Register_WARP_Account() { while [[ ! -f wgcf-account.toml ]]; do Install_wgcf log INFO "Cloudflare WARP Account registration in progress..." yes | wgcf register sleep 5 done } Generate_WGCF_Profile() { while [[ ! -f ${WGCF_Profile} ]]; do Register_WARP_Account log INFO "WARP WireGuard profile (wgcf-profile.conf) generation in progress..." wgcf generate done Uninstall_wgcf } Backup_WGCF_Profile() { mkdir -p ${WGCF_ProfileDir} mv -f wgcf* ${WGCF_ProfileDir} } Read_WGCF_Profile() { WireGuard_Interface_PrivateKey=$(cat ${WGCF_ProfilePath} | grep ^PrivateKey | cut -d= -f2- | awk '$1=$1') WireGuard_Interface_Address=$(cat ${WGCF_ProfilePath} | grep ^Address | cut -d= -f2- | awk '$1=$1' | sed ":a;N;s/\n/,/g;ta") WireGuard_Peer_PublicKey=$(cat ${WGCF_ProfilePath} | grep ^PublicKey | cut -d= -f2- | awk '$1=$1') WireGuard_Interface_Address_IPv4=$(echo ${WireGuard_Interface_Address} | cut -d, -f1 | cut -d'/' -f1) WireGuard_Interface_Address_IPv6=$(echo ${WireGuard_Interface_Address} | cut -d, -f2 | cut -d'/' -f1) } Load_WGCF_Profile() { if [[ -f ${WGCF_Profile} ]]; then Backup_WGCF_Profile Read_WGCF_Profile elif [[ -f ${WGCF_ProfilePath} ]]; then Read_WGCF_Profile else Generate_WGCF_Profile Backup_WGCF_Profile Read_WGCF_Profile fi } Install_WireGuardTools_Debian() { case ${SysInfo_OS_Ver_major} in 10) if [[ -z $(grep "^deb.*buster-backports.*main" /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*}) ]]; then echo "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian buster-backports main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list fi ;; *) if [[ ${SysInfo_OS_Ver_major} -lt 10 ]]; then log ERROR "This operating system is not supported." exit 1 fi ;; esac apt update apt install iproute2 openresolv -y apt install wireguard-tools --no-install-recommends -y } Install_WireGuardTools_Ubuntu() { apt update apt install iproute2 openresolv -y apt install wireguard-tools --no-install-recommends -y } Install_WireGuardTools_CentOS() { yum install epel-release -y || yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-${SysInfo_OS_Ver_major}.noarch.rpm -y yum install iproute iptables wireguard-tools -y } Install_WireGuardTools_Fedora() { dnf install iproute iptables wireguard-tools -y } Install_WireGuardTools_Arch() { pacman -Sy iproute2 openresolv wireguard-tools --noconfirm } Install_WireGuardTools() { log INFO "Installing wireguard-tools..." case ${SysInfo_OS_Name_lowercase} in *debian*) Install_WireGuardTools_Debian ;; *ubuntu*) Install_WireGuardTools_Ubuntu ;; *centos* | *rhel*) Install_WireGuardTools_CentOS ;; *fedora*) Install_WireGuardTools_Fedora ;; *arch*) Install_WireGuardTools_Arch ;; *) if [[ ${SysInfo_RelatedOS} = *rhel* || ${SysInfo_RelatedOS} = *fedora* ]]; then Install_WireGuardTools_CentOS else log ERROR "This operating system is not supported." exit 1 fi ;; esac } Install_WireGuardGo() { case ${SysInfo_Virt} in openvz | lxc*) curl -fsSL git.io/wireguard-go.sh | bash ;; *) if [[ ${SysInfo_Kernel_Ver_major} -lt 5 || ${SysInfo_Kernel_Ver_minor} -lt 6 ]]; then curl -fsSL git.io/wireguard-go.sh | bash fi ;; esac } Check_WireGuard() { WireGuard_Status=$(systemctl is-active wg-quick@${WireGuard_Interface}) WireGuard_SelfStart=$(systemctl is-enabled wg-quick@${WireGuard_Interface} 2>/dev/null) } Install_WireGuard() { Print_System_Info Check_WireGuard if [[ ${WireGuard_SelfStart} != enabled || ${WireGuard_Status} != active ]]; then Install_WireGuardTools Install_WireGuardGo else log INFO "WireGuard is installed and running." fi } Start_WireGuard() { Check_WARP_Client log INFO "Starting WireGuard..." if [[ ${WARP_Client_Status} = active ]]; then systemctl stop warp-svc systemctl enable wg-quick@${WireGuard_Interface} --now systemctl start warp-svc else systemctl enable wg-quick@${WireGuard_Interface} --now fi Check_WireGuard if [[ ${WireGuard_Status} = active ]]; then log INFO "WireGuard is running." else log ERROR "WireGuard failure to run!" journalctl -u wg-quick@${WireGuard_Interface} --no-pager exit 1 fi } Restart_WireGuard() { Check_WARP_Client log INFO "Restarting WireGuard..." if [[ ${WARP_Client_Status} = active ]]; then systemctl stop warp-svc systemctl restart wg-quick@${WireGuard_Interface} systemctl start warp-svc else systemctl restart wg-quick@${WireGuard_Interface} fi Check_WireGuard if [[ ${WireGuard_Status} = active ]]; then log INFO "WireGuard has been restarted." else log ERROR "WireGuard failure to run!" journalctl -u wg-quick@${WireGuard_Interface} --no-pager exit 1 fi } Enable_IPv6_Support() { if [[ $(sysctl -a | grep 'disable_ipv6.*=.*1') || $(cat /etc/sysctl.{conf,d/*} | grep 'disable_ipv6.*=.*1') ]]; then sed -i '/disable_ipv6/d' /etc/sysctl.{conf,d/*} echo 'net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 0' >/etc/sysctl.d/ipv6.conf sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 fi } Enable_WireGuard() { Enable_IPv6_Support Check_WireGuard if [[ ${WireGuard_SelfStart} = enabled ]]; then Restart_WireGuard else Start_WireGuard fi } Stop_WireGuard() { Check_WARP_Client if [[ ${WireGuard_Status} = active ]]; then log INFO "Stoping WireGuard..." if [[ ${WARP_Client_Status} = active ]]; then systemctl stop warp-svc systemctl stop wg-quick@${WireGuard_Interface} systemctl start warp-svc else systemctl stop wg-quick@${WireGuard_Interface} fi Check_WireGuard if [[ ${WireGuard_Status} != active ]]; then log INFO "WireGuard has been stopped." else log ERROR "WireGuard stop failure!" fi else log INFO "WireGuard is stopped." fi } Disable_WireGuard() { Check_WARP_Client Check_WireGuard if [[ ${WireGuard_SelfStart} = enabled || ${WireGuard_Status} = active ]]; then log INFO "Disabling WireGuard..." if [[ ${WARP_Client_Status} = active ]]; then systemctl stop warp-svc systemctl disable wg-quick@${WireGuard_Interface} --now systemctl start warp-svc else systemctl disable wg-quick@${WireGuard_Interface} --now fi Check_WireGuard if [[ ${WireGuard_SelfStart} != enabled && ${WireGuard_Status} != active ]]; then log INFO "WireGuard has been disabled." else log ERROR "WireGuard disable failure!" fi else log INFO "WireGuard is disabled." fi } Print_WireGuard_Log() { journalctl -u wg-quick@${WireGuard_Interface} -f } Check_Network_Status_IPv4() { if ping -c1 -W1 ${TestIPv4_1} >/dev/null 2>&1 || ping -c1 -W1 ${TestIPv4_2} >/dev/null 2>&1; then IPv4Status='on' else IPv4Status='off' fi } Check_Network_Status_IPv6() { if ping6 -c1 -W1 ${TestIPv6_1} >/dev/null 2>&1 || ping6 -c1 -W1 ${TestIPv6_2} >/dev/null 2>&1; then IPv6Status='on' else IPv6Status='off' fi } Check_Network_Status() { Disable_WireGuard Check_Network_Status_IPv4 Check_Network_Status_IPv6 } Check_IPv4_addr() { IPv4_addr=$( ip route get ${TestIPv4_1} 2>/dev/null | grep -oP 'src \K\S+' || ip route get ${TestIPv4_2} 2>/dev/null | grep -oP 'src \K\S+' ) } Check_IPv6_addr() { IPv6_addr=$( ip