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base repository: openmrs/openmrs-core
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base: c36a5b894f13
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head repository: openmrs/openmrs-core
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compare: 49a5595d766d
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  • 2 commits
  • 2 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Apr 5, 2013

  1. TRUNK-2303: Fixed javadoc formatting

    h3llborn committed Apr 5, 2013
    Copy the full SHA
    802c605 View commit details

Commits on Nov 4, 2013

  1. Merge pull request #267 from h3llborn/TRUNK-2303

    TRUNK-2303: Fixed return of long decimal numbers to not use scientific n...
    dkayiwa committed Nov 4, 2013
    Copy the full SHA
    49a5595 View commit details
Showing with 117 additions and 33 deletions.
  1. +49 −22 api/src/main/java/org/openmrs/
  2. +68 −11 api/src/test/java/org/openmrs/
71 changes: 49 additions & 22 deletions api/src/main/java/org/openmrs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
package org.openmrs;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
@@ -45,21 +47,27 @@
* Observations are collected and grouped together into one Encounter (one visit). Obs can be
* grouped in a hierarchical fashion. <br/>
* <br/>
* <p>
* The {@link #getObsGroup()} method returns an optional parent. That parent object is also an Obs.
* The parent Obs object knows about its child objects through the {@link #getGroupMembers()}
* method. (Multi-level hierarchies are achieved by an Obs parent object being a member of another
* Obs (grand)parent object) Read up on the obs table:
* method.
* </p>
* <p>
* (Multi-level hierarchies are achieved by an Obs parent object being a member of another Obs
* (grand)parent object) Read up on the obs table: In an
* OpenMRS installation, there may be an occasion need to change an Obs.
* </p>
* <p>
* For example, a site may decide to replace a concept in the dictionary with a more specific set of
* concepts. An observation is part of the official record of an encounter. There may be legal,
* ethical, and auditing consequences from altering a record. It is recommended that you create a
* new Obs and void the old one:
* </p>
* Obs newObs = Obs.newInstance(oldObs); //copies values from oldObs
* newObs.setPreviousVersion(oldObs);
* Context.getObsService().saveObs(newObs,"Your reason for the change here");
* Context.getObsService().voidObs(oldObs, "Your reason for the change here");
* In an OpenMRS installation, there may be an occasion need to change an Obs.
* For example, a site may decide to replace a concept in the dictionary with a more specific
* set of concepts. An observation is part of the official record of an encounter. There may
* be legal, ethical, and auditing consequences from altering a record. It is recommended
* that you create a new Obs and void the old one:
* Obs newObs = Obs.newInstance(oldObs); //copies values from oldObs
* newObs.setPreviousVersion(oldObs);
* Context.getObsService().saveObs(newObs,"Your reason for the change here");
* Context.getObsService().voidObs(oldObs, "Your reason for the change here");
* @see Encounter
public class Obs extends BaseOpenmrsData implements {
@@ -161,8 +169,8 @@ public Obs(Integer obsId) {
* @return a new Obs object with all the same attributes as the given obs
public static Obs newInstance(Obs obsToCopy) {
Obs newObs = new Obs(obsToCopy.getPerson(), obsToCopy.getConcept(), obsToCopy.getObsDatetime(), obsToCopy
Obs newObs = new Obs(obsToCopy.getPerson(), obsToCopy.getConcept(), obsToCopy.getObsDatetime(),

