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added monkey_patch function to Mojo::Util
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kraih committed Dec 15, 2012
1 parent b4a1007 commit 607b550
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Showing 9 changed files with 86 additions and 68 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Changes
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@

3.68 2012-12-16
- Added monkey_patch function to Mojo::Util.
- Updated jQuery to version 1.8.3.
- Improved documentation.
- Fixed small export bug in Mojolicious::Lite. (jberger)
Expand Down
17 changes: 7 additions & 10 deletions lib/Mojo/
Expand Up @@ -15,16 +15,13 @@ my @UTILS = (
qw(punycode_encode quote sha1_bytes sha1_sum slurp spurt squish trim),
qw(unquote url_escape url_unescape xml_escape xor_encode)
no strict 'refs';
for my $name (@UTILS) {
my $sub = Mojo::Util->can($name);
*{__PACKAGE__ . "::$name"} = sub {
my $self = shift;
$$self = $sub->($$self, @_);
return $self;
for my $name (@UTILS) {
my $sub = Mojo::Util->can($name);
Mojo::Util::monkey_patch __PACKAGE__, $name, sub {
my $self = shift;
$$self = $sub->($$self, @_);
return $self;

sub new {
Expand Down
13 changes: 5 additions & 8 deletions lib/Mojo/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package Mojo::Headers;
use Mojo::Base -base;

use Mojo::Util 'get_line';
use Mojo::Util qw(get_line monkey_patch);

has max_line_size => sub { $ENV{MOJO_MAX_LINE_SIZE} || 10240 };

Expand All @@ -16,13 +16,10 @@ my @HEADERS = (
qw(Sec-WebSocket-Protocol Sec-WebSocket-Version Server Set-Cookie Status),
qw(TE Trailer Transfer-Encoding Upgrade User-Agent WWW-Authenticate)
no strict 'refs';
for my $header (@HEADERS) {
my $name = lc $header;
$name =~ s/-/_/g;
*{__PACKAGE__ . "::$name"} = sub { scalar shift->header($header => @_) };
for my $header (@HEADERS) {
my $name = lc $header;
$name =~ s/-/_/g;
monkey_patch __PACKAGE__, $name, sub { scalar shift->header($header => @_) };

# Lower case headers
Expand Down
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions lib/Mojo/
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use Mojo::Base -base;
use Carp 'croak';
use Mojo::ByteStream;
use Mojo::Exception;
use Mojo::Util qw(decode encode slurp);
use Mojo::Util qw(decode encode monkey_patch slurp);

use constant DEBUG => $ENV{MOJO_TEMPLATE_DEBUG} || 0;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,10 +309,8 @@ sub _wrap {
my ($self, $lines) = @_;

# Escape function
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';
my $escape = $self->escape;
*{$self->namespace . '::_escape'} = sub {
monkey_patch $self->namespace, '_escape', sub {
no warnings 'uninitialized';
ref $_[0] eq 'Mojo::ByteStream' ? $_[0] : $escape->("$_[0]");
Expand Down
16 changes: 7 additions & 9 deletions lib/Mojo/
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use List::Util 'first';
use Mojo::IOLoop;
use Mojo::Server::Daemon;
use Mojo::URL;
use Mojo::Util 'monkey_patch';
use Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar;
use Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor;
use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
Expand All @@ -29,15 +30,12 @@ has request_timeout => sub { $ENV{MOJO_REQUEST_TIMEOUT} // 0 };
has transactor => sub { Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor->new };

# Common HTTP methods
no strict 'refs';
*{__PACKAGE__ . '::' . lc($name)} = sub {
my $self = shift;
my $cb = ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? pop : undef;
return $self->start($self->build_tx($name, @_), $cb);
monkey_patch __PACKAGE__, lc($name), sub {
my $self = shift;
my $cb = ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? pop : undef;
return $self->start($self->build_tx($name, @_), $cb);

