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Showing 2 changed files with 223 additions and 53 deletions.
229 changes: 179 additions & 50 deletions truffle/src/main/java/org/jruby/truffle/nodes/core/hash/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -868,37 +868,7 @@ public RubyBasicObject replaceBuckets(RubyBasicObject self, RubyBasicObject from
return self;

final Entry[] newEntries = new Entry[((Entry[]) getStore(from)).length];

Entry firstInSequence = null;
Entry lastInSequence = null;

Entry entry = getFirstInSequence(from);

while (entry != null) {
final Entry newEntry = new Entry(entry.getHashed(), entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

final int index = BucketsStrategy.getBucketIndex(entry.getHashed(), newEntries.length);

newEntries[index] = newEntry;

if (firstInSequence == null) {
firstInSequence = newEntry;

if (lastInSequence != null) {

lastInSequence = newEntry;

entry = entry.getNextInSequence();

setStore(self, newEntries, getSize(from), firstInSequence, lastInSequence);
//HashOperations.verySlowSetKeyValues(self, HashNodes.iterableKeyValues(from), isCompareByIdentity(from));
BucketsStrategy.copyInto(from, self);
copyOtherFields(self, from);

assert verifyStore(self);
@@ -1012,24 +982,80 @@ public abstract static class MergeNode extends YieldingCoreMethodNode {
private final BranchProfile nothingFromSecondProfile = BranchProfile.create();
private final BranchProfile considerResultIsSmallProfile = BranchProfile.create();
private final BranchProfile resultIsSmallProfile = BranchProfile.create();
private final BranchProfile promoteProfile = BranchProfile.create();

public MergeNode(RubyContext context, SourceSection sourceSection) {
super(context, sourceSection);
eqlNode = DispatchHeadNodeFactory.createMethodCall(context);
setNode = SetNodeGen.create(context, sourceSection, null, null, null, null);

@Specialization(guards = {"isPackedHash(hash)", "isRubyHash(other)", "isNullHash(other)", "!isCompareByIdentity(hash)"})
public RubyBasicObject mergePackedArrayNull(RubyBasicObject hash, RubyBasicObject other, NotProvided block) {
// Merge with an empty hash, without a block

@Specialization(guards = {
public RubyBasicObject mergeEmptyEmpty(RubyBasicObject hash, RubyBasicObject other, NotProvided block) {
return createHash(hash.getLogicalClass(), getDefaultBlock(hash), getDefaultValue(hash), null, 0, null, null);

@Specialization(guards = {
public RubyBasicObject mergeEmptyPacked(RubyBasicObject hash, RubyBasicObject other, NotProvided block) {
final Object[] store = (Object[]) getStore(other);
final Object[] copy = PackedArrayStrategy.copyStore(store);
return createHash(hash.getLogicalClass(), getDefaultBlock(hash), getDefaultValue(hash), copy, getSize(hash), null, null);

@Specialization(guards = {
public RubyBasicObject mergePackedEmpty(RubyBasicObject hash, RubyBasicObject other, NotProvided block) {
final Object[] store = (Object[]) getStore(hash);
final Object[] copy = PackedArrayStrategy.copyStore(store);
return createHash(hash.getLogicalClass(), getDefaultBlock(hash), getDefaultValue(hash), copy, getSize(hash), null, null);

@Specialization(guards = {
public RubyBasicObject mergeEmptyBuckets(RubyBasicObject hash, RubyBasicObject other, NotProvided block) {
final RubyBasicObject merged = createHash(hash.getLogicalClass(), getDefaultBlock(hash), getDefaultValue(hash), null, 0, null, null);
BucketsStrategy.copyInto(other, merged);
return merged;

@Specialization(guards = {
public RubyBasicObject mergeBucketsEmpty(RubyBasicObject hash, RubyBasicObject other, NotProvided block) {
final RubyBasicObject merged = createHash(hash.getLogicalClass(), getDefaultBlock(hash), getDefaultValue(hash), null, 0, null, null);
BucketsStrategy.copyInto(hash, merged);
return merged;