@@ -345,10 +353,10 @@ public void setObsGroup(Obs obsGroup) {

* Convenience method that checks for if this obs has 1 or more group members (either voided or non-voided)
* Note this method differs from hasGroupMembers(), as that method excludes voided obs; logic is that
* while a obs that has only voided group members should be seen as "having no group members" it
* still should be considered an "obs grouping"
* Convenience method that checks for if this obs has 1 or more group members (either voided or
* non-voided) Note this method differs from hasGroupMembers(), as that method excludes voided
* obs; logic is that while a obs that has only voided group members should be seen as
* "having no group members" it still should be considered an "obs grouping"
* <p>
* NOTE: This method could also be called "isObsGroup" for a little less confusion on names.
* However, jstl in a web layer (or any psuedo-getter) access isn't good with both an
@@ -877,6 +885,15 @@ public void setComplexData(ComplexData complexData) {
* <pre>
* Obs obsWithComplexData = Context.getObsService().getComplexObs(obsId, OpenmrsConstants.RAW_VIEW);
* </pre>
@@ -916,8 +933,17 @@ public void setAccessionNumber(String accessionNumber) {
* @should return first part of valueComplex for non null valueComplexes
* @should return non precise values for NumericConcepts
* @should return proper DateFormat
* @should not return long decimal numbers as scientific notation
* @should use commas or decimal places depending on locale
* @should not use thousand separator
* @should return regular number for size of zero to or greater than ten digits
* @should return regular number if decimal places are as high as six
public String getValueAsString(Locale locale) {
// formatting for the return of numbers of type double
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale);
DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat) nf;
df.applyPattern("#0.0#####"); // formatting style up to 6 digits
//branch on hl7 abbreviations
if (getConcept() != null) {
String abbrev = getConcept().getDatatype().getHl7Abbreviation();
@@ -953,7 +979,7 @@ else if (abbrev.equals("CWE")) {
int i = (int) d;
return Integer.toString(i);
} else {
@@ -977,7 +1003,7 @@ else if (abbrev.equals("ED") && getValueComplex() != null) {

// if the datatype is 'unknown', default to just returning what is not null
if (getValueNumeric() != null)
return getValueNumeric().toString();
return df.format(getValueNumeric());
else if (getValueCoded() != null) {
if (getValueDrug() != null)
return getValueDrug().getFullName(locale);
@@ -1112,15 +1138,16 @@ public void setId(Integer id) {

* When ObsService updates an obs, it voids the old version, creates a new Obs with the updates,
* and adds a reference to the previousVersion in the new Obs.
* getPreviousVersion returns the last version of this Obs.
* and adds a reference to the previousVersion in the new Obs. getPreviousVersion returns the
* last version of this Obs.
public Obs getPreviousVersion() {
return previousVersion;

* A previousVersion indicates that this Obs replaces an earlier one.
* @param previousVersion the Obs that this Obs superceeds
public void setPreviousVersion(Obs previousVersion) {
79 changes: 68 additions & 11 deletions api/src/test/java/org/openmrs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public void shouldAddandRemoveObsToGroup() throws Exception {
// These methods should not fail even with null attributes on the obs
assertFalse(obsGroup.hasGroupMembers(true)); //Check both flags for false
assertFalse(obsGroup.hasGroupMembers(true)); // Check both flags for false

// adding an obs when the obs group has no other obs
// should not throw an error
@@ -102,23 +102,23 @@ public void shouldGetRelatedObservations() throws Exception {
o.setPerson(new Patient(2));

//create its sibling
// create its sibling
Obs oSibling = new Obs();
oSibling.setDateCreated(new Date());
oSibling.setLocation(new Location(1));
oSibling.setObsDatetime(new Date());
oSibling.setPerson(new Patient(2));

//create a parent Obs
// create a parent Obs
Obs oParent = new Obs();
oParent.setDateCreated(new Date());
oParent.setLocation(new Location(1));
oParent.setObsDatetime(new Date());
oParent.setPerson(new Patient(2));

//create a grandparent obs
// create a grandparent obs
Obs oGrandparent = new Obs();
oGrandparent.setDateCreated(new Date());
oGrandparent.setLocation(new Location(1));
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public void shouldGetRelatedObservations() throws Exception {

//create a leaf observation at the grandparent level
// create a leaf observation at the grandparent level
Obs o2 = new Obs();
o2.setDateCreated(new Date());
o2.setLocation(new Location(1));
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ public void shouldGetRelatedObservations() throws Exception {
assertEquals(o.getRelatedObservations().size(), 2);
assertEquals(oParent.getRelatedObservations().size(), 3);

// create a great-grandparent obs
// create a great-grandparent obs
Obs oGGP = new Obs();
oGGP.setDateCreated(new Date());
oGGP.setLocation(new Location(1));
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ public void shouldGetRelatedObservations() throws Exception {

