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base repository: jruby/jruby
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base: 00a17126a18d
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head repository: jruby/jruby
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compare: 60600dbc1c45
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  • 2 commits
  • 1 file changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on May 9, 2015

  1. Copy the full SHA
    50eaac4 View commit details
  2. Eliminate most uses of RescueBlockStack: EnsureBlockStack covers it

    * I added RescueBlockStack for scenarios where rescues exist
      without ensures. But now that we are wrapping all rescues
      in ensure blocks to restore $!, we no longer need a separate
      stack for it.
    * The only remaining holdout is retries .. there is a minor
      retry ordering issue that is prevening RescueBlockStack to be
      completely removed.
      It should be possible to remove it. Requires a bit more thought.
    subbuss committed May 9, 2015
    Copy the full SHA
    60600db View commit details
Showing with 26 additions and 60 deletions.
  1. +26 −60 core/src/main/java/org/jruby/ir/
86 changes: 26 additions & 60 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/ir/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -133,20 +133,12 @@ public IRLoop(IRScope s, IRLoop outerLoop) {

private static class RescueBlockInfo {
RescueNode rescueNode; // Rescue node for which we are tracking info
Label entryLabel; // Entry of the rescue block
Variable savedExceptionVariable; // Variable that contains the saved $! variable
IRLoop innermostLoop; // Innermost loop within which this rescue block is nested, if any

public RescueBlockInfo(RescueNode n, Label l, Variable v, IRLoop loop) {
rescueNode = n;
public RescueBlockInfo(Label l, Variable v) {
entryLabel = l;
savedExceptionVariable = v;
innermostLoop = loop;

public void restoreException(IRBuilder b, IRLoop currLoop) {
if (currLoop == innermostLoop) b.addInstr(new PutGlobalVarInstr("$!", savedExceptionVariable));

@@ -253,6 +245,7 @@ public void cloneIntoHostScope(IRBuilder builder) {

// SSS FIXME: Currently only used for retries -- we should be able to eliminate this
// Stack of nested rescue blocks -- this just tracks the start label of the blocks
private Stack<RescueBlockInfo> activeRescueBlockStack = new Stack<>();

@@ -355,9 +348,7 @@ private void emitEnsureBlocks(IRLoop loop) {
if (loop != null && ebi.innermostLoop != loop) break;

// SSS FIXME: Should $! be restored before or after the ensure block is run?
if (ebi.savedGlobalException != null) {
addInstr(new PutGlobalVarInstr("$!", ebi.savedGlobalException));
addInstr(new PutGlobalVarInstr("$!", ebi.savedGlobalException));

// Clone into host scope
@@ -902,8 +893,6 @@ public Operand buildBreak(BreakNode breakNode) {
// If we have ensure blocks, have to run those first!
if (!activeEnsureBlockStack.empty()) {
} else if (!activeRescueBlockStack.empty()) {
activeRescueBlockStack.peek().restoreException(this, currLoop);

if (currLoop != null) {
@@ -2215,21 +2204,14 @@ Exception region start marker_2 (protected by whichever block handles exceptions
* ****************************************************************/
public Operand buildEnsureNode(final EnsureNode ensureNode) {
return buildEnsureInternal(ensureNode.getBodyNode(), ensureNode.getEnsureNode());

public Operand buildEnsureInternal(Node ensureBodyNode, Node ensurerNode) {
// Save $!
final Variable savedGlobalException = createTemporaryVariable();
addInstr(new GetGlobalVariableInstr(savedGlobalException, "$!"));

CodeBlock ensureCodeBuilder = new CodeBlock() {
public Operand run() {
Operand retVal = (ensureNode.getEnsureNode() == null) ? manager.getNil() : build(ensureNode.getEnsureNode());
// Restore "$!"
addInstr(new PutGlobalVarInstr("$!", savedGlobalException));
return retVal;
return buildEnsureInternal(ensureNode.getBodyNode(), ensureCodeBuilder);

public Operand buildEnsureInternal(Node ensureBodyNode, CodeBlock ensureCodeBuilder) {
// ------------ Build the body of the ensure block ------------
// The ensure code is built first so that when the protected body is being built,
@@ -2243,7 +2225,10 @@ public Operand buildEnsureInternal(Node ensureBodyNode, CodeBlock ensureCodeBuil

Operand ensureRetVal =;
Operand ensureRetVal = ensurerNode == null ? manager.getNil() : build(ensurerNode);
// Restore $!
addInstr(new PutGlobalVarInstr("$!", savedGlobalException));
ebi.savedGlobalException = savedGlobalException;

// ------------ Build the protected region ------------
@@ -2768,7 +2753,6 @@ public Operand buildNext(final NextNode nextNode) {