route get ${TestIPv6_1} 2>/dev/null | grep -oP 'src \K\S+' || ip route get ${TestIPv6_2} 2>/dev/null | grep -oP 'src \K\S+' ) } Get_IP_addr() { Check_Network_Status if [[ ${IPv4Status} = on ]]; then log INFO "Getting the network interface IPv4 address..." Check_IPv4_addr if [[ ${IPv4_addr} ]]; then log INFO "IPv4 Address: ${IPv4_addr}" else log WARN "Network interface IPv4 address not obtained." fi fi if [[ ${IPv6Status} = on ]]; then log INFO "Getting the network interface IPv6 address..." Check_IPv6_addr if [[ ${IPv6_addr} ]]; then log INFO "IPv6 Address: ${IPv6_addr}" else log WARN "Network interface IPv6 address not obtained." fi fi } Get_WireGuard_Interface_MTU() { log INFO "Getting the best MTU value for WireGuard..." MTU_Preset=1500 MTU_Increment=10 if [[ ${IPv4Status} = off && ${IPv6Status} = on ]]; then CMD_ping='ping6' MTU_TestIP_1="${TestIPv6_1}" MTU_TestIP_2="${TestIPv6_2}" else CMD_ping='ping' MTU_TestIP_1="${TestIPv4_1}" MTU_TestIP_2="${TestIPv4_2}" fi while true; do if ${CMD_ping} -c1 -W1 -s$((${MTU_Preset} - 28)) -Mdo ${MTU_TestIP_1} >/dev/null 2>&1 || ${CMD_ping} -c1 -W1 -s$((${MTU_Preset} - 28)) -Mdo ${MTU_TestIP_2} >/dev/null 2>&1; then MTU_Increment=1 MTU_Preset=$((${MTU_Preset} + ${MTU_Increment})) else MTU_Preset=$((${MTU_Preset} - ${MTU_Increment})) if [[ ${MTU_Increment} = 1 ]]; then break fi fi if [[ ${MTU_Preset} -le 1360 ]]; then log WARN "MTU is set to the lowest value." MTU_Preset='1360' break fi done WireGuard_Interface_MTU=$((${MTU_Preset} - 80)) log INFO "WireGuard MTU: ${WireGuard_Interface_MTU}" } Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface() { Get_WireGuard_Interface_MTU log INFO "WireGuard profile (${WireGuard_ConfPath}) generation in progress..." cat <${WireGuard_ConfPath} # Generated by P3TERX/warp.sh # Visit https://github.com/P3TERX/warp.sh for more information [Interface] PrivateKey = ${WireGuard_Interface_PrivateKey} Address = ${WireGuard_Interface_Address} DNS = ${WireGuard_Interface_DNS} MTU = ${WireGuard_Interface_MTU} EOF } Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface_Rule_TableOff() { cat <>${WireGuard_ConfPath} Table = off EOF } Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface_Rule_IPv4_nonGlobal() { cat <>${WireGuard_ConfPath} PostUP = ip -4 route add default dev ${WireGuard_Interface} table ${WireGuard_Interface_Rule_table} PostUP = ip -4 rule add from ${WireGuard_Interface_Address_IPv4} lookup ${WireGuard_Interface_Rule_table} PostDown = ip -4 rule delete from ${WireGuard_Interface_Address_IPv4} lookup ${WireGuard_Interface_Rule_table} PostUP = ip -4 rule add fwmark ${WireGuard_Interface_Rule_fwmark} lookup ${WireGuard_Interface_Rule_table} PostDown = ip -4 rule delete fwmark ${WireGuard_Interface_Rule_fwmark} lookup ${WireGuard_Interface_Rule_table} PostUP = ip -4 rule add table main suppress_prefixlength 0 PostDown = ip -4 rule delete table main suppress_prefixlength 0 EOF } Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface_Rule_IPv6_nonGlobal() { cat <>${WireGuard_ConfPath} PostUP = ip -6 route add default dev ${WireGuard_Interface} table ${WireGuard_Interface_Rule_table} PostUP = ip -6 rule add from ${WireGuard_Interface_Address_IPv6} lookup ${WireGuard_Interface_Rule_table} PostDown = ip -6 rule delete from ${WireGuard_Interface_Address_IPv6} lookup ${WireGuard_Interface_Rule_table} PostUP = ip -6 rule add fwmark ${WireGuard_Interface_Rule_fwmark} lookup ${WireGuard_Interface_Rule_table} PostDown = ip -6 rule delete fwmark ${WireGuard_Interface_Rule_fwmark} lookup ${WireGuard_Interface_Rule_table} PostUP = ip -6 rule add table main suppress_prefixlength 0 PostDown = ip -6 rule delete table main suppress_prefixlength 0 EOF } Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface_Rule_DualStack_nonGlobal() { Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface_Rule_TableOff Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface_Rule_IPv4_nonGlobal Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface_Rule_IPv6_nonGlobal } Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface_Rule_IPv4_Global_srcIP() { cat <>${WireGuard_ConfPath} PostUp = ip -4 rule add from ${IPv4_addr} lookup main prio 18 PostDown = ip -4 rule delete from ${IPv4_addr} lookup main prio 18 EOF } Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface_Rule_IPv6_Global_srcIP() { cat <>${WireGuard_ConfPath} PostUp = ip -6 rule add from ${IPv6_addr} lookup main prio 18 PostDown = ip -6 rule delete from ${IPv6_addr} lookup main prio 18 EOF } Generate_WireGuardProfile_Peer() { cat <>${WireGuard_ConfPath} [Peer] PublicKey = ${WireGuard_Peer_PublicKey} AllowedIPs = ${WireGuard_Peer_AllowedIPs} Endpoint = ${WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint} EOF } Check_WARP_Client_Status() { Check_WARP_Client case ${WARP_Client_Status} in active) WARP_Client_Status_en="${FontColor_Green}Running${FontColor_Suffix}" WARP_Client_Status_zh="${FontColor_Green}运行中${FontColor_Suffix}" ;; *) WARP_Client_Status_en="${FontColor_Red}Stopped${FontColor_Suffix}" WARP_Client_Status_zh="${FontColor_Red}未运行${FontColor_Suffix}" ;; esac } Check_WARP_Proxy_Status() { Check_WARP_Client if [[ ${WARP_Client_Status} = active ]]; then Get_WARP_Proxy_Port WARP_Proxy_Status=$(curl -sx "socks5h://${WARP_Proxy_Port}" ${CF_Trace_URL} --connect-timeout 2 | grep warp | cut -d= -f2) else unset WARP_Proxy_Status fi case ${WARP_Proxy_Status} in on) WARP_Proxy_Status_en="${FontColor_Green}${WARP_Proxy_Port}${FontColor_Suffix}" WARP_Proxy_Status_zh="${WARP_Proxy_Status_en}" ;; plus) WARP_Proxy_Status_en="${FontColor_Green}${WARP_Proxy_Port}(WARP+)${FontColor_Suffix}" WARP_Proxy_Status_zh="${WARP_Proxy_Status_en}" ;; *) WARP_Proxy_Status_en="${FontColor_Red}Off${FontColor_Suffix}" WARP_Proxy_Status_zh="${FontColor_Red}未开启${FontColor_Suffix}" ;; esac } Check_WireGuard_Status() { Check_WireGuard case ${WireGuard_Status} in active) WireGuard_Status_en="${FontColor_Green}Running${FontColor_Suffix}" WireGuard_Status_zh="${FontColor_Green}运行中${FontColor_Suffix}" ;; *) WireGuard_Status_en="${FontColor_Red}Stopped${FontColor_Suffix}" WireGuard_Status_zh="${FontColor_Red}未运行${FontColor_Suffix}" ;; esac } Check_WARP_WireGuard_Status() { Check_Network_Status_IPv4 if [[ ${IPv4Status} = on ]]; then WARP_IPv4_Status=$(curl -s4 ${CF_Trace_URL} --connect-timeout 2 | grep warp | cut -d= -f2) else unset WARP_IPv4_Status fi case ${WARP_IPv4_Status} in on) WARP_IPv4_Status_en="${FontColor_Green}WARP${FontColor_Suffix}" WARP_IPv4_Status_zh="${WARP_IPv4_Status_en}" ;; plus) WARP_IPv4_Status_en="${FontColor_Green}WARP+${FontColor_Suffix}" WARP_IPv4_Status_zh="${WARP_IPv4_Status_en}" ;; off) WARP_IPv4_Status_en="Normal" WARP_IPv4_Status_zh="正常" ;; *) Check_Network_Status_IPv4 if [[ ${IPv4Status} = on ]]; then