#/usr/bin/env bash

# Install some pacakages we'll need to compile the driver below.
sudo dnf install gcc kernel-devel -y

# Create working dir for Broadcom driver files and patches.
mkdir hybrid_wl_f23

# Change to working dir.
cd hybrid_wl_f23

if [ 'x86_64' == `uname -m` ]; then
	# 64-bit driver files.
	# 32-bit driver files.

# Download Broadcom Linux Wi-Fi driver.
wget http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/$FILE

# Extract driver files.
tar zxvf $FILE

# Compile driver.
make clean && make

# Install driver.
sudo make install

# Update available drivers.
sudo depmod -a

# Unload conflicting drivers.
sudo rmmod b43 ssb bcma

# Load the driver.
sudo modprobe wl

# Blacklist conflicting drivers.
printf 'blacklist b43\nblacklist ssb\nblacklist bcma\n' | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/wl.conf

# Load driver automatically at boot time.
echo 'wl' | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/wl.conf

# Connect to a Wi-Fi network via NetworkManager...