// If we have ensure blocks, have to run those first!
if (!activeEnsureBlockStack.empty()) emitEnsureBlocks(currLoop);
else if (!activeRescueBlockStack.empty()) activeRescueBlockStack.peek().restoreException(this, currLoop);

if (currLoop != null) {
// If a regular loop, the next is simply a jump to the end of the iteration
@@ -3036,30 +3020,15 @@ public Operand buildRegexp(RegexpNode reNode) {

public Operand buildRescue(RescueNode node) {
final Variable savedGlobalException = createTemporaryVariable();
addInstr(new GetGlobalVariableInstr(savedGlobalException, "$!"));

CodeBlock ensureBodyBuilder = new CodeBlock() {
public Operand run() {
// Restore "$!"
addInstr(new PutGlobalVarInstr("$!", savedGlobalException));
return manager.getNil();
return buildEnsureInternal(node, ensureBodyBuilder);
return buildEnsureInternal(node, null);

private Operand buildRescueInternal(RescueNode rescueNode, EnsureBlockInfo ensure) {
// Labels marking start, else, end of the begin-rescue(-ensure)-end block
Label rBeginLabel = ensure == null ? getNewLabel() : ensure.regionStart;
Label rEndLabel = ensure == null ? getNewLabel() : ensure.end;
Label rBeginLabel = ensure.regionStart;
Label rEndLabel = ensure.end;
Label rescueLabel = getNewLabel(); // Label marking start of the first rescue code.

// Save $! in a temp var so it can be restored when the exception gets handled.
Variable savedGlobalException = createTemporaryVariable();
addInstr(new GetGlobalVariableInstr(savedGlobalException, "$!"));
ensure.savedGlobalException = savedGlobalException;

addInstr(new LabelInstr(rBeginLabel));

// Placeholder rescue instruction that tells rest of the compiler passes the boundaries of the rescue block.
@@ -3087,7 +3056,7 @@ private Operand buildRescueInternal(RescueNode rescueNode, EnsureBlockInfo ensur
// The retry should jump to 1, not 2.
// If we push the rescue block before building the body, we will jump to 2.
RescueBlockInfo rbi = new RescueBlockInfo(rescueNode, rBeginLabel, savedGlobalException, getCurrentLoop());
RescueBlockInfo rbi = new RescueBlockInfo(rBeginLabel, ensure.savedGlobalException);

// Since rescued regions are well nested within Ruby, this bare marker is sufficient to
@@ -3186,17 +3155,13 @@ private void buildRescueBodyInternal(RescueBodyNode rescueBodyNode, Variable rv,
Node realBody = skipOverNewlines(rescueBodyNode.getBodyNode());
Operand x = build(realBody);
if (x != U_NIL) { // can be U_NIL if the rescue block has an explicit return
// Restore "$!"
RescueBlockInfo rbi = activeRescueBlockStack.peek();
addInstr(new PutGlobalVarInstr("$!", rbi.savedExceptionVariable));

// Set up node return value 'rv'
addInstr(new CopyInstr(rv, x));

// If we have a matching ensure block, clone it so ensure block runs here
if (!activeEnsureBlockStack.empty() && rbi.rescueNode == activeEnsureBlockStack.peek().matchingRescueNode) {
// Clone the topmost ensure block (which will be a wrapper
// around the current rescue block)

addInstr(new JumpInstr(endLabel));
@@ -3205,6 +3170,12 @@ public Operand buildRetry() {
// JRuby only supports retry when present in rescue blocks!
// 1.9 doesn't support retry anywhere else.

// SSS FIXME: We should be able to use activeEnsureBlockStack for this
// But, see the code in buildRescueInternal that pushes/pops these and
// the documentation for retries. There is a small ordering issue
// which is preventing me from getting rid of activeRescueBlockStack
// altogether!
// Jump back to the innermost rescue block
// We either find it, or we add code to throw a runtime exception
if (activeRescueBlockStack.empty()) {
@@ -3225,14 +3196,9 @@ private Operand processEnsureRescueBlocks(Operand retVal) {
// Before we return,
// - have to go execute all the ensure blocks if there are any.
// this code also takes care of resetting "$!"
// - if we have a rescue block, reset "$!".
if (!activeEnsureBlockStack.empty()) {
retVal = addResultInstr(new CopyInstr(createTemporaryVariable(), retVal));
} else if (!activeRescueBlockStack.empty()) {
// Restore $!
RescueBlockInfo rbi = activeRescueBlockStack.peek();
addInstr(new PutGlobalVarInstr("$!", rbi.savedExceptionVariable));
return retVal;