WARP_IPv4_Status_en="Normal" WARP_IPv4_Status_zh="正常" else WARP_IPv4_Status_en="${FontColor_Red}Unconnected${FontColor_Suffix}" WARP_IPv4_Status_zh="${FontColor_Red}未连接${FontColor_Suffix}" fi ;; esac Check_Network_Status_IPv6 if [[ ${IPv6Status} = on ]]; then WARP_IPv6_Status=$(curl -s6 ${CF_Trace_URL} --connect-timeout 2 | grep warp | cut -d= -f2) else unset WARP_IPv6_Status fi case ${WARP_IPv6_Status} in on) WARP_IPv6_Status_en="${FontColor_Green}WARP${FontColor_Suffix}" WARP_IPv6_Status_zh="${WARP_IPv6_Status_en}" ;; plus) WARP_IPv6_Status_en="${FontColor_Green}WARP+${FontColor_Suffix}" WARP_IPv6_Status_zh="${WARP_IPv6_Status_en}" ;; off) WARP_IPv6_Status_en="Normal" WARP_IPv6_Status_zh="正常" ;; *) Check_Network_Status_IPv6 if [[ ${IPv6Status} = on ]]; then WARP_IPv6_Status_en="Normal" WARP_IPv6_Status_zh="正常" else WARP_IPv6_Status_en="${FontColor_Red}Unconnected${FontColor_Suffix}" WARP_IPv6_Status_zh="${FontColor_Red}未连接${FontColor_Suffix}" fi ;; esac if [[ ${IPv4Status} = off && ${IPv6Status} = off ]]; then log ERROR "Cloudflare WARP network anomaly, WireGuard tunnel established failed." Disable_WireGuard exit 1 fi } Check_ALL_Status() { Check_WARP_Client_Status Check_WARP_Proxy_Status Check_WireGuard_Status Check_WARP_WireGuard_Status } Print_WARP_Client_Status() { log INFO "Status check in progress..." sleep 3 Check_WARP_Client_Status Check_WARP_Proxy_Status echo -e " ---------------------------- WARP Client\t: ${WARP_Client_Status_en} SOCKS5 Port\t: ${WARP_Proxy_Status_en} ---------------------------- " log INFO "Done." } Print_WARP_WireGuard_Status() { log INFO "Status check in progress..." Check_WireGuard_Status Check_WARP_WireGuard_Status echo -e " ---------------------------- WireGuard\t: ${WireGuard_Status_en} IPv4 Network\t: ${WARP_IPv4_Status_en} IPv6 Network\t: ${WARP_IPv6_Status_en} ---------------------------- " log INFO "Done." } Print_ALL_Status() { log INFO "Status check in progress..." Check_ALL_Status echo -e " ---------------------------- WARP Client\t: ${WARP_Client_Status_en} SOCKS5 Port\t: ${WARP_Proxy_Status_en} ---------------------------- WireGuard\t: ${WireGuard_Status_en} IPv4 Network\t: ${WARP_IPv4_Status_en} IPv6 Network\t: ${WARP_IPv6_Status_en} ---------------------------- " } View_WireGuard_Profile() { Print_Delimiter cat ${WireGuard_ConfPath} Print_Delimiter } Check_WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint() { if ping -c1 -W1 ${WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint_IP4} >/dev/null 2>&1; then WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint="${WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint_IPv4}" elif ping6 -c1 -W1 ${WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint_IP6} >/dev/null 2>&1; then WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint="${WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint_IPv6}" else WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint="${WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint_Domain}" fi } Set_WARP_IPv4() { Install_WireGuard Get_IP_addr Load_WGCF_Profile if [[ ${IPv4Status} = off && ${IPv6Status} = on ]]; then WireGuard_Interface_DNS="${WireGuard_Interface_DNS_64}" else WireGuard_Interface_DNS="${WireGuard_Interface_DNS_46}" fi WireGuard_Peer_AllowedIPs="${WireGuard_Peer_AllowedIPs_IPv4}" Check_WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface if [[ -n ${IPv4_addr} ]]; then Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface_Rule_IPv4_Global_srcIP fi Generate_WireGuardProfile_Peer View_WireGuard_Profile Enable_WireGuard Print_WARP_WireGuard_Status } Set_WARP_IPv6() { Install_WireGuard Get_IP_addr Load_WGCF_Profile if [[ ${IPv4Status} = off && ${IPv6Status} = on ]]; then WireGuard_Interface_DNS="${WireGuard_Interface_DNS_64}" else WireGuard_Interface_DNS="${WireGuard_Interface_DNS_46}" fi WireGuard_Peer_AllowedIPs="${WireGuard_Peer_AllowedIPs_IPv6}" Check_WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface if [[ -n ${IPv6_addr} ]]; then Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface_Rule_IPv6_Global_srcIP fi Generate_WireGuardProfile_Peer View_WireGuard_Profile Enable_WireGuard Print_WARP_WireGuard_Status } Set_WARP_DualStack() { Install_WireGuard Get_IP_addr Load_WGCF_Profile WireGuard_Interface_DNS="${WireGuard_Interface_DNS_46}" WireGuard_Peer_AllowedIPs="${WireGuard_Peer_AllowedIPs_DualStack}" Check_WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface if [[ -n ${IPv4_addr} ]]; then Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface_Rule_IPv4_Global_srcIP fi if [[ -n ${IPv6_addr} ]]; then Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface_Rule_IPv6_Global_srcIP fi Generate_WireGuardProfile_Peer View_WireGuard_Profile Enable_WireGuard Print_WARP_WireGuard_Status } Set_WARP_DualStack_nonGlobal() { Install_WireGuard Get_IP_addr Load_WGCF_Profile WireGuard_Interface_DNS="${WireGuard_Interface_DNS_46}" WireGuard_Peer_AllowedIPs="${WireGuard_Peer_AllowedIPs_DualStack}" Check_WireGuard_Peer_Endpoint Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface Generate_WireGuardProfile_Interface_Rule_DualStack_nonGlobal Generate_WireGuardProfile_Peer View_WireGuard_Profile Enable_WireGuard Print_WARP_WireGuard_Status } Menu_Title="${FontColor_Yellow_Bold}Cloudflare WARP 一键安装脚本${FontColor_Suffix} ${FontColor_Red}[${shVersion}]${FontColor_Suffix} by ${FontColor_Purple_Bold}P3TERX.COM${FontColor_Suffix}" Menu_WARP_Client() { clear echo -e " ${Menu_Title} ------------------------- WARP 客户端状态 : ${WARP_Client_Status_zh} SOCKS5 代理端口 : ${WARP_Proxy_Status_zh} ------------------------- 管理 WARP 官方客户端: ${FontColor_Green_Bold}0${FontColor_Suffix}. 返回主菜单 - ${FontColor_Green_Bold}1${FontColor_Suffix}. 开启 SOCKS5 代理 ${FontColor_Green_Bold}2${FontColor_Suffix}. 关闭 SOCKS5 代理 ${FontColor_Green_Bold}3${FontColor_Suffix}. 重启 WARP 官方客户端 ${FontColor_Green_Bold}4${FontColor_Suffix}. 卸载 WARP 官方客户端 " unset MenuNumber read -p "请输入选项: " MenuNumber echo case ${MenuNumber} in 0) Start_Menu ;; 1) Enable_WARP_Client_Proxy ;; 2) Disconnect_WARP ;; 3) Restart_WARP_Client ;; 4) Uninstall_WARP_Client ;; *) log ERROR "无效输入!" sleep 2s Menu_WARP_Client ;; esac } Menu_WARP_WireGuard() { clear echo -e " ${Menu_Title} ------------------------- WireGuard 状态 : ${WireGuard_Status_zh} IPv4 网络状态 : ${WARP_IPv4_Status_zh} IPv6 网络状态 : ${WARP_IPv6_Status_zh} ------------------------- 管理 WARP WireGuard: ${FontColor_Green_Bold}0${FontColor_Suffix}. 返回主菜单 - ${FontColor_Green_Bold}1${FontColor_Suffix}. 查看 WARP WireGuard 日志 ${FontColor_Green_Bold}2${FontColor_Suffix}. 重启 WARP WireGuard 服务 ${FontColor_Green_Bold}3${FontColor_Suffix}. 