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KennethLavrsen committed Dec 8, 2015
0 parents commit 4ba0732
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Showing 8 changed files with 427 additions and 0 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@

53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions data/System/FieldHistoryPlugin.txt
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="ProjectContributor" date="1449497695" format="1.1" version="1"}%
One line description, required for extensions repository catalog.
---+!! FieldHistoryPlugin


FieldHistoryPlugin is a plugin that enables recording the history of changes of a formfield within the same topic.

Each time a page is saved, the plugin will compare the old and new value of the specified formfield. If the value has changed and it is not empty,
the FIELDHISTORY macro will replace itself with the text specified in the format parameter.

Normally you will include the value of the changed field ($value) and you will include the macro itself ($macro).

By placing the $macro at the beginning of the format string, the history will be added on top of the existing history.
If you place the $macro at the end of the format string, the history will be appended below the existing history.

The macro also accepts $wikiname, $date, and $time in the format string as well as the normal %SYSTEMWEB%.FormatTokens like $n.

Example which records the history of changes to a field called "Status".

%FIELDHISTORY{field="Status" format="$n()---+++ Status update by $wikiname $date - $time$n()$value$n()$n()$macro"}%

The idea of the plugin is to enable an easy way to enter regular status updates in a formfield, and recording the history of these status changes inside the topic itself.

---++ Syntax Rules


---++ Installation


---++ Plugin Info

| Change History: | <!-- versions below in reverse order -->&nbsp; |
| 1.0 (07 Dec 2015) | Initial release |
| Dependencies: | %$DEPENDENCIES% |

%META:FIELD{name="Author" title="Author" value="KennethLavrsen"}%
%META:FIELD{name="Version" title="Version" value="%$VERSION%"}%
%META:FIELD{name="Release" title="Release" value="%$RELEASE%"}%
%META:FIELD{name="Copyright" value="2015, KennethLavrsen, All Rights Reserved"}%
%META:FIELD{name="License" value="GPL ([[][GNU General Public License]])"}%
%META:FIELD{name="Repository" value="$ROOTMODULE%"}%
%META:FIELD{name="Home" value="$ROOTMODULE%"}%
%META:FIELD{name="Support" value="$ROOTMODULE%"}%
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions data/System/VarFIELDHISTORY.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ProjectContributor" date="1434650530" format="1.1" version="1"}%
---+ FIELDHISTORY -- record the history of a formfield inside the topic text

The =%<nop>FIELDHISTORY%= variable is handled by the FieldHistoryPlugin

---++ Parameters

| *Parameter* | *Description* | *Default* |
| ="..."= | Unnamed parameter is not used in this macro | |
| =field= | Name of a formfield used in the topic | '' |
| =format= | Format of status update added when the formfield named defined by field changes. Use the parameter tokens listed below | '' |

---++ Parameter Tokens in <b> =format="..."= </b> parameter

| *Name:* | *Expands To:* |
| =$value= | The new value of the changed formfield. New lines in the formfield value are replace by an html break to preserve the viewed format of the formfield |
| =$macro= | The FIELDHISTORY macro including all the parameters. |
| =$date= | The current date in the format defined for the server |
| =$time= | The current time in the format defined for the server |
| =$wikiname= | The wikiname of the current user |

* In addition you can use all the standard format tokens with the =format= parameter. See below.

---+++ Standard Tokens for =format= parameter

| *Name:* | *Expands To:* |


247 changes: 247 additions & 0 deletions lib/Foswiki/Plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
# See bottom of file for default license and copyright information

=begin TML
---+ package Foswiki::Plugins::FieldHistoryPlugin

# change the package name!!!
package Foswiki::Plugins::FieldHistoryPlugin;

# Always use strict to enforce variable scoping
use strict;
use warnings;

use Foswiki::Func (); # The plugins API
use Foswiki::Plugins (); # For the API version
use Foswiki::Time ();