sub DESTROY { shift->_cleanup }
Expand Down
21 changes: 18 additions & 3 deletions lib/Mojo/
Expand Up @@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ my %CACHE;
our @EXPORT_OK = (
qw(b64_decode b64_encode camelize class_to_file class_to_path decamelize),
qw(decode encode get_line hmac_md5_sum hmac_sha1_sum html_escape),
qw(html_unescape md5_bytes md5_sum punycode_decode punycode_encode quote),
qw(secure_compare sha1_bytes sha1_sum slurp spurt squish trim unquote),
qw(url_escape url_unescape xml_escape xor_encode)
qw(html_unescape md5_bytes md5_sum monkey_patch punycode_decode),
qw(punycode_encode quote secure_compare sha1_bytes sha1_sum slurp spurt),
qw(squish trim unquote url_escape url_unescape xml_escape xor_encode)

sub b64_decode { decode_base64($_[0]) }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,6 +130,13 @@ sub html_unescape {
sub md5_bytes { md5(@_) }
sub md5_sum { md5_hex(@_) }

sub monkey_patch {
my ($class, $name, $cb) = @_;
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';
*{"${class}::$name"} = $cb;

sub punycode_decode {
my $input = shift;
use integer;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -533,6 +540,14 @@ Generate binary MD5 checksum for string.
Generate MD5 checksum for string.
=head2 C<monkey_patch>
monkey_patch $class, $name, sub {...};
Monkey patch function into class.
monkey_patch 'MyApp', 'hello', sub { say 'Hello!' };
=head2 C<punycode_decode>
my $string = punycode_decode $punycode;
Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions lib/Mojolicious/
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
use File::Basename 'dirname';
use File::Spec::Functions 'catdir';
use Mojo::UserAgent;
use Mojo::Util 'monkey_patch';

sub import {
my $class = shift;
Expand All @@ -17,8 +18,8 @@ sub import {
unless $ENV{MOJO_HOME};

# Initialize app
no strict 'refs';
my $caller = caller;
no strict 'refs';
push @{"${caller}::ISA"}, 'Mojo';
my $app = $class->new;

Expand All @@ -29,23 +30,22 @@ sub import {
$app->static->classes->[0] = $app->renderer->classes->[0] = $caller;

# Export
no warnings 'redefine';
my $root = $routes;
for my $name (qw(any get options patch post put websocket)) {
*{"${caller}::$name"} = sub { $routes->$name(@_) };
monkey_patch $caller, $name, sub { $routes->$name(@_) };
*{"${caller}::$_"} = sub {$app}
monkey_patch $caller, $_, sub {$app}
for qw(new app);
*{"${caller}::del"} = sub { $routes->delete(@_) };
*{"${caller}::group"} = sub (&) {
monkey_patch $caller, 'del', sub { $routes->delete(@_) };
monkey_patch $caller, 'group', sub (&) {
my $old = $root;
$_[0]->($root = $routes);
($routes, $root) = ($root, $old);
*{"${caller}::helper"} = sub { $app->helper(@_) };
*{"${caller}::hook"} = sub { $app->hook(@_) };
*{"${caller}::plugin"} = sub { $app->plugin(@_) };
*{"${caller}::under"} = sub { $routes = $root->under(@_) };
monkey_patch $caller, 'helper', sub { $app->helper(@_) };
monkey_patch $caller, 'hook', sub { $app->hook(@_) };
monkey_patch $caller, 'plugin', sub { $app->plugin(@_) };
monkey_patch $caller, 'under', sub { $routes = $root->under(@_) };

# Make sure there's a default application for testing
Mojo::UserAgent->app($app) unless Mojo::UserAgent->app;
Expand Down
40 changes: 19 additions & 21 deletions lib/
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ use Mojo::Collection 'c';
use Mojo::DOM;
use Mojo::JSON;
use Mojo::UserAgent;
use Mojo::Util 'monkey_patch';

