1 |
| -These are the people who have committed code according to GitHub. |
2 |
| -There is probably someone missing if he send me code directly, and |
3 |
| -for that I am sorry because I believe in giving credit. |
4 |
| -If you are here and prefer to be listed in a different way, just |
5 |
| -do a PR :-) |
6 |
| - |
7 |
| - -- Roberto Alsina |
8 |
| - |
9 |
| - |
| 1 | +Agustin Henze <https://github.com/agustinhenze> |
10 | 2 | Alberto Berti <https://github.com/azazel75>
| 3 | +Alex Popescu <https://github.com/al3xandru> |
| 4 | +Alex Walters <https://github.com/tritium21> |
| 5 | +Andreas Linz <https://github.com/KLINGTdotNET> |
| 6 | +Areski Belaid <https://github.com/areski> |
11 | 7 | Aru Sahni <https://github.com/arusahni>
12 |
| -Bluerise <https://github.com/Bluerise> |
13 |
| -Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick <https://github.com/Kwpolska> |
| 8 | +Aurelien Naldi <https://github.com/aurelien-naldi> |
| 9 | +Ben Mather <https://github.com/bwhmather> |
| 10 | +Boris Kaul <https://github.com/localvoid> |
| 11 | +Brandon W. Maister <https://github.com/quodlibetor> |
| 12 | +Bussonnier Matthias <https://gtihub.com/carreau> |
| 13 | +Carsten Grohmann <https://github.com/CarstenGrohmann> |
| 14 | +Casey M. Bessette <https://github.com/caseybessette> |
| 15 | +Chris Lee <https://github.com/clee> |
| 16 | +Chris Warrick <https://github.com/Kwpolska> |
| 17 | +Claudio Canepa <https://github.com/ccanepa> |
| 18 | +Damien Tournoud <https://github.com/damz> |
| 19 | +Damián Avila <https://github.com/damianavila> |
14 | 20 | Daniel Aleksandersen <https://github.com/Aeyoun>
15 |
| -DoctorMalboro <https://github.com/DoctorMalboro> |
| 21 | +Daniel Devine <https://github.com/DDevine> |
| 22 | +Daniel F. Moisset <https://github.com/dmoisset> |
| 23 | +David Beath <https://github.com/DBeath> |
| 24 | +Dhruv Baldawa <https://github.com/dhruvbaldawa> |
| 25 | +Dirk Engling <https://github.com/erdgeist> |
| 26 | +Dmitry Verkhoturov <https://github.com/paskal> |
| 27 | +Duncan Lock <https://github.com/dflock> |
| 28 | +Edinei Cavalcanti <https://github.com/neiesc> |
16 | 29 | Eduardo Schettino <https://github.com/schettino72>
| 30 | +Edwin Steele <https://github.com/edwinsteele> |
| 31 | +Emilien Klein <https://github.com/e2jk> |
17 | 32 | Evgeni Golov <https://github.com/evgeni>
| 33 | +Felix Fontein <https://github.com/felixfontein> |
| 34 | +Felix Schwarz <https://github.com/FelixSchwarz> |
| 35 | +Grzegorz Śliwiński <https://github.com/fizyk> |
| 36 | +Guillermo O. Freschi <https://github.com/Tordek> |
| 37 | +Hardening <https://github.com/hardening> |
| 38 | +Ivan Teoh <https://github.com/ivanteoh> |
| 39 | +John Kristensen <https://github.com/jerrykan> |
| 40 | +Joshua Barratt <https://github.com/jbarratt> |
| 41 | +Juan Pedro Fisanotti <https://github.com/fisadev> |
| 42 | +Kade For <https://github.com/kadefor> |
18 | 43 | Kay Hayen <https://github.com/kayhayen>
| 44 | +Leandro Poblet <https://github.com/DoctorMalboro> |
| 45 | +Luis Miguel Morillas <https://github.com/lmorillas> |
| 46 | +Manuel Kaufmann <https://github.com/humitos> |
| 47 | +Marcelo MD <https://github.com/marcelomd> |
| 48 | +Marcos Dione <https://github.com/StyXman> |
| 49 | +Mariano Guerra <https://github.com/marianoguerra> |
| 50 | +Mario Pozzo <https://github.com/camboris> |
| 51 | +Mark Eichin <https://github.com/eichin> |
| 52 | +Martin Bless <https://github.com/marble> |
| 53 | +Martin Wimpress <https://github.com/wimpr1m> |
| 54 | +Martín Gaitán <https://github.com/mgaitan> |
| 55 | +Matias Novoa <https://github.com/mattgaviota> |
| 56 | +Michael Joseph <https://github.com/michaeljoseph> |
| 57 | +Michael McNeil Forbes <https://github.com/mforbes> |
| 58 | +Michal Petrucha <https://github.com/koniiiik> |
| 59 | +Miguel Ángel García <https://github.com/magmax> |
| 60 | +Neil MartinsenBurrell <https://github.com/neilmb> |
19 | 61 | Niko Wenselowski <https://github.com/okin>
| 62 | +Nikola Kotur <https://github.com/kotnik> |
20 | 63 | Ondřej Grover <https://github.com/smartass101>
| 64 | +Onno Broekmans <https://github.com/onnodb> |
| 65 | +Pablo Seminario <https://github.com/pabluk> |
