October 19, 2015 13:32
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[49;1H[m[?1049h[?1h=[49;1H[?1l>[?1049l[?1049h[?1h=[49;1H[?1l>[?1049l[?1049h[?1h=[49;1H[?1l>[?1049l[?1049h[?1h=[?25l[m[49;1H[97m[41mError detected while processing function MarkdownPreviewInit:[m | |
[93mline 4:[m | |
[97m[41mTraceback (most recent call last):[m | |
[97m[41m File "<string>", line 1, in <module>[m | |
[97m[41m File "/Users/robbie/GitHub/config-vim/bundle/markdown-preview.vim/pythonx/markdown_init.py", line 3, in <module>[m | |
[97m[41m import os, vim, platform, commands, shutil, sys[m | |
[97m[41mImportError: No module named platform[?1000h[?1000l[m | |
[38;5;121mPress ENTER or type command to continue[?12l[?25h[?1000h[1;49r[?12;25h[?12l[?25h[27m[m[H[2J[?25l[49;1H[97m[41mE325: ATTENTION[m | |
Found a swap file by the name "~/.vimswap/README.md.swp" | |
[10Cowned by: robbie dated: Mon Oct 19 02:39:08 2015 | |
[9Cfile name: ~robbie/GitHub/config-vim/README.md | |
[10Cmodified: YES | |
[9Cuser name: robbie host name: robc-mbp.lan | |
[8Cprocess ID: 87244 | |
While opening file "README.md" | |
[13Cdated: Mon Oct 19 21:10:33 2015 | |
NEWER than swap file! | |
(1) Another program may be editing the same file. If this is the case, | |
be careful not to end up with two different instances of the same | |
file when making changes. Quit, or continue with caution. | |
(2) An edit session for this file crashed. | |
If this is the case, use ":recover" or "vim -r README.md" | |
to recover the changes (see ":help recovery"). | |
If you did this already, delete the swap file "/Users/robbie/.vimswap/README.md.swp" | |
to avoid this message. | |
[?1000l | |
[38;5;121mSwap file "~/.vimswap/README.md.swp" already exists![m | |
[38;5;121m[O]pen Read-Only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (D)elete it, (Q)uit, (A)bort: [?12l[?25h[?1000h[m[49;1H[K[?25l[49;1H"README.md" [RO] 70L, 1590C | |
[97m[41mError detected while processing /Users/robbie/GitHub/config-vim/bundle/ultisnips/autoload/UltiSnips.vim:[m | |
[93mline 15:[m | |
[97m[41mTraceback (most recent call last):[m | |
[97m[41m File "<string>", line 1, in <module>[m | |
[97m[41mImportError: No module named UltiSnips[m | |
[97m[41mError detected while processing function UltiSnips#FileTypeChanged:[m | |
[93mline 1:[m | |
[97m[41mTraceback (most recent call last):[m | |
[97m[41m File "<string>", line 1, in <module>[m | |
[97m[41mNameError: name 'UltiSnips_Manager' is not defined[m | |
[93mline 2:[m | |
[97m[41mTraceback (most recent call last):[m | |
[97m[41m File "<string>", line 1, in <module>[m | |
[97m[41mNameError: name 'UltiSnips_Manager' is not defined[m | |
[93mline 1:[m | |
[97m[41mTraceback (most recent call last):[m | |
