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base repository: rubinius/rubinius
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base: 95c00d31482e
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head repository: rubinius/rubinius
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compare: a002319ef630
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  • 5 commits
  • 28 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Apr 18, 2015

  1. Verified

    This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
    skmcgrail Sean McGrail
    Copy the full SHA
    315031b View commit details
  2. Updated RubyGems to 2.4.6.

    RubyGems 2.4.6 installed
    === 2.4.6 / 2014-02-05
    Bug fixes:
    * Fixed resolving gems with both upper and lower requirement boundaries.
      Issue #1141 by Jakub Jirutka.
    * Moved extension directory after require_paths to fix missing constant bugs
      in some gems with C extensions.  Issue #784 by André Arko, pull request
      #1137 by Barry Allard.
    * Use Gem::Dependency#requirement when adding a dependency to an existing
      dependency instance.  Pull request #1101 by Josh Cheek.
    * Fixed warning of shadowed local variable in Gem::Specification.  Pull request
      #1109 by Rohit Arondekar
    * Gem::Requirement should always sort requirements before coercion to Hash.
      Pull request #1139 by Eito Katagiri.
    * The `gem open` command should change the current working directory before
      opening the editor.  Pull request #1142 by Alex Wood.
    * Ensure quotes are stripped from the Windows launcher script used to install
      gems.  Pull request #1115 by Youngjun Song.
    * Fixed errors when writing to NFS to to 0444 files.  Issue #1161 by Emmanuel
    * Removed dead code in Gem::StreamUI.  Pull request #1117 by mediaslave24.
    * Fixed typos.  Pull request #1096 by hakeda.
    * Relaxed CMake dependency for RHEL 6 and CentOS 6.  Pull request #1124 by Vít
    * Relaxed Psych dependency.  Pull request #1128 by Vít Ondruch.
    === 2.4.5 / 2014-12-03
    Bug fixes:
    * Improved speed of requiring gems.  (Around 25% for a 60 gem test).  Pull
      request #1060 by unak.
    * RubyGems no longer attempts to look up gems remotely with the --local flag.
      Pull request #1084 by Jeremy Evans.
    * Executable stubs use the correct gem version when RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS is
      active.  Issue #1072 by Michael Kaiser-Nyman.
    * Fixed handling of pinned gems in lockfiles with versions.  Issue #1078 by
      Ian Ker-Seymer.
    * Fixed handling of git@example:gem.git URIs.  Issue #1054 by Mogutan Mogu.
    * Fixed handling of platforms retrieved from the dependencies API.  Issue
      #1058 and patch suggestion by tux-mind.
    * RubyGems now suggests a copy-pasteable `gem pristine` command when
      extensions are missing.  Pull request #1057 by Shannon Skipper.
    * Improved errors for long file names when packaging.  Pull request #1016 by
      Piotrek Bator.
    * `gem pristine` now skips gems cannot be found remotely.  Pull request #1064
      by Tuomas Kareinen.
    * `gem pristine` now caches gems to the proper directory.  Pull request #1064
      by Tuomas Kareinen.
    * `gem pristine` now skips bundled gems properly.  Pull request #1064 by
      Tuomas Kareinen.
    * Improved interoperability of Vagrant with RubyGems.  Pull request #1057 by
      Vít Ondruch.
    * Renamed CONTRIBUTING to CONTRIBUTING.rdoc to allow markup.  Pull request
      #1090 by Roberto Miranda.
    * Switched from #partition to #reject as only one collection is used.  Pull
      request #1074 by Tuomas Kareinen.
    * Fixed installation of gems on systems using memory-mapped files.  Pull
      request #1038 by Justin Li.
    * Fixed bug in Gem::Text#min3 where `a == b < c`.  Pull request #1026 by
    * Fixed uninitialized variable warning in BasicSpecification.  Pull request
      #1019 by Piotr Szotkowski.
    * Removed unneeded exception handling for cyclic dependencies.  Pull request
      #1043 by Jens Wille.
    * Fixed grouped expression warning.  Pull request #1081 by André Arko.
    * Fixed handling of platforms when writing lockfiles.
    brixen committed Apr 18, 2015


    This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
    skmcgrail Sean McGrail
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    c3b4f95 View commit details
  3. Verified

    This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
    skmcgrail Sean McGrail
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    d9cc312 View commit details
  4. Copy the full SHA
    e4278c9 View commit details
  5. Copy the full SHA
    a002319 View commit details