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Improved parallax mapping. Generate heightmaps on the fly.
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RealBadAngel committed Jun 14, 2015
1 parent d105bf2 commit 43fcfbf
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Showing 11 changed files with 310 additions and 241 deletions.
134 changes: 95 additions & 39 deletions client/shaders/nodes_shader/opengl_fragment.glsl
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ uniform vec3 eyePosition;

varying vec3 vPosition;
varying vec3 worldPosition;
varying float generate_heightmaps;

varying vec3 eyeVec;
varying vec3 tsEyeVec;
Expand All @@ -19,80 +20,135 @@ bool normalTexturePresent = false;
const float e = 2.718281828459;
const float BS = 10.0;

float intensity (vec3 color){
float intensity (vec3 color)
return (color.r + color.g + color.b) / 3.0;

float get_rgb_height (vec2 uv){
float get_rgb_height (vec2 uv)
return intensity(texture2D(baseTexture,uv).rgb);

vec4 get_normal_map(vec2 uv){
vec4 get_normal_map(vec2 uv)
vec4 bump = texture2D(normalTexture, uv).rgba; = normalize( * 2.0 -1.0);
bump.y = -bump.y; = normalize( * 2.0 - 1.0);
return bump;

float find_intersection(vec2 dp, vec2 ds)
const int linear_steps = 10;
const int binary_steps = 5;
const float depth_step = 1.0 / linear_steps;
float size = depth_step;
float depth = 1.0;
float best_depth = 1.0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < linear_steps - 1 ; ++i) {
vec4 t = texture2D(normalTexture, dp + ds * depth);
if (best_depth > 0.05)
if (depth >= t.a)
best_depth = depth;
depth -= size;
depth = best_depth - size;
for (int i = 0 ; i < binary_steps ; ++i) {
size *= 0.5;
vec4 t = texture2D(normalTexture, dp + ds * depth);
if (depth >= t.a) {
best_depth = depth;
depth -= 2 * size;
depth += size;
return best_depth;

float find_intersectionRGB(vec2 dp, vec2 ds) {
const float iterations = 24;
const float depth_step = 1.0 / iterations;
float depth = 1.0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < iterations ; i++) {
float h = get_rgb_height(dp + ds * depth);
if (h >= depth)
depth -= depth_step;
return depth;

void main (void)
vec3 color;
vec4 bump;
vec2 uv = gl_TexCoord[0].st;
bool use_normalmap = false;

if (texture2D(useNormalmap,vec2(1.0,1.0)).r > 0.0){
if (texture2D(useNormalmap,vec2(1.0, 1.0)).r > 0.0) {
normalTexturePresent = true;

if (normalTexturePresent){
vec3 tsEye = normalize(tsEyeVec);
float height = PARALLAX_OCCLUSION_SCALE * texture2D(normalTexture, uv).a - PARALLAX_OCCLUSION_BIAS;
uv = uv + texture2D(normalTexture, uv).z * height * vec2(tsEye.x,-tsEye.y);
vec3 eyeRay = normalize(tsEyeVec);
// Parallax occlusion with slope information
if (normalTexturePresent) {
for(int i = 0; i < PARALLAX_OCCLUSION_ITERATIONS; i++) {
vec4 normal = texture2D(normalTexture, uv.xy);
float h = normal.a * scale - bias;
uv += h * normal.z * eyeRay.xy;
// Relief mapping
if (normalTexturePresent) {
vec2 ds = eyeRay.xy * PARALLAX_OCCLUSION_SCALE;
float dist = find_intersection(uv, ds);
uv += dist * ds;
} else if (generate_heightmaps > 0.0) {
vec2 ds = eyeRay.xy * PARALLAX_OCCLUSION_SCALE;
float dist = find_intersectionRGB(uv, ds);
uv += dist * ds;

if (normalTexturePresent){
if (normalTexturePresent) {
bump = get_normal_map(uv);
use_normalmap = true;

if (use_normalmap == false){
float tl = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x-SAMPLE_STEP,uv.y+SAMPLE_STEP));
float t = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x-SAMPLE_STEP,uv.y-SAMPLE_STEP));
float tr = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x+SAMPLE_STEP,uv.y+SAMPLE_STEP));
float r = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x+SAMPLE_STEP,uv.y));
float br = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x+SAMPLE_STEP,uv.y-SAMPLE_STEP));
float b = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x,uv.y-SAMPLE_STEP));
float bl = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x-SAMPLE_STEP,uv.y-SAMPLE_STEP));
float l = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x-SAMPLE_STEP,uv.y));

