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base repository: PDLPorters/pdla-rest
base: 42c623545d82
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head repository: PDLPorters/pdla-rest
compare: e8f31ef7850f
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  • 1 commit
  • 53 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Aug 29, 2015

  1. test cleanup part 3

     - place all the eval { require ... } or plan skip_all in BEGIN {} blocks
     - using `Test::More` module (no hand-rolled TAP or `Test` module)
     - `use strict; use warnings` everywhere
     - remove use of `$a`, `$b` lexicals (reserved for `sort` function)
     - using `Test::Exception` (lives_ok, dies_ok, etc.) rather than the `eval { $code }; ok $@` combination
     - make each individual test run in its own scope
     	my $test = ...
     	ok( ... );
     	my $test = ...
     	ok( ... );
       This makes tests not dependent on previous code which means that they can be
       moved around without worrying about state. In the future, these should be setup
       as labelled subtests.
     - Using `all approx( ... )` instead of a custom `tapprox( ... )` in each file.
     - update TODO to remove the test refactoring items
    zmughal committed Aug 29, 2015
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    e8f31ef View commit details
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