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File metadata and controls

363 lines (305 loc) · 15.2 KB

Puppet Installation Layout

This table specifies the file paths in a Puppet installation and the corresponding settings, denoted as :setting. The 3.x column shows the difference of the specification vs the 3.x implementation.


puppet-agent (*nix)

The package will create two services puppet and mcollective, both running as root by default. It will not create a puppet user or group. The files annotated by an '*' indicate that they are created by package installation.

Path                                  Setting                        3.x
/etc/puppetlabs *                                                    n/a

/etc/puppetlabs/code *                # :codedir                     contents moved from :confdir
    environments *                    # :environmentpath
      production *
        environment.conf *
        manifests *
        modules *
    hiera.yaml *                      # :hiera_config
    hieradata *                       # n/a
    modules *                         # user modulepath

/etc/puppetlabs/mcollective *
    client.cfg *
    facts.yaml *
    server.cfg *

/etc/puppetlabs/puppet *              # :confdir                     /etc/puppet
    auth.conf *                       # :rest_authconfig
    autosign.conf                     # :autosign
    binder_config.yaml                # :binder_config
    csr_attributes.yaml               # :csr_attributes
    custom_trusted_oid_mapping.yaml   # :trusted_oid_mapping_file
    device.conf                       # :deviceconfig
    fileserver.conf                   # :fileserverconfig
    puppet.conf *                     # :config
    routes.yaml                       # :route_file
    ssl                               # :ssldir                      /etc/puppet/ssl

/opt/puppetlabs/bin *                 # symlink targets of puppet related binaries
    cfacter@ *                        -> /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/cfacter
    facter@ *                         -> /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/facter
    hiera@ *                          -> /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/hiera
    mco@ *                            -> /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/mco
    puppet@ *                         -> /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/puppet

    facts.d                           # external facts directory (not pluginsync'ed)

    plugins                           # user installed plugins

/opt/puppetlabs/puppet *              # ruby-puppet root
    bin *
        cfacter *
        facter *
        gem *
        hiera *
        mco *
        mcollectived *
        openssl *
        puppet *
        ruby *
        virt-what *
    cache *                           # :vardir                      /var/lib/puppet
        bucket                        # :bucketdir
        client_yaml                   # :clientyamldir
        client_data                   # :client_datadir
        clientbucket                  # :clientbucketdir
        devices                       # :devicedir
        facts.d                       # :pluginfactdest (pluginsync'ed)
        lib                           # :libdir
        facts                         # used to generate :factpath
        puppet-module                 # :module_working_dir
        reports                       # :reportdir
        server_data                   # :server_datadir
        state                         # :statedir
        yaml                          # :yamldir
    include *
        facter *
        openssl *
    lib * * * * * *
        ruby *
            vendor_ruby *             # ruby code
                cfacter.rb *
                facter.rb *
                hiera.rb *
                mcollective.rb *
                puppet.rb *
        virt-what *
            virt-what-cpuid-helper *
    modules *                         # system modulepath            /usr/share/puppet/modules
    share *
        augeas *
        man *
        vim *
    ssl *

/var/log/puppetlabs *
    puppet *                          # :logdir                      /var/lib/puppet/log
        puppet.log                    # not enabled by default

/var/run/puppetlabs *                 # :rundir                      /var/lib/puppet/run                         # :pidfile

puppet-agent (windows)

On recent versions of Windows, e.g. 2008 & 2012, the installation path defaults to C:\Program Files\Puppet Labs and the common app data directory defaults to C:\ProgramData. On 2003, common app data is under C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data. Also when installing puppet-agent 32-bit on 64-bit windows, the installation path defaults to C:\Program Files (x86)\Puppet Labs. The examples below assume 2008/2012 and puppet-agent (64-bit).

The package will create two services puppet and mcollective running as LocalSystem by default. It will not create a puppet user or group.

Path                                      Setting                        3.x
C:\ProgramData                                                           n/a

C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\code *          # :codedir                     contents moved from C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet\etc (:confdir)
    environments *                        # :environmentpath
      production *
        environment.conf *
        manifests *
        modules *
    hiera.yaml *                          # :hiera_config
    hieradata *                           # n/a
    modules *                             # user modulepath

C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\facter *                                       same
    facts.d *                             # external facts directory (not pluginsync'ed)

    plugins *                             # user installed plugins
    etc *                                                                same
    var *                                                                same
        log *

    cache                                 # :vardir                      C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet\var
        bucket                            # :bucketdir
        client_yaml                       # :clientyamldir
        client_data                       # :client_datadir
        clientbucket                      # :clientbucketdir
        devices                           # :devicedir
        facts.d                           # :pluginfactdest (pluginsync'ed)
        lib                               # :libdir
        facts                             # used to generate :factpath
        puppet-module                     # :module_working_dir
        reports                           # :reportdir
        server_data                       # :server_datadir
        state                             # :statedir
        yaml                              # :yamldir
    etc *                                 # :confdir                     same
        auth.conf                         # :rest_authconfig
        autosign.conf                     # :autosign
        binder_config.yaml                # :binder_config
        csr_attributes.yaml               # :csr_attributes
        custom_trusted_oid_mapping.yaml   # :trusted_oid_mapping_file
        device.conf                       # :deviceconfig
        fileserver.conf                   # :fileserverconfig
        puppet.conf *                     # :config
        routes.yaml                       # :route_file
        ssl                               # :ssldir
    var *
        log                               # :logdir                      same
            puppet.log                    # not enabled by default
        run                               # :rundir                      same
                       # :pidfile

