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Releases: Minecrell/ServerListPlus

ServerListPlus 3.5.0

21 Jun 11:25
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This release bundles various changes and improvements made in the last 6 years. Most of them have been available in the development builds for a long time:


  • When using Paper, ProtocolLib is no longer required and NOT used by default. All functionality is available without. This often allows updating to newer Minecraft versions more easily since you don't need to wait for ProtocolLib updates.
  • Consider running /slp save to regenerate the configuration with new supported options.


  • Add integration for RGB colors and gradients
  • Change default settings for player hover/sample to fix weird "LF" symbols on recent Minecraft versions
  • Add ban integration for AdvancedBan (Bukkit/BungeeCord), BanManager (Bukkit), BungeeBan (BungeeCord), MaxBans (Bukkit) (contributed by BrainStone)
  • Add ban related placeholders (contributed by BrainStone)
  • Add options to hide player hover/sample list, remove favicons, specify multiple separators for %random_players%
  • Remove MCStats / plugin statistics (contributed by jamierocks)
  • Clarify maintenance state: New features are no longer planned for ServerListPlus, but as long as easily possible it will be updated as needed to fix compatibility with new Minecraft versions.
  • Small cleanup/fixes/contributions from astei, Cybermaxke, LogGits, mangstadt

Platform-specific changelog:

  • Add new port for Velocity
  • Bukkit: Add PlaceholderAPI integration
  • Bukkit/BungeeCord: Fix incompatibility with Minecraft 1.20 (contributed by Phoenix616)
  • Paper: Use built-in server list ping functionality. ProtocolLib is NOT REQUIRED and NOT USED anymore by default when using Paper! All functionality is also available without. This can be changed in the configuration in case of incompatibilities with other plugins.
  • Bukkit: Allow installation on Folia servers
  • Sponge: Update for API 8 - 11
  • Standalone Server: Improve console with colors and command completion

Platform ports: SLP usually does not need updating for new Minecraft versions. Right now the following should work:

  • Bukkit/Spigot/Paper/Folia: Minecraft 1.8.3 - 1.20.1+
  • BungeeCord: Minecraft 1.7.10 - 1.20+
  • Velocity: 1.1.x - 3.2.x+
  • Sponge: API 8 - 11+
  • CanaryMod: 1.2.0 (historic)
  • Standalone Server: should work for pretty much all Minecraft versions

ServerListPlus v3.4.8

23 Nov 16:09
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  • Fixed errors caused by invalid default configuration when using a recent build of Spigot/BungeeCord with updated snakeyaml
  • Fixed virtual host support for Forge clients

ServerListPlus v3.4.7

25 Sep 07:43
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This will be the last release with new features before ServerListPlus 4.0 which will feature major improvements including easier configuration and more features. Please post all your suggestions on GitHub if you want them to be considered for the new version.


  • Fixed favicons not properly working for identified players.
  • Fixed player cache not updating names and UUIDs of the last player.
  • Optimized player cache JSON storage.
  • BungeeCord: Performance improvements for favicon loading, will no longer slow down the whole server.
  • Standalone Server: Dependency upgrades

ServerListPlus v3.4.6

20 Jun 10:39
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This will be the last release with new features before ServerListPlus 4.0 which will feature major improvements including easier configuration and more features. Please post all your suggestions on GitHub if you want them to be considered for the new version.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the server to appear as outdated when maximum player slots were set in the configuration
  • Standalone Server: Dependency upgrades

ServerListPlus v3.4.5

15 May 12:54
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This will be the last release with new features before ServerListPlus 4.0 which will feature major improvements including easier configuration and more features. Please post all your suggestions on GitHub if you want them to be considered for the new version.


  • Major fixes for skin helm rendering, no longer produces black images for older skins
  • Added new Banned section which will be applied for players which are known to be banned on the server. Special thanks to @jamierocks for his contribution. See the example page on the wiki for an example.
  • Bukkit/Spigot: Added compatibility with ProtocolLib 4.0.0
  • Sponge: Remove qualified plugin IDs, requires statusprotocol 0.3 or higher
  • Canary: Minor fixes contributed by @jamierocks
  • Standalone Server: Dependency updates

ServerListPlus v3.4.4

20 Mar 11:07
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Please report all feature suggestions as issues on GitHub. Due to the amount of feature requests it's hard to track them so I will only add new features which were reported on GitHub.

Note: If you're using ServerListPlus on Spigot and you're not using 1.8.3 or newer you need to use special versions of ServerListPlus:


  • Minor bug fix for initial configuration generation on Bukkit

New standalone server implementation!

Note: The standalone server implementation is currently waiting for approval, it will be available soon!