if (GENERATE_NORMALMAPS == 1 && use_normalmap == false) {
float tl = get_rgb_height(vec2(uv.x - SAMPLE_STEP, uv.y + SAMPLE_STEP));
float t = get_rgb_height(vec2(uv.x - SAMPLE_STEP, uv.y - SAMPLE_STEP));
float tr = get_rgb_height(vec2(uv.x + SAMPLE_STEP, uv.y + SAMPLE_STEP));
float r = get_rgb_height(vec2(uv.x + SAMPLE_STEP, uv.y));
float br = get_rgb_height(vec2(uv.x + SAMPLE_STEP, uv.y - SAMPLE_STEP));
float b = get_rgb_height(vec2(uv.x, uv.y - SAMPLE_STEP));
float bl = get_rgb_height(vec2(uv.x -SAMPLE_STEP, uv.y - SAMPLE_STEP));
float l = get_rgb_height(vec2(uv.x - SAMPLE_STEP, uv.y));
float dX = (tr + 2.0 * r + br) - (tl + 2.0 * l + bl);
float dY = (bl + 2.0 * b + br) - (tl + 2.0 * t + tr);
bump = vec4 (normalize(vec3 (dX, -dY, NORMALMAPS_STRENGTH)),1.0);
bump = vec4(normalize(vec3 (-dX, -dY, NORMALMAPS_STRENGTH)), 1.0);
use_normalmap = true;

vec4 base = texture2D(baseTexture, uv).rgba;
vec4 base = texture2D(baseTexture, uv).rgba;

if (use_normalmap){
if (use_normalmap) {
vec3 L = normalize(lightVec);
vec3 E = normalize(eyeVec);
float specular = pow(clamp(dot(reflect(L,, E), 0.0, 1.0),0.5);
float diffuse = dot(E,;
/* Mathematic optimization
* Original: color = 0.05*base.rgb + diffuse*base.rgb + 0.2*specular*base.rgb;
* This optimization save 2 multiplications (orig: 4 multiplications + 3 additions
* end: 2 multiplications + 3 additions)
color = (0.05 + diffuse + 0.2 * specular) * base.rgb;
vec3 E = normalize(-eyeVec);
float specular = pow(clamp(dot(reflect(L,, -E), 0.0, 1.0), 1.0);
float diffuse = dot(E,;
color = (diffuse + 0.1 * specular) * base.rgb;
} else {
color = base.rgb;
Expand All @@ -104,15 +160,15 @@ vec4 base = texture2D(baseTexture, uv).rgba;
float alpha = gl_Color.a;
vec4 col = vec4(color.rgb, alpha);
col *= gl_Color;
if(fogDistance != 0.0){
if (fogDistance != 0.0) {
float d = max(0.0, min(vPosition.z / fogDistance * 1.5 - 0.6, 1.0));
alpha = mix(alpha, 0.0, d);
gl_FragColor = vec4(col.rgb, alpha);
vec4 col = vec4(color.rgb, base.a);
col *= gl_Color;
if(fogDistance != 0.0){
if (fogDistance != 0.0) {
float d = max(0.0, min(vPosition.z / fogDistance * 1.5 - 0.6, 1.0));
col = mix(col, skyBgColor, d);
Expand Down
79 changes: 40 additions & 39 deletions client/shaders/nodes_shader/opengl_vertex.glsl
Expand Up @@ -14,25 +14,36 @@ varying vec3 eyeVec;
varying vec3 lightVec;
varying vec3 tsEyeVec;
varying vec3 tsLightVec;
varying float generate_heightmaps;

const float e = 2.718281828459;
const float BS = 10.0;

float smoothCurve( float x ) {
return x * x *( 3.0 - 2.0 * x );
float smoothCurve(float x)
return x * x * (3.0 - 2.0 * x);
float triangleWave( float x ) {
return abs( fract( x + 0.5 ) * 2.0 - 1.0 );
float triangleWave(float x)
return abs(fract(x + 0.5) * 2.0 - 1.0);
float smoothTriangleWave( float x ) {
return smoothCurve( triangleWave( x ) ) * 2.0 - 1.0;
float smoothTriangleWave(float x)
return smoothCurve(triangleWave(x)) * 2.0 - 1.0;

void main(void)
gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;

gl_TexCoord[0].y += 0.008;

generate_heightmaps = 1.0;
generate_heightmaps = 0.0;

vec4 pos = gl_Vertex;
pos.y -= 2.0;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,43 +87,33 @@ void main(void)

vPosition =;
worldPosition = (mWorld * gl_Vertex).xyz;