C:\Program Files\Puppet Labs\Puppet\bin *
    cfacter.bat *                         # bat file wrappers
    environment.bat *                     # setup LOAD_PATH
    facter.bat *
    hiera.bat *
    mco.bat *
    puppet.bat *
    puppet_shell.bat *                    # targets for shortcuts
    run_cfacter_interactive.bat *
    run_facter_interactive.bat *
    run_puppet_interactive.bat *

C:\Program Files\Puppet Labs\Puppet\cfacter *
    bin *                                 # executables and dlls
        cfacter.exe * *
        lib*.dll *
    inc *                                 # cfacter headers
        facter *
    lib *
        cfacter.rb *                      # ruby bindings

C:\Program Files\Puppet Labs\Puppet\facter *
    bin *
        facter *                          # ruby bin wrapper
    lib *
        facter.rb *

C:\Program Files\Puppet Labs\Puppet\hiera *
    bin *
        hiera *                           # ruby bin wrapper
    lib *
        hiera.rb *

C:\Program Files\Puppet Labs\Puppet\mcollective *
    bin *
        mcollectived *                    # ruby bin wrapper
        mco *
    lib *
        mcollective.rb *

C:\Program Files\Puppet Labs\Puppet\misc *
    LICENSE.rtf *                         # license
    puppetlabs.ico *                      # icon for start menu shortcut
    puppetres.dll *                       # event log message resource dll
    versions.txt *                        # versions of components

C:\Program Files\Puppet Labs\Puppet\puppet *
    bin *
        puppet *                          # ruby bin wrapper
    lib *
        puppet.rb *

C:\Program Files\Puppet Labs\Puppet\service *
    daemon.rb *                           # windows service daemon

C:\Program Files\Puppet Labs\Puppet\sys *
    ruby *
        bin *
            ruby.exe *
            ssleay32.dll *                # openssl dll
        include *
        lib *
        share *

    tools *
        bin *
          elevate.exe *                   # Used to elevate interactive commands

puppet-agent (non-root)

When running as non-root on *nix and Windows, puppet will use the following top-level paths, where ~ is expanded to the user's home directory. On Windows this is C:\Users\username (or C:\Documents and Settings\username for Windows 2003).

Only the top-level paths are different when running as non-root. Files and directories that descend from the top-level are the same when running as root and non-root, e.g. puppet.conf is always $confdir/puppet.conf. As a result, only the top-level paths are shown.

~/.puppetlabs/etc/puppet              # :confdir                    ~/.puppet
~/.puppetlabs/etc/code                # :codedir                    n/a
~/.puppetlabs/opt/puppet/cache        # :vardir                     ~/.puppet/var
~/.puppetlabs/var/run                 # :rundir                     ~/.puppet/var/run
~/.puppetlabs/var/log                 # :logdir                     ~/.puppet/var/log
~/.puppetlabs/opt/facter/facts.d      # n/a                         ~/.facter/facts.d

These sections describe other Puppet packages that rely on puppet-agent to create the initial directory layout. It does not attempt to specify the full set of file paths for these packages, just cases where the other package has a dependency on puppet-agent.




The package will install a service named puppetserver, create a puppet user and group, and run the service as the puppet user.


/opt/puppetlabs/bin                   # symlinks of puppet server binaries
    puppetserver@                     -> /opt/puppetlabs/server/apps/puppetserver/bin/puppetserver

/opt/puppetlabs/server                # serverside apps live underneath
        httpd                         # httpd app dir

        puppetserver                  # puppetserver app dir
    bin                               # symlinks of server binaries
        httpd@                        -> /opt/puppetlabs/server/apps/httpd/bin/httpd
        puppetserver@                 -> /opt/puppetlabs/server/apps/puppetserver/bin/puppetserver

        puppetserver                  # :vardir (and $HOME for services that use it)
            bucket                    # :bucketdir
            reports                   # :reportdir
            server_data               # :server_datadir
            yaml                      # :yamldir

    puppetserver *                    # writeable by puppetserver

/var/run/puppetlabs                   # :rundir                      /var/lib/puppet/run
    puppetserver                      # writeable by puppetserver


This is a compatibility package using passenger to serve a ruby based puppetmaster.

The package will install a service named puppetmaster, create a puppet user and group, and run the service as the puppet user.

/opt/puppetlabs/server *              # serverside apps live underneath
    data *
        puppetmaster *                # :vardir (and $HOME for services that use it)
            bucket                    # :bucketdir
            reports                   # :reportdir
            server_data               # :server_datadir
            yaml                      # :yamldir

    puppetmaster *                    # writeable by puppetmaster

/var/run/puppetlabs                   # :rundir                      /var/lib/puppet/run
    puppetmaster *                    # writeable by puppetmaster



The current specification calls for the puppet-agent and puppetserver to continue sharing an ssldir. The main reason being the node running the puppetserver needs to use the agent's private key when acting as an SSL client. There are issues with this approach, but it's not something we are trying to solve now.