// Merge non-empty packed with non-empty packed, without a block

@Specialization(guards = {"isPackedHash(hash)", "isRubyHash(other)", "isPackedHash(other)", "!isCompareByIdentity(hash)"})
public RubyBasicObject mergePackedArrayPackedArray(VirtualFrame frame, RubyBasicObject hash, RubyBasicObject other, NotProvided block) {
// TODO(CS): what happens with the default block here? Which side does it get merged from?
@Specialization(guards = {
public RubyBasicObject mergePackedPacked(VirtualFrame frame, RubyBasicObject hash, RubyBasicObject other, NotProvided block) {
assert verifyStore(hash);
assert verifyStore(other);

@@ -1039,6 +1065,8 @@ public RubyBasicObject mergePackedArrayPackedArray(VirtualFrame frame, RubyBasic
final Object[] storeB = (Object[]) getStore(other);
final int storeBSize = getSize(other);

// Go through and figure out what gets merged from each hash

final boolean[] mergeFromA = new boolean[storeASize];
int mergeFromACount = 0;

@@ -1066,20 +1094,30 @@ public RubyBasicObject mergePackedArrayPackedArray(VirtualFrame frame, RubyBasic

// If nothing comes from A, it's easy

if (mergeFromACount == 0) {
return createHash(hash.getLogicalClass(), getDefaultBlock(hash), getDefaultValue(hash), PackedArrayStrategy.copyStore(storeB), storeBSize, null, null);

// Cut off here


// If everything in B conflicted with something in A, it's easy

if (conflictsCount == storeBSize) {
return createHash(hash.getLogicalClass(), getDefaultBlock(hash), getDefaultValue(hash), PackedArrayStrategy.copyStore(storeA), storeASize, null, null);

// Cut off here


// More complicated case where some things from each hash, but it still fits in a packed array

final int mergedSize = storeBSize + mergeFromACount;

if (storeBSize + mergeFromACount <= PackedArrayStrategy.MAX_ENTRIES) {
@@ -1110,33 +1148,122 @@ public RubyBasicObject mergePackedArrayPackedArray(VirtualFrame frame, RubyBasic
return createHash(hash.getLogicalClass(), getDefaultBlock(hash), getDefaultValue(hash), merged, mergedSize, null, null);

return mergeBucketsBuckets(frame, hash, other, block);
// Most complicated cases where things from both hashes, and it also needs to be promoted to buckets


final RubyBasicObject merged = createHash(hash.getLogicalClass(), null, null, new Entry[BucketsStrategy.capacityGreaterThan(mergedSize)], 0, null, null);

for (int n = 0; n < storeASize; n++) {
if (mergeFromA[n]) {
setNode.executeSet(frame, merged, PackedArrayStrategy.getKey(storeA, n), PackedArrayStrategy.getValue(storeA, n), false);

for (int n = 0; n < storeBSize; n++) {
setNode.executeSet(frame, merged, PackedArrayStrategy.getKey(storeB, n), PackedArrayStrategy.getValue(storeB, n), false);

assert verifyStore(hash);

return merged;

// TODO CS 3-Mar-15 need negative guards on this
@Specialization(guards = {"!isCompareByIdentity(hash)", "isRubyHash(other)"})

// Merge non-empty buckets with non-empty buckets, without a block

@Specialization(guards = {
public RubyBasicObject mergeBucketsBuckets(VirtualFrame frame, RubyBasicObject hash, RubyBasicObject other, NotProvided block) {
final boolean isCompareByIdentity = isCompareByIdentity(hash);

final RubyBasicObject merged = createHash(hash.getLogicalClass(), null, null, new Entry[BucketsStrategy.capacityGreaterThan(getSize(hash) + getSize(other))], 0, null, null);