[97m[41m File "<string>", line 1, in <module>[m | |
[97m[41mNameError: name 'UltiSnips_Manager' is not defined[m | |
[93mline 2:[m | |
[97m[41mTraceback (most recent call last):[m | |
[97m[41m File "<string>", line 1, in <module>[m | |
[97m[41mNameError: name 'UltiSnips_Manager' is not defined[?1000l[?1000h[?1000l[?1000h[m | |
[97m[41mError detected while processing function youcompleteme#Enable..<SNR>215_SetUpPython:[m | |
[93mline 33:[m | |
[97m[41mTraceback (most recent call last):[?1000l[m | |
[38;5;121mPress ENTER or type command to continue[?12l[?25h[?1000h[m | |
[?25l[97m[41mError detected while processing function youcompleteme#Enable..<SNR>215_SetUpPython:[m | |
[93mline 33:[m | |
[97m[41m File "<string>", line 4, in <module>[?1000l[m | |
[38;5;121mPress ENTER or type command to continue[?12l[?25h[?1000h[m | |
[?25l[97m[41mError detected while processing function youcompleteme#Enable..<SNR>215_SetUpPython:[m | |
[93mline 33:[m | |
[97m[41mImportError: No module named subprocess[?1000l[m | |
[38;5;121mPress ENTER or type command to continue[?12l[?25h[?1000h[m[1;1H[34L[1;1H[38;5;17m[48;5;190m README.md [m[38;5;190m[48;5;234m [m[38;5;85m[48;5;234m [m[38;5;234m[48;5;234m◀[m[38;5;214m[48;5;234m◀[m[38;5;232m[48;5;214m buffers [?25l[m[2;1H[93m 1 [m[97m[48;5;242m#[m[38;5;225m Vim configuration[m[94m$[m | |
[93m 2 [m[97m[48;5;242m$[m | |
[93m 3 [m[1m[97m[48;5;242m*[m[1m*[Robbie Cao](<mailto: robbie.cao@gmail.com>)**[m[94m$[m | |
[93m 4 [m[97m[48;5;242m$[m | |
[93m 5 [m[97m[48;5;242m#[m[38;5;225m# Information[m[94m$[m | |
[93m 6 [m[97m[48;5;242m$[m | |
[93m 7 [m[97m[48;5;242mT[mhis is the .[101mvimrc[m file of [35m[[m[4m[38;5;81mRobbie [m[4m[38;5;81m[101mCao[m[35m]([m[95m<mailto: robbie.cao@gmail.com>[m[35m)[m.[94m$[m | |
[93m 8 [m[97m[48;5;242mM[much of it is beneficial for general use, I would recommend[94m$[m | |
[93m 9 [m[97m[48;5;242mp[micking out the parts you want and understand.[94m$[m | |
[93m 10 [m[97m[48;5;242m$[m | |
[93m 11 [m[97m[48;5;242mM[major of those [101mconfig[m are from:[94m$[m | |
[93m 12 [m[97m[48;5;242m$[m | |
[93m 13 [m[1m[97m[48;5;242m-[m[1m[96m [m[35m[[m[4m[38;5;81m[101mspf13[m[35m]([m[95mhttps://github.com/spf13[m[35m)[m/[35m[[m[4m[38;5;81m[101mspf13[m[4m[38;5;81m-[m[4m[38;5;81m[105mvim[m[35m]([m[95mhttps://github.com/spf13/spf13-vim[m[35m)[m[94m$[m | |
[93m 14 [m[1m[97m[48;5;242m-[m[1m[96m [m[35m[[m[4m[38;5;81m[101mwklken[m[35m]([m[95mhttps://github.com/wklken[m[35m)[m/[35m[[m[4m[38;5;81m[101mk[m[4m[38;5;81m-[m[4m[38;5;81m[105mvim[m[35m]([m[95mhttps://github.com/wklken/k-vim[m[35m)[m[94m$[m | |
[93m 15 [m[97m[48;5;242m$[m | |