# $VERSION is referred to by Foswiki, and is the only global variable that
# *must* exist in this package. Two version formats are supported:
# Recommended: Dotted triplet. Use "v1.2.3" format for releases, and
# "v1.2.3_001" for "alpha" versions. The v prefix is required.
# This format uses the "declare" format
# use version; our $VERSION = version->declare("v1.2.0");
# Alternative: Simple decimal version. Use "1.2" format for releases, and
# "1.2_001" for "alpha" versions. Do NOT use the "v" prefix. This style
# is set either by using the "parse" method, or by a simple assignment.
# use version; our $VERSION = version->parse("1.20_001"); OR
# our $VERSION = "1.20_001"; # version->parse isn't really needed
# To convert from a decimal version to a dotted version, first normalize the
# decimal version, then increment it.
# perl -Mversion -e 'print version->parse("4.44")->normal' ==> v4.440.0
# In this example the next version would be v4.441.0.
# Note: Alpha versions compare as numerically lower than the non-alpha version
# so the versions in ascending order are:
# v1.2.1_001 -> v1.2.1 -> v1.2.2_001 -> v1.2.2
# These statements MUST be on the same line. See "perldoc version" for more
# information on version strings.
our $VERSION = '1.0';

# $RELEASE is used in the "Find More Extensions" automation in configure.
# It is a manually maintained string used to identify functionality steps.
# You can use any of the following formats:
# tuple - a sequence of integers separated by . e.g. 1.2.3. The numbers
# usually refer to major.minor.patch release or similar. You can
# use as many numbers as you like e.g. '1' or ''.
# isodate - a date in ISO8601 format e.g. 2009-08-07
# date - a date in 1 Jun 2009 format. Three letter English month names only.
# Note: it's important that this string is exactly the same in the extension
# topic - if you use %$RELEASE% with BuildContrib this is done automatically.
# It is preferred to keep this compatible with $VERSION. At some future
# date, Foswiki will deprecate RELEASE and use the VERSION string.
our $RELEASE = '1.0';

# Short description of this plugin
# One line description, is shown in the %SYSTEMWEB%.TextFormattingRules topic:
our $SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'Record the history of a formfield inside the topic text';

# You must set $NO_PREFS_IN_TOPIC to 0 if you want your plugin to use
# preferences set in the plugin topic. This is required for compatibility
# with older plugins, but imposes a significant performance penalty, and
# is not recommended. Instead, leave $NO_PREFS_IN_TOPIC at 1 and use
# =$Foswiki::cfg= entries, or if you want the users
# to be able to change settings, then use standard Foswiki preferences that
# can be defined in your %USERSWEB%.SitePreferences and overridden at the web
# and topic level.
# %SYSTEMWEB%.DevelopingPlugins has details of how to define =$Foswiki::cfg=
# entries so they can be used with =configure=.

=begin TML
---++ initPlugin($topic, $web, $user) -> $boolean
* =$topic= - the name of the topic in the current CGI query
* =$web= - the name of the web in the current CGI query
* =$user= - the login name of the user
* =$installWeb= - the name of the web the plugin topic is in
(usually the same as =$Foswiki::cfg{SystemWebName}=)
Called to initialise the plugin. If everything is OK, should return
a non-zero value. On non-fatal failure, should write a message
using =Foswiki::Func::writeWarning= and return 0. In this case
%<nop>FAILEDPLUGINS% will indicate which plugins failed.
In the case of a catastrophic failure that will prevent the whole
installation from working safely, this handler may use 'die', which
will be trapped and reported in the browser.
__Note:__ Please align macro names with the Plugin name, e.g. if
your Plugin is called !FooBarPlugin, name macros FOOBAR and/or
FOOBARSOMETHING. This avoids namespace issues.

sub initPlugin {
my ( $topic, $web, $user, $installWeb ) = @_;

# check for versions
if ( $Foswiki::Plugins::VERSION < 2.0 ) {
Foswiki::Func::writeWarning( 'Version mismatch between ',
__PACKAGE__, ' and' );
return 0;

# Register the _EXAMPLETAG function to handle %EXAMPLETAG{...}%
# This will be called whenever %EXAMPLETAG% or %EXAMPLETAG{...}% is
# seen in the topic text.

Foswiki::Func::registerTagHandler( 'FIELDHISTORY', \&_FIELDHISTORY );

# Allow a sub to be called from the REST interface
# using the provided alias
# Foswiki::Func::registerRESTHandler( 'example', \&restExample );

# Plugin correctly initialized
return 1;

# This function simply hides the FIELDHISTORY macro
my($session, $params, $topic, $web, $topicObject) = @_;
# $session - a reference to the Foswiki session object
# (you probably won't need it, but documented in
# $params= - a reference to a Foswiki::Attrs object containing
# parameters.
# This can be used as a simple hash that maps parameter names
# to values, with _DEFAULT being the name for the default
# (unnamed) parameter.
# $topic - name of the topic in the query
# $web - name of the web in the query
# $topicObject - a reference to a Foswiki::Meta object containing the
# topic the macro is being rendered in (new for foswiki 1.1.x)
# Return: the result of processing the macro. This will replace the
# macro call in the final text.