// Don't generate heightmaps when too far from the eye
float dist = distance (worldPosition, eyePosition);
if (dist > 100.00) {
generate_heightmaps = 0.0;

vec3 sunPosition = vec3 (0.0, eyePosition.y * BS + 900.0, 0.0);

vec3 normal, tangent, binormal;
normal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);
if (gl_Normal.x > 0.5) {
// 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
tangent = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * vec3( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0));
binormal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * vec3( 0.0, -1.0, 0.0));
} else if (gl_Normal.x < -0.5) {
// -1.0, 0.0, 0.0
tangent = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * vec3( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
binormal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * vec3( 0.0, -1.0, 0.0));
} else if (gl_Normal.y > 0.5) {
// 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
tangent = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * vec3( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
binormal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * vec3( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
} else if (gl_Normal.y < -0.5) {
// 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
tangent = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * vec3( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
binormal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * vec3( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
} else if (gl_Normal.z > 0.5) {
// 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
tangent = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * vec3( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
binormal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * vec3( 0.0, -1.0, 0.0));
} else if (gl_Normal.z < -0.5) {
// 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
tangent = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * vec3(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
binormal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * vec3( 0.0, -1.0, 0.0));
mat3 tbnMatrix = mat3( tangent.x, binormal.x, normal.x,
tangent.y, binormal.y, normal.y,
tangent.z, binormal.z, normal.z);
tangent = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix *;
binormal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix *;

vec3 v;

lightVec = sunPosition - worldPosition;
tsLightVec = lightVec * tbnMatrix;
eyeVec = (gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex).xyz;
tsEyeVec = eyeVec * tbnMatrix;
v.x = dot(lightVec, tangent);
v.y = dot(lightVec, binormal);
v.z = dot(lightVec, normal);
tsLightVec = v;

eyeVec = -(gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex).xyz;
v.x = dot(eyeVec, tangent);
v.y = dot(eyeVec, binormal);
v.z = dot(eyeVec, normal);
tsEyeVec = v;

vec4 color;
float day = gl_Color.r;
Expand Down
24 changes: 11 additions & 13 deletions client/shaders/water_surface_shader/opengl_fragment.glsl
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ varying vec3 tsEyeVec;
varying vec3 lightVec;
varying vec3 tsLightVec;

bool normalTexturePresent = false;
bool normalTexturePresent = false;

const float e = 2.718281828459;
const float BS = 10.0;
Expand All @@ -40,30 +40,29 @@ void main (void)
vec4 bump;
vec2 uv = gl_TexCoord[0].st;
bool use_normalmap = false;

if (texture2D(useNormalmap,vec2(1.0,1.0)).r > 0.0){
if (texture2D(useNormalmap,vec2(1.0,1.0)).r > 0.0) {
normalTexturePresent = true;

if (normalTexturePresent){
if (normalTexturePresent) {
vec3 tsEye = normalize(tsEyeVec);
float height = PARALLAX_OCCLUSION_SCALE * texture2D(normalTexture, uv).a - PARALLAX_OCCLUSION_BIAS;
uv = uv + texture2D(normalTexture, uv).z * height * vec2(tsEye.x,-tsEye.y);

if (normalTexturePresent){
if (normalTexturePresent) {
bump = get_normal_map(uv);
use_normalmap = true;

if (use_normalmap == false){

if (GENERATE_NORMALMAPS == 1 && use_normalmap == false) {
float tl = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x-SAMPLE_STEP,uv.y+SAMPLE_STEP));
float t = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x-SAMPLE_STEP,uv.y-SAMPLE_STEP));
float tr = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x+SAMPLE_STEP,uv.y+SAMPLE_STEP));
Expand All @@ -77,16 +76,15 @@ void main (void)
bump = vec4 (normalize(vec3 (dX, -dY, NORMALMAPS_STRENGTH)),1.0);
use_normalmap = true;

vec4 base = texture2D(baseTexture, uv).rgba;

if (use_normalmap){
if (use_normalmap) {
vec3 L = normalize(lightVec);
vec3 E = normalize(eyeVec);
float specular = pow(clamp(dot(reflect(L,, E), 0.0, 1.0),0.5);
float diffuse = dot(E,;
float specular = pow(clamp(dot(reflect(L,, E), 0.0, 1.0),0.5);
float diffuse = dot(E,;
/* Mathematic optimization
* Original: color = 0.05*base.rgb + diffuse*base.rgb + 0.2*specular*base.rgb;
* This optimization save 2 multiplications (orig: 4 multiplications + 3 additions
Expand Down

2 comments on commit 43fcfbf

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In minetest.conf.example comments are supposed to be above the settings they document -- same as the C++ and Lua style.

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@RealBadAngel l disabled parallax occlusion but the textures are repeating, e.g. at places where they shouldn't:
White stripes on the bottom of dirt with snow:

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