| 66 | +Patrick Wildt <https://github.com/Bluerise> |
| 67 | +Paul Ivanov <https://github.com/ivanov> |
| 68 | +Pelle Nilsson <https://github.com/pellenilsson> |
| 69 | +Pierpaolo Da Fieno <https://github.com/numshub> |
| 70 | +Puneeth Chaganti <https://github.com/punchagan> |
21 | 71 | Raimon Esteve <https://github.com/raimonesteve>
| 72 | +Ramiro Morales <https://github.com/ramiro> |
22 | 73 | Roberto Alsina <https://github.com/ralsina>
| 74 | +Rodrigo Bistolfi <https://github.com/rbistolfi> |
| 75 | +Roger Binns <https://github.com/rogerbinns> |
| 76 | +Roman Faizullin <https://github.com/faizrr> |
23 | 77 | Roman Imankulov <https://github.com/imankulov>
24 |
| -StyXman <https://github.com/StyXman> |
| 78 | +Santiago Pestarini <https://github.com/quijot> |
| 79 | +Sean Pue <https://github.com/seanpue> |
| 80 | +Simon van der Veldt <https://github.com/simonvanderveldt> |
| 81 | +Stefan Näwe <https://github.com/snaewe> |
| 82 | +Thibauld Nion <https://github.com/tibonihoo> |
| 83 | +Thomas Burette <https://github.com/tburette> |
25 | 84 | Tim Chase <https://github.com/Gumnos>
26 |
| -Tordek <https://github.com/Tordek> |
| 85 | +Tolu Sonaike <https://github.com/tolusonaike> |
27 | 86 | Troy Toman <https://github.com/troytoman>
| 87 | +Udo Spallek <https://github.com/udono> |
| 88 | +Yaşar Arabacı <https://github.com/yasar11732> |
| 89 | +Yasuhiko Shiga <https://github.com/quoth> |
28 | 90 | Zhaojun Meng <https://github.com/zhaojunmeng>
29 |
| -agustinhenze <https://github.com/agustinhenze> |
30 |
| -areski <https://github.com/areski> |
31 |
| -bwhmather <https://github.com/bwhmather> |
32 |
| -camboris <https://github.com/camboris> |
33 |
| -Claudio Canepa <https://github.com/ccanepa> |
34 |
| -clee <https://github.com/clee> |
35 |
| -damianavila <https://github.com/damianavila> |
36 | 91 | dastagg <https://github.com/dastagg>
37 |
| -dflock <https://github.com/dflock> |
38 |
| -dhruvbaldawa <https://github.com/dhruvbaldawa> |
39 |
| -dmoisset <https://github.com/dmoisset> |
40 |
| -edwinsteele <https://github.com/edwinsteele> |
41 |
| -ermeaney <https://github.com/ermeney> |
42 |
| -fisadev <https://github.com/fisadev> |
43 |
| -fizyk <https://github.com/fizyk> |
44 |
| -ivanov <https://github.com/ivanov> |
45 |
| -ivanteoh <https://github.com/ivanteoh> |
46 |
| -jerrykan <https://github.com/jerrykan> |
47 |
| -kadefor <https://github.com/kadefor> |
48 |
| -koniiiik <https://github.com/koniiiik> |
49 |
| -kotnik <https://github.com/kotnik> |
50 |
| -localvoid <https://github.com/localvoid> |
51 |
| -marcelomd <https://github.com/marcelomd> |
52 |
| -marianoguerra <https://github.com/marianoguerra> |
53 |
| -mattgaviota <https://github.com/mattgaviota> |
54 |
| -mgaitan <https://github.com/mgaitan> |
| 92 | +dastagg <https://github.com/dastagg> |
| 93 | +ermeaney <https://github.com/ermeaney> |
| 94 | +follower <https://github.com/follower> |
| 95 | +lbiaggi <https://github.com/lbiaggi> |
55 | 96 | mrabbitt <https://github.com/mrabbitt>
56 |
| -neiesc <https://github.com/neiesc> |
57 |
| -neilmb <https://github.com/neilmb> |
| 97 | +nlaurens <https://github.com/nlaurens> |
58 | 98 | notfoss <https://github.com/notfoss>
59 |
| -numshub <https://github.com/numshub> |
60 |
| -onnodb <https://github.com/onnodb> |
61 |
| -pabluk <https://github.com/pabluk> |
62 |
| -paskal <https://github.com/paskal> |
63 |
| -punchagan <https://github.com/punchagan> |
64 |
| -quijot <https://github.com/quijot> |
65 |
| -quodlibetor <https://github.com/quodlibetor> |
66 |
| -quoth <https://github.com/quoth> |
| 99 | +phora <https://github.com/phora> |
| 100 | +pmav99 <https://github.com/pmav99> |
| 101 | +pwm1234 <https://github.com/pwm1234> |
67 | 102 | rafacarrascosa <https://github.com/rafacarrascosa>
68 |
| -rbistolfi <https://github.com/rbistolfi> |
69 |
| -snaewe <https://github.com/snaewe> |
70 |
| -tolusonaike <https://github.com/tolusonaike> |
71 |
| -Thomas Burette <https://github.com/tburette> |
72 |
| -wimpr1m <https://github.com/wimpr1m> |
73 | 103 | yarko <https://github.com/yarko>
| 104 | +小明 <https://github.com/dongweiming> |
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