# For example, %EXAMPLETAG{'hamburger' sideorder="onions"}%
# $params->{_DEFAULT} will be 'hamburger'
# $params->{sideorder} will be 'onions'
return '';

=begin TML
---++ beforeSaveHandler($text, $topic, $web, $meta )
* =$text= - text _with embedded meta-data tags_
* =$topic= - the name of the topic in the current CGI query
* =$web= - the name of the web in the current CGI query
* =$meta= - the metadata of the topic being saved, represented by a Foswiki::Meta object.
This handler is called each time a topic is saved.
*NOTE:* meta-data is embedded in =$text= (using %META: tags). If you modify
the =$meta= object, then it will override any changes to the meta-data
embedded in the text. Modify *either* the META in the text *or* the =$meta=
object, never both. You are recommended to modify the =$meta= object rather
than the text, as this approach is proof against changes in the embedded
text format.
*Since:* Foswiki::Plugins::VERSION = 2.0

sub beforeSaveHandler {
my ( $text, $topic, $web, $meta ) = @_;

# You can work on $text in place by using the special perl
# variable $_[0]. These allow you to operate on $text
# as if it was passed by reference; for example:

$_[0] =~ s/%FIELDHISTORY{(.*?)}%/_processMacro( $1, @_ )/ges;

return 1;

sub _processMacro {
my ( $paramString, $text, $topic, $web, $meta ) = @_;

my %params = Foswiki::Func::extractParameters( $paramString );
my $formatString = $params{'format'};
my $fieldName = $params{'field'};

my ( $oldmeta, $oldtext ) = Foswiki::Func::readTopic( $web, $topic );

my $oldfieldhashref = $oldmeta->get( 'FIELD', $fieldName );

my $oldValue = $oldfieldhashref ?
$oldmeta->get( 'FIELD', $fieldName )->{'value'} :

my $newfieldhashref = $meta->get( 'FIELD', $fieldName );
return "%FIELDHISTORY{$paramString}%" unless $newfieldhashref;

my $newValue = $newfieldhashref ?
$meta->get( 'FIELD', $fieldName )->{'value'} :

return "%FIELDHISTORY{$paramString}%" unless $newValue ne '' && $newValue ne $oldValue;

$newValue =~ s/\s+$//;

my $currentDate = Foswiki::Time::formatTime( time(), $Foswiki::cfg{DefaultDateFormat} );
my $currentTime = Foswiki::Time::formatTime( time(), '$hour:$min');
$formatString =~ s/\$date/$currentDate/;
$formatString =~ s/\$time/$currentTime/;
$formatString =~ s/\$wikiname/Foswiki::Func::getWikiName()/e;

$formatString =~ s/\$value/$newValue/;
$formatString =~ s/\n/<br \/>/g;

$formatString = Foswiki::Func::expandVariablesOnTopicCreation($formatString);
$formatString = Foswiki::Func::decodeFormatTokens($formatString);
$formatString =~ s/\$macro/%FIELDHISTORY{$paramString}%/;

return $formatString;


Foswiki - The Free and Open Source Wiki,
Author: Kenneth Lavrsen
Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Foswiki Contributors. Foswiki Contributors
are listed in the AUTHORS file in the root of this distribution.
NOTE: Please extend that file, not this notice.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For
more details read LICENSE in the root of this distribution.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
As per the GPL, removal of this notice is prohibited.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions lib/Foswiki/Plugins/FieldHistoryPlugin/Config.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# ---+ Extensions
# ---++ FieldHistoryPlugin
Empty file.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions lib/Foswiki/Plugins/FieldHistoryPlugin/MANIFEST
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
data/System/FieldHistoryPlugin.txt 0644 Documentation page
data/System/VarFIELDHISTORY.txt 0644 Tag documentation
lib/Foswiki/Plugins/ 0444 Perl module
lib/Foswiki/Plugins/FieldHistoryPlugin/Config.spec 0444 Configuration

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