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Add libqp_gsmo implementation from libqp
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As libqp.h contains the definition for libqp_gsmo_solver
the implementation of it should be included as well in shogun
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vigsterkr committed Apr 19, 2012
1 parent 2132e4e commit fc8fa5e
Showing 1 changed file with 226 additions and 0 deletions.
226 changes: 226 additions & 0 deletions src/shogun/lib/external/libqp_gsmo.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
* libqp_gsmo.c: implementation of the Generalized SMO algorithm.
* The library provides function which solves the following instance of
* a convex Quadratic Programming task:
* min QP(x) := 0.5*x'*H*x + f'*x
* x
* s.t. a'*x = b
* LB[i] <= x[i] <= UB[i] for all i=1..n
* A precision of the found solution is controlled by the input argument
* TolKKT which defines tightness of the relaxed Karush-Kuhn-Tucker
* stopping conditions.
* get_col function which returns pointer to the i-th column of H.
* diag_H [float64_t n x 1] vector containing values on the diagonal of H.
* f [float64_t n x 1] vector.
* a [float64_t n x 1] Vector which must not contain zero entries.
* b [float64_t 1 x 1] Scalar.
* LB [float64_t n x 1] Lower bound; -inf is allowed.
* UB [float64_t n x 1] Upper bound; inf is allowed.
* x [float64_t n x 1] solution vector; must be feasible.
* n [uint32_t 1 x 1] dimension of H.
* MaxIter [uint32_t 1 x 1] max number of iterations.
* TolKKT [float64_t 1 x 1] Tightness of KKT stopping conditions.
* print_state print function; if == NULL it is not called.
* structure [libqp_state_T]
* .QP [1x1] Primal objective value.
* .exitflag [1 x 1] Indicates which stopping condition was used:
* -1 ... not enough memory
* 0 ... Maximal number of iterations reached: nIter >= MaxIter.
* 4 ... Relaxed KKT conditions satisfied.
* .nIter [1x1] Number of iterations.
* S.S. Keerthi, E.G. Gilbert. Convergence of a generalized SMO algorithm
* for SVM classier design. Technical Report CD-00-01, Control Division,
* Dept. of Mechanical and Production Engineering, National University
* of Singapore, 2000.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Vojtech Franc,
* Center for Machine Perception, CTU FEL Prague
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* Version 3, 29 June 2007
*-------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits.h>

#include <shogun/lib/common.h>
#include <shogun/lib/external/libqp.h>

namespace shogun

libqp_state_T libqp_gsmo_solver(const float64_t* (*get_col)(uint32_t),
float64_t *diag_H,
float64_t *f,
float64_t *a,
float64_t b,
float64_t *LB,
float64_t *UB,
float64_t *x,
uint32_t n,
uint32_t MaxIter,
float64_t TolKKT,
void (*print_state)(libqp_state_T state))
float64_t *col_u;
float64_t *col_v;
float64_t *Nabla;
float64_t minF_up;
float64_t maxF_low;
float64_t tau;
float64_t F_i;
float64_t tau_ub, tau_lb;
float64_t Q_P;
uint32_t i, j;
uint32_t u, v;
libqp_state_T state;

Nabla = NULL;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Initialization */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Nabla = H*x + f is gradient*/
Nabla = (float64_t*)LIBQP_CALLOC(n, sizeof(float64_t));
if( Nabla == NULL )
goto cleanup;

/* compute gradient */
for( i=0; i < n; i++ )
Nabla[i] += f[i];
if( x[i] != 0 ) {
col_u = (float64_t*)get_col(i);
for( j=0; j < n; j++ ) {
Nabla[j] += col_u[j]*x[i];

if( print_state != NULL)
state.QP = 0;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++ )
state.QP += 0.5*(x[i]*Nabla[i]+x[i]*f[i]);

print_state( state );

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Main optimization loop */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

state.nIter = 0;
state.exitflag = 100;
while( state.exitflag == 100 )
state.nIter ++;

/* find the most violating pair of variables */
maxF_low = -LIBQP_PLUS_INF;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++ )

F_i = Nabla[i]/a[i];

if(LB[i] < x[i] && x[i] < UB[i])
{ /* i is from I_0 */
if( minF_up > F_i) { minF_up = F_i; u = i; }
if( maxF_low < F_i) { maxF_low = F_i; v = i; }
else if((a[i] > 0 && x[i] == LB[i]) || (a[i] < 0 && x[i] == UB[i]))
{ /* i is from I_1 or I_2 */
if( minF_up > F_i) { minF_up = F_i; u = i; }
else if((a[i] > 0 && x[i] == UB[i]) || (a[i] < 0 && x[i] == LB[i]))
{ /* i is from I_3 or I_4 */
if( maxF_low < F_i) { maxF_low = F_i; v = i; }

/* check KKT conditions */
if( maxF_low - minF_up <= TolKKT )
state.exitflag = 4;
/* SMO update of the most violating pair */
col_u = (float64_t*)get_col(u);
col_v = (float64_t*)get_col(v);

if( a[u] > 0 )
{ tau_lb = (LB[u]-x[u])*a[u]; tau_ub = (UB[u]-x[u])*a[u]; }
{ tau_ub = (LB[u]-x[u])*a[u]; tau_lb = (UB[u]-x[u])*a[u]; }

if( a[v] > 0 )
{ tau_lb = LIBQP_MAX(tau_lb,(x[v]-UB[v])*a[v]); tau_ub = LIBQP_MIN(tau_ub,(x[v]-LB[v])*a[v]); }
{ tau_lb = LIBQP_MAX(tau_lb,(x[v]-LB[v])*a[v]); tau_ub = LIBQP_MIN(tau_ub,(x[v]-UB[v])*a[v]); }

tau = (Nabla[v]/a[v]-Nabla[u]/a[u])/
(diag_H[u]/(a[u]*a[u]) + diag_H[v]/(a[v]*a[v]) - 2*col_u[v]/(a[u]*a[v]));

tau = LIBQP_MIN(LIBQP_MAX(tau,tau_lb),tau_ub);

x[u] += tau/a[u];
x[v] -= tau/a[v];

/* update Nabla */
for(i = 0; i < n; i++ )
Nabla[i] += col_u[i]*tau/a[u] - col_v[i]*tau/a[v];


if( state.nIter >= MaxIter )
state.exitflag = 0;

if( print_state != NULL)
state.QP = 0;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++ )
state.QP += 0.5*(x[i]*Nabla[i]+x[i]*f[i]);

print_state( state );


/* compute primal objective value */
state.QP = 0;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++ )
state.QP += 0.5*(x[i]*Nabla[i]+x[i]*f[i]);



return( state );

} /* shogun namespace */

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