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base repository: m-labs/artiq
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base: 9db199cad975
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head repository: m-labs/artiq
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compare: 65121b437f81
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  • 2 commits
  • 3 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jul 23, 2015

  1. Verify LLVM module in compiler.textbench.jit.

    whitequark committed Jul 23, 2015
    Copy the full SHA
    2b9ac34 View commit details
  2. Rework internal logic of slices.

    whitequark committed Jul 23, 2015
    Copy the full SHA
    65121b4 View commit details
Showing with 66 additions and 25 deletions.
  1. +1 −0 artiq/compiler/testbench/
  2. +60 −25 artiq/compiler/transforms/
  3. +5 −0 lit-test/compiler/integration/
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions artiq/compiler/testbench/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ def process_diagnostic(diag):
lltarget = llvm.Target.from_default_triple()
llmachine = lltarget.create_target_machine()
llparsedmod = llvm.parse_assembly(str(llmod))
lljit = llvm.create_mcjit_compiler(llparsedmod, llmachine)
llmain = lljit.get_pointer_to_global(llparsedmod.get_function( + ".__modinit__"))
85 changes: 60 additions & 25 deletions artiq/compiler/transforms/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -723,51 +723,86 @@ def visit_SubscriptT(self, node):
length = self.iterable_len(value, node.slice.type)

if node.slice.lower is not None:
min_index = self.visit(node.slice.lower)
start_index = self.visit(node.slice.lower)
min_index = ir.Constant(0, node.slice.type)
mapped_min_index = self._map_index(length, min_index)
start_index = ir.Constant(0, node.slice.type)
mapped_start_index = self._map_index(length, start_index)

if node.slice.upper is not None:
max_index = self.visit(node.slice.upper)
stop_index = self.visit(node.slice.upper)
max_index = length
mapped_max_index = self._map_index(length, max_index, one_past_the_end=True)
stop_index = length
mapped_stop_index = self._map_index(length, stop_index, one_past_the_end=True)

if node.slice.step is not None:
step = self.visit(node.slice.step)
self._make_check(self.append(ir.Compare(ast.NotEq(loc=None), step,
ir.Constant(0, step.type))),
lambda: self.append(ir.Alloc([], builtins.TValueError())))
step = ir.Constant(1, node.slice.type)
counting_up = self.append(ir.Compare(ast.Gt(loc=None), step,
ir.Constant(0, step.type)))

unstepped_size = self.append(ir.Arith(ast.Sub(loc=None),
mapped_max_index, mapped_min_index))
slice_size = self.append(ir.Arith(ast.FloorDiv(loc=None), unstepped_size, step,

mapped_stop_index, mapped_start_index))
slice_size_a = self.append(ir.Arith(ast.FloorDiv(loc=None), unstepped_size, step))
slice_size_b = self.append(ir.Arith(ast.Mod(loc=None), unstepped_size, step))
rem_not_empty = self.append(ir.Compare(ast.NotEq(loc=None), slice_size_b,
ir.Constant(0, slice_size_b.type)))
slice_size_c = self.append(ir.Arith(ast.Add(loc=None), slice_size_a,
ir.Constant(1, slice_size_a.type)))
slice_size = self.append(ir.Select(rem_not_empty,
slice_size_c, slice_size_a,
self._make_check(self.append(ir.Compare(ast.LtE(loc=None), slice_size, length)),
lambda: self.append(ir.Alloc([], builtins.TValueError())))

if self.current_assign is None:
other_value = self.append(ir.Alloc([slice_size], value.type))
is_neg_size = self.append(ir.Compare(ast.Lt(loc=None),
slice_size, ir.Constant(0, slice_size.type)))
abs_slice_size = self.append(ir.Select(is_neg_size,
ir.Constant(0, slice_size.type), slice_size))
other_value = self.append(ir.Alloc([abs_slice_size], value.type,
other_value = self.current_assign

def body_gen(other_index):
offset = self.append(ir.Arith(ast.Mult(loc=None), step, other_index))
index = self.append(ir.Arith(ast.Add(loc=None), min_index, offset))
prehead = self.current_block

head = self.current_block = self.add_block()

if self.current_assign is None:
elem = self.iterable_get(value, index)
self.append(ir.SetElem(other_value, other_index, elem))
elem = self.append(ir.GetElem(self.current_assign, other_index))
self.append(ir.SetElem(value, index, elem))
index = self.append(ir.Phi(node.slice.type,
index.add_incoming(mapped_start_index, prehead)
other_index = self.append(ir.Phi(node.slice.type,
other_index.add_incoming(ir.Constant(0, node.slice.type), prehead)

return self.append(ir.Arith(ast.Add(loc=None), other_index,
ir.Constant(1, node.slice.type)))
self._make_loop(ir.Constant(0, node.slice.type),
lambda index: self.append(ir.Compare(ast.Lt(loc=None), index, slice_size)),
# Still within bounds?
bounded_up = self.append(ir.Compare(ast.Lt(loc=None), index, mapped_stop_index))
bounded_down = self.append(ir.Compare(ast.Gt(loc=None), index, mapped_stop_index))
within_bounds = self.append(ir.Select(counting_up, bounded_up, bounded_down))

body = self.current_block = self.add_block()

if self.current_assign is None:
elem = self.iterable_get(value, index)
self.append(ir.SetElem(other_value, other_index, elem))
elem = self.append(ir.GetElem(self.current_assign, other_index))
self.append(ir.SetElem(value, index, elem))

next_index = self.append(ir.Arith(ast.Add(loc=None), index, step))
index.add_incoming(next_index, body)
next_other_index = self.append(ir.Arith(ast.Add(loc=None), other_index,
ir.Constant(1, node.slice.type)))
other_index.add_incoming(next_other_index, body)

tail = self.current_block = self.add_block()
head.append(ir.BranchIf(within_bounds, body, tail))

if self.current_assign is None:
return other_value
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions lit-test/compiler/integration/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,3 +10,8 @@
assert lst[1:-1] == lst[1:9]
assert lst[0:1:2] == [0]
assert lst[0:2:2] == [0]
assert lst[0:3:2] == [0, 2]

lst = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
lst[0:5:2] = [1, 2, 3]
assert lst == [1, 0, 2, 0, 3]