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base repository: m-labs/artiq
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base: 4f02f6e667be
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head repository: m-labs/artiq
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compare: 75532d10aa96
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  • 2 commits
  • 5 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Aug 10, 2015

  1. LLVMIRGenerator: emit debug information.

    whitequark committed Aug 10, 2015
    Copy the full SHA
    c63ec70 View commit details
  2. Display full core device backtraces.

    whitequark committed Aug 10, 2015
    Copy the full SHA
    75532d1 View commit details
Showing with 280 additions and 75 deletions.
  1. +78 −26 artiq/compiler/
  2. +163 −17 artiq/compiler/transforms/
  3. +6 −7 artiq/coredevice/
  4. +8 −11 artiq/coredevice/
  5. +25 −14 artiq/language/
104 changes: 78 additions & 26 deletions artiq/compiler/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -5,6 +5,43 @@

class RunTool:
def __init__(self, pattern, **tempdata):
self.files = []
self.pattern = pattern
self.tempdata = tempdata

def maketemp(self, data):
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
return f

def __enter__(self):
tempfiles = {}
tempnames = {}
for key in self.tempdata:
tempfiles[key] = self.maketemp(self.tempdata[key])
tempnames[key] = tempfiles[key].name

cmdline = []
for argument in self.pattern:

process = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
if process.returncode != 0:
raise Exception("{} invocation failed: {}".
format(cmdline[0], stderr.decode('utf-8')))

tempfiles["__stdout__"] = stdout.decode('utf-8')
return tempfiles

def __exit__(self, exc_typ, exc_value, exc_trace):
for f in self.files:

class Target:
A description of the target environment where the binaries
@@ -25,35 +62,10 @@ class Target:
features = []
print_function = "printf"

def __init__(self):
self.llcontext = ll.Context()

def link(self, objects, init_fn):
"""Link the relocatable objects into a shared library for this target."""
files = []

def make_tempfile(data=b""):
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
return f

output_file = make_tempfile()
cmdline = [self.triple + "-ld", "-shared", "--eh-frame-hdr", "-init", init_fn] + \
[make_tempfile(obj).name for obj in objects] + \
linker = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = linker.communicate()
if linker.returncode != 0:
raise Exception("Linker invocation failed: " + stderr.decode('utf-8'))

for f in files:

def compile(self, module):
"""Compile the module to a relocatable object for this target."""

@@ -93,10 +105,50 @@ def compile(self, module):

return llmachine.emit_object(llparsedmod)

def link(self, objects, init_fn):
"""Link the relocatable objects into a shared library for this target."""
with RunTool([self.triple + "-ld", "-shared", "--eh-frame-hdr", "-init", init_fn] +
["{{obj{}}}".format(index) for index in range(len(objects))] +
["-o", "{output}"],
**{"obj{}".format(index): obj for index, obj in enumerate(objects)}) \
as results:
library = results["output"].read()

if os.getenv('ARTIQ_DUMP_ELF'):
shlib_temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".so", delete=False)
print("====== SHARED LIBRARY DUMP ======", file=sys.stderr)
print("Shared library dumped as {}".format(, file=sys.stderr)

return library

def compile_and_link(self, modules):
return[self.compile(module) for module in modules],

def strip(self, library):
with RunTool([self.triple + "-strip", "--strip-debug", "{library}", "-o", "{output}"],
library=library, output=b"") \
as results:
return results["output"].read()

def symbolize(self, library, addresses):
# Addresses point one instruction past the jump; offset them back by 1.
offset_addresses = [hex(addr - 1) for addr in addresses]
with RunTool([self.triple + "-addr2line", "--functions", "--inlines",
"--exe={library}"] + offset_addresses,
library=library) \
as results:
lines = results["__stdout__"].rstrip().split("\n")
backtrace = []
for function_name, location, address in zip(lines[::2], lines[1::2], addresses):
filename, line = location.rsplit(":", 1)
# can't get column out of addr2line D:
backtrace.append((filename, int(line), -1, function_name, address))
return backtrace

class NativeTarget(Target):
def __init__(self):
180 changes: 163 additions & 17 deletions artiq/compiler/transforms/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
into LLVM intermediate representation.

import os
from pythonparser import ast, diagnostic
from llvmlite_artiq import ir as ll
from .. import types, builtins, ir
@@ -14,7 +15,147 @@
lli32 = ll.IntType(32)
lldouble = ll.DoubleType()
llptr = ll.IntType(8).as_pointer()
llemptyptr = ll.LiteralStructType( []).as_pointer()
llmetadata = ll.MetaData()