A new implementation called ServerListPlusServer is now available for testing. Unlike all other implementations of ServerListPlus, it runs completely independently from any server implementation, and can be launched just like a Minecraft server by running the JAR file. Once it is started it will send the status responses in the server list as any other Minecraft server, but kick the players once they're trying to join.

You can use it as a placeholder if your server is still in construction, in maintenance or if you've moved your server to a new IP and just want to kindly remind your players to switch the IP or wait patiently for the release of the server. You can customize the kick message similar to everything else in ServerListPlus.

ServerListPlusServer uses the same configuration as all plugin implementations so you can just copy/paste the configurations between all implementations and they will work exactly the same everywhere.

ServerListPlus v3.4.3

19 Mar 14:56
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Please report all feature suggestions as issues on GitHub. Due to the amount of feature requests it's hard to track them so I will only add new features which were reported on GitHub.

Note: If you're using ServerListPlus on Spigot and you're not using 1.8.3 or newer you need to use special versions of ServerListPlus:


  • Updated to SpongeAPI 4.0
  • Minor bug fixes

New standalone server implementation!

A new implementation called ServerListPlusServer is now available for testing. Unlike all other implementations of ServerListPlus, it runs completely independently from any server implementation, and can be launched just like a Minecraft server by running the JAR file. Once it is started it will send the status responses in the server list as any other Minecraft server, but kick the players once they're trying to join.

You can use it as a placeholder if your server is still in construction, in maintenance or if you've moved your server to a new IP and just want to kindly remind your players to switch the IP or wait patiently for the release of the server. You can customize the kick message similar to everything else in ServerListPlus.

ServerListPlusServer uses the same configuration as all plugin implementations so you can just copy/paste the configurations between all implementations and they will work exactly the same everywhere.

ServerListPlus v3.4.2

01 Mar 13:28
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When using Spigot 1.9 make sure you use the latest development build of ProtocolLib. You can download it from (Use them at your own risk!)

  • Minor fixes for Spigot 1.9 (Only plugin statistic client was affected, old version works fine too!)

Updating on older versions than 1.9 or other platforms (e.g. BungeeCord) is not necessary.

ServerListPlus v3.4.1

08 Feb 18:20
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It's time for an update! I'm sorry there aren't many new features this time, however there were a few (rather minor) bugs fixed that have been waiting now for quite a bit of time, and I think the new version has again reached a point where it is quite stable and safe for production use.

Future versions of ServerListPlus will require Java 8 instead of Java 7. If you're still using Java 7 you should update as soon as possible if you want to be able to use all future updates of ServerListPlus.

Note: If you're using ServerListPlus on Spigot and you're not using 1.8.3 or newer you need to use special versions of ServerListPlus:


  • Support for Sponge is now stable and included in the Universal JAR file.
  • Changed file name format, it is now always ServerListPlus-version-PLATFORM.jar
  • Fixed an error that was happening if clients ping the server before the plugin is fully initialized
  • Removed a few unnecessary logging messages that were causing unneeded spam
  • Fixed a problem that was preventing ServerListPlus from working correctly if there were only forced hosts configured
  • Fixed some bugs with the Canary implementation
  • Implemented remaining features for Sponge using an additional StatusProtocol plugin that can be installed optionally
  • Various other internal fixes and stability / performance improvements

ServerListPlus v3.4

20 Oct 15:06
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First off, I would like to apologize for the long delay without updates. I've been really busy with other projects, and time was just too short to test it as itensively as I always did for the updates before. After testing that most things are working, I've decided to release this now instead of holding it back any longer, so keep in mind there might be still some smaller bugs.

Future versions of ServerListPlus may require Java 8 instead of Java 7. If you're still using Java 7 you should update as soon as possible if you want to be able to use all future updates of ServerListPlus.

Note: If you're using ServerListPlus on Spigot and you're not using 1.8.3 or newer you need to use special versions of ServerListPlus:


  • Player names persist now after restarts. They're saved in a local file. This is enabled by default, but can be disabled if wanted in the plugin configuration by setting Storage.Enabled to false.
  • Fixed random player placeholder and added new player list placeholder
  • Fixed skins not updating when using the player head icons from the plugin directly. This was because it was still using the older skin servers. You can also use "steve" or "alex" instead of "char" now to get one of the default ones.
  • Fixed a bug happening occasionally when using the %online@world% placeholder on Bukkit.
  • Fixed online placeholder not accepting dashes in server name.
  • Added new UUID placeholders
  • Added support for CanaryMod and experimental support for Sponge (not included in this release)
  • Various fixes and stability / performance improvements.