# Silent oneliners
$ENV{MOJO_LOG_LEVEL} ||= 'fatal';
Expand All @@ -15,12 +16,8 @@ my $UA = Mojo::UserAgent->new;

sub import {

# Prepare exports
my $caller = caller;
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';

# Mojolicious::Lite
my $caller = caller;
eval "package $caller; use Mojolicious::Lite;";

# Allow redirects
Expand All @@ -30,29 +27,30 @@ sub import {
$UA->detect_proxy unless defined $ENV{MOJO_PROXY};

# Application

# Functions
*{"${caller}::a"} = sub { *{"${caller}::any"}->(@_) and return $UA->app };
*{"${caller}::b"} = \&b;
*{"${caller}::c"} = \&c;
*{"${caller}::d"} = sub { _request($UA->build_tx(DELETE => @_)) };
*{"${caller}::f"} = sub { _request($UA->build_form_tx(@_)) };
*{"${caller}::g"} = sub { _request($UA->build_tx(GET => @_)) };
*{"${caller}::h"} = sub { _request($UA->build_tx(HEAD => @_)) };
*{"${caller}::j"} = sub {
monkey_patch $caller, 'a',
sub { $caller->can('any')->(@_) and return $UA->app };
monkey_patch $caller, 'b', \&b;
monkey_patch $caller, 'c', \&c;
monkey_patch $caller, 'd', sub { _request($UA->build_tx(DELETE => @_)) };
monkey_patch $caller, 'f', sub { _request($UA->build_form_tx(@_)) };
monkey_patch $caller, 'g', sub { _request($UA->build_tx(GET => @_)) };
monkey_patch $caller, 'h', sub { _request($UA->build_tx(HEAD => @_)) };
monkey_patch $caller, 'j', sub {
my $d = shift;
my $j = Mojo::JSON->new;
return $j->encode($d) if ref $d eq 'ARRAY' || ref $d eq 'HASH';
return $j->decode($d);
*{"${caller}::n"} = sub { _request($UA->build_json_tx(@_)) };
*{"${caller}::o"} = sub { _request($UA->build_tx(OPTIONS => @_)) };
*{"${caller}::p"} = sub { _request($UA->build_tx(POST => @_)) };
*{"${caller}::r"} = sub { $UA->app->dumper(@_) };
*{"${caller}::t"} = sub { _request($UA->build_tx(PATCH => @_)) };
*{"${caller}::u"} = sub { _request($UA->build_tx(PUT => @_)) };
*{"${caller}::x"} = sub { Mojo::DOM->new(@_) };
monkey_patch $caller, 'n', sub { _request($UA->build_json_tx(@_)) };
monkey_patch $caller, 'o', sub { _request($UA->build_tx(OPTIONS => @_)) };
monkey_patch $caller, 'p', sub { _request($UA->build_tx(POST => @_)) };
monkey_patch $caller, 'r', sub { $UA->app->dumper(@_) };
monkey_patch $caller, 't', sub { _request($UA->build_tx(PATCH => @_)) };
monkey_patch $caller, 'u', sub { _request($UA->build_tx(PUT => @_)) };
monkey_patch $caller, 'x', sub { Mojo::DOM->new(@_) };

sub _request {
Expand Down
20 changes: 17 additions & 3 deletions t/mojo/util.t
Expand Up @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ use FindBin;
use Mojo::Util
qw(b64_decode b64_encode camelize class_to_file class_to_path decamelize),
qw(decode encode get_line hmac_md5_sum hmac_sha1_sum html_escape),
qw(html_unescape md5_bytes md5_sum punycode_decode punycode_encode quote),
qw(squish trim unquote secure_compare sha1_bytes sha1_sum slurp spurt),
qw(url_escape url_unescape xml_escape xor_encode);
qw(html_unescape md5_bytes md5_sum monkey_patch punycode_decode),
qw(punycode_encode quote squish trim unquote secure_compare sha1_bytes),
qw(sha1_sum slurp spurt url_escape url_unescape xml_escape xor_encode);

# camelize
is camelize('foo_bar_baz'), 'FooBarBaz', 'right camelized result';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -393,4 +393,18 @@ my $file = catfile $dir, 'test.txt';
spurt "just\nworks!", $file;
is slurp($file), "just\nworks!", 'successful roundtrip';

# monkey_patch

package MojoMonkeyTest;
sub foo {'foo'}
ok !!MojoMonkeyTest->can('foo'), 'function "foo" exists';
is MojoMonkeyTest::foo(), 'foo', 'right result';
ok !MojoMonkeyTest->can('bar'), 'function "bar" does not exist';
monkey_patch 'MojoMonkeyTest', 'bar', sub {'bar'};
ok !!MojoMonkeyTest->can('bar'), 'function "bar" exists';
is MojoMonkeyTest::bar(), 'bar', 'right result';


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