DW_LANG_Python = 0x0014
DW_TAG_compile_unit = 17
DW_TAG_subroutine_type = 21
DW_TAG_file_type = 41
DW_TAG_subprogram = 46

def memoize(generator):
def memoized(self, *args):
result = self.cache.get((generator,) + args, None)
if result is None:
return generator(self, *args)
return result
return memoized

class DebugInfoEmitter:
def __init__(self, llmodule):
self.llmodule = llmodule
self.cache = {}
self.subprograms = []

def emit(self, operands):
def map_operand(operand):
if operand is None:
return ll.Constant(llmetadata, None)
elif isinstance(operand, str):
return ll.MetaDataString(self.llmodule, operand)
elif isinstance(operand, bool):
return ll.Constant(lli1, operand)
elif isinstance(operand, int):
return ll.Constant(lli32, operand)
elif isinstance(operand, (list, tuple)):
return self.emit(operand)
elif isinstance(operand, ll.Value):
return operand
assert False
return self.llmodule.add_metadata(list(map(map_operand, operands)))

def emit_filename(self, source_buffer):
source_dir, source_file = os.path.split(
return self.emit([source_file, source_dir])

def emit_compile_unit(self, source_buffer, llsubprograms):
return self.emit([
self.emit_filename(source_buffer), # filename
DW_LANG_Python, # source language
"ARTIQ", # producer
False, # optimized?
"", # linker flags
0, # runtime version
[], # enum types
[], # retained types
llsubprograms, # subprograms
[], # global variables
[], # imported entities
"", # split debug filename
2, # kind (full=1, lines only=2)

def emit_file(self, source_buffer):
return self.emit([
self.emit_filename(source_buffer), # filename

def emit_subroutine_type(self, typ):
return self.emit([
None, # filename
None, # context descriptor
"", # name
0, # line number
0, # (i64) size in bits
0, # (i64) alignment in bits
0, # (i64) offset in bits
0, # flags
None, # derived from
[None], # members
0, # runtime languages
None, # base type with vtable pointer
None, # template parameters
None # unique identifier

def emit_subprogram(self, func, llfunc):
source_buffer = func.loc.source_buffer
display_name = "{}{}".format(, types.TypePrinter().name(func.type))
subprogram = self.emit([
self.emit_filename(source_buffer), # filename
self.emit_file(source_buffer), # context descriptor, # name
display_name, # display name, # linkage name
func.loc.line(), # line number where defined
self.emit_subroutine_type(func.type), # type descriptor
func.is_internal, # local to compile unit?
True, # global is defined in the compile unit?
0, # virtuality
0, # index into a virtual function
None, # base type with vtable pointer
0, # flags
False, # optimized?
llfunc, # LLVM function
None, # template parameters
None, # function declaration descriptor
[], # function variables
func.loc.line(), # line number where scope begins
return subprogram

def emit_loc(self, loc, scope, inlined_scope=None):
return self.emit([
loc.line(), # line
loc.column(), # column
scope, # scope
inlined_scope, # inlined scope

def finalize(self, source_buffer):
llident = self.llmodule.add_named_metadata('llvm.ident')

llflags = self.llmodule.add_named_metadata('llvm.module.flags')
llflags.add(self.emit([2, "Debug Info Version", 1]))

llcompile_units = self.llmodule.add_named_metadata('')
llcompile_units.add(self.emit_compile_unit(source_buffer, tuple(self.subprograms)))

class LLVMIRGenerator:
@@ -27,8 +168,8 @@ def __init__(self, engine, module_name, target):
self.llmodule.data_layout = target.data_layout
self.llfunction = None
self.llmap = {}
self.llblock_map = {}
self.fixups = []
self.phis = []
self.debug_info_emitter = DebugInfoEmitter(self.llmodule)

def llty_of_type(self, typ, bare=False, for_return=False):
typ = typ.find()
@@ -200,6 +341,9 @@ def process(self, functions):
for func in functions:

if any(functions):

return self.llmodule

def process_function(self, func):
@@ -219,9 +363,10 @@ def process_function(self, func):


self.llmap = {}
self.llbuilder = ll.IRBuilder()
self.fixups = []
llblock_map = {}

disubprogram = self.debug_info_emitter.emit_subprogram(func, self.llfunction)

# First, map arguments.
for arg, llarg in zip(func.arguments, self.llfunction.args):
@@ -240,27 +385,29 @@ def process_function(self, func):
assert llinsn is not None
self.llmap[insn] = llinsn

if insn.loc is not None:
diloc = self.debug_info_emitter.emit_loc(insn.loc, disubprogram)
llinsn.set_metadata('dbg', diloc)

# There is no 1:1 correspondence between ARTIQ and LLVM
# basic blocks, because sometimes we expand a single ARTIQ
# instruction so that the result spans several LLVM basic
# blocks. This only really matters for phis, which will
# use a different map.
self.llblock_map[block] = self.llbuilder.basic_block
llblock_map[block] = self.llbuilder.basic_block

# Fourth, fixup phis.
for fixup in self.fixups:
# Fourth, add incoming values to phis.
for phi, llphi in self.phis:
for value, block in phi.incoming():
llphi.add_incoming(, llblock_map[block])
self.llfunction = None
self.llmap = None
self.fixups = []
self.llmap = {}
self.llphis = []

def process_Phi(self, insn):
llinsn = self.llbuilder.phi(self.llty_of_type(insn.type),
def fixup():
for value, block in insn.incoming():
llinsn.add_incoming(, self.llblock_map[block])
self.phis.append((insn, llinsn))
return llinsn

def llindex(self, index):
@@ -793,8 +940,7 @@ def process_Reraise(self, insn):

def process_LandingPad(self, insn):
# Layout on return from landing pad: {%_Unwind_Exception*, %Exception*}
lllandingpadty = ll.LiteralStructType([llptr,
lllandingpadty = ll.LiteralStructType([llptr, llptr])
lllandingpad = self.llbuilder.landingpad(lllandingpadty,