for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> keyValue : HashNodes.iterableKeyValues(hash)) {
setNode.executeSet(frame, merged, keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue(), false);
for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> keyValue : BucketsStrategy.iterableKeyValues(HashNodes.getFirstInSequence(hash))) {
setNode.executeSet(frame, merged, keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue(), isCompareByIdentity);

for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> keyValue : HashNodes.iterableKeyValues(other)) {
setNode.executeSet(frame, merged, keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue(), false);
for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> keyValue : BucketsStrategy.iterableKeyValues(HashNodes.getFirstInSequence(other))) {
setNode.executeSet(frame, merged, keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue(), isCompareByIdentity);

assert verifyStore(hash);

return merged;

// Merge combinations of packed and buckets, without a block

@Specialization(guards = {
public RubyBasicObject mergePackedBuckets(VirtualFrame frame, RubyBasicObject hash, RubyBasicObject other, NotProvided block) {
final boolean isCompareByIdentity = isCompareByIdentity(hash);

final RubyBasicObject merged = createHash(hash.getLogicalClass(), null, null, new Entry[BucketsStrategy.capacityGreaterThan(getSize(hash) + getSize(other))], 0, null, null);

final Object[] hashStore = (Object[]) getStore(hash);
final int hashSize = getSize(hash);

for (int n = 0; n < PackedArrayStrategy.MAX_ENTRIES; n++) {
if (n < hashSize) {
setNode.executeSet(frame, merged, PackedArrayStrategy.getKey(hashStore, n), PackedArrayStrategy.getValue(hashStore, n), isCompareByIdentity);

for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> keyValue : BucketsStrategy.iterableKeyValues(HashNodes.getFirstInSequence(other))) {
setNode.executeSet(frame, merged, keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue(), isCompareByIdentity);

assert verifyStore(hash);

return merged;

@Specialization(guards = {"!isCompareByIdentity(hash)", "isRubyHash(other)"})
@Specialization(guards = {
public RubyBasicObject mergeBucketsPacked(VirtualFrame frame, RubyBasicObject hash, RubyBasicObject other, NotProvided block) {
final boolean isCompareByIdentity = isCompareByIdentity(hash);

final RubyBasicObject merged = createHash(hash.getLogicalClass(), null, null, new Entry[BucketsStrategy.capacityGreaterThan(getSize(hash) + getSize(other))], 0, null, null);

for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> keyValue : BucketsStrategy.iterableKeyValues(HashNodes.getFirstInSequence(hash))) {
setNode.executeSet(frame, merged, keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue(), isCompareByIdentity);

final Object[] otherStore = (Object[]) getStore(other);
final int otherSize = getSize(other);

for (int n = 0; n < PackedArrayStrategy.MAX_ENTRIES; n++) {
if (n < otherSize) {
setNode.executeSet(frame, merged, PackedArrayStrategy.getKey(otherStore, n), PackedArrayStrategy.getValue(otherStore, n), isCompareByIdentity);

assert verifyStore(hash);

return merged;

// Merge using a block

@Specialization(guards = {"isRubyHash(other)", "!isCompareByIdentity(hash)"})
public RubyBasicObject merge(VirtualFrame frame, RubyBasicObject hash, RubyBasicObject other, RubyProc block) {
CompilerDirectives.bailout("Hash#merge with a block cannot be compiled at the moment");

final RubyBasicObject merged = createHash(hash.getLogicalClass(), null, null, new Entry[BucketsStrategy.capacityGreaterThan(getSize(hash) + getSize(other))], 0, null, null);

int size = 0;
@@ -1153,7 +1280,7 @@ public RubyBasicObject merge(VirtualFrame frame, RubyBasicObject hash, RubyBasic

for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> keyValue : HashNodes.iterableKeyValues(other)) {
final HashLookupResult searchResult = lookupEntryNode.lookup(frame, merged, keyValue.getKey());

if (searchResult.getEntry() == null) {
setNode.executeSet(frame, merged, keyValue.getKey(), keyValue.getValue(), false);
@@ -1173,7 +1300,9 @@ public RubyBasicObject merge(VirtualFrame frame, RubyBasicObject hash, RubyBasic
return merged;

