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Showing 1 changed file with 62 additions and 48 deletions.
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@@ -15,14 +15,17 @@
import java.util.List;

public class CFGInliner {
private static final boolean debug = false;
private final CFG cfg;
private final IRScope hostScope;

public CFGInliner(CFG build) {
this.cfg = build;
this.hostScope = cfg.getScope();

private SimpleCloneInfo cloneHostInstrs(CFG cfg) {
SimpleCloneInfo ii = new SimpleCloneInfo(cfg.getScope(), false);
private SimpleCloneInfo cloneHostInstrs() {
SimpleCloneInfo ii = new SimpleCloneInfo(hostScope, false);
for (BasicBlock b : cfg.getBasicBlocks()) {
@@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ private SimpleCloneInfo cloneHostInstrs(CFG cfg) {

private CFG cloneSelf(InlineCloneInfo ii) {
CFG selfClone = new CFG(cfg.getScope());
CFG selfClone = new CFG(hostScope);

// clone bbs
for (BasicBlock b : cfg.getBasicBlocks()) {
@@ -52,40 +55,59 @@ private CFG cloneSelf(InlineCloneInfo ii) {
return selfClone;

public void inlineMethod(IRScope scope, RubyModule implClass, int classToken, BasicBlock callBB, CallBase call, boolean cloneHost) {
// Temporarily turn off inlining of recursive methods
// Conservative turning off for inlining of a method in a closure nested within the same method
IRScope hostScope = cfg.getScope();
if (hostScope.getNearestMethod() == scope) return;
private boolean isRecursiveInline(IRScope methodScope) {
return hostScope.getNearestMethod() == methodScope;

System.out.println("Looking for: " + call.getIPC() + ": " + call);
System.out.println("host cfg :" + cfg.toStringGraph());
System.out.println("host instrs:" + cfg.toStringInstrs());
System.out.println("source cfg :" + scope.getCFG().toStringGraph());
System.out.println("source instrs:" + scope.getCFG().toStringInstrs());
// Use receivers variable if it is one. Otherwise make a new temp for one.
private Variable getReceiverVariable(Operand receiver) {
return receiver instanceof Variable ? (Variable) receiver : hostScope.createTemporaryVariable();

// Find callBB
if (callBB == null) {
for (BasicBlock x: cfg.getBasicBlocks()) {
for (Instr i: x.getInstrs()) {
// System.out.println("IPC " + i.getIPC() + " = " + i);
if (i.getIPC() == call.getIPC()) {
// System.out.println("Found it!!!! -- " + call);
callBB = x;
private BasicBlock findCallsiteBB(CallBase call) {
for (BasicBlock bb: cfg.getBasicBlocks()) {
for (Instr i: bb.getInstrs()) {
// System.out.println("IPC " + i.getIPC() + " = " + i);
if (i.getIPC() == call.getIPC()) {
// System.out.println("Found it!!!! -- " + call);
return bb;

return null;

private void printInlineDebugPrologue(IRScope methodScope, CallBase call) {
System.out.println("Looking for: " + call.getIPC() + ": " + call);
System.out.println("host cfg :" + cfg.toStringGraph());
System.out.println("host instrs:" + cfg.toStringInstrs());
System.out.println("source cfg :" + methodScope.getCFG().toStringGraph());
System.out.println("source instrs:" + methodScope.getCFG().toStringInstrs());

private void printInlineCannotFindCallsiteBB(CallBase call) {
System.out.println("Did not find BB with call: " + call);
System.out.println("Host cfg :" + cfg.toStringGraph());
System.out.println("Host instrs:" + cfg.toStringInstrs());

// Vocabulary:
// hostScope - scope where the method will be inlining into
// methodScope - scope of the method to be inlined
// callBB - BB where callsite is located
// call - callsite where we want to inline the methods body.
public void inlineMethod(IRScope methodScope, RubyModule implClass, int classToken, BasicBlock callBB, CallBase call, boolean cloneHost) {
// Temporarily turn off inlining of recursive methods
// Conservative turning off for inlining of a method in a closure nested within the same method
if (isRecursiveInline(methodScope)) return;
if (debug) printInlineDebugPrologue(methodScope, call);

if (callBB == null) callBB = findCallsiteBB(call);
if (callBB == null) {
System.out.println("Did not find BB with call: " + call);
System.out.println("Host cfg :" + cfg.toStringGraph());
System.out.println("Host instrs:" + cfg.toStringInstrs());
if (debug) printInlineCannotFindCallsiteBB(call);

@@ -98,26 +120,17 @@ public void inlineMethod(IRScope scope, RubyModule implClass, int classToken, Ba

SimpleCloneInfo hostCloneInfo = cloneHost ? cloneHostInstrs(cfg) : null;
SimpleCloneInfo hostCloneInfo = cloneHost ? cloneHostInstrs() : null;

// Host method data init
Operand callReceiver = call.getReceiver();
Variable callReceiverVar;
if (callReceiver instanceof Variable) {
callReceiverVar = (Variable)callReceiver;
} else {
callReceiverVar = hostScope.createTemporaryVariable();

InlineCloneInfo ii = new InlineCloneInfo(call, cfg, callReceiverVar, scope);
Variable callReceiverVar = getReceiverVariable(call.getReceiver());
InlineCloneInfo ii = new InlineCloneInfo(call, cfg, callReceiverVar, methodScope);

// Inlinee method data init
CFG methodCFG = scope.getCFG();
List<BasicBlock> methodBBs = new ArrayList<BasicBlock>();
for (BasicBlock b: methodCFG.getBasicBlocks()) methodBBs.add(b);
CFG methodCFG = methodScope.getCFG();
List<BasicBlock> methodBBs = new ArrayList<>(methodCFG.getBasicBlocks());

// Check if we are inlining a recursive method
if (hostScope.getNearestMethod() == scope) {
if (isRecursiveInline(methodScope)) {
// 1. clone self
// SSS: FIXME: We need a clone-graph api method in cfg and graph
CFG selfClone = cloneSelf(ii);
@@ -152,8 +165,9 @@ public void inlineMethod(IRScope scope, RubyModule implClass, int classToken, Ba
if (destination.isExitBB()) continue;

BasicBlock dstBB = ii.getRenamedBB(destination);
if (callReceiver != callReceiverVar) {
dstBB.insertInstr(new CopyInstr(callReceiverVar, callReceiver));
// Receiver is not a variable so we made a new temp above...copy into new temp the original recv value.
if (call.getReceiver() != callReceiverVar) {
dstBB.insertInstr(new CopyInstr(callReceiverVar, call.getReceiver()));

if (!ii.canMapArgsStatically()) {
@@ -255,7 +269,7 @@ public void inlineMethod(IRScope scope, RubyModule implClass, int classToken, Ba

private void inlineClosureAtYieldSite(InlineCloneInfo ii, IRClosure cl, BasicBlock yieldBB, YieldInstr yield) {
// 1. split yield site bb and move outbound edges from yield site bb to split bb.
BasicBlock splitBB = yieldBB.splitAtInstruction(yield, cfg.getScope().getNewLabel(), false);
BasicBlock splitBB = yieldBB.splitAtInstruction(yield, hostScope.getNewLabel(), false);
for (Edge<BasicBlock> e : cfg.getOutgoingEdges(yieldBB)) {
cfg.addEdge(splitBB, e.getDestination().getData(), e.getType());

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