/* SCRIBBLE VERSION 1.4.3 OPEN SOURCE PROJECT UNDER MIT LICENSE DESIGNED BY /U/HEWITT. VISIT US AT HTTPS://VOAT.CO/V/SCRIBBLE */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- YOU DON'T NEED TO CHANGE ANYTHING IN THIS SECTION --------- ---------- WHEN A NEW UPDATE IS RELEASED, REPLACE THE NEXT ---------- ---------- SECTION ENTIRELY. ANY CUSTOM CSS SHOULD BE DONE ---------- --------- BELOW THIS CORE GROUPING OF CSS RULES. THANK YOU. --------- -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .pagename a { color: white; } #header { height: 180px; background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-color: #0A7285; } .pagename { display: block; position: absolute; top: -104px; margin: 0; width: 100%; text-align: center; } .pagename a { font-size: 50px; line-height: 105px; color: white !important; } .pagename a:hover { color: #eee; } .tabmenu li a { padding: 4px 6px; } .side { top: -191px; padding-top: 190px; height: calc(100vh - 21px); } a:hover, .link a.author:hover { color: #4A4A4A; } a, a:visited, .link a.author, .link a.author:visited { color: #898888; } #sr-bar li a { color: white; } #sr-header-area:hover #sr-bar li a { color: #eee; } .sr-list li a { /* PRIORITY LINKS */ color: white; } #sr-bar li a { /* SUBVERSE LINKS */ color: white; } #sr-more-link { top: 0; height: 24px; } #sr-more-link:hover { background: #125A67; } span#q-error { display: block; 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PLACE YOUR CUSTOM CSS AND ---------- ---------- CSS ADDONS BELOW THIS LINE. LOVE, /v/SCRIBBLE. ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------------*/