@Specialization(guards = {"!isRubyHash(other)", "!isCompareByIdentity(hash)"})
// Merge with something that wasn't a hash

@Specialization(guards = "!isRubyHash(other)")
public Object merge(VirtualFrame frame, RubyBasicObject hash, Object other, Object block) {
if (fallbackCallNode == null) {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -11,10 +11,12 @@

import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.RubyGuards;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.core.hash.HashGuards;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.core.hash.HashNodes;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.DebugOperations;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.core.RubyBasicObject;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.core.RubyClass;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.core.RubyHash;

import java.util.*;

@@ -131,7 +133,8 @@ public static int getBucketIndex(int hashed, int bucketsCount) {

public static void addNewEntry(RubyBasicObject hash, int hashed, Object key, Object value) {
assert HashNodes.getStore(hash) instanceof Entry[];
assert HashGuards.isBucketHash(hash);
assert HashNodes.verifyStore(hash);

final Entry[] buckets = (Entry[]) HashNodes.getStore(hash);

@@ -167,6 +170,7 @@ public static void addNewEntry(RubyBasicObject hash, int hashed, Object key, Obj

public static void resize(RubyBasicObject hash) {
assert HashGuards.isBucketHash(hash);
assert HashNodes.verifyStore(hash);

final int bucketsCount = capacityGreaterThan(HashNodes.getSize(hash)) * OVERALLOCATE_FACTOR;
@@ -197,7 +201,6 @@ public static void resize(RubyBasicObject hash) {
assert HashNodes.verifyStore(hash);

public static Iterator<Map.Entry<Object, Object>> iterateKeyValues(final Entry firstInSequence) {
return new Iterator<Map.Entry<Object, Object>>() {

@@ -248,7 +251,6 @@ public void remove() {

public static Iterable<Map.Entry<Object, Object>> iterableKeyValues(final Entry firstInSequence) {
return new Iterable<Map.Entry<Object, Object>>() {

@@ -260,4 +262,43 @@ public Iterator<Map.Entry<Object, Object>> iterator() {

public static void copyInto(RubyBasicObject from, RubyBasicObject to) {
assert RubyGuards.isRubyHash(from);
assert HashGuards.isBucketHash(from);
assert HashNodes.verifyStore(from);
assert RubyGuards.isRubyHash(to);
assert HashNodes.verifyStore(to);

final Entry[] newEntries = new Entry[((Entry[]) HashNodes.getStore(from)).length];

Entry firstInSequence = null;
Entry lastInSequence = null;

Entry entry = HashNodes.getFirstInSequence(from);

while (entry != null) {
final Entry newEntry = new Entry(entry.getHashed(), entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

final int index = BucketsStrategy.getBucketIndex(entry.getHashed(), newEntries.length);

newEntries[index] = newEntry;

if (firstInSequence == null) {
firstInSequence = newEntry;

if (lastInSequence != null) {

lastInSequence = newEntry;

entry = entry.getNextInSequence();

HashNodes.setStore(to, newEntries, HashNodes.getSize(from), firstInSequence, lastInSequence);


2 comments on commit 6734214

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@bjfish bjfish commented on 6734214 Jun 15, 2015

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@chrisseaton Just FYI, I think there was one MRI test regression here:

     [exec] Finished tests in 286.887000s, 9.3800 tests/s, 635.4732 assertions/s.
     [exec]   1) Failure:
     [exec] TestJSONGenericObject#test_json_generic_object_load [   from /home/travis/build/jruby/jruby/test/mri/json/test_json_generic_object.rb:57]:
     [exec] Failed assertion, no message given.

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@bjfish bjfish commented on 6734214 Jun 15, 2015

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Also, @chrisseaton I've excluded this failure here: 5ed43e4

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