[93m 16 [m[97m[48;5;242mT[mhank [35m[[m[4m[38;5;81m[101mspf13[m[35m]([m[95mhttps://github.com/spf13[m[35m)[m and [35m[[m[4m[38;5;81m[101mwklken[m[35m]([m[95mhttps://github.com/wklken[m[35m)[m ![94m$[m | |
[93m 17 [m[97m[48;5;242m$[m | |
[93m 18 [m[97m[48;5;242m#[m[38;5;225m# Installation[m[94m$[m | |
[93m 19 [m[97m[41m$ [m[21;1H[93m 20 [m[1m[97m[48;5;242m1[m[1m[96m. [mClone a copy to your local[94m$[m | |
[93m 21 [m[97m[48;5;242m$[m | |
[93m 22 [m[97m[48;5;242m [m[95m ```[m[94m$[m | |
[93m 23 [m[97m[48;5;242m [m[95m $ git clone git@github.com:robbie-cao/config-vim.git[m[94m$[m | |
[93m 24 [m[97m[48;5;242m [m[95m ```[m[94m$[m | |
[93m 25 [m[97m[48;5;242m$[m | |
[93m 26 [m[1m[97m[48;5;242m2[m[1m[96m. [mInstall dependence packages[94m$[m | |
[93m 27 [m[1m[97m[48;5;242m [m[1m[96m - [m[101mctags[m, [101mag[m[38;5;130m([mthe_silver_searcher[38;5;130m)[m[94m$[m | |
[93m 28 [m[97m[48;5;242m [m[30m[41m [m[94m$[m | |
[93m 29 [m[1m[97m[48;5;242m [m[1m[96m - [m[101mubuntu[m[94m$[m | |
[93m 30 [m[97m[48;5;242m$[m | |
[93m 31 [m[97m[48;5;242m [m[95m ```[m[94m$[m | |
[93m 32 [m[97m[48;5;242m [m[95m $ sudo apt-get install ctags[m[94m$[m | |
[93m 33 [m[97m[48;5;242m [m[95m $ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake python-dev #编译YCM自动补全插件依赖[m[94m$[m | |
[93m 34 [m[97m[48;5;242m [m[95m $ sudo apt-get install silversearcher-ag[m[94m$[m | |
[93m 35 [m[97m[48;5;242m [m[95m ```[m[94m$[m[36;16H[K[37;1H[93m 36 [m[97m[48;5;242m [m[30m[41m [m[94m$[m[37;10H[K[38;1H[93m 37 [m[1m[97m[48;5;242m [m[1m[96m - [mmac[94m$[m | |
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[93m 42 [m[97m[48;5;242m [m[95m ```[m[94m$[m[43;16H[K[44;1H[93m 43 [m[97m[48;5;242m$[m[44;6H[K[45;1H[93m 44 [m[1m[97m[48;5;242m3[m[1m[96m. [mRun install.sh[94m$[m[45;23H[K[46;1H[93m 45 [m[97m[48;5;242m$[m[46;6H[K[?1000l[?1000h[?1000l[?1000h[?1000l[?1000h[47;1H[38;5;17m[48;5;190m [m[1m[38;5;17m[48;5;190mNORMAL[m[38;5;17m[48;5;190m [m[38;5;190m[48;5;238m▶[m[38;5;255m[48;5;238m ⎇ master [m[38;5;238m[48;5;234m▶[m[38;5;85m[48;5;234m README.md [m[38;5;234m[48;5;234m◀[m[38;5;85m[48;5;234m mkd.markdown [m[38;5;238m[48;5;234m◀[m[38;5;255m[48;5;238m utf-8[unix] [m[38;5;190m[48;5;238m◀[m[38;5;17m[48;5;190m 188 words ❮ 27% ¶[m[1m[38;5;17m[48;5;190m 19[m[38;5;17m[48;5;190m: 1 [m[38;5;166m[48;5;190m◀[m[38;5;232m[48;5;166m ! trailing[28] [m[48;1H[K[49;1H[K[20;5H[?12l[?25h[?25l[49;171H<20>[20;5H[49;171H [21;5H[20;5H[97m[48;5;242m$[m[20;6H[K[21;5H[1m[97m[41m1. [m[97m[41mClone a copy to your local$ [m[47;149H[38;5;17m[48;5;190m8%[m[5C[1m[38;5;17m[48;5;190m20[m[38;5;17m[48;5;190m:[21;5H[?12l[?25h[?25l[m[49;171H:[21;5H[49;171H[K[48;1H:[?12l[?25hq[?25l[?12l[?25ha[?25l[?12l[?25h [?25l | |
[?1000l[?1000h[?1000l[?1l>[?12l[?25h[?1049l |
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