#!/bin/bash # # Raspberry Pi install RTL8188CUS nan wifi USB adaptor #by Paul Miller #Revisions: # 0.1 - 25/04/2013 Initial Release # 0.1 SW 01Aug2014 - change to use as Hotspot and not AP # # ################################################### ################################################### #set default values ################################################### # General CURRENT_AUTHOR="idkpmiller@sip2serve.com" # Network Interface IP4_CONF_TYPE=STATIC IP4_ADDRESS= IP4_NETMASK= IP4_NETWORK=${IP4_ADDRESS%?}0 IP4_BROADCAST=${IP4_ADDRESS%?}255 IP4_GATEWAY=${IP4_ADDRESS} IP4_DNS1= IP4_DNS2= IP4_STARTADDRESS=${IP4_ADDRESS%?}2 IP4_ENDADDRESS=${IP4_ADDRESS%?}50 # Wifi Access Point AP_COUNTRY=GB AP_CHAN=11 AP_SSID=ClassPi AP_PASSPHRASE=PASSWORD # not used in practice ################################################### echo " performing a series of prechecks..." ################################################### #check current user privileges (( `id -u` )) && echo "This script MUST be ran with root privileges, try prefixing with sudo. i.e sudo $0" && exit 1 #check that USB wifi device is plugged in and seen if [[ -n $(lsusb | grep RTL8188CUS) ]]; then echo "The RTL8188CUS device has been successfully located." else echo "The RTL8188CUS device has not been located, check it is inserted and run script again when done." exit 1 fi #check that internet connection is available # the hosts below are selected for their high availability, # if it is more apprioriate to change a host to equal one that is # required for the script then simply change the FQDN chosen below # to check the availabilty for the host before the script gets underway host1=google.com host2=wikipedia.org ((ping -w5 -c3 $host1 || ping -w5 -c3 $host2) > /dev/null 2>&1) && echo "Internet connectivity - OK" || (echo "Internet connectivity - Down, Internet connectivity is required for this script to complete. exiting..." && exit 1) #pre-checks complete##################################################### #clear the screen clear # Get Input from User echo "Capture User Settings:" echo "=====================" echo "Please answer the following questions." echo "Hitting return will continue with the default option" echo echo #read -p "IPv4 DHCP or STATIC? [$IP4_CONF_TYPE]: " -e t1 #if [ -n "$t1" ]; then IP4_CONF_TYPE="$t1";fi if [ "$IP4_CONF_TYPE" = "STATIC" ]; then read -p "IPv4 Address [$IP4_ADDRESS]: " -e t1 if [ -n "$t1" ]; then IP4_ADDRESS="$t1";fi read -p "IPv4 Netmask [$IP4_NETMASK]: " -e t1 if [ -n "$t1" ]; then IP4_NETMASK="$t1";fi read -p "IPv4 Network [$IP4_NETWORK]: " -e t1 if [ -n "$t1" ]; then IP4_NETWORK="$t1";fi read -p "IPv4 Broadcast [$IP4_BROADCAST]: " -e t1 if [ -n "$t1" ]; then IP4_BROADCAST="$t1";fi read -p "IPv4 Gateway Address [$IP4_GATEWAY]: " -e t1 if [ -n "$t1" ]; then IP4_GATEWAY="$t1";fi read -p "IPv4 Primary DNS server [$IP4_DNS1]: " -e t1 if [ -n "$t1" ]; then IP4_DNS1="$t1";fi read -p "IPv4 Secondary DNS server [$IP4_DNS2]: " -e t1 if [ -n "$t1" ]; then IP4_DNS2="$t1";fi fi # wifi settings read -p "Wifi Country [$AP_COUNTRY]: " -e t1 if [ -n "$t1" ]; then AP_COUNTRY="$t1";fi read -p "Wifi Channel Name [$AP_CHAN]: " -e t1 if [ -n "$t1" ]; then AP_CHAN="$t1";fi read -p "Wifi SSID [$AP_SSID]: " -e t1 if [ -n "$t1" ]; then AP_SSID="$t1";fi read -p "Wifi PassPhrase (min 8 max 63 characters) [$AP_PASSPHRASE]: " -e t1 if [ -n "$t1" ]; then AP_PASSPHRASE="$t1";fi ################################################### # Get Decision from User ################################################### echo "Hotspot Setup" echo "======================" echo "Please answer the following question." echo "Hitting return will continue with the default 'No' option" echo # Point of no return read -p "Do you wish to continue and Setup RPi as an Hotspot? (y/n) " RESP if [ "$RESP" = "y" ]; then clear echo "Configuring RPI as an Hotspot Point...." # update system echo "" echo "#####################PLEASE WAIT##################"###### echo -en "Package list update " apt-get -qq update echo -en "[OK]\n" echo -en "Adding packages ... please wait .... " apt-get -y -qq install hostapd bridge-utils iw dnsmasq > /dev/null 2>&1 apt-get -y -qq remove ifplugd > /dev/null 2>&1 echo -en "[OK]\n" #check that iw list fails with 'nl80211 not found' echo -en "iw list check " iw list > /dev/null 2>&1 | grep 'nl80211 not found' rc=$? if [[ $rc = 0 ]] ; then echo -en "[FAIL]\n" echo "" echo "A check that should have a known outcome has has not" echo "produced the expected result, it is best to manually" echo "proceed and ask for assistance from the RPi forum or" echo "the authour of this version of the script." echo $CURRENT_AUTHOR exit $rc else echo -en "[OK]\n" fi #creat the default file to point at the configuration file echo -en "Create Default hostapd file " cat < /etc/default/hostapd #created by $0 DAEMON_CONF="/etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf" EOF rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]] ; then echo -en "[FAIL]\n" echo "" exit $rc else echo -en "[OK]\n" fi # echo -en "[OK]\n" #create the hostapd configuration to match what the user has provided echo -en "Create hostapd.conf file " cat < /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf #created by $0 interface=wlan0 driver=rtl871xdrv country_code=$AP_COUNTRY ctrl_interface=wlan0 ctrl_interface_group=0 ssid=$AP_SSID hw_mode=g channel=$AP_CHAN #wpa=3 #wpa_passphrase=$AP_PASSPHRASE #wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSK #wpa_pairwise=TKIP #rsn_pairwise=CCMP beacon_int=100 auth_algs=3 macaddr_acl=0 wmm_enabled=1 eap_reauth_period=360000000 EOF rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]] ; then echo -en "[FAIL]\n" echo "" exit $rc else echo -en "[OK]\n" fi # echo -en "[OK]\n" # backup the existing interfaces file echo -en "Backup network interface configuration " cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.bak rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]] ; then echo -en "[FAIL]\n" echo "" exit $rc else echo -en "[OK]\n" fi # echo -en "[OK]\n" # create the following network interface file based on user input echo -en "Create new network interface configuration " if [ "$IP4_CONF_TYPE" = "DHCP" ]; then cat < /etc/network/interfaces #created by $0 auto lo auto br0 iface lo inet loopback iface br0 inet dhcp bridge_fd 1 bridge_hello 3 bridge_maxage 10 bridge_stp off bridge_ports eth0 wlan0 allow-hotplug eth0 iface eth0 inet manual allow-hotplug wlan0 iface wlan0 inet manual EOF rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]] ; then echo -en "[FAIL]\n" echo "" exit $rc else echo -en "[OK]\n" fi # echo -en "[OK]\n" fi if [ "$IP4_CONF_TYPE" = "STATIC" ]; then cat < /etc/network/interfaces #created by $0 auto lo iface lo inet loopback allow-hotplug eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp auto wlan0 allow-hotplug wlan0 iface wlan0 inet static address $IP4_ADDRESS network $IP4_NETWORK netmask $IP4_NETMASK broadcast $IP4_BROADCAST EOF rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]] ; then echo -en "[FAIL]\n" echo "" exit $rc else echo -en "[OK]\n" fi # echo -en "[OK]\n" fi #create the dnsmasq.conf configuration to match what the user has provided echo -en "Create dnsmasq.conf file " cat < /etc/dnsmasq.conf #created by $0 interface=wlan0 # To get dnsmasq to listen only on wlan0. dhcp-range=$IP4_STARTADDRESS,$IP4_ENDADDRESS,$IP$_NETMASK,12h EOF rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]] ; then echo -en "[FAIL]\n" echo "" exit $rc else echo -en "[OK]\n" fi #deal with the hostapd binary file echo -en "change directory " cd /usr/sbin rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]] ; then echo -en "[FAIL]\n" echo "" exit $rc else echo -en "[OK]\n" fi # echo -en "[OK]\n" # backup the old hostapd file echo -en "Backup hostapd file " cp /usr/sbin/hostapd /usr/sbin/hostapd.bak rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]] ; then echo -en "[FAIL]\n" echo "" exit $rc else echo -en "[OK]\n" fi # echo -en "[OK]\n" # delete the old hostapd file echo -en "Delete old hostapd file " rm -f hostapd rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]] ; then echo -en "[FAIL]\n" echo "" exit $rc else echo -en "[OK]\n" fi # echo -en "[OK]\n" # Download the replacement file echo -en "Download the hostapd file " wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/pl9tn35ay2b92dc/hostapd #> /dev/null 2>&1 rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]] ; then echo -en "[FAIL]\n" echo "" exit $rc else echo -en "[OK]\n" fi # echo -en "[OK]\n" # make sure root has ownership of the file echo -en "Modify hostapd ownership " chown root:root hostapd rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]] ; then echo -en "[FAIL]\n" echo "" exit $rc else echo -en "[OK]\n" fi # echo -en "[OK]\n" # make the new file executable echo -en "Modify the hostapd file permissions " chmod 755 hostapd rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]] ; then echo -en "[FAIL]\n" echo "" exit $rc else echo -en "[OK]\n" fi # echo -en "[OK]\n" echo "###################INSTALL COMPLETE###############"###### echo "The Pi will now be rebooted to activate the changes" read -p "Press [Enter] key to reboot... " reboot # Restart the networking configuration to activate the changes #/etc/init.d/networking restart # Restart the access point software #/etc/init.d/hostapd restart #################################################################### else echo "exiting..." fi exit 0