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Showing 3 changed files with 39 additions and 19 deletions.
34 changes: 24 additions & 10 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -260,27 +260,41 @@ public static IRubyObject[] prepareArgs(ThreadContext context, Block.Type type,
boolean isFixed = arity.isFixed();
int required = arity.required();
int actual = args.length;
boolean restKwargs = blockBody instanceof IRBlockBody && ((IRBlockBody) blockBody).getSignature().kwargs();

// FIXME: This is a hot mess. restkwargs factors into destructing a single element array as well. I just weaved it into this logic.
// for procs and blocks, single array passed to multi-arg must be spread
if (arity != Arity.ONE_ARGUMENT && required != 0 &&
(isFixed || arity != Arity.OPTIONAL) &&
if ((arity != Arity.ONE_ARGUMENT && required != 0 && (isFixed || arity != Arity.OPTIONAL) || restKwargs) &&
actual == 1 && args[0].respondsTo("to_ary")) {
args = args[0].convertToArray().toJavaArray();
actual = args.length;

// FIXME: This code is horrible so I named it poorly. We add 1 if we have kwargs so we do not accidentally
// chomp it off of args array. Much of this logic needs to be encapsulated as part of our transition from
// Arity to Signature.
int fudge = blockBody instanceof IRBlockBody && ((IRBlockBody) blockBody).getSignature().kwargs() ? 1 : 0;
// FIXME: NOTE IN THE BLOCKCAPALYPSE: I think we only care if there is any kwargs syntax at all and if so it is +1
// argument. This ended up more complex because required() on signature adds +1 is required kwargs. I suspect
// required() is used for two purposes and the +1 might be useful in some other way so I made it all work and
// after this we should clean this up (IRBlockBody and BlockBody are also messing with args[] so that should
// be part of this cleanup.

// We add one to our fill and adjust number of incoming args code when there are kwargs. We subtract one
// if it happens to be requiredkwargs since required gets a +1. This is horrible :)
int needsKwargs = blockBody instanceof IRBlockBody && ((IRBlockBody) blockBody).getSignature().kwargs() ?
1 - ((IRBlockBody) blockBody).getSignature().getRequiredKeywordCount() : 0;

// fixed arity > 0 with mismatch needs a new args array
if (isFixed && required > 0 && required+fudge != actual) {
IRubyObject[] newArgs = Arrays.copyOf(args, required);
if (isFixed && required > 0 && required+needsKwargs != actual) {
IRubyObject[] newArgs = Arrays.copyOf(args, required+needsKwargs);

// pad with nil
if (required > actual) {
if (required > actual) { // Not enough required args pad.
Helpers.fillNil(newArgs, actual, required, context.runtime);
// ENEBO: what if we need kwargs here?
} else if (needsKwargs != 0) {
if (args.length < required+needsKwargs) { // Not enough args and we need an empty {} for kwargs processing.
newArgs[newArgs.length - 1] = RubyHash.newHash(context.runtime);
} else { // We have more args than we need and kwargs is always the last arg.
newArgs[newArgs.length - 1] = args[args.length - 1];

args = newArgs;
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/src/main/java/org/jruby/runtime/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ public IRubyObject[] prepareArgumentsForCall(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[
if (args.length == 1) {
// Convert value to arg-array, unwrapping where necessary
args = IRRuntimeHelpers.convertValueIntoArgArray(context, args[0], arity, (type == Type.NORMAL) && (args[0] instanceof RubyArray));
} else if (arity().getValue() == 1) {
} else if (arity().getValue() == 1 && !getSignature().restKwargs()) {
// discard excess arguments
args = (args.length == 0) ? context.runtime.getSingleNilArray() : new IRubyObject[] { args[0] };
22 changes: 14 additions & 8 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/runtime/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ public enum Rest { NONE, NORM, ANON, STAR }
private final boolean kwargs;
private final Arity arity;

// FIXME: three booleans for kwargs? Even if we keep these we should make it cheaper to get these values from Iter/friends
private boolean requiredKwargs;
private boolean restKwargs;

public Signature(int pre, int opt, int post, Rest rest, boolean kwargs) {
this.pre = pre;
@@ -56,13 +58,14 @@ public Signature(int pre, int opt, int post, Rest rest, boolean kwargs) {

public Signature(int pre, int opt, int post, Rest rest, boolean kwargs, boolean requiredKwargs) {
public Signature(int pre, int opt, int post, Rest rest, boolean kwargs, boolean requiredKwargs, boolean restKwargs) {
this.pre = pre;
this.opt = opt; = post; = rest;
this.kwargs = kwargs;
this.requiredKwargs = requiredKwargs;
this.restKwargs = restKwargs;

// NOTE: Some logic to *assign* variables still uses Arity, which treats Rest.ANON (the
// |a,| form) as a rest arg for destructuring purposes. However ANON does *not*
@@ -75,9 +78,12 @@ public Signature(int pre, int opt, int post, Rest rest, boolean kwargs, boolean

private int getRequiredKeywordCount() {
if (requiredKwargs) return 1;
return 0;
public int getRequiredKeywordCount() {
return requiredKwargs ? 1 : 0;

public boolean restKwargs() {
return restKwargs;

public int pre() { return pre; }
@@ -129,7 +135,7 @@ public static Signature from(int pre, int opt, int post, Rest rest, boolean kwar
return new Signature(pre, opt, post, rest, kwargs);

public static Signature from(int pre, int opt, int post, Rest rest, boolean kwargs, boolean requiredKwargs) {
public static Signature from(int pre, int opt, int post, Rest rest, boolean kwargs, boolean requiredKwargs, boolean restKwargs) {
if (opt == 0 && post == 0 && !kwargs) {
switch (pre) {
case 0:
@@ -166,7 +172,7 @@ public static Signature from(int pre, int opt, int post, Rest rest, boolean kwar
return new Signature(pre, opt, post, rest, kwargs, requiredKwargs);
return new Signature(pre, opt, post, rest, kwargs, requiredKwargs, restKwargs);

public static Signature from(IterNode iter) {
@@ -185,7 +191,8 @@ public static Signature from(IterNode iter) {
rest = restFromArg(restArg);

return Signature.from(args.getPreCount(), args.getOptionalArgsCount(), args.getPostCount(), rest, args.hasKwargs(), hasRequiredKeywordArg(args));
return Signature.from(args.getPreCount(), args.getOptionalArgsCount(), args.getPostCount(), rest,
args.hasKwargs(), hasRequiredKeywordArg(args), args.hasKeyRest());

private static boolean hasRequiredKeywordArg(ArgsNode args) {
@@ -201,7 +208,6 @@ private static boolean hasRequiredKeywordArg(ArgsNode args) {
return false;

private static boolean isRequiredKeywordArgumentValueNode(Node asgnNode) {
return asgnNode.childNodes().get(0) instanceof RequiredKeywordArgumentValueNode;

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