关闭 WARP WireGuard 网络 " unset MenuNumber read -p "请输入选项: " MenuNumber echo case ${MenuNumber} in 0) Start_Menu ;; 1) Print_WireGuard_Log ;; 2) Restart_WireGuard ;; 3) Disable_WireGuard ;; *) log ERROR "无效输入!" sleep 2s Menu_Other ;; esac } Start_Menu() { log INFO "正在检查状态..." Check_ALL_Status clear echo -e " ${Menu_Title} ------------------------- WARP 客户端状态 : ${WARP_Client_Status_zh} SOCKS5 代理端口 : ${WARP_Proxy_Status_zh} ------------------------- WireGuard 状态 : ${WireGuard_Status_zh} IPv4 网络状态 : ${WARP_IPv4_Status_zh} IPv6 网络状态 : ${WARP_IPv6_Status_zh} ------------------------- ${FontColor_Green_Bold}1${FontColor_Suffix}. 安装 Cloudflare WARP 官方客户端 ${FontColor_Green_Bold}2${FontColor_Suffix}. 自动配置 WARP 客户端 SOCKS5 代理 ${FontColor_Green_Bold}3${FontColor_Suffix}. 管理 Cloudflare WARP 官方客户端 - ${FontColor_Green_Bold}4${FontColor_Suffix}. 安装 WireGuard 相关组件 ${FontColor_Green_Bold}5${FontColor_Suffix}. 自动配置 WARP WireGuard IPv4 网络 ${FontColor_Green_Bold}6${FontColor_Suffix}. 自动配置 WARP WireGuard IPv6 网络 ${FontColor_Green_Bold}7${FontColor_Suffix}. 自动配置 WARP WireGuard 双栈全局网络 ${FontColor_Green_Bold}8${FontColor_Suffix}. 管理 WARP WireGuard 网络 " unset MenuNumber read -p "请输入选项: " MenuNumber echo case ${MenuNumber} in 1) Install_WARP_Client ;; 2) Enable_WARP_Client_Proxy ;; 3) Menu_WARP_Client ;; 4) Install_WireGuard ;; 5) Set_WARP_IPv4 ;; 6) Set_WARP_IPv6 ;; 7) Set_WARP_DualStack ;; 8) Menu_WARP_WireGuard ;; *) log ERROR "无效输入!" sleep 2s Start_Menu ;; esac } Print_Usage() { echo -e " Cloudflare WARP Installer [${shVersion}] USAGE: bash <(curl -fsSL git.io/warp.sh) [SUBCOMMAND] SUBCOMMANDS: install Install Cloudflare WARP Official Linux Client uninstall uninstall Cloudflare WARP Official Linux Client restart Restart Cloudflare WARP Official Linux Client proxy Enable WARP Client Proxy Mode (default SOCKS5 port: 40000) unproxy Disable WARP Client Proxy Mode wg Install WireGuard and related components wg4 Configuration WARP IPv4 Global Network (with WireGuard), all IPv4 outbound data over the WARP network wg6 Configuration WARP IPv6 Global Network (with WireGuard), all IPv6 outbound data over the WARP network wgd Configuration WARP Dual Stack Global Network (with WireGuard), all outbound data over the WARP network wgx Configuration WARP Non-Global Network (with WireGuard), set fwmark or interface IP Address to use the WARP network rwg Restart WARP WireGuard service dwg Disable WARP WireGuard service status Prints status information version Prints version information help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) menu Chinese special features menu " } cat <<-'EOM' __ ___ ____ ____ ___ _ _ _ \ \ / / \ | _ \| _ \ |_ _|_ __ ___| |_ __ _| | | ___ _ __ \ \ /\ / / _ \ | |_) | |_) | | || '_ \/ __| __/ _` | | |/ _ \ '__| \ V V / ___ \| _ <| __/ | || | | \__ \ || (_| | | | __/ | \_/\_/_/ \_\_| \_\_| |___|_| |_|___/\__\__,_|_|_|\___|_| Copyright (C) P3TERX.COM | https://github.com/P3TERX/warp.sh EOM if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then Get_System_Info case ${1} in install) Install_WARP_Client ;; uninstall) Uninstall_WARP_Client ;; restart) Restart_WARP_Client ;; proxy | socks5 | s5) Enable_WARP_Client_Proxy ;; unproxy | unsocks5 | uns5) Disconnect_WARP ;; wg) Install_WireGuard ;; wg4 | 4) Set_WARP_IPv4 ;; wg6 | 6) Set_WARP_IPv6 ;; wgd | d) Set_WARP_DualStack ;; wgx | x) Set_WARP_DualStack_nonGlobal ;; rwg) Restart_WireGuard ;; dwg) Disable_WireGuard ;; status) Print_ALL_Status ;; help) Print_Usage ;; version) echo "${shVersion}" ;; menu) Start_Menu ;; *) log ERROR "Invalid Parameters: $*" Print_Usage exit 1 ;; esac else Print_Usage fi