# This is a formula for homebrew, the popular package management # system for OS X. rbfu has so far not been accepted into the official # homebrew distribution, but luckily homebrew can also use custom # formulas, which is why I'm providing it here. require 'formula' class Rbfu < Formula url 'https://github.com/hmans/rbfu/tarball/v0.3.0' homepage 'https://github.com/hmans/rbfu' md5 '1a4bca11d3dc61bcbe61468f6ba4b6be' head 'https://github.com/hmans/rbfu.git' def install prefix.install Dir['*'] end def test system "rbfu --help" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Please add the following line to your favorite shell startup script: eval "$(rbfu --init --auto)" If you don't want RVM-like automatic version switching on directory changes, remove the --auto option: eval "$(rbfu --init)" Additional tips & tricks can be found in rbfu's README: https://github.com/hmans/rbfu#readme Enjoy! EOS end end