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base repository: rubinius/rubinius
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base: eb7706780f46
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head repository: rubinius/rubinius
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compare: 14b60c279a90
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  • 3 commits
  • 18 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jul 14, 2015

  1. Copy the full SHA
    ffcd899 View commit details
  2. Reworked halting the system.

    This is the first step of a much refactor to introduce a proper System object
    instead of hanging all the process boot and halt logic off the Environment
    object. A lot of boot and halt code can then be cleaned up (eg creating and
    initializing the object space, loading the kernel code, etc).
    The main process thread (the one the OS creates when the process is first
    created) now boots the system and spawns a thread to start running Ruby code.
    The main thread goes on to process signals and halting the process. This is
    the only thread that processes halt code.
    When the process forks, a new thread is created to process signals and
    halting. In the future, fork() and exec() will be disallowed on all internal
    threads and only allowed on threads running Ruby code.
    brixen committed Jul 14, 2015
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    5cd5e88 View commit details
  3. Smash another racey process spec.

    There is no way to guarantee that the `Process.exit` from the thread completes
    before the `Process.exit` in the main thread. That's not how actual threads
    with no global interpreter lock work.
    brixen committed Jul 14, 2015
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    14b60c2 View commit details