//create a leaf great-grandparent obs
// create a leaf great-grandparent obs
Obs oGGPleaf = new Obs();
oGGPleaf.setDateCreated(new Date());
oGGPleaf.setLocation(new Location(1));
@@ -177,11 +177,11 @@ public void shouldGetRelatedObservations() throws Exception {
assertEquals(o.getRelatedObservations().size(), 2);
assertEquals(oParent.getRelatedObservations().size(), 4);

//remove the grandparent leaf observation:
// remove the grandparent leaf observation:


//now the there is only one ancestor leaf obs:
// now the there is only one ancestor leaf obs:
assertEquals(o.getRelatedObservations().size(), 2);
assertEquals(oParent.getRelatedObservations().size(), 3);

@@ -271,6 +271,15 @@ public void getValueAsString_shouldReturnNonPreciseValuesForNumericConcepts() th
Assert.assertEquals(str, obs.getValueAsString(Locale.US));

@Verifies(value = "should not return long decimal numbers as scientific notation", method = "getValueAsString(Locale)")
public void getValueAsString_shouldNotReturnLongDecimalNumbersAsScientificNotation() throws Exception {
Obs obs = new Obs();
String str = "123456789.0";
Assert.assertEquals(str, obs.getValueAsString(Locale.US));

@Verifies(value = "should return proper DateFormat", method = "getValueAsString()")
public void getValueAsString_shouldReturnProperDateFormat() throws Exception {
@@ -317,7 +326,7 @@ public void getGroupMembers_shouldGetAllGroupMembersIfPassedTrueAndNonvoidedIfPa
assertEquals("set of all members should have length of 3", 3, members.size());
members = parent.getGroupMembers(false);
assertEquals("set of non-voided should have length of 2", 2, members.size());
members = parent.getGroupMembers(); //should be same as false
members = parent.getGroupMembers(); // should be same as false
assertEquals("default should return non-voided with length of 2", 2, members.size());

@@ -330,7 +339,7 @@ public void hasGroupMembers_shouldReturnTrueIfThisObsHasGroupMembersBasedOnParam
Obs parent = new Obs(5);
Obs child = new Obs(33);
parent.addGroupMember(child); //Only contains 1 voided child
parent.addGroupMember(child); // Only contains 1 voided child
assertTrue("When checking for all members, should return true", parent.hasGroupMembers(true));
assertFalse("When checking for non-voided, should return false", parent.hasGroupMembers(false));
assertFalse("Default should check for non-voided", parent.hasGroupMembers());
@@ -348,4 +357,52 @@ public void isObsGrouping_shouldIncludeVoidedObs() throws Exception {
assertTrue("When checking for Obs grouping, should include voided Obs", parent.isObsGrouping());

* @see Obs#getValueAsString(Locale)
* @verifies use commas or decimal places depending on locale
public void getValueAsString_shouldUseCommasOrDecimalPlacesDependingOnLocale() throws Exception {
Obs obs = new Obs();
String str = "123456789,3";
Assert.assertEquals(str, obs.getValueAsString(Locale.GERMAN));

* @see Obs#getValueAsString(Locale)
* @verifies not use thousand separator
public void getValueAsString_shouldNotUseThousandSeparator() throws Exception {
Obs obs = new Obs();
String str = "123456789.0";
Assert.assertEquals(str, obs.getValueAsString(Locale.ENGLISH));

* @see Obs#getValueAsString(Locale)
* @verifies return regular number for size of zero to or greater than ten digits
public void getValueAsString_shouldReturnRegularNumberForSizeOfZeroToOrGreaterThanTenDigits() throws Exception {
Obs obs = new Obs();
String str = "1234567890.0";
Assert.assertEquals(str, obs.getValueAsString(Locale.ENGLISH));

* @see Obs#getValueAsString(Locale)
* @verifies return regular number if decimal places are as high as six
public void getValueAsString_shouldReturnRegularNumberIfDecimalPlacesAreAsHighAsSix() throws Exception {
Obs obs = new Obs();
String str = "123456789.012345";
Assert.assertEquals(str, obs.getValueAsString(Locale.ENGLISH));