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base repository: mirage/mirage
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base: a7bfded53112
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head repository: mirage/mirage
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compare: 6e5a82449bc2
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  • 4 commits
  • 2 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Apr 16, 2015

  1. Kill the channel module

    samoht committed Apr 16, 2015
    Copy the full SHA
    38f6992 View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    9fd9447 View commit details
  3. Copy the full SHA
    a2f80eb View commit details
  4. Merge pull request #393 from samoht/master

    Adapt to latest changes in conduit and mirage-http
    samoht committed Apr 16, 2015
    Copy the full SHA
    6e5a824 View commit details
Showing with 15 additions and 85 deletions.
  1. +15 −74 lib/
  2. +0 −11 lib/mirage.mli
89 changes: 15 additions & 74 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1545,50 +1545,6 @@ let direct_stackv4_with_static_ipv4
let socket_stackv4 console ipv4s =
impl stackv4 { STACKV4_socket.console; ipv4s } (module STACKV4_socket)

module Channel_over_TCP (V : sig type t end) = struct

type t = V.t tcp impl

let name t =
let key = "channel" ^ t in
Name.of_key key ~base:"channel"

let module_name t =
String.capitalize (name t)

let packages _ =
[ "mirage-tcpip" ]

let libraries _ =
[ "" ]

let configure t =
Impl.configure t;
append_main "module %s = Channel.Make(%s)" (module_name t) (Impl.module_name t);
newline_main ();
append_main "let %s () =" (name t);
append_main " %s () >>= function" ( t);
append_main " | `Error _ -> %s" (driver_initialisation_error ( t));
append_main " | `Ok console ->";
append_main " let flow = %s.create config in" (module_name t);
append_main " return (`Ok flow)";
newline_main ()

let clean t =
Impl.clean t

let update_path t root =
Impl.update_path t root


type channel = CHANNEL

let channel = Type CHANNEL

let channel_over_tcp (type v) (flow : v tcp impl) =
impl channel flow (module Channel_over_TCP (struct type t = v end))

module VCHAN_localhost = struct

type uuid = string
@@ -1923,86 +1879,71 @@ let resolver_unix_system =
module HTTP = struct

type t =
[ `Channel of channel impl
| `Stack of conduit_server * conduit impl ]
| Conduit of conduit_server * conduit impl

let name t =
let key = "http" ^ match t with
| `Channel c -> c
| `Stack (_, c) -> c in
| Conduit (_, c) -> c in
Name.of_key key ~base:"http"

let module_name_core t =
String.capitalize (name t)

let module_name t =
module_name_core t ^ ".Server"
String.capitalize (name t)

let packages t =
[ "mirage-http" ] @
match t with
| `Channel c -> Impl.packages c
| `Stack (_, c) -> Impl.packages c
| Conduit (_, c) -> Impl.packages c

let libraries t =
[ "mirage-http" ] @
match t with
| `Channel c -> Impl.libraries c
| `Stack (_, c) -> Impl.libraries c
| Conduit (_, c) -> Impl.libraries c

let configure t =
begin match t with
| `Channel c ->
| Conduit (_, c) ->
Impl.configure c;
append_main "module %s = HTTP.Make(%s)" (module_name_core t) (Impl.module_name c)
| `Stack (_, c) ->
Impl.configure c;
append_main "module %s = HTTP.Make(%s)" (module_name_core t) (Impl.module_name c)
append_main "module %s = Cohttp_mirage.Server(%s.Flow)"
(module_name t) (Impl.module_name c)
newline_main ();
let subname = match t with
| `Channel c -> c
| `Stack (_,c) -> c in
| Conduit (_,c) -> c in
append_main "let %s () =" (name t);
append_main " %s () >>= function" subname;
append_main " | `Error _ -> %s" (driver_initialisation_error subname);
append_main " | `Ok %s ->" subname;
begin match t with
| `Channel c -> failwith "TODO"
| `Stack (m,c) ->
| Conduit (m,c) ->
append_main " let listen spec =";
append_main " let ctx = %s in" ( c);
append_main " let mode = %s in"
(match m with
|`TCP (`Port port) -> Printf.sprintf "`TCP (`Port %d)" port
|`Vchan l -> failwith "Vchan not supported yet in server"
append_main " %s.serve ~ctx ~mode (%s.Server.listen spec)" (Impl.module_name c) (module_name_core t);
append_main " %s.serve ~ctx ~mode (%s.listen spec)"
(Impl.module_name c) (module_name t);
append_main " in";
append_main " return (`Ok listen)";
newline_main ()

let clean = function
| `Channel c -> Impl.clean c
| `Stack (_,c) -> Impl.clean c
| Conduit (_,c) -> Impl.clean c

let update_path t root =
match t with
| `Channel c -> `Channel (Impl.update_path c root)
| `Stack (m, c) -> `Stack (m, Impl.update_path c root)
| Conduit (m, c) -> Conduit (m, Impl.update_path c root)


type http = HTTP

let http = Type HTTP

let http_server_of_channel chan =
impl http (`Channel chan) (module HTTP)

let http_server mode conduit =
impl http (`Stack (mode, conduit)) (module HTTP)
impl http (HTTP.Conduit (mode, conduit)) (module HTTP)

type job = JOB

11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions lib/mirage.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -331,15 +331,6 @@ val direct_stackv4_with_dhcp:

val socket_stackv4: console impl -> Ipaddr.V4.t list -> stackv4 impl

(** {Channel configuration} *)

(** Implementation of the [V1.CHANNEL] signature. *)

type channel
val channel: channel typ
val channel_over_tcp: 'a tcp impl -> channel impl

(** {Resolver configuration} *)

type resolver
@@ -576,8 +567,6 @@ module TCPV4_socket: CONFIGURABLE

module Channel_over_TCP: functor (V : sig type t end